only god

Chapter 446 The God Who Wants to Return to the Human World

Chapter 446 The God Who Wants to Return to the Human World

The nameless judge finally laughed.

Under the eyes of the heroes, the sculpture-like judge suddenly fell to the ground, and then burst out laughing as if he had accumulated it for a long time.

The earth was shaken by the sharp laughter.

Several heroes failed to stand still, fell suddenly on the barren land, and then laughed loudly. They finally succeeded. They hugged and laughed with each other, sharing the glory of passing the trial.

Some heroes immediately took out the fine wine brought out from the great plain, wept with joy, and immediately sang and drank to congratulate them for passing this most tricky test, while the dwarf who told the joke jumped up and hugged Baird's neck , proclaiming their victory loudly.

Accompanied by the laughter of the unknown judge, the heroes were infected by it and immersed in the atmosphere of celebration. This was the most difficult trial they had ever experienced. It once pushed them into a desperate situation, but the victory belonged to them after all, and only have them.

The heroes firmly believe that even if the remaining three trials are added together, they will not be more difficult than the current sixth trial.

In the atmosphere of celebration, the nameless judge slowly stood up. After trying several times, he finally restrained his smile and returned to the unsmiling sculpture.

Baird stood in front of the nameless judge. For some reason, he felt some inexplicable disgust towards the judge. Even so, the hero still had a friendly smile on his face.

The nameless judge wrapped in a black robe looked straight at Baird, as if he was examining something.

"Your Excellency, we have passed your trial."

Baird spoke up.


The voice of the nameless judge is hoarse,

"It seems that you will leave the underworld soon."

Baird didn't nod or shake his head, there was only infinite faith in his eyes.

The nameless judge took all this into his eyes,

"I've seen the answer in your eyes,

However, I want to remind you that
No matter what you have to go through, no matter what your final result is, never touch taboos. "

Baird was puzzled, he didn't know why the nameless judge said that.

"The consequences of touching the taboo are not something you can bear."

The nameless judge sneered, and then his body turned into black mist and disappeared without a trace.

Baird turned around, keeping the words of the unknown judge in mind, and then he looked at the heroes who were immersed in the celebration, smiled slightly, and raised a glass of wine amidst the cheers, celebrating the victory together.



Siles, who was entrusted with a mission by God, devotes all his energy to exploring the deepest mysteries of the soul. This is no secret among the several archangels of God.

The archangels believed and feared whether Siles would be able to complete the mission.

Of course, they believed that Siles, who was also an archangel, could fulfill his mission, because Siles was chosen by God, and no matter what they said, the archangels would not doubt God.

But they were still afraid, afraid that Silas would not be able to bear the weight of the mission.

The archangels did not doubt God's decision, because they were angels who came out of God's spirit, they were God's creatures, and what they doubted was Silas.

Among the several archangels, the most worried ones are Soramus and Mesia.

The former is the Archangel who is jealous of Silas, while the latter is the Archangel who once witnessed the division of the elves with Silas.

They wanted God to take back that order, but none of them had enough reasons to convince God.

God has also seen their worries many times. He has comforted and listened to them.

So these days, the souls and angels of the holy kingdom can often see Mesia and Soramus accompanying God, bathing in the radiance of supreme glory.

Since these days are accompanied by God, the two archangels also gradually glimpsed God's thoughts on the new era.

" you want the people of the world to choose the direction of the times?"

This confuses Mesia.

In the previous conversation with God, Maisia ​​could hear that God hoped that people in the world would go on a better path, be more kind and righteous, and even love each other.And this is also what he expects. In his opinion, people in the world will never change, and will always be the same as when he was executed.

But to his surprise, God doesn't seem to want to arrange the direction of the world in every detail.

What God wants to do seems to be to give people in the world the power to climb up and prepare a heavenly path of goodness and righteousness.

"Maisia, although kindness is good, the precepts of kindness are meaningless."

