only god

Chapter 680 The King of My Kings Appears

Chapter 680 The King of My Kings Appears

In the dim cell, Eden looked at the figure opposite his cell door from time to time.

Under the instruction of Prince Devine, he was imprisoned in a secret prison. For so many days, apart from simple interrogations, there was no process that could be called a trial.

Therefore, Eden did not know that he had been sentenced to death without trial.

He stared silently at the cell opposite.

"Prince Flo..."

Although he has never met Prince Flo, he has no idea what he looks like.

However, if anyone would be imprisoned in the same prison as himself during this period, he could not think of anyone except Prince Flo.

In the cell opposite, something seemed to be heard, and the figure that originally stayed there like a sculpture moved.

Then, a face pressed against the cell door, and a hoarse questioning voice came from inside:

"Are you...the one named Eden?"

In the darkness, Eden nodded slightly.

In the cell opposite, there was silence for a while, and then there was a burst of ghastly laughter.

"Success, success! If Dwayne is going to succeed, we are going to succeed too!"

Prince Flo's voice became louder and louder, and then he burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Eden was not surprised by the maniacal laughter.

"You are a member of the Last Shaman."

Prince Flo's laughter slowly stopped, and in the darkness, he looked at Eden with cold and hateful eyes.

"You know quite a lot."

Prince Flo said.

His voice was hoarse as if he hadn't drank water for many days.

"More than you imagine."

Eden spoke.

Prince Flo laughed again, and this time it was a mocking, sarcastic expression.

"More than I thought... No, you don't know anything. You just saw the tip of the iceberg and uttered arrogance."

Eden made no rebuttal.

It's better for him to hide better now, not to reveal too much, and to play the role of a scapegoat. Otherwise, Prince Devine might get rid of him the next day.

Seeing that Eden did not speak, Prince Flo said reluctantly:

"Oh, true believer, stupid true believer, you are afraid, I have heard the fear from your silence! Your gods live on the mountains like transcendence, but we know that our shamans will know that your gods Also in the age of fear of the return of the gods!”

Eden frowned and said slowly after a moment:

"You can make assumptions. You should know what you are imagining."

These feather-light words fell to the ground and nothing was disturbed, but Prince Flo became furious and roared:

"We know, of course we know! It's just that you true believers have been deceived, it's just that you true believers are all stupid people!"

Eden no longer wanted to communicate with this man who was almost half crazy. Rather than arguing or debating, this man seemed more like throwing a tantrum.

Prince Flo was chattering endlessly. He kept talking about the greatness of the gods and the glory of the gods walking on the earth before the dark ages. With his words and Eden's own understanding, he learned something Thing: Although in the religious beliefs of other gods, the Golden Age has not ended in name, the Final Shamans still believe that the Golden Age has long existed in name only. It is now the Dark Age, and everyone has fallen. But one day, the gods will Will be reborn and reappear on the earth with a pale figure.

The pale figure…

Pale gods…

Eden suddenly thought of the pale shower.

What is the connection between the two? Does this mean that the gods will bathe in the pale shower and be reborn?

Eden is not only familiar with the scriptures of the true religion, but also has some understanding of the scriptures of other religious beliefs.

In the scriptures of belief in other gods, pale power or pale rain are also regarded as ominous things. There is no shortage of warnings, hostility, and even curses in the scriptures.

Eden finally couldn't help but asked:

"You are just making things up. The gods are hostile to that pale power. You know this!"

Upon hearing this, Prince Flo cursed angrily at first, and then wanted to say something, but seemed to remember some confidentiality instructions, and fell silent for a moment. He glared at Eden fiercely, and then moved his body , retracted into the corner.

The noisy voice finally stopped, Eden took a deep breath, leaned against the prison wall, and fell into thought.

I don't know the situation in the outside world, and I don't know what's going on with Althea and Verdo.

But as for being rescued safely... there may be little hope.

When thinking of this, Eden frowned slightly.

Since there is little hope of being rescued safely...

Eden moved his eyes to the stone pendant on his chest.

It seems that we have to rely on its power again.

Eden took a deep breath.

Now that my freedom is restricted, I can't think of any other way except using the power of the stone pendant to go to the future and gain more power.

When it was late at night, Eden noticed that Prince Flo had fallen asleep, and then silently recited scriptures and entered a spiritual state.

Even every time I go to the future, I will feel that the King of Kings seems to be influencing me and eroding me.

But... I can’t control so much now.

Eden once again connected with the stone flake pendant in his hand.

As always, a dazzling and brilliant white light burst out.

After the white light, infinite darkness followed, and the world became quiet. There was no sound, only endless tranquility.

Eden felt the darkness and waited quietly for the familiar spin.

Generally speaking, after the world spins, you will feel that the surrounding space seems to be changing, and soon after that, you will travel to the future.

"But I am in prison now. What if I travel to the past and am still in prison?"

"Tsk...this is...painful."

"But this is not the worst case scenario. The worse case scenario is to travel through the past and find yourself stuck in the wall..."

"The current prison may be filled in in the future...The current space does not correspond to the future space one-to-one."

Eden was thinking wildly, his mind wandering.

He waited for a long time, but he didn't wait until the dizzying feeling came over him.

The surrounding darkness is getting colder and colder. In this darkness, there is no light, like a place where the light has never come.

