only god

Chapter 506 Sermons in Zealand

Chapter 506 Sermons in Zealand

For Karl Lond, who was caught in the carnival of war, the appearance of Sealand was really inopportune.

The great victory on the front line made Karl Londe cheer from top to bottom. Now they have not only regained the long-lost Helong Mountains, but are also marching further towards Golan. It won't be long before those humans who once despised the dwarves , and crawl under the dwarven machinery.

For dwarves, the thrill of human submission is indescribable.

The dwarves have always admired human culture. They learned from humans various technologies such as textile technology, agricultural trade and planting, and aristocratic etiquette. In this case, the concept that being close to humans equals civilization, and staying away from humans equals barbarism is subtly implanted in the consciousness of the dwarves.

Although the dwarves often keep emphasizing the glory of their ancestors, the pride of craftsmen, and the great faith of Heris, the dwarves still can't help but feel inferior when they face humans. Also defeated the invincible orcs... Except for forging, humans seem to be better than dwarves in everything.

For all these reasons, when the dwarves learned of Karrond's great victory, every hair of the dwarves trembled with excitement.

Regarding this kind of mentality, it is an inappropriate analogy, a short and ugly dwarf admires a beautiful lady, but the latter despises the dwarf. Had to kneel down in front of the dwarf, begging the dwarf for forgiveness and forgiveness.

The dwarves of Karrond were of that mindset.

They vented and reveled all night, the tavern was brightly lit all night, and the sacrifice to the Artisan Temple reached its peak.

What the dwarves want is not to stop the war, but to continue the war. Some obscene characters have begun to fantasize about buying a few human female slaves when the war is over.

Xi Lan is like a bystander, seeing the undercurrents along the way.

He neither cheered nor mourned. He often stayed at home and lived a hermit-like life in this bustling and noisy royal city. He only interacted with the people around him and warned them about their enthusiasm for war.

Even so, he was arrested not long after.

The reason was that a dwarf reported him, thinking that he was a spy sent by the Golans.

During the war, the dwarves were very sensitive about this, and Sealand was jailed the next day after being accused.

In the dark and small interrogation room, a dim oil lamp was burning.

The light reflected on Sealand's face. He had just been arrested and had not been tortured or forced to confess. In front of him was a burly dwarf warden.

"who are you?"

"Xilan, there is no last name."

Sealand replied.

The warden wrote down the name on the paper, and then said:
"Very common name, are you a true believer?"

Zealand nodded.

In this world, due to the influence of the true religion, there are tens of thousands of people named Xilan, which is not worth thinking about.

"Are you a spy? Someone reported you talking nonsense."

The warden said contemptuously.

Xi Lan looked at the warden calmly,

"That's not nonsense, I dare not speak nonsense."

The warden sneered,

"A truce, what is this nonsense?
I know that you are a human being, and you look down on dwarves from the bottom of your heart. Although some people say that you have done many good deeds, in my opinion, that is nothing more than a kind of pity from above. "

Xilan shook her head and said:

"NO, I have not."

The warden was noncommittal and continued to interrogate:
"In the area where you live, many people have received your blessings. Some people say that you are a miracle worker. They say that you must be blessed by God. Tell me, are these true?"

Zealand said frankly:
"They are right, I do have a mission."


Hearing this word, the warden almost laughed,

"Where are you lunatic? You pretended to be the father of Herris, what mission do you have? You are at most a witch who pretends to be a ghost!"

Xi Lan spread her hands and said:
"It seems you don't believe me."

The warden stared at the person in front of him, unless he was crazy, he would believe this unknown person.

Based on years of experience, he began to be somewhat sure that Xilan was a spy from human beings. This kind of person pretended to use the name of God and exchanged the trust of others by doing good deeds, just to spy on other countries' intelligence.

The warden thought for a while, he might as well follow his words and find an opportunity to expose his lies.

"I can trust you, but what kind of mission is that?"

The dwarf warden asked seductively.

"This mission is not easy, it is heavy."

Xi Lan taps Zhuo Yan,

"I came to quell the war."

Sealand's voice was sincere and open, but the dwarf warden didn't believe him or accept his words.

"That's it? Is there any deeper plan? To quell the war? Are you alone? Where are your accomplices?"

The dwarf warden leaned forward. He felt that he had caught a big fish. This man must have some accomplices. If the time comes, if he makes a big contribution, he will be promoted to an official position.

"My partner?"

Xi Lan hesitated, then raised her hand and pointed upwards.

The dwarf warden froze for a moment,
"In this prison? On the upper floor?"

This is a... big secret that no one would think of.

Sealand shook her head.
"No, in heaven."

The dwarf warden was stunned again, then his beard trembled, and he said violently:

"Are you kidding me?! Damn it!"

Xi Lan was helpless,
“Ask, and I will answer, just as if you beg, I will give.”

The dwarf warden slammed the table, he stood up from his chair in anger, pointed at Xi Lan, and said angrily:
"Just wait and see, we'll let you tell!

Cunning human beings are really scheming, let's see how long you can last!
Come, take him to the cell and lock him up with the others! "

Xi Lan slowly stood up from the table, as if he had no objection to the warden's arrangement, he looked at the dwarf warden enthusiastically, and said slowly:

"You are so conscientious, but in a brutal way.

But doing your duty is sometimes not a good thing, and sometimes it will lead to disaster. At this time, you need your wisdom to judge. "

These words sounded so light, without a trace of tension or panic, which aroused the dwarf warden's annoyance, and he said incompetently and furiously:

"You still admonish me? You still admonish me?!
Am I the warden, or are you the warden? ! "

Xi Lan seriously replied:

"Of course it's you."


