only god

Chapter 301 What is a person?

Chapter 301 What is a person?
It was a dark and windy night, and the residents of Wangcheng were resting. There was a curfew, and the patrolling guards walked all over the streets and alleys, getting up, inspecting, eating, inspecting, and going home... five simple words, It is possible to generalize a person's life because they live their lives from day to day, almost never changing.

"When it was dark, the priests would light the lamps, and when the oil in the lampstands ran out, they would be filled, and the lamps would be lit again until they were extinguished in the morning."

Under the night, the Great Elder stroked the lampstand and narrated to Catherine:

"In this way, there are many similarities between man and the lampstand, day after day, year after year."

Catherine was supposed to return to the music hall before the curfew. She was supposed to lie back on her bed after a song, but she was getting along with the true believers and gradually forgot the time until the guards held up the torches I woke up suddenly while on patrol.

In desperation, Catherine could only rest temporarily with the mission.

The elder also welcomed this friend, and at night, he explained the scriptures to Catherine.

"Great Elder, are you saying that we are the lampstand of God?"

Catherine asked softly.

"That's what the creed says."

The Great Elder was still stroking the lampstand in his hand,
"Whenever a person is born, it is like God adding oil to the lampstand. With the lamp oil, the lampstand will burn and people's life will continue."

"The lamp oil burns out, just as a man dies, and some lamps go out before the lamp burns out, just as a man dies halfway in his prime."

"Anyway, everything is day by day, year by year."

The Great Elder's voice was kind and kind. He was a three-eyed ape-man with the third eye on his forehead slightly closed.

Catherine took his words seriously, and it was very philosophical.

At this time, a gust of wind blew.

The lampstand in the elder's hand went out.

The gust of wind made noises in the streets and alleys, and both the elder and Catherine couldn't sit still.

After a while, the strong wind finally stopped. Looking at the extinguished lampstand, the Great Elder sighed heavily.

Catherine heard a faint sadness from his sigh.

He put the lampstand on the table, staring at it with his old eyes for a long time, the base of the lampstand was covered with dust.

"Aren't you going to fill up the lamp oil?"

Seeing that the Great Elder hadn't moved for a long time, she asked.

For no reason, the Great Elder seemed to be stimulated by these words, his pupils shrank, and his third eye trembled slightly.

After a long time, the Great Elder shook his head with a wry smile, and said:

"How many people in this world are extinguished in the strong wind, how many people will God add life to?
That being the case, why should I add lamp oil? "

"Catherine, I am a stone slave, and although I have a third eye, I cannot prophesy with it.

I used to envy those purebred three-eyed apes. I envied them that they could see the future. This became the opportunity for me to convert. At that time, I converted to the Lord because the true believers knew the old saying of "prophecy" . "

"I have long been loyal to God, I served devoutly, and I studied the scriptures like crazy. Because of this, I became the elder of this church, but when I was 50 years old, I suddenly discovered that I read too much Knowing too much is not a good thing.”

In the tranquility after the strong wind, the First Elder sat in the shadows, surrounded by darkness, he suddenly poured out the emotions that had been hidden in his heart for many years, that kind voice was full of scars.

"Rest at sunset, and work at sunrise. People work under that sun, sowing wheat, harvesting wheat ears, and sowing seeds... everything is day after day.

You know, Catherine, I don't see what's waiting for me day after day.

I can't see anything but the void. "

The words of the Great Elder are like dense raindrops, and his words will fall as the raindrops fall.

Catherine was a little dazed, and after a while, she said anxiously:

"Didn't you say that there is a kingdom of heaven after death?"

After the Great Elder heard it, he was not relieved, he smiled wryly again,
"People praise the coming kingdom and the city in heaven, but the kingdom of God is always in prophecy. Has anyone seen it except the prophets in the scriptures?!"

From these bitter words, Catherine heard the great elder's doubts about God, and those doubts slowly fermented into abandonment of faith.

She was eager to refute, but suddenly remembered that the old man in front of her had been worshiping the Lord for decades, and in terms of knowledge, faith, and understanding of the scriptures, the latter was far better than herself.

I can't refute him at all.

The old man who was used to seeing the vicissitudes of life looked at Catherine, and his kind and wise eyes quickly saw what was in the heart of this happy idiot.

"Catherine, there is no need to say anything, my doubts did not form overnight.

Nobody can answer my question except a real miracle.

But I waited all my life but still didn't get a miracle. I kept my calling almost all my life! "

The Great Elder was talking, but his heartbeat became more and more excited.

This old man has prayed countless times, but what is covered up in the prayers day after day and year after year is endless confusion.

"I prayed, but God didn't listen. I repented, and who would forgive me? I am wise and know many truths in the world, but who can tell me why the Lord never appears and why miracles appear in the scriptures? , instead of reality, why do we only see the god of death when we die, where is the Lord we pray for?!"

The series of words fell to the ears, the old man's voice was not high, and it fell into Catherine's ears, but it echoed repeatedly like an echo. Behind the voice, there was a heart that had long been confused and shattered.

The Great Elder was very confused about the so-called grace.

Facing this series of words, Catherine was a little overwhelmed. She was never used to thinking too much, and because of this, she often just stayed in the orchestra, playing the fifteen strings.

The room fell into silence, neither of them spoke, the hand of the Great Elder touched the lampstand, still trembling slightly.

For a long time, for a long time, so long that even they didn't know how long it had been.

The elder said slowly:

"Perhaps...human beings are not lampstands. Without the miraculous light on human beings, human beings cannot shine like lamps. The only resemblance of human beings is day after day."

"I'm old, and I've seen many misfortunes caused by selfish interests. I've heard too many people manipulate God's name to hurt each other without any scruples."

After hearing that, Catherine asked softly:

"So... what is a person?"

The Great Elder pushed to the lampstand, pointed to the dusty base,
"Dust, man is the accumulated dust, we are the dust of the earth.

Dust accumulates, except for making people dirty and making people sick, it has never been of much importance to the earth. "

 I'm a little busy tomorrow, so I'm going to ask for leave, I need some time to clean up the next plot

(End of this chapter)

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