Eden felt strange.

He slowly opened his eyes and stared into the darkness before him.

"You finally opened your eyes."

In the darkness, a disembodied voice sounded. It flashed like lightning passing through my heart, and was as eternal as the radiance of God.

Eden froze for a moment, his body stiffened and trembled.

"What...who is it?"

Eden said shakily.

This has never been the case.

He was floating in the darkness, between the present and the future, and heard a voice coming from nowhere.

In the darkness, something seemed to be changing.

Unfortunately, in this pitch-black darkness, Eden could only feel it, but couldn't see anything with his eyes.

"Who are you?!"

Eden felt that there was something facing him, as if holding him in the palm of his hand, looking down at him condescendingly.     The being did not answer.

As if waiting for the priest's answer.

"I...the king of kings..."

This pagan holy name flashed through Eden's mind.

Somehow, the name that flashed through his mind turned into his voice the next moment, resounding in this dark space.

"Really you?"

Eden muttered in disbelief.

There is no exact word that can describe his mood at this moment.

Fear, panic, blasphemy, avoidance, flattery, anticipation, and a trace of desire... Dozens of emotions combined can't describe Eden's current thoughts.

" it you?"

In the darkness, Eden asked as if talking to himself.

“Where these two times meet, anything is possible.”

That majestic voice fell on Eden’s ears,

"And I appeared, manifested here, before your eyes, Eden."

Eden's breathing suddenly became rapid, and the words of existence caused an uproar in Eden's heart. He began to tremble. The darkness seemed to bind his hands and feet, embracing him. He felt fear, a kind of fear that did not originate from Survival is a fear that comes from faith.

"What are you afraid of? Am I worthy of making you afraid?"

The voice asked in the darkness.

How to describe this sound.

It is not cold, and it is completely different from what Eden imagined. It... is like a big river that runs through the world, embracing everything in the world.

"I do fear..."

Eden said slowly.

An unquestionable power lingered in the darkness, forcing him to tell the truth. In the deepest part of his heart, the priest kept praying to the Lord, but He did not respond, as if he was silent.

In this mysterious space between the present and the future,

Here, the God who climbed the hill of death seems to have gone far away. His appearance and the brilliance on His body have quietly disappeared, like a slightly dirty and yellowed parchment, silently buried in the desert. In the wasteland, He no longer has revelations or miracles. His hands are so thin that He cannot even grasp a believer. Eden couldn't help but think like this, and there was only a vague light in his mind.

After a while, Eden stopped his thoughts, suddenly came back to his senses, and roared:

"You're tempting me!"

However, his roar only received a rhetorical question.


When the words fell, Eden couldn't help but fell silent.

After a while, the priest said feebly:

"You are eroding me..."

"You are returning to your true nature."

"No, I am not!"

"What are you hiding?"

The existence's question once again silenced Eden.

In the darkness, the existence no longer seemed to be looking down at him, but was staring at him gently.

It was like...the gods were staring at their prophets.


The voice sounded again,

"Don't you understand me yet? Don't you know me yet?"

Understand Him, know Him…

Eden slowly raised his eyes.

So many time travels, so many scriptures... Even though I couldn't admit it, I... really understood Him and knew Him.

“The world is the Holy Spirit versus the evil spirit, isn’t it?”

The sound continued, becoming increasingly sacred.

While mortals were suffering on earth, this god's gaze seemed to have penetrated into the nature of the world. He seemed to have mastered the truth of all things, and his existence carried out the present and the future.

"No, that's not..."

Eden trembled, trying to deny himself.

But when he said it, he didn't even believe it.

It seems like I'm...deceiving myself.

"You don't admit it with your mouth, but you know it in your heart."

The sacred voice seemed to come from afar, and seemed to linger in Eden's ears,

“With Him, you have too many puzzles and too many confusions.

Come to me! With me, whatever you think will be revealed to you. "

It was like a call and an unquestionable command.

Whatever I think will be revealed to me...

Eden's mind was instantly filled with these words.

After a while, he came back to his senses and said angrily:

“No, no, your scriptures are full of fear!”

“Is there no fear in His scriptures?

Don’t you know how the ancient kingdom of Logos was destroyed? "

"That's different..."

Eden argued weakly.

"That's all the same."

In the darkness, the voice seemed to be baptizing him, asking him to become a new person and serve a new god.

"The scriptures that believe in me also talk about love."

"But the fear is too much..."

“What is love without fear?

Love without fear is like a gong without a hammer, a sky without an earth. "

The voice sounded from far to near, and then from near to far. It seemed that the voice was speaking, and it seemed that it was speaking from the bottom of his heart. Eden could no longer tell the difference.

He couldn't help but start to think,

If people feel fear first and then feel grace, people will piously sacrifice their lives

However, if you feel the gift first and then the fear, this kind of faith will be easily abandoned and trampled into the dirt.

Yes, it is exactly like this. The world is so greedy. They praise His perfection with their mouths, but in their hearts they believe that every promise God makes is not enough, and every grace God bestows is not enough.

"Come on, come to me."

the divine voice called.

Come to me and I will give you the power to manifest fear.

Come to me and I will show you love beyond fear.


What reaches the heart before fear.

It was in fear that the apes of prehistoric times accepted God.

(End of this chapter)

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