only god

Chapter 98 They Are Not Sons of God

Chapter 98 They Are Not Sons of God

The death of Elder Salas brought great sorrow to the three-eyed ape people.

He is one of the longest-lived ape-men among the three-eyed ape-men, and everyone in the tribe respects him like a father.

For Elder Salas, the three-eyed apes mourned for fifteen consecutive days, and Bazel also stayed here for fifteen days.

The death of Elder Salas made Bazel feel dizzy, and he didn't recover until the day he left the desert.

Although Elder Salas died, the three-eyed apes still held a small banquet for Bazel in order to see off the elder's friend.

Men and women sang hymns for him, children held his hand, called him elves, elves, and the priests around him patiently listened to him...

The warmth that Bazel felt here was more than what he had felt in the kingdom in the past.

On the day of leaving, Bazel finally regained some energy. He bid farewell to the three-eyed apes. The simple three-eyed apes advised him to come back here often to visit the tomb of Elder Salas.

After crossing the desert again, Bazel returned to the kingdom, and he brought the king the news that Elder Salas died of illness.

In a stone palace.

Bazel looked up at King Doro on the throne from bottom to top.

This is obviously sad news.

However, Bazel seemed to see a trace of greed flashing in King Doro's eyes under the sad appearance.

The down-and-out poet suspects that he is mistaken,

You know, the king is the benchmark of the people, how can the majestic king be like this?

In King Doroe's heart, he must feel no better than himself.

"Bazel, go back, your reward will be delivered to you later."

On the throne, King Doroe said majestically.

"My lord, give those rewards to the three-eyed ape-man..."

Bazel stepped forward and begged.

King Doroe glanced at Bazel, and Bazel couldn't help but feel fear in his staring eyes.

"I will naturally give the three-eyed ape people mourning gifts."

After finishing speaking, King Dolo waved his hand and asked the guards to send Bazel out.

After Bazel left, King Dolo turned around and glanced at his eldest son Ruiying beside him.

"Father, it's almost time for the noble ministers to meet you."

Ruiying said so.

King Doroe nodded slightly.

The king's life was not so easy.

As a king, he has to deal with government affairs, mediate conflicts and disputes among nobles, participate in banquets held by noble priests, and endure all kinds of complaints, disrespect, and even choreography and abuse.

In the past, King Dorre envied his father, King Jalesto, and hoped to be a pious and godly, mitigating, and moral monarch like him.

Now, compared to his own father, King Dolo envied King Sabo, who was uncompromising on the throne, who was able to execute the people who disobeyed him at will and throw the priests who served the fire into the flames.

Soon after, noble ministers walked into the court one after another.

After the simple audience etiquette, the noble ministers reported the political affairs to King Doro, or handed over the conflicts between the two parties to the king for adjudication.

King Doro listened carefully to the words of the noble ministers, and then made a decision with a majestic and fair voice.

At the same time, King Doroe thought hard and considered every word he was about to say. His words vary from person to person. If he is a gentle minister, King Doroe's tone will become unquestionable, but if he meets A minister with a bad temper, the king had to lower his posture and speak softly.

King Doloo does not rely on extraordinary force or outstanding achievements, but relies on limited justice, wisdom, and insight, and is barely able to do well in politics.

To be such a king exhausted King Dorre.

At the end of the political affairs, a High Priest of Law Garden stood up.

"In the name of God, my lord, I have a proposal!"

The exhausted King Doloo straightened his body, and said loudly:

"Speak, High Priest."

The high priest nodded solemnly, took a deep breath, and said:
"King Doroe, we now rely on history books to regulate our lives. This is undoubtedly your great initiative."

"Everything should be attributed to God. Under God's guidance, my father would write that history book."

King Dolo said so.

The high priest nodded, repeated it, and continued:
"Now, the priests of the Law Garden told me: Now everything is done according to the records in the history books, but there are so many sentences in the history books, which sentences should be practiced the most?"

