only god

Chapter 313 The Death of Kagaus

Chapter 313 The Death of Kagaus
Ndola and her gods ravage the world, and they have amassed unimaginable power through this. As the war progresses, Cargauth's faction is retreating.

Countless gods fell, and in the temples in the kingdom of the gods, the statues of the original gods were reduced to dust one by one.

Kagaus never thought that one day, the gods would kill each other, and how fragile the once proud golden age was.

In the Temple of Prophecy, Kagaus knelt down on the ground.

He heard the wail of Mirror God being killed by Ndola.

The dragon god Ndola, who mastered the war stars, is infinitely close to the sixth level, and with the death of the fifth-level mirror god, in this celestial kingdom, there will no longer be any gods who can rival Ndola.

Cargaus heard the sound of collapse one after another.

The stone statue in the Prophecy Temple is still standing, but Kagaus knows that it will also collapse in the near future.

Facing the coming kingdom of heaven, the gods did not unite as one, but followed Shine to close the golden temple, showing their despicableness, and dimming the stars one after another.

Kagaus knelt on the ground and wailed desperately:
"Gods, what's wrong with you?!"

In the past, the gods were admired by all the people on the earth. They were high above and brought a glorious golden age to the land. Nothing could shake the position of the gods. head.

Mortals praise the gods, and bestow all kinds of beautiful words on the gods they believe in, such as eternity, greatness, and sacredness... The gods enjoy countless praises and think that the golden age will never end.

But all this is an illusion.

Kagaus murmured:
"We are so fragile..."

Ruined, everything is ruined.

I made a prophecy thousands of years ago. In those years, I was full of fantasy and longed to go against the trajectory of fate. I mistakenly thought that the stalwart kingdom of the gods was enough to resist the coming of the kingdom of heaven.

But the prophecy will eventually be confirmed...

The gods slaughtered each other, and all past friendships were nothing but mist.

"What the hell...why is this?!"

Kagaus said tremblingly, his eyes staring straight at the golden palace in the distance.

There are too many incomprehensions, too many perplexities in His heart.

Why did thousands of years of order disappear overnight? !
Why did the gods who have always been praised by mortals become so depraved? !
Why are we so vulnerable? !

Kargaus stared straight at the still glorious golden palace, his eyes were bloodshot, like a lion king on the verge of death.

He has been watching...


From the crack in the door of the Golden Palace, there is a hint of paleness...

Kargaus froze.

He can't be wrong, and he can never be wrong.

That's pale mighty power...

That is the mighty power of the original will...

Kagaus knelt, he laughed like crazy, tears of sorrow flowed from his eyes,
He seemed to see the answer.

The kingdom is about to come, and Shan En, the once great god king, accepted the original will.

Why did the order come to naught, why did the beautiful gods of the past fall, and why did the gods become so fragile... All these things, Cargaus didn't see the truth of everything until he was about to die.

" lead us to destruction again..."

And as seen, He could no longer struggle.


Kagaus knelt in front of his statue, and he stopped giving any instructions, waiting for the dragon god Ndola to come to the temple and deprive him of his life.

Even though he lost the power of prophecy as the kingdom of heaven approached, Cargaus could still predict the ending of the gods...

In vain, all in vain.

No matter who wins in the end, there will be no place for the gods in this world.

a few days later.

Cargaus, died in the Temple of Prophecy.


Ndola personally killed Cargauth,

Facing the god who was also the first to wake up, Ndola didn't have the slightest mercy.

During this great battle, He had already ended the lives of countless gods, and Cargaus was just one of them.

In the beginning, Ndola ravaged the world in order to fight against the kingdom of heaven, but now, he and the gods under his command have long forgotten why they are fighting. They are all crazy, and not many gods will remember the heaven that is destined to come , They kill only for the sake of killing.

So, without warning, Ndola declared war on the cursed god Icabe and the water god Angeli at the same time.

Everything will be destroyed anyway, and the glory of the gods is over.

Then let everything be completely destroyed, whether it is the mortals in the natural world or the gods in the celestial kingdom.

The gods are mad to destroy each other,
The universe is about to collapse, and the kingdom of the gods is on the verge of collapse.
The millennium prophecy will finally be confirmed, and the city in the sky will come with the throne of the Most High, and will completely end this turbulent era.

And the golden palace is still tightly closed, only layers of pale mighty power overflowing.

It turns out that from the very beginning,
None of the gods who are eternal in the eyes of mortals can truly be eternal.




The turmoil of the earth made the Netherland, which has always been peaceful, turbulent.

There are too many dead lives, and Nakbet, the god of death, is already unable to bring all the souls to the underworld, and the huge battle of gods will destroy the afterlife world created by him.

Crazy... all crazy.

Nakbet never thought that the gods became crazy and would bring such a disaster to the world.

He tried his best to protect the nether land under his feet, and kept his own stars away from the battlefield and went to the border of the celestial kingdom.

Another great war broke out, and Ndola launched a war against the god of water and the god of the curse, and the storm of war swept every god.

What surprised Nakbet was that the father's messenger didn't care about this battle among the gods from the beginning to the end.

Solamus seemed to have anticipated and prepared for a long time. Her gaze never focused on every hostile god, but always looked at the distant kingdom of the gods.

Her brows were solemn, and the weight of the battle in front of her was far less than that of the golden palace that was always closed.


Nakbet was full of confusion.

And not long after, before he could ask...

The great day of endless glory...

Obscured by sudden darkness.

The sky suddenly fell into darkness, as if silently mourning and weeping for the turbulent people and the lost lives.

The entire great sun was covered in darkness, and there was no light in the sky and earth. This solar eclipse was darker and more terrifying than any solar eclipse I had ever seen before.

The sky is gloomy, vultures and crows hover over the gloomy and dead land, announcing the end of the world for the whole world.

Everything, everything will pass away.

Maybe... there is nothing immortal in this world.

 After reading the saved manuscript, it is only [-] words away, and it may come tomorrow or the day after tomorrow (tears)

(End of this chapter)

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