only god

Chapter 331 Emperor Deschanel

Chapter 331 Emperor Deschanel
During the time her mother traveled with Mira, she saw many deaths.

Even so, Mira is almost naturally repulsed by killing or assisting in killing.

During the slowed down time, Ainos bound Olivia and the assassin who cast the ground thorn. To be on the safe side, she used the magic rope.

Both of them were knocked out by Ainos and placed on the undamaged horse, and then Ainos asked Mira to watch the two and wait for herself for a while.

Enos walked into the woods and saw Herodotus lying on the ground moaning.

The latter's complexion was already pale, and he was almost holding on to his last breath until he saw the imperial daughter.

"Your are fine..."

"Herodotus, don't talk, hold on."

Enos said quickly.

Herodotus squeezed out a wry smile, and he said:

"My intestines are rotten."

The meaning of this sentence is obvious.

Herodotus can't live long, either waiting for the blood in his stomach to drain, and finally bleeding to death, or lying here, dying of pain.

Enos was silent.

After a while, she said softly:

"I often think, if you don't follow me, maybe there are other ways to go.

Inheriting the family business, as a border nobleman, guarding the frontiers of the empire, sit and watch the wind and clouds of Deschanel rise. "

Enos's voice was very quiet, mixed with traces of sadness.

Herodotus smiled and said tremblingly in pain:
"I'm the second son in my family, and I only have a small share of the family property. I came here, I came to Qiancheng College, and I came to gamble, and now I am just willing to gamble and admit defeat."

After Herodotus said such a long paragraph, there was a tearing pain in his stomach, he was panting heavily, his forehead was twisted together,
"Let's not talk...give me a good time first."

Enos sighed, she got up slowly, raised the sword in her hand, and said goodbye in a low voice:

"Farewell, Herodotus, so farewell."

Sword in hand.

Herodotus' heart was pierced, and he lost his life in an instant. Before he died, he closed his eyes and looked as if he was asleep.

Enos dragged Michal's body over. She couldn't bury them properly, so she could only drag them to a more conspicuous place and make a mark here.

Not long after, Enos led a war horse and slowly walked out of the woods. She seemed to be limping, and her lips hissed and exhaled from time to time.

Her foot was pierced by a ground thorn before. Although she took medicine and bandaged it briefly before walking into the dense forest, it still hurt as much as it should.

The hooves of the war horse in Ainos' hands were also pierced, but the vitality of the livestock was more tenacious after all, not to mention that there were horseshoes and thick toenails on the hooves, and the bleeding was stopped after applying medicine and bandaging.

Mira waited and waited until she finally arrived at Ainos, and she rushed to meet her.

"Sorry, maybe I can only ride on a horse, and I will trouble you to walk."

Ainos apologized politely, and after Mira nodded, she turned around and rode on the horse that had been stabbed by the ground.

As the other horse carried two fainted captives, Mira had to walk.

In the aristocratic etiquette of the empire, when two nobles walked side by side, the one with the lower status had to walk. Even if he also had a horse, he could only pull it instead of ride it, unless the noble with a higher status gave permission.

And Mira is Ainos's savior, and Ainos didn't want to make her feel bad because of riding a horse, so she apologized.

However, Mira didn't care who was riding and who was walking, after all, she didn't understand the etiquette of the empire.

Ainos was riding on the horse, and the two of them walked on the forest path like this, slowly turning back to the imperial capital.

"Thanks to you, thank you, if it wasn't for you, I would have died here."

Ainos pulled the rein, smiled at Mira who was walking beside her, and thanked her aloud.

"You are Welcome."

Mira also smiled.
"But why did they assassinate you?"

Ainos turned her face and looked at the two assassins coldly.

One of them was also a squire who swore allegiance to her.

"It's a long story, I can only tell you that my father has many political enemies in the imperial capital.

To be honest, I am Enos, the daughter of Emperor Leo of the Deschel Empire. "

Enos said so.

"Political enemies..."

Mira was a little puzzled and said:
"The emperor...does he have political enemies?"

Hearing this, Enos smiled lightly, and asked:

"Are you a foreigner?"

Mira was startled, and after careful consideration, her identity could indeed be said to be a foreigner.

Or... Heavenly?

"Yes, my name is Mira."

Mira said this, she remembered that when she left the kingdom of heaven, God told herself not to expose her origin at will.

So she simply introduced her name.

"So, Mira, is this your first time in the imperial capital?

If so, let me tell you what Emperor Deschanel is. "

Ainos cleared her throat, and she stared straight ahead, passing through the winding forest path, reaching the high wall of the glorious imperial city,

"The emperor is not a king. In other words, the emperor was once a king, enjoying absolute dominion over the entire country.

But now, the emperor is no longer the king.

In Deschanel, the emperor originated from the two major families that once ruled the empire, and its inheritance is not an absolute hereditary system, but is jointly decided by the emperor himself, the senate, the provinces of each legion, the kingdom, and the capital council.

Because of this, Deschanel was able to rule such a vast territory and maintain the stability of the provinces and joined kingdoms. When the empire was prosperous, the emperor was strong enough to act like those kings, and said one thing, but now the empire is declining. In the courtyard and the capital council, people who opposed my father sprung up like mushrooms after rain. "

Ainos spoke very clearly, but it was a bit complicated for Mira, so she nodded half-understanding.

"In other words, the emperor is a weakened king?"

Mira asked seriously.

"indeed so."

Hearing such innocent words, Enos smiled and said,
"But the status of a king is far less noble than that of an emperor."

The two talked all the way on the road, walking all the way, and slowly approached the imperial capital standing on the ground. The imperial capital is named Deschel, which has the same name as the empire. There has never been a shortage of words about this magnificent city. All kinds of strange legends decorate its reputation.

Mira raised her head and exclaimed "Wow" when she saw Deschanel with her own eyes.

And Ainos let out a heavy breath, with a trace of worry on her brows, she said solemnly to herself:

"Whether you like it or not, you're finally back."

(End of this chapter)

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