King Doroe raised his eyes and questioned:

"What does it mean?"

"King Dolo, don't you think that we should simplify the records in the history books and select the most important sentences among them as the code of conduct for the entire kingdom?"

The high priest straightened his body and persuaded with a surging voice:
"There are high and low laws in the world, so don't there be high and low sentences in history books?

We selected the words in the "Book of Kings and Prophets" to construct a moral boundary, and every Logosian cannot act beyond the boundary.

O king, with such a rule, why doesn't the kingdom prosper?Why doesn't the race go to glory? "

Seeing the thoughtful face of King Doriot, the high priest hit the rails while it was hot:

"What's more, there are so many records in the history books, who can guarantee that he will not violate the records in the history books in his life?

If we don’t pick out the words and simplify them, our people will feel confused, and they will gradually lose importance to the “Book of Kings and Prophets” written by King Jarestus. "

Hearing this, King Dolo was a little excited. He faintly realized that the words of the high priest contained some kind of transformative power.

"Well, in the name of God, do as you say."

That power is called law.

The emergence of law is not easy, nor can it be achieved overnight.

After the proposal of the High Priest of the Law Garden spread, voices of opposition arose in the kingdom, and the powerful nobles in the capital often met with King Doroe for this reason.

In contrast, the proposal to simplify the history books has won the support and approval of the priests of Law Garden and the common people in the country.

The high priest took the lead in selecting the most important sentences and announced them to the people of Logos. People cheered and celebrated the simplification of the Book of Kings and Prophets.

The nobles and the priests fought endlessly in the court over the simplification of the history books. Even though King Doroe mediated and advised several times, the two sides still refused to stop.

Even, several large-scale bloody conflicts broke out in the capital.

King Doroe was exhausted because of this.

He is not his father, King Jaresto, who has enough wisdom and ability to rule the kingdom, and has created proud achievements to consolidate his authority. He is not the original king, King Sabo, who subdued his people by hunting force , opened up the original territory of the kingdom.

He's just skimpy.

King Dolo sometimes felt that he was just a wise man on the throne, a man who pretended to be majestic, but was actually weak and deceitful.

The king's crown is getting heavier and heavier, and the king's throne is getting colder and colder.

Good thing…

I have my own eldest son Ruiying.

The existence of Ruiying made up for many of her own shortcomings.

He is glad that he has Ruiying, who is enough to be his right-hand son.

King Doro sat in front of the altar in the palace, rubbing his forehead exhaustedly.


At some point, Ruiying suddenly stood behind King Doroe, as if she had come out of the ground.

King Doloo turned his head and met Ruiying's eyes.

"Suiying, my son."

King Duoluo said, he stood up and stroked Ruiying's face.

"Father, you are too tired."

Ruiying stared at King Doroe's aging eyes and said,
"You are their king! They are the ones who want to serve you!"

King Dolo was stunned.

The son's words hit his heart, yes, I am too tired, I am the king of the Logos, and those noble priests who are fighting endlessly are all my subjects, so I have to serve myself for a reason.

Ruiying looked into King Doroe's eyes and continued:

"Those people praise you, praise you.

Father, terms of actions, you are required to serve them. Don't you think this is unreasonable? "

King Doroe listened in a daze, and his heart was shaken accordingly.

Unwillingness welled up in my heart.

Just listen to Ruiying continue:
You are literally sullying your authority!
In you, is there a bit of a king's one-sidedness? ! "

The eldest son Ruiying is revealing the truth one by one, peeling off his majestic disguise and revealing his weakness.

King Doloo was trembling when he was told, his eyes widened, and he said:

"Suiying, do you think I don't want to say that I don't want to say anything? Is it so easy to rule this kingdom?"

King Doroe raised his voice.

His tone seemed to be scolding, and the crown on his head was trembling.

"Who do you think I am? I am the son of Jalesto, the descendant of the prophet Aar!"

"Suiying, if I want to rule this kingdom, I must be a real monarch! A moral monarch!"