For some reason, the dwarf warden found it almost torture to talk to this man.

No matter what attitude, emotion, or threat he made, this man was able to handle it with ease from the beginning to the end, and his eyes seemed to understand everything in the world so rationally.

The dwarf warden believes that purely relying on interrogation can't do anything for this pretender, and it's better to be sentenced.

However, execution is not something that can be done casually, and some experienced jailers are needed to get the greatest results. Unfortunately, those jailers went to spend the night celebrating the war last night, and they haven't come back yet. .

Therefore, the dwarf warden decided to temporarily throw Sealand in prison, and wait for the jailers to come back before interrogation.

In the cell, Xi Lan found a corner and sat down slowly.

The other prisoners in the cell looked at the newcomer, and one of them asked:

"Are you an old fritter? It looks like you've been in here several times."

Xi Lan scanned the crowd and smiled slightly.
"I've been to places like this.

The place was smaller and dirtier than here. "

When several prisoners heard this, they all cast curious glances.

None of the prisoners here are serious criminals. There are separate cells for serious criminals. Most of the prisoners here come in because of petty theft, cheating, or disputes. Some of them are caught for the first time. There were not many old fritters present at all.

"That is the prison of the three-eyed apes. They are not as proficient in construction and forging as the dwarves, so the cells they built are short and small, far less spacious than here..."

Xilan told the story of the prison in the land of Aga. He said that he was caught in the prison of Aga King City during his escape, and then he was persecuted and abused there. He described the details in great detail and told Everyone, how those three-eyed ape-men pulled out their nails with pliers, and how they whipped the iron thorns that had been scorched by fire.

At first, the prisoners in the cell were fascinated and asked about their origins from time to time, but when Xi Lan described the rotten and smelly meat, the bloody fingers, and the maggots eating the flesh, the prisoners on the field fell silent. , those descriptions made them painful and uncomfortable just to hear them.

What surprised everyone even more was that Xi Lan's tone was extremely flat, and there was no sorrow or resentment in her voice.

"Are you lying? Or are you making these up, and you are clearly intact."

asked a dwarf prisoner.

Xilan shook her head and said:

"I didn't lie, I would like to swear in the name of God, the reason why I am intact is because I have received God's mercy."

Sealand's voice is so sincere, it seems to have magical powers.

The doubts of the prisoners in the cell were instantly dispelled, and they couldn't help but sigh:

"It's unimaginable that such pain has happened to you."

The prisoners couldn't help showing sympathy and pity at this moment. There were no serious criminals in this cell. They all made some small mistakes and came in. The dwarf with the most sentence was only imprisoned for six years.

The past told by Xi Lan touched the soft side of these prisoners. One prisoner even took the initiative to push the straw pile under him to let Xi Lan sit.

Xilan did not refuse. He took the pile of wheat straw from the prisoner and sat on it.

Facing everyone's sympathy and pity, Xi Lan said softly:

"I used to be sensitive and timid. I thought I was wise and wise, but I struggled in suffering.

But when a ray of light comes,

I know that all pain is just rumors. "

When this sentence fell to the ground, the prisoners could not help but prick up their ears. They didn't know why they pricked up their ears, but they still pricked up their ears, listening to every word of Zealand very carefully, as if they would If not, something important will be missed.

"I know you, you made a mistake and fell into this place, but the mistake is no big deal, you are still alive, it's just a correction, but even if you commit a sin, you can do your best to repay it.

Many people look into their past and guess where they will go after death, so they stop there, do nothing, drift like duckweed, they do neither good nor evil, they do neither good nor evil, they reject everything With great efforts, quietly waiting for the arrival of the afterlife.

Let me tell you, there is nothing wrong with that kind of behavior, but we'd better make efforts in this world, because God not only examines people's deeds, but also examines people's hearts.

Someone once asked me if I should tell about all the good things I have done when I meet God, and I told him that it is best not to do that. Doing good is not a bargain, but an obligation that a person should fulfill in order to obtain the kingdom of heaven. I think the same is true even for the underworld of the gods..."

The prisoners present were like apprentices who listened attentively.

They were fascinated by what they heard, and unconsciously, they put their hands on the ground to support their leaning bodies.

They don't know the man's name yet,
I only know that the man is like a hermit, specially sent by God to do hard work on earth,
Past suffering is his wisdom, God's guidance is his crutch, and the present prison is his church.

That sentence is like spoonful after spoonful of clear water, poured on the human heart, and it will never be exhausted.

The prisoners don't know that Xi Lan has lived in heaven for thousands of years, and the words he preaches today are just a drop in the ocean for him.


Time passed, and night fell without knowing it.

The prisoners in the cells were either lying on piles of straw or on the warm floor tiles, snoring and falling asleep.

Xi Lan leaned against the corner, looking at the moonlight outside the small window, as if waiting for something.

I have been here in Karl Londe's royal city for so long, counting the time, it should be time.

Sealand felt that, keeping an eye on the gods of Karrond, it was almost time to discover his own existence.

"However, they won't know that I am Sealand, a disciple of the Prophet Norn. And this is the power of the hermit's path."

Xi Lan murmured to herself.

The gods will only know that there is a mysterious and uninvited guest who has set foot on the chessboard of the gods.

The night became darker every minute and every second, and the whole Karl Londe seemed to be quiet at this moment.

Xi Lan slowly closed her eyes as if she had noticed something.

after this,

Laren, the god of dreams, invaded the dream of Sealand.

 There will be more updates in the afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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