Father can be an enemy country

Chapter 294 Death Chapter

Chapter 294
The older the political system, the stricter the hierarchy. Goryeo is an example.The gap between the superior and the superior is like a gap, and the subordinates must never dare to report to the higher level, otherwise they will be left behind.

So when hundreds of households report to thousands of households, thousands of households report to ten thousand households, ten thousand households report to the soldiers and horse envoys, and the soldiers and horses report to Dutang again, and the people in Dutang wake up Li Renren again and tell him about the changes in the guest house. There are brains coming out of the museum.

The advantage is that you don't have to use your brain to judge what the Ming army is going to do.The fire pillars soaring to the sky over Taipu Temple and Shuntian Pavilion have already explained everything.

"Are those Ming Dynasty people going to die? With their little troops, they also want to capture Shuntian Pavilion?" Li Renren was shocked at first, but soon calmed down.

Isn't that good?You don't have to do it yourself, and you can explain everything in the past.The missions of the Ming Dynasty took the initiative to attack the missions of the Yuan Dynasty, but they were all killed. How could there be a better result?
"Yuanjun, do you want to send troops over quickly?" The subordinate asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, it's dark outside, what do you know about the situation? Don't open the gate of the palace easily." Li Renren said solemnly: "Order to open the city mansion, and strengthen security to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to set fire to robbery."

After a pause, Li Renren ordered his subordinates again: "You order Wang Jing's army to gather and wait for orders, and it depends on the situation when it dawns."

"Yes." The subordinates responded and went to deliver the order.

Li Renren did not expect that the people of the Ming Dynasty used a simple trick to lure the snake out of the hole, and opened the impregnable gate of Shuntian Pavilion.

His Royal Highness the King of Qin was wearing heavy armor and took the lead. He held a heavy mace and smashed it repeatedly. How could the Mongolian soldiers with machetes parry?There is no enemy at all!
The leather armor on their bodies couldn't stop the copper-headed steel teeth of the mace at all, and a large piece of flesh and blood was scraped off by sweeping it.When it hits the head, the brains splatter immediately...

The second child rushed into the front yard in one breath, and his eyes suddenly opened up, and now it was more convenient for him to use it, rounding up a mace and sweeping away thousands of troops!It's really called a god blocking and killing a god, and a Buddha blocking and killing a Buddha.

More than a hundred Mongolian soldiers were killed by him alone and retreated again and again, completely losing their battle.

A hundred soldiers under King Qin's command followed closely behind him, taking advantage of the chaos to break into the enemy's army.They are tall and strong, strong in martial arts, and skilled in coordination. How can the chaotic Yuan army be their opponents?

His Royal Highness Yan Wang calmly observed the battle situation, and found that the Yuan army was squeezed to the left side of the front yard by King Qin's centurion, so he decisively directed his subordinates to penetrate from the flanks, from where the Yuan army's strength was weak, and went straight to the front. hospital.

They seem to have returned to the martial arts arena last winter, cooperating tacitly, advancing and retreating in a certain way.The King of Qin is responsible for attracting firepower, while the King of Yan is taking the head of the enemy army directly!
The strength of the Yuan army lies in the horse. Once there is no horse, it is like going out without wearing a calf-nosed jacket, guilty and short of breath, and loses its prestige.So once the battalion is stolen and you can't get on the horse, you are basically doomed.

Although Habayashi Guard was also a cavalry soldier, in the Ming army, only the most elite infantry could be transferred to cavalry.So getting off the horse is as powerful, or even more powerful.

And there are two His Royal Highnesses who took the lead.The morale of the soldiers exploded immediately, all of them with red eyes and gritted teeth, chopped melons and vegetables like a tiger into a herd of sheep, and completely broke down the morale of the Yuan army in less than a cup of tea!

The fourth child led his subordinates to kill indiscriminately, and didn't feel any pressure until they met Cheri Timur's personal soldiers.

"My lord, let's go!" But the soldiers did not have the will to fight to the end. Their mission was to protect Cheri Timur from escaping.Of course they can also escape...

Seeing that the situation was not good, Cheli Timur, the envoy of the Xuanhui Academy of the Yuan Dynasty, would face the face of the Ming army if he did not leave, so he launched a move that the Mongols had only learned in the past ten years-if you have bad knowledge, run away immediately .

Oh no, it's called '36 plan, move is the best plan'.

The reason why they have been able to deal with the Ming army so far is because of this.

However, when the soldiers opened the back door for Cheri Timur, the third child had already been waiting there for a long time.

I saw His Royal Highness King Jin holding a gold bottle and a spear on his shoulder, standing like a mountain under the moonlight, smiling slightly at Cheri Timur, and said loudly:
"Laughing out a glass of wine, killing people in the city. Ashamed, Yi Shuihan, let Ri Guanhong!"

After finishing speaking, he drank the wine in the glass, stabbed the spear suddenly and said: "Children, go!"

The soldiers responded with a bang, and rushed towards Cheri Timur like a hungry tiger.

Only then did Cheri Timur wake up from the shock brought about by King Jin's pretentiousness. Seeing that his own soldiers were unable to hold back, he quickly turned around and ran back.

However, the King of Yan has already led the crowd to kill behind him...

Two great feudal lords serve him alone, and Cheli Timur's wave is not a loss.

Under the siege of King Jin and King Yan, Cheri Timur saw that it was difficult to fly with his wings, so he burst out with courage that did not match his previous performance.

He loudly boosted morale in Mongolian, and he himself drew his waist knife to resist desperately, but he refused to surrender...

However, the three brothers did not intend to capture prisoners. They had already decided that no one would be left alive in order to frighten the Koreans.

So the two guarded each side, surrounded the remaining Yuan army layer by layer, and strangled them mercilessly.

Later, the second child joined the battle group...

When Cai Qianhu completed the task and led the crowd to come, he could only watch the fun outside.

As the fourth child cut off Cheri Timur's head with a knife, the shouts of killing in the Shuntian courtyard finally disappeared...

"Hurry up, go find their seals!" Without waiting for the soldiers to catch their breath, the third child immediately ordered: "Get the carriage again, and bring back the wounded and dead soldiers!"

Hundreds of households hurriedly rolled their names, and besides the wounded number, there were 12 people missing.

The soldiers hurriedly searched for their comrades everywhere, wanting to see people when they were alive, and corpses when they were dead.

When they found the Mongols who were still breathing, they gave them a knife to end their suffering...

"I didn't expect that this group of Tartars would choose to die in battle." Cai Qianhu said incredulously: "I haven't heard much about it. The Mongols will fight to the death without surrendering."

"They are envoys of one country just like us." The youngest replied with a serious expression.

"No matter how the Mongolian Yuan falls, they still have dignity to maintain." The fourth child agreed, "Perhaps only by destroying their royal court and completely annihilating this country will they lose their so-called sense of honor."

"The most outrageous thing is that the Goryeo soldiers haven't appeared yet." Cai Qianhu laughed again: "We have wasted our reserve team for nothing."

"It seems that Li Renren has great confidence in the Tartars in Shuntian Hall." The third child said with a smile, "Then let's give him a surprise."

At this time, the soldiers collected all the documents brought by the envoy Yuan, and all twelve comrades were also found...

Four of them were killed and eight were seriously injured.

The five hundred yuan army and the envoy of Xuanhui Academy of the Yuan Dynasty, Cheri Timur, were all wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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