only god

Chapter 460 The Tide of the Times

Chapter 460 The Tide of the Times (plus two in one)

Belfan divided the path of divine creation into seven levels, and each level corresponds to a different stage of the same path. He roughly divided those who only comprehend the ancient sayings into the first level, and the first level must go through the promotion ceremony. Reached stage two.

This grading is modeled after the gods divide their own power into seven levels. Although it is modeled, it does not mean that Belvan's division can correspond to the power of the gods one by one. According to the guess of the alchemist, Dao The third stage of the way may be equivalent to the first-order god, and every time after that, the power of the ancient sayings it masters will increase exponentially.

Strictly speaking, the promotion ceremony is not Belvan's original invention.

In fact, as early as the age when Norn, the prophet of the true religion, brought the ancient sayings to the world, the three-eyed apes and elves began to learn to understand the ancient sayings through foreign objects.

Among the external aids, the most used ones are of course various medicines prepared with various herbs, as well as various auxiliary rituals.

These various ceremonies to aid comprehension of ancient sayings inevitably involve the soul.

Belvan's promotion ceremony was actually standing on the shoulders of his predecessors. He changed some of the rituals and replaced a few doses of medicine, so that people can explore the deeper depths of the soul through the ceremony. comprehend the ancient sayings in the depths of the soul, integrate them, and complete the upgrade.

Although Belvan has achieved a lot these days, many of them remain in theory.

The promotion ceremony is only theoretically feasible now, it is speculated by logic, but there are too many illogical things in reality.

So so far, no one has tried the promotion ceremony.

Belvan didn't dare to let anyone try it easily, even if his apprentices were very interested in it, he would disagree with 1 people.

"Teacher, how about the latest research results?"

On this day, Mu La came to his study.

"It's okay, you know, just like before."

Belvan turned his head and took a sip of malt wine.

"We... need some more results to present to my father."

Prince Mulla said hesitantly.

"what happened?"

Saying this, Belvan added,
"I have to remind you that you can't be so eager for quick success when doing research."

Prince Mulla took a deep breath,

"But this involves research funding later.

You may not know it, sir, recently a craftsman made the first steam hydraulic forging machine.

The effect is simply outstanding, my father decided to allocate more money to him, but... the treasury has been empty recently, because there are too many machines waiting to be built. "

Belvan's eyes widened.

"Steam hydraulic forging machine... what is that?"

Upon hearing this, Prince Mulla briefly explained the mechanism to Belvan.

In short, the original hydraulic forging machine relies on things that can bring a lot of water power, such as turbulent rivers and waterfalls, to provide energy for beating steel. The water force exerts pressure on the first piston, and then transmits it to the second piston. over a piston, which drives the forging hammer to strike the steel.

Its biggest advantage is that it can knock out iron blocks of similar size and quality in a standardized manner without being troubled by the different levels of craftsmen.

In the past, this kind of hydraulic forging machine could only be built in areas with abundant water sources, and could not spread all over the cities where dwarves lived.

However, it is different now. Inspired by the book of machinery brought by the Wood and Stone clan, the steam structure is applied to the hydraulic forging machine. Perhaps it will not be long before steam hydraulic forging machines will spread all over the dwarf kingdom.

After listening to Prince Mulla's description, Belfan couldn't help but sigh,
"It's so ahead of its time...and extremely practical.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, so many changes have taken place in this world. "

Prince Mulla nodded and said:


However, the teacher feels that there are so many changes, in fact, it is largely because the teacher does not care about world affairs.

Maybe you don’t know, the Wood and Stone clan presented a book of machinery to my father, and my father called a group of scholars and craftsmen to copy and study. In a few years, the books in the book of machinery Machines will emerge, and machines that do not exist within will emerge. "

Listening to Prince Mulla's narration, Belfan was a little dazed. The steam hydraulic forging machine, the book of machinery... and the unnamed classics and the path of divine creation in his hands, such unprecedented things have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

It's just like…

Which existence is pushing the people of the world into a new era with his great power.

"It's really... amazing..."

Belvan murmured, he had a feeling of being in the torrent of the times.

After a while, the alchemist came back to his senses, put aside his miscellaneous thoughts, and cared about the most worthy of concern.

"Mula, in two days, you will write my results into a manuscript and submit it to your father, you must do your best to convince your father.

I have now constructed a general promotion ceremony, and it only takes a year or two to perfect it before I can make my first attempt at promotion. "

Belvan exhorted very seriously.

No funding, or funding cuts, is a fatal blow to research.

Hearing the teacher's words, Mu La was a little happy and said:

"Teacher, it turns out that you have constructed a general promotion ceremony. I will tell others about this result, especially Kagu. He has always been very caring."

