Chapter 346

The brothers chatted very vigorously that night, and even divided where it belonged to.

But continue on the road the next day, let the northwest wind blow, and people will wake up.

The fourth child was riding on the horse, and sighed to the sixth child who was wrapped up in a ball beside him: "Oh, your idea is good, but it's a pity that the father can't agree, everything is useless."

"That's right." The third child also came over, and said with a frowning face, "For one thing, the royal father named us Sai Kings for Daming to guard the border. If we go to the south, who will deal with the Mongols?"

"Secondly, my father said before, 'All the barbarians in the four directions are limited to mountains and seas, and they are secluded in a corner. The land is not enough to supply, and the people are not enough to command." He felt that conquering these countries is neither The economy doesn't make sense."

"Three times, alas, the world has just been settled, and the southwest is not yet peaceful. When Yunnan is recovered, the country should almost recuperate. How can it be possible to continue to mobilize troops in order to satisfy our wishes?"

"Well, that's the reason." The fourth child nodded without raising an argument.

Zhu Zhen raised his arm with difficulty, and picked a thumb through the thick leather gloves.

The third brother is also really strong, he took all the problems into consideration in one night.

King Jin and King Yan can definitely be called the crouching dragon and phoenix chick of the old Zhu family, the kind of praise.

"Third brother, what we talked about last night was the line policy, and what you raised today are all specific issues. As long as you stick to the line policy, any problem can be solved. It depends on whether you are willing to stick to it or not?" Zhu Zhen looked at The third and the fourth.

"Of course I would." The two said without thinking, "As long as there is a solution, no matter how difficult it is, we can persevere!"

"Okay." Zhu Zhen stretched out his palm and said, "Let's keep our word, but we can't retreat and leave me alone."

"It's a deal!" The two brothers nodded heavily and gave him a high-five as an oath.

"The three things that the third brother said can all be solved." Zhu Zhen then explained for the two: "The first one is that the king of Sai defended the border and resisted the Mongolian Yuan for the Ming Dynasty. We will find a way to make the Mongols no longer Isn’t it okay to worry about it?”

"You mean to destroy Beiyuan?" The fourth child rubbed his fists and said, "Leave this matter to me."

"Of course the Beiyuan will be destroyed. Without the political power, the Mongols will return to the tribal era, and the threat to Ming will naturally be much smaller." The sixth child said, and changed the subject: "But fourth brother, without Beiyuan In the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongolian tribes still existed. As long as they were nomadic on the grasslands, they depended on the livestock they grazing for in all aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

"However, herdsmen cannot 'eat livestock meat, clothing and leather' all year round. They still need some agricultural and industrial products such as grain, cotton cloth, tea, and iron pots to survive...and these are things they cannot produce." The sixth child used a brand-new angle to analyze the contradiction between Hu and Han for his brothers:
"In addition, animal husbandry is particularly affected by the climate. Snowstorms in winter and droughts in spring and summer will kill a large number of livestock, causing herdsmen to encounter survival crises, and then invade farming civilization. This is why the Hu people have always wanted to The root cause of the invasion of Han."

"Hmm." The two older brothers were very perceptive, and they could tell that what the sixth brother said made sense as soon as he heard it.The third child concluded: "So, the root cause of the barbarian invasion is that they cannot produce the necessities they need. In order to make up for the gap, do we have to keep invading?"

"You can say that." Zhu Zhen nodded. "So apart from plundering, what peaceful way can they make up for the gap?"

"Tea horse trade..." the fourth child said in a low voice.

"That's right." Zhu Zhen gave him a thumbs up.Xin said that there is actually Gatling...

The 'tea-horse exchange market' is to trade horses with tea and ethnic minorities.It first appeared in the Tang Dynasty, but it wasn't until the Song Dynasty that it became a custom, and a "tea horse department" was specially set up to be responsible for "discussing the benefits of tea and using it for the country; where the horses were sold to Siyi, the rate was exchanged with tea. '

Because of the natural environment and eating habits, all ethnic groups in Mongolia and Tibet are very dependent on tea, and they will get sick if they don't drink tea.Therefore, controlling the supply of tea is tantamount to controlling the lives of the Mongolian and Tibetan ethnic groups.

Of course, because this dynasty was in a state of war with the Mongolian Yuan, it only had a tea horse department with Tibet.The tea-horse trade became an important material means for Ming to maintain friendship with Tibet.Moreover, through the tea-horse trade, war horses that the imperial court urgently needed, as well as huge tea profit income, could be obtained to make up for the deficit of the imperial court.

Therefore, the tea-horse market is a great policy.But in view of the hostile relationship between this dynasty and the Mongolian Yuan, who dares to mention trading with Mongolia?I am afraid that he will be labeled as a traitor on the spot and cast aside by everyone.

This is not an exaggeration at all.Don't forget, Ming Dynasty was the Han regime that rebuilt China after Shenzhou Lu Shen. In addition to the unbearable performance of Na Feila in the Southern Song Dynasty, it is normal for some extreme national sentiments.

In Daming, it must be the incompatibility between Han