Chapter 287

In the spirit shed.

Zhu Zhen asked: "Then why did Li Renren conceal the death of King Goryeo?"

"It is said that someone said to Li Yuanjun, 'Since the ancient times, when the king saw the murder, the prime minister was the first to suffer the crime. If the emperor heard about the past king and asked the teacher to question the crime, the king would inevitably...'" Jin Tao replied.

"Fart." The fourth child spat: "I only have your king in my eyes, and of course you, my Jinshi, we don't pay attention to the rest, and we care about his life or death?"

"That's right, it's just an excuse." The brothers nodded in agreement.

"Yes." Jin Tao also nodded his head in agreement, sighed and said, "I haven't finished yet, there is one more sentence... Mo Ruo reunited with Yuan."

"What?" Not only the brothers, Cai Bin and Lin Mi were also furious. "One woman is not worthy of two husbands, and they still want Gao Li to marry two men?"

"This is the biggest difference between the former king and the military officials of the court." Jin Tao smiled wryly:

"As you all know, this dynasty was a hundred-year-old vassal of the Yuan Dynasty before the facts became known, and the Yuan Dynasty also set up a province to conquer the east in Koryo. They are all married to the Yuan Dynasty, so most of the dignitaries in this dynasty are pro-Yuan faction."

"However, the former kings hated the Yuan Dynasty deeply because of their own experiences and the changes in reality. At the time of the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, the former kings, with the support of Xin Tun, complied with the destiny and became ministers to the Ming Dynasty. The former kings and Xin Tun also used a large number of imperial examinations. And new scholars who are familiar with Confucianism.

"These scholars, including me, of course, believe that the Ming Dynasty is the orthodox of China, so they firmly oppose Shiyuan, and they are firm pro-Ming factions." Jin Tao did not forget to express his loyalty.

"Okay, okay, you are a pro-Ming sect..." Zhu Zhen nodded perfunctorily.

"After the former king was forced to execute Xin Tun, the momentum of the pro-Ming faction was greatly reduced. In addition, after the defeat of Lingbei in the Celestial Dynasty, they were on the defensive in Liaodong, while Naha, the prime minister of Liaoyang Province in the Yuan Dynasty, supported 20 troops and entrenched in Ji In the forest area, they went south from time to time to invade our country, making the military officials on the border miserable.

"The military officials believed that it was the former king who blindly fell to the Ming Dynasty, which angered Naha Chu and continued to invade our country. If we can try to ease relations with the Yuan Dynasty, the border troubles will definitely be alleviated. There are not a few people in my country who have this kind of thinking, so now personally The Yuan faction has the upper hand." Jin Tao paused and said:

"However, the princes of the Dutang think that they are not pro-Yuan faction, but put their own country's interests first. They think that now it is like the Three Kingdoms at the end of Han Dynasty. Ming Dynasty is Wei State, Yuan Dynasty is Wu State, and Koryo is Shu State. Wei State is certainly strong. , but if we unite with Wu to resist Cao, the balance of the situation in the Three Kingdoms can be balanced, which is the most beneficial to our dynasty.”

"Idiots talking about dreams." The elder brothers sneered when they heard the words, and the sixth son said in a deep voice: "Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance is. You are right in saying that you court princes are all frogs in the well. Seeing this three-acre land in Liaodong. My Ming Dynasty is like the sun rising in the east, unstoppable. The Northern Yuan Dynasty is fading to the west, and I am about to die."

"The reason why we are on the defensive in Liaodong is because we need to concentrate our forces to deal with Wang Baobao. Now that Wang Baobao is dead, my general will go north to destroy Yuan Ting just around the corner. When the time comes to free up our hands, you Goryeo and Naha will not be enough together! "The fourth child raised his head proudly. When his father-in-law eliminated Yuan Ting, it meant that he eliminated him.

"Ah, Wang Baobao is dead?" Jin Tao was shocked.

"Then it's fake?" the brothers said in unison.

"It seems that the Yuan Dynasty is indeed exhausted." Jin Tao sighed, Naha Chu can only be regarded as one of the princes at best, and only Wang Baobao can change the situation of the Yuan Dynasty.

"What you mean is that your former king and the military ministers of the capital are in a line dispute." Zhu Zhen concluded to Jin Tao: "That is really irreconcilable."

"That's right. The late king's humiliation against Daming caused dissatisfaction among the generals. So some people said..." Jin Tao lowered his voice and said:

"Cui Wansheng, Hong Lun and others were bought by the princes of the Dutang and killed the former king. Then the princes of the Dutang killed the murderer to silence them, and planned to support the ten-year-old Muninu as king, so that they could completely control the political power. "

"This is more like the truth..." the brothers commented.

But there is no proof of death, and the truth may never be revealed in the light of day.

"However, because of Muni's status, Empress Dowager Mingde and the members of the royal family hope to choose a wise elder to inherit the throne." Jin Tao continued:
"Although the two sides are in dispute, Mr. Li Yuan is confident to persuade the Queen Mother and suppress the royal family. His only concern is that the Huang's servant will pass on the real situation of Goryeo to Daming, and the emperor will not allow Muninu to succeed, so he will not be able to cast a spell."

"So, Eunuch Huang didn't agree to collude with him, so he ordered people to kill Eunuch Huang?" The sixth son asked in a cold voice.

"Yes." Jin Tao nodded with difficulty.

"Then Muniu has already ascended?" Zhu Zhen asked again.

"Yes, on the tenth day of King Bintian, seven days after Eunuch Huang was killed, he changed his name to Wang Yu (wu) with the support of the princes in the capital, and succeeded me as the No. 30 second monarch of the Koryo Dynasty." Jin Tao nodded.

"Fuck, this country is long enough." The fourth child whispered.

"That's right, Goryeo first professed vassals to Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, Later Zhou, Northern Song, Liao, Jin, Yuan, and Daming. I am its ninth father."

"That's really 'the world is full of spring and the world is full of fathers'." The fourth child was full of admiration.

What Zhu Zhen wanted to complain about was the name 'Wang Wu'... It wasn't until Jin Tao wrote the word 'Wang Yu' that he realized that he was uneducated.

"Then now, Li Ren will let them go, won't he let us go?" Lao Liu asked this sentence with a calm expression.

Everyone's expressions tightened, and the temperature in the coffin seemed to be a little lower.

Jin Tao hurriedly explained: "Last night, Mr. Li Yuan meant to let the servants watch you. If you find out the truth, he will immediately send troops to surround the guest house."

"It seems that he doesn't intend to let us go back." The third child sneered, "Since he has this idea, he will attack us sooner or later."

"It's possible." Jin Tao said, "Even if Mr. Li Yuan can't make up his mind, Yuanren will force him to do it."

"Have they hooked up with the Mongols?" Lao Liu's scalp tingled for a while.

"Yes." Jin Tao said with a sad face, "Wang Xuan... oh no, after Xin Xuan ascended the throne, Mr. Li Yuan immediately sent envoys to the Yuan court to mourn and ask for re-canonization."

"I fuck..."

"The Yuan court has sent Cheri Timur, the envoy of the Xuanhui Academy, to the capital to confer on Wang Xuan as Prime Minister Zuo and King of Koryo." The condition requires our country to send troops and Naha to attack Daming Dingliao Wei from left to right.

"Although it's a big deal for the dukes of Dutang to return to Yuan, they don't want to go to war with Daming." Jin Tao sighed, "So I haven't agreed yet."

"Then what is Cheri Timur, where is it now?" Zhu Zhen asked in a deep voice.

"I live in the Shuntian Hall." Jin Tao replied.

(End of this chapter)

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