Chapter 250

Liu Junshi bridge, sincerity uncle's mansion.

Liu Li and Liu Xiang set off the whip again.

'咻', '啪'!
One of Liu Xiang's firecrackers failed to go to the sky due to a mistake in launching. Instead, it flew a long way along the street before it exploded.

"Bah..." The sound of firecrackers startled a passing carriage.

"Who's unlucky kid!" the coachman yelled, "You don't have eyes!"

"Sorry, sorry." Liu Xiang and Liu Li hurriedly apologized. "Are you all right?"

"Do you know who's sitting in the car? Don't let your adults come out and make amends!" The arrogant coachman didn't intend to let the two of them go.

"Shut up." An old man's low and steady voice sounded from the carriage.

"Yes." The driver immediately shut up obediently, quickly put down the pier, and helped the tall old man get out of the car.

"I'm sorry, grandpa, did I scare you?" Liu Li asked with apologetic eyes and a small face full of guilt.

That lovely and pitiful appearance made the coachman involuntarily fall into self-reflection, am I being too fierce, why are you baring your teeth?

"It's all right, this girl is really handsome. You are Uncle Chengyi's little granddaughter, right?"

"Yeah, who's that?"

"Old man Li Shanchang, have you heard of it?" Li Shanchang smiled kindly, not at all seeing that he had panicked like a dog last night.

"Of course, my grandpa often mentions you." Liu Li nodded and said with a sweet smile, "Grandpa Li has a happy new year."

"Okay, Happy New Year to you too." Li Shanchang said as he took out two red envelopes from his sleeve, and handed one to Liu Li and the other to Liu Xiang.

Liu Li happily took it, took out a caramel wrapped in red paper from her purse, and said in return, "Grandpa, please eat the candy."

"Thank you very much." Li Shanchang took the candy with a smile, put it in his sleeve, and said to the wary Liu Xiang:
"Go, tell your grandpa, just say that the old man came to pay him New Year's greetings."

After a while, Liu Lian received a notice to welcome him out, bowed deeply to Li Shanchang and said: "It turns out that you are really a grand master. My father is sick in bed and hasn't stepped out of the gate for a year. If you can't go far, please invite Grand Master Haihan."

"Hey, the old man just came to see him." Li Shanchang waved his hands indifferently, and walked in with Liu Lian, while laughing: "I heard that your father thanked guests behind closed doors, so he didn't send a greeting card, just directly Come to pay him New Year's greetings."

"Master, is this a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken?" Liu Ji's teasing voice sounded at the door of the study.

"You are so old, why are you still so poisonous at your age?" Li Shanchang laughed and cupped his hands at him.

"Brother Bowen, long time no see, I miss you very much."

"I didn't expect to see the grand master again in this life." Liu Ji also said with emotion.

They are not only old opponents who have been fighting for more than ten years, but also golden partners who cooperated with each other tacitly.Not only sympathize with each other, but also look at each other and hate each other...

But at this age, Liu Ji is still very happy to see him less than once, otherwise he would not have greeted him at the door of the study.

"I've always heard that brother Bowen was seriously ill. I didn't even send you to Fengyang under the order of the superior. I thought you wouldn't be able to get out of bed." Li Shanchang looked at Liu Ji with a smile:

"You look pretty good, you're younger than five years ago, and you can't wait until you come out again."

These words are not all compliments, Liu Bowen's health has improved a lot this year.Especially after seeing the future, his fighting spirit was rekindled, and his whole body was full of energy.

The mental state is refreshed and you look naturally younger.

"The most important thing for a subject is to know how to advance and retreat." Liu Bowen invited him into the room and sat down on the couch. "The emperor is already tired of our old faces, so stop being shy and annoying."

After a pause, he asked anxiously: "Besides, Grand Master wants me to go to Fengyang?"

"Of course I don't want to." Li Shanchang said with a wry smile: "A Han Yike still makes me tired of dealing with it, if his master is in charge instead, wouldn't the old life of my brother be lost?"

Speaking of which, Liu Bowen is three years older than Li Shanchang.And both of them took the imperial examination in the same year.But Li Shanchang couldn't call Liu Bowen 'Brother Nian' because Liu Bowen failed in high school.

So facing Liu Bowen, Lao Li has always felt inferior in his heart.Even if he became prime minister, made a duke, and became the No. 1 civil servant, he didn't completely turn over in front of Lao Liu.

It wasn't until he knew about that that he could look at Liu Bowen at the same level as he does now.

If he hadn't asked Liu Ji today, he would have made fun of Old Liu with that matter.

"I came to see my brother this time, to tell the truth, and to ask for something." After recounting the past, Li Shanchang got to the point, and said in a deep voice: "But it's not for myself, but for the common people in the world."

"Do you want this old man to come out of the mountain to slay demons?" Liu Bowen shook his head lightly and said, "I'm old, and I can't even lift the mahogany sword."

"No, brother heard what happened last night, right?" Li Shanchang didn't go around in circles with him, otherwise he would have to let Lao Liu lead him into a ditch.

"I heard about it." Liu Bowen nodded and said: "I heard that many officials who went to Beijing to declare taxes have been arrested. But what does this have to do with the common people in the world?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Li Shanchang said in a deep voice with a dark face: "Because of a trivial matter, without going through the judicial department, he directly sent troops to arrest more than 400 officials! The superior should be an independent husband!"

"Let's be a single husband, not a traitor to the people." Liu Bowen shook his head indifferently.

"Why do you think so?" Li Shanchang immediately said anxiously: "The harm of a single husband is worse than that of a thief! Since ancient times, the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats have ruled the world together! How can there be such a thing as the emperor, who treats the scholar-bureaucrats as worthless and kills them whenever he wants? If you want to catch it, you can catch it?!
"It's impossible to do a mere 'Punishment can't be a doctor', so how can you talk about co-governance by the monarch and his ministers?!"

"That's why I always say, brother, you need to study more." Liu Bowen took the opposite attitude and said: "The Song Dynasty was the most successful in co-government by monarchs and ministers, and it was also the Song Dynasty that treated the scholar-bureaucrats the best. Song Taizu also took 'Don't kill the scholar-bureaucrats' as an ancestor's motto engraved on the tablet.

"But what did the Song Dynasty gain? It is a shame that all dynasties and dynasties combined can't compare." Liu Bowen sneered again and again:
"Among all dynasties, only the Song Dynasty, ruled by monarchs and ministers, did not touch a brick of the Great Wall from beginning to end; they were the only ones who lost the Hetao and never regained Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures. Even Annan could beat them.

"Not to mention the eternal crime of subjugating the country and destroying my species in the end, and cutting off my Chinese blood!" Liu Bowen suddenly raised his voice, his eyes were like lightning, and he glared at Li Shanchang and said:

"Do you also want Daming to repeat the same mistakes of the weak Song Dynasty, and to subjugate the country again?"

"Brother, what are you talking about? Don't get excited, don't get excited." Li Shanchang looked at Liu Bowen incomprehensibly. He clearly remembered that when he was a minister in the same court five or six years ago, this old Liu also advocated that the king and the scholar-bureaucrats share the world.

Why haven't I seen you for a few years, and my thoughts have changed so much?Became so extreme?
ps. Post first, then revise, then write another chapter, read it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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