only god

Chapter 454

Chapter 454

Schillers thoroughly understood the old saying "taboo".

He also understood what secret thinking is.

At this moment, when Sophia looked at the archangel, she suddenly saw a burst of strong light bursting out from the sea of ​​souls, illuminating Silas and engulfing it.

Sophia stared at the brilliance with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

"This is…"

Silas turned his head and looked into the depths of the sea of ​​souls.

"It seems... I can already peek into the collective subconscious."

The goblins, who are spiritual beings, have harvested countless good thoughts from the sleep of countless people like harvesting wheat.

Those kind thoughts were brought together into the kingdom of fairies——the sea of ​​souls, and at this moment, it seemed to confirm Silas' comprehension, glowing with dazzling brilliance.

Silas walked in the light all over his body, and he seemed to hear the subtle voice in the depths of his soul.

He gently placed Sophia on the sea of ​​clouds.

"This, what is this..."

The Fairy Queen looked at Silas in astonishment, and saw her creator slowly walking towards the direction of the light, and then the figure slowly dissipated, as if merged into the light.

Silas walked in the brilliance, the brilliance in the depths of the soul seemed to have existed for tens of thousands of years, it was brought to the earth by God since the beginning of the world, and bestowed on the world with its feet on the ground.

The depths of the soul are like a magnificent and bright universe, the stars are trembling and pressing down, and endless dust is filling the air. At this moment, the emotions of the world have become visible forms, presented in the eyes of Silas in the form of hazy light clusters .

Silas wanders in the depths of the soul, he is an observer, he can see the structure of the collective subconscious with his own eyes, but he cannot touch it, just like the dead ghost cannot touch the things in the world.

He kept moving towards the direction where the brilliance was the most concentrated and brightest. When he was completely close to that brilliance, he realized that even the light on his body was dwarfed by it.

At the end of that mighty glory.

Magnificent palaces appeared before the eyes of the Archangel.

"The... shrine that Esrona said."

Silas couldn't help being dazed.

If Esrona hadn't mentioned it, he would never have discovered that there was such a magnificent and magnificent scene in the collective subconscious.

The shape of the temple is ancient and new, hazy and clear, complicated and concise, countable and countless... All kinds of opposite touches are presented in front of Siles, and there is only one word at this moment that can summarize all the shapes of these temples—unspeakable .

With a mood like a pilgrimage, Silas was about to approach those temples. In a trance, the most glorious temple flashed in front of him, and then the gate slowly opened from the inside out, as if welcoming Arrival of the Archangel.

Silas climbed up the stairs, and he walked towards the temple step by step. The scene in the depths of the temple seemed untouchable, yet within reach. Before he had time to think, he stepped into the depths of the temple.

Everything felt here is so wonderful, too wonderful to describe.

"Who would have thought that such a palace is hidden deep in the soul of a person."

Silas muttered to himself, he raised his head and looked directly at the scene in front of him.

The scene was quite illusory, filled with mist, and there were formless words floating on it. Siles knew that it was an ancient saying created by God.

Tens of thousands of ancient sayings shone brightly, and Schillers suddenly realized that those ancient sayings were not alone, but echoed and connected with each other. Thousands of ancient sayings created a magnificent, magnificent and magnificent palace , far better than countless temples, large and small, in the world.

Schillers looked from bottom to top, and he found that the closer the ancient sayings are to the cornerstone, the simpler and easier to understand, while the closer to the dome, the more difficult and difficult to understand. It is to build a road leading to the dome, where it means the supreme glory and stalwart, the recipe to the stars, and the mighty power comparable to the gods.

The archangel fell into deep shock, his whole body was trembling, and the glorious spectacle in front of him was deeply engraved in his memory.

The formless words leading to the dome fell into his eyes and entered his memory in an instant. When Siles realized it, all the ancient words in the temple in front of him had already appeared in his memory. In memory, the temple in front of him disappeared without a trace, and the figure of the archangel also escaped from the brilliance.


When the Archangel returned to the Sea of ​​Souls from the collective subconscious, the Fairy Queen Sofia rushed up regardless of her appearance, looking at Silas in front of her with a worried face.

That is the creator of the goblin, the prophet, and her own king.

The archangel seemed to have not recovered from the shock, he returned to the highest point of the sea of ​​souls in a daze, and Sophia followed closely behind.

After a long time, Silas was finally sober. He raised his hand and found that his fingers were trembling.

"Master Silas, what... have you found?"

The familiar voice fell into his ears, but Silas did not speak. What he saw in his eyes could hardly be expressed in words.

He just raised his hand and whispered that he saw the old saying.

The old sayings at the beginning were simple and easy, and Sophia could understand them as soon as she heard them, but slowly, as Silas chanted to the end, those old sayings gradually became obscure and difficult, like a heavenly book.

The fairy queen looked at the archangel, and something that shocked her happened. She saw the shape of the archangel gradually changing, and an unspeakable mighty power appeared on him. For a moment, it was comparable to the power of a sixth-order god Gone.

"what is this…

These ancient sayings seem to converge into a path to the gods. "

Sophia was astonished.

Then, an unknown excitement and excitement surged up, making her tremble all over,

"My lord Silas,
Is this your invention? ! "

At this moment, the archangel raised his eyes.

"Do not…

This is God's creation! "

"This is the power to start a new era, and it will be given by God to all people in the world."

At this moment, Silas finally regained his previous sobriety. He recalled what he saw in the collective subconscious, and after a while, he expressed his sincere emotion,

"Sure enough...those temples do exist."

Sophia didn't understand, she asked:
"Those temples... Esrona said? What did you see inside?"

Silas said:

"Perhaps... I should call them the Temple of Ancient Words. This is what the collective subconscious told me. I saw in it that the ancient words created by God shine brightly in it. They are linked together and gathered into Paths to the stars."

"They are the logos, the grace that was created together when God created the ancient words, and they are... the way of God's creation!"

(End of this chapter)

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