only god

Chapter 91 The Kingdom of God

Chapter 91 The Kingdom of God

The kingdom of God was established in God's dream.

In this kingdom, everything comes from Chen Yi's creation out of nothing.

He stands in the clouds, and angels from all directions guard one part of the world for him.

Chen Yi still didn't get an answer from her own humanity.

Fortunately, for God, waiting is nothing.

In this perfect and perfect country,


The angels all have free will. After they stationed in a world, they began to transform themselves. They created a place where the fire was burning and green, and they also created a place that was snowy and warm like spring...

All kinds of wonders that are impossible to appear on earth are possible in this holy kingdom.

The angels are afraid of loneliness, afraid of loneliness, so they come to ask God for permission.

Can we create some other angels? "

The angels looked up at God in the clouds, they were created by the brilliance of God, and their thoughts were composed of the Spirit of God, so they naturally obeyed the will of God.

"If you want, just do it."

God spoke in the clouds.

All the angels rejoiced, and the eight holy and beautiful angels returned to the heaven and earth they guarded, and created more angels by the power of God.

Time passed slowly.

After countless setbacks, the eight angels finally created angels who are also spirit bodies.

Angels created by angels, although they are also spirit bodies, are much weaker than their creators. They are called sub-angels by the eight archangels.

As soon as the child angels came above the sea of ​​clouds, the eight archangels took them to meet the great God.

Chen Yi saw them.

"How holy."

Hearing God's evaluation, the eight archangels were extremely happy, and they thanked Chen Yi for her praise.

You are holy.

You made us, so we can make them. "

So said the angel Mesia, who was created last.

Mesia stepped forward, knelt down, and kissed the back of God's hand.

"Maisia, you are the purest of you."

After receiving God's evaluation, Mesia suddenly became joyful, just like a child who has been praised by an adult.

God looked at Mesia, the heart of this archangel was more pure and flawless than the sum of the other seven archangels.

The other seven archangels also came forward, respectfully and intimately kissing the back of the hand.

Chen Yi silently watched their actions,
He knew that these angels were expressing their love, their respect, their kindness...

They have free will, just like the world.

But he couldn't see the point of it.

Whether it is a human being or an angel.

My humanity expects to have the kingdom of heaven, so I created this kingdom; my humanity expects to have brilliance and angels, so I created these angels.

The reason for this,
It is because God expects his own humanity to answer that question.

But the self in the darkness still didn't say a word.

As if quietly waiting for something.

Chen Yi knows that as long as she wants, she can abandon the remaining humanity at any time.

But there's no point in doing that.


The angels in the kingdom are innocent and simple.

They have not experienced filth such as greed, lust, jealousy, etc., they were born in this perfect and beautiful holy kingdom, how could they fall suddenly?
Angels like this world of perfection and perfection. They can create and discard at will. They have what they want and lose what they want.If they are bored, they can also forget the boring memory, and if they are satisfied, they can also make themselves no longer satisfied...

All in all, God's Dreamland is a place where all wishes come true.

The angels praised God on the throne, thanking Him for creating them.

Every time they scrambled to recite hymns for God, Chen Yi always smiled and listened carefully.

Angels rejoice for God's praise and sing for God's voice. Angels are always so happy and so free. They can mourn and sigh one second, and be carefree the next.


Not one angel sees joy in the eyes of God.

The first to discover this was Mesia, one of the eight archangels.

Mesia told the other seven archangels directly created by God, they were suddenly restless, and they discussed this for a long, long time.

The archangels tried their best to see the joy in God's eyes, but no matter how beautiful hymns they made or how glorious praises they sang, they couldn't make God smile from the heart.

They panicked.

Doesn't God feel happy in this holy kingdom?
This is a kingdom that has everything you need and is perfect and beautiful, but it does not please God alone.

Has God’s joy been hidden by someone?
The archangels were puzzled, and they began to panic and worry.

