only god

Chapter 94 Logos People Live Long Like Stars

Chapter 94 The Logosians live as long as the stars

Since the three-eyed ape-man does not believe in the God of the Logos people, but believes in the prophecy god Cargaus, so in the private name of the Logos people, the three-eyed ape-man has another name.


Individual Logos people would call this group of short-lived three-eyed apes short-lived monkeys and uncivilized people.

Facts have proved that the declaration of friendship between races does not mean that every Logos has declared friendship with the three-eyed ape.

The advance team once again crossed the vast desert, this time they were fully prepared.

When we arrived at the three-eyed ape-man tribe, it was two days faster than expected.


Elder Salas saw Bazel's figure from a distance, and said with a wave.

Bazel also raised his hand, waving enthusiastically.

Several other Logosians looked at Bazel suspiciously. Why did Bazel seem to have a close relationship with Elder Salas? How did this happen?
Among them, Bendy showed a thoughtful expression.

The arrival of the advance team once again caused the three-eyed apes to swarm out again. They shouted "Elves!"

Several Logos people soon fell into the enthusiastic siege net of the three-eyed ape-man. Those fluffy people pulled them to their respective homes, brought out the best things, and entertained the group of Logos with songs and dances. people.

This kind of hospitality lasted for an entire afternoon, and when night fell, the advance team had no chance to ask about the power of prophecy.

Finally, finding a free time, Bandy took the initiative to gather several Logos people.

"Have you asked about the power of prophecy?"

The other four Logosians shook their heads.

At this moment, Bandy turned his attention to Bazel.

" seem to have a very close relationship with Elder Salas."

The stuttering poet was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't help becoming alert.

Several other Logosians also set their sights on Bazel,
Bazel was stunned, he didn't expect these people to pay attention to him.

"Bazel, I can only rely on you."

Huntress Sypley said slowly.

Her tone was unmistakable.

Rambosy also stared at Bazel, his sharp eyes made Bazel feel intimidated.

Bendy smiled at this moment and said:

"With us, only you can pry into the secret of the power of prophecy."

All of this cannot be tolerated by Bazel.

Fortunately, Bazel was used to being coerced and ordered.

The poor poet had no choice but to hold his own wooden board and carving knife, and when the night fell, he went to the temple again and visited Elder Salas.

Elder Salas didn't understand his reason for coming at first. The three-eyed elder took Bazel to sit in front of the temple, and babbled about the stories of the past three years.

Many of the wheat and livestock that the Logos brought to the three-eyed apes died because of acclimatization, but the rest survived with their tenacious vitality.

When the harvest season came, wheat and livestock brought them a lot of food. In a blink of an eye, the number of newborns in this tribe doubled compared to before. It is estimated that ten years later, all the three-eyed ape tribes in the desert combined, There will be thousands of people.

As if seeing an old friend whom he hadn’t seen for many years, Elder Salas told the story of the past three years, including the gift from the Logos, the change of the three-eyed ape-man...

The desert under the night sky was extremely quiet, and Bazel was so fascinated by it that he gradually forgot his reason for coming.

He felt something that he had never experienced before from Elder Salas - attention.

After rambling on about what had happened for three years, Elder Salas fell silent.

Not long after, the elder spoke slowly again:
"Remember our agreement? My friend Bazel."

Bazel was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he came back to his senses.

"I, I, I remember."

During the last parting, Elder Salas hoped that Bazel would tell the three-eyed ape-man the story of the Logos man.

The old man wanted to hear,
Another race thinks about life, about poetry, and about gods.

At this time, Bazel had long forgotten the instructions of the advance team, he straightened his tongue as much as possible, tried his best not to stutter, and then told Elder Salas the myth of the Logos people.

"at first,
Heaven and earth parted from darkness...


God, has come, an era when everything in the world... has no name yet. "

That night, Bazel told many stories to the old man in front of him.

Elder Salas listened and raised some doubts from time to time, Bazel, who was stuttering, tried his best to answer him.

In Bazel's narration, the origin of the Logos began when the god endowed him with language.

God gave them language so they could have reason.

Including the name "Logos", its meaning is language, and the reason, law, destiny, etc. derived from language.

And everything the Logos builds is inseparable from that god.

Bazel talked about the world's first king Sabor and the great prophet Ar, and about God's salvation and departure, and finally the succession of King Jarestor and King Tertullian's departure to sea.

He stuttered, and he faltered when he told the story. For this reason, he looked at the face of Elder Salas many times.

To Bazel's surprise, Elder Salas didn't show the slightest bit of impatience. Instead, he focused, smiled, and patted his shoulders for encouragement.

The stars intersect in the night sky, the evening wind from the temple blows, and the silence of the world gathers in this small tribe.

The lives, poems, and myths of the Logos people, Bazel unconsciously finished what he knew and learned.

"Our ancestors believed that the life of a star is only 1000 years. Although that is a fallacy, we often use it to describe the old man, saying that that person lives as long as a star."

Elder Salas raised his head, looked up at the stars in the sky and said:
"You have 700 years of life,
Live as long as... the stars,

But none of us can see the starry sky a hundred years from now. "

Bazel also looked at the stars in the sky, his mouth was a little dry at the moment, and he couldn't say anything.

Elder Salas lowered his head and stared at Bazel.

"Bazel, I know why you are here.

For the power of prophecy?

In the prophecy, I saw your intention of coming. "

 There will be an update at eleven o'clock, and then there will be an update in the afternoon.

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(End of this chapter)

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