Chen Yi whispered to the two archangels, in the memories of the angels, God would never rebuke, nor would he be angry.

"That's exactly what it is."

Mesia nodded. Although he felt it was wrong, he had nothing to say.

If Silas had been present, he would have said: the goodness of discipline is better than the corruption of freedom.

Messia thought so.

However, he felt that he was not as extreme as Silas.

Ever since Siles walked through hell, the archangel with the head of a man and the body of a snake had doubts about the good and evil of people in the world.

Soramus and Mesia followed God, and they came to the edge of a lake. Mesia bent down and touched the surface of the lake lightly.

Chen Yi stopped, and he stared at the flower.

The heart of an archangel is as beautiful as this begonia.

And this holy kingdom that can produce begonias out of thin air is the same, and only here can hold the soul of that archangel.

Maisia ​​was a little embarrassed, he just raised this begonia for fun.

At this time, God suddenly asked:

"What do you think will happen if I go to the world?"

The two archangels were taken aback for a moment, and then they were taken aback by the sudden words.

After a while, the two archangels slowly came back to their senses, both hesitating to speak.

The Archangel glanced at Mesia and motioned him to speak first.

Messia said:

"God, how do you want to get to the human world?

Will you be like I used to, nothing, go directly to the world.

if that is the case…"

Mesia hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should continue talking.

"Go ahead."

Soon, he got God's answer.

"if that is the case…

Even if a god came to the world, people would put him to death. "

Messia said cautiously.

Because he had God's answer, he was not afraid of how disrespectful his words were.

Soramus then asked:
"God, are you talking casually, or...have you prepared?
No matter what, I don't want you to go to the world.

In this world, there are very few good and righteous people. "

Mesia also nodded, the past experience, even after nearly ten thousand years, still made the archangel feel unbearably painful.

"Look at the earth, compared to the kingdom of heaven, the earth is nothing but barren land, full of unsatisfactory stones.

Kindness and righteousness are like those stones, people don't use them to fill their stomachs, but they are a burden on their shoulders. Of course, when people are hungry, they will throw those stones away.

And when people want to fight, they will put the stones called "goodness and righteousness" in the sling, and throw them vigorously, taking the lives of others and making each other shed blood and tears. "

Having said that, Messia paused and continued:
"God, in this world, there is only one power that can make people willing to bear stones, and that is miracles.

If you perform miracles, then everything is different.

You can turn those stones into ears of wheat, and the people of the world will obey you like grateful and docile animals. They will cherish every stone on their shoulders, and even if they die, they will not throw it away, because it will It is no longer a burden of toil, but an ear of wheat that can keep people alive, rich and full. "

God turned his head at this time and said softly:

"People worship nothing but miracles."

Mesia nodded at this moment and said:
"Yes, otherwise how could people have executed me?"

Solamus couldn't help laughing at this moment, Mesia's voice was so straightforward, it was quite a joy to say these words from his mouth.

The archangel said softly:

"God, you may think too well of the world.

With both feet on the ground, how can there be a perfect person? "

Chen Yi looked at her Archangel and smiled,
"I understand the appearance of the world better than you."

The two archangels nodded slightly, which they could not refute. After all, the language that the world lives on today was endowed by God.

"If Silas was here, he would definitely want to use the cruelest test to hone people's hearts. He would make the ground full of pebbles without a grain of wheat. In the end, good people will be rewarded and bad people will suffer eternal punishment."

Mesia said this abruptly, then raised his smiling face and said softly:
"However, perhaps because of this, he will not be a god."

The innocent and unconcealed words of the archangel fell into Chen Yi's ear, and he smiled, noncommittal.

The god's eyes just turned to the distance, and said softly:

"But I do want to take a walk on the ground.

That was... a past worth remembering. "

Soramus widened his eyes slightly, and he looked directly at God.

Years of getting along with each other made him seem to hear a trace of indisputability from God's words.

(End of this chapter)

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