Ruiying stared straight at his father, he sneered,
"Father, a true monarch does not tremble on the throne."

"Look at King Jalesto, look at King Sappor! Their authority makes people prostrate!"

"What about yours? Where is your authority?!"

"You are on the throne, but you actually bow your knees in front of the ministers and nobles!"

"my father,"

"Because there is a king, it is called a kingdom!"

"It's them who should tremble and bow their knees, not you!"

Ruiying's words became heavier and heavier, and his voice became louder and louder, like a huge stone, pressing on King Doloo's chest, making him breathless.

"Father, look at the achievements of King Alesto."

"The achievement of Wenzhiwugong does not lie in how devout and respectful the gods are!"

"It's about...we want to accomplish our great cause in the name of God!"

Ruiying's voice resounded in King Dolo's ears, and his figure became taller in an instant, casting a shadow enough to cover one side.

King Doroe stepped back, his chest constantly pulsating.

In the name of God...

Achieve your own achievements in the name of God and consolidate your authority.

Ruiying has never experienced the age when God was still there. Since he was born, God has left.

In the eyes of this ambitious prince, the god itself is not important, but the name of the god is the most important.

King Dolo's soul was completely conquered by his eldest son.

"What to do? Seoyoung. What do you want to do?"

King Duolue panted heavily and spoke.

"Three-eyed ape-man, my father,"

Ruiying walked forward slowly, and continued:

"They are so wonderful, they can give birth like beasts, far more than the Logos, and... those eyes can predict the future..."

King Duoluo faintly caught Ruiying's thoughts, and looked at his eldest son in astonishment.

"Ruiying, King Alesto clearly pardoned all the slaves, as the son of God."

"I know... because of this, we can enslave the three-eyed ape-man, father, just like domesticating animals and raising livestock."

Ruiying turned her head slowly, and said word by word:

"After all...they are not the children of God."


The Logosians are the sons of God.

In addition,

All are beasts and livestock.



King Doloo did not reject his eldest son Ruiying.

But there is no definite answer yet.

The hesitant king is no longer young, he has lost the determination and desperateness of a young man, and at the same time, he feels deeply guilty for the friendship he declared with the three-eyed ape-man.

But there is no doubt that,
King Doroe has completely turned to Ruiying's side.

He sent different envoys many times to let the three-eyed apes move the tribe to the Kingdom of Logos.

King Doloo began to encourage ministers and nobles to hire these three-eyed apes as servants at home.

During this period of time, the battle to simplify the history books finally came to an end.

In the dispute between the nobles and the priests, in the end the nobles gave in and the priests won.

The words in the "Book of Kings and Prophets" have finally been simplified, and the twenty most important words have become the moral bottom line of every Logosian.

This is,
The birth of the law.


In the blink of an eye, 100 years have passed.

The priests of Logos received the historical tablets delivered by the narwhals.

It was a new history book, compiled by King Tertullian, the son of the Prophet.

While treating him solemnly, King Doroe lamented his uncle's long lifespan.

King Tertullian was nearly [-] years old, and he was the longest-lived group among the Logosians.

According to the news brought by the narwhals, King Deltrian was seriously ill twice in the past century, but he survived both times with his tenacious vitality.

Compared with King Tertullian's old age and strength, King Doriot felt more and more powerless these days.

The struggle between nobles and priests did not subside because of the establishment of the law, but intensified.

King Doroe tried his best to bridge the contradictions between the two sides, even trampling on his own authority.

The results of it?
As a result, the contradictions between the two sides showed no sign of bridging, only their own authority was trampled on in vain.

King Doroe recalls Seo-young's proposal again...

Compared with the Logos man, the three-eyed ape-man's lifespan is too short.

In just 100 years, the generation of three-eyed apes who declared friendship with the Logos people are no longer alive.


I can be like Ruiying said.

Domesticating those three-eyed ape-men is like domesticating livestock.

 Happy Lantern Festival everyone, there will be more in the afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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