Chen Yi noticed their worries and asked them:
"What's wrong with you? Why is there more worry than joy, more panic than peace?"

As long as you want, you can see through our hearts at a glance. "

The angel Soramus, who was first created, is the most beautiful and charming, and the closest to God. His voice is melodious and full of emotion.
"We worry about your joy, we panic about your joy."

Another archangel Silas, who looks like a long snake, also said:

Is it our behavior that dissatisfies you? "

Then, the other archangels asked in unison:

Why don't you smile from the bottom of your heart?
What is it that stole your happiness, and what is it that hides your joy? "

The kind and pure voices of the angels fell into Chen Yi's ears, and he looked at the eight archangels.

After a long time,

"Happiness, joy...

These are as meaningless to me as animal sacrifices. "

Seeing the anxiety on their faces, God replied in this way.

Panic flooded the minds of the eight archangels. The angels valued joy and joy most, but God said that these things were meaningless to God.

"God... Is it meaningful for you to be sad and mourn?"

Archangel Mesia asked nervously.

"That does me no good either."

God shook his head and said:

"Maisia, many things are not black and white."

When Mesia heard God's words, she immediately lowered her head, like a flower wilting to life.

"Don't worry about me, Mesia,"

God reached out and stroked Mesia's head, then he turned to the other angels,
"You don't have to break your heart."

Although God says so...

But... the archangels are still caught in a greater panic.

It turns out that whether it is sadness or happiness, mourning or joy, it is meaningless to God.
Not long after, the eight archangels took leave of Chen Yi.

Angels are like people, they care about joy and joy, but these things they care about, God never cares about.

Chen Yi sat on the throne.

He looked at himself in the darkness under the sea of ​​clouds.

Before entering the dream state, His divinity and humanity were never separated.

and so…

He will be pleased, and He will save.



On this day, the eight archangels gathered together,
After a long, long discussion, they finally found a feasible strategy.


Soramus spread his six pairs of wings slightly, and in front of him was the angel Mesia who guarded the southeast heaven and earth,

"You should know that we were born by the Spirit of God."

"Of course I know, we have part of God's memory."

The angel Mesia is beautiful, pure and kind, but looks a little simple and stupid.

"Yes, we all remember that when we were on earth, God was pleased."

Soramus spoke solemnly, and the other angels beside him also nodded,

"So...Maisia, we need you to leave this country, leave God's dream, and go to the earth to find God's favor."

"I know...but...why me? Aren't you coming?"

Mesia asked worriedly, he is the youngest angel here, and he is the latest to be created among the eight archangels.

God once said that among the seven archangels, none was more pure and good than him.

"You are the purest of us,

And those Logoses sing of goodness with so much poetry,

Where you go, they will definitely respect you and take care of you. "

"Our power can only make an angel leave God's dream, so we cannot accompany you."

Solamus explained to Mesia very patiently.

When Mesia heard this, she nodded, and it seemed that she had to take on this important task.

Thinking of this, Mesia raised her face proudly.

"Mathia, may the Logos love you as much as we do."

Several archangels stood up and said in unison.

Mesia was very moved, he was the youngest among the archangels, and therefore he was favored by other angels.


Solamus continued to instruct:
"If you go to the earth, you can't appear to them as an angel, otherwise their respect and care will certainly not be sincere.

If you are not sincere, how can you please God?

So, you have to become a human, temporarily forget the memory of being an angel, and have a new name. "

Mesia felt that Soramus made a lot of sense, and he nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry about me, angels,"

Messia said softly:

"Man is the child of God, no matter what, I will believe in the kindness of the world."

The seven archangels nodded approvingly. They each sent blessings and sang hymns to Mesia. Mesia embraced them one by one, kissed their foreheads and cheeks, and bid farewell to each other.

After this, good Methia took a new name for herself.


A name that couldn't be more common.

A name that many Logosians would take.


A man like a king.

 Just today!
(End of this chapter)

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