Facing the delighted Mulla, Belfan showed a kind smile and said:

"Kagu is the best person to share this surprise."


In the middle of the night two days later.

Kagu quietly sneaked into the palace at night. Over the years, he has been familiar with everything in the palace.

He nimbly avoided the guards who were patrolling in the night, stepped onto the familiar corridor, and headed towards teacher Belvan's study.

Two days ago, Kagu heard the news from Mulla that the promotion ceremony was becoming more and more perfect.

The arrival of this news was like a thunderbolt to Kagu, who longed for strength.

Years have passed, and I finally have the power to take revenge.

Standing in front of the study, Kagu carefully took out the key he had prepared, unlocked the door lock, and tiptoed into the study.

He came to the teacher's desk, and after searching carefully and softly, he finally found what he wanted.

It was a series of manuscripts with a thick stack.

Kagu's breathing became rapid,

"The way of the passerby, that's it."

He carefully hid the whole stack of manuscripts on his body.

Between the two paths Belvan discovered, Kagu made a choice.

To kill a demigod, he doesn't need to be as powerful as the demigod.

All it takes is...powerful enough to surprise.

As for the road of traveler and the road of scholar, during getting along with each other, Kagu learned that the latter hardly has much combat ability, while the former has some ability to engage in dirty work such as assassination, theft, and spying.


It happened to be Saturday, when Belvan was praying in the temple, he heard a dwarf craftsman cursing.

The dwarves are often not stingy with hiding their emotions. Even in the solemn and solemn temple, although the dwarves will restrain themselves, they can't help it anymore, and they will still express their emotions.

"Those hammers, those hammers driven by water, are dead things!"

"That's a dead thing that even dogs don't care about. It has no soul!"

"Damn Roguero, God damn Roguero! Heris will curse his family!"

Several curses resounded in the corner of the temple. Belvan looked sideways and found that a group of craftsmen were chatting, and they got angry and cursed a person named "Roguero".

Belvan tried hard to recall, and he remembered that Roguero seemed to be the inventor of the steam hydraulic forging machine.

The steam hydraulic forging machine has been appreciated by King Kraft VI, and the whole prospect is promising. Why did the group of craftsmen curse the inventor?
Belvan listened carefully for a while, until the priests of the temple drove out the group of chattering craftsmen.

He understood what was going on.

It turned out that this group of craftsmen saw a crisis from the steam hydraulic forging machine, a crisis that threatened their status.

In the past, almost all iron, steel, and various metal products in the dwarf kingdom were hammered by the dwarves. Now, the steam hydraulic forging machine has appeared, and it will not be long. Replace their original positions.

That's why they yell.

Belvan shook his head. He could understand the thoughts of those craftsmen, and at the same time he was glad that he was not a craftsman, but a scholar of ancient Chinese language. Judging from his current research results, he may be similar to the one who invented the steam hydraulic forging machine. Roguero.

I am also a fashionista of the times.

"So will one day... I will be yelled at like this?"

Belvan muttered involuntarily,

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time."

After praying, Belvan returned to the palace on foot, and returned to the study. He planned to review the previous results today and sort out the latest manuscript.

It's okay not to tidy up, but Belvan's face froze when he tidied it up. He frowned and rummaged around in disbelief.

"What about the passerby's share? Where did it go?!"

Belvan kept muttering. He searched and searched, but he couldn't find the manuscript about the promotion ceremony of Passenger's Road.

"Damn it, those servants must have entered my study at will!"

Belvan's face flushed with anxiety, and his beard kept trembling.

Thankfully, that manuscript was written not long ago, and he still remembered what it said, so he could write another one.

After searching for nearly an hour, he couldn't find it. Belfan was so angry that he opened the door, rushed out of the room, and scolded a servant on duty indiscriminately. Back in the study, ready to rewrite a manuscript.


Kagu has already collected the materials used in the promotion ceremony.

According to the content left by Belfan in the manuscript, in the basic promotion ceremony, there is no need for any particularly expensive materials, and its role is mainly auxiliary.

Sitting in his own room, Kagu raised his head and saw dead bodies hanging all over the sky.

Those were his clansmen, and the creepy faces repeatedly reminded him of the tableware of that day.

Kagu held a potion bottle in his hand, which was the potion he had prepared according to the contents of the manuscript.

He drew the ritual circle on the ground, took a deep breath, raised his head suddenly, poured the potion in his hand, and then the pupils of his eyes slowly dilated and white matter appeared.

When he opened his eyes, what he saw was a blue sea of ​​souls.

(End of this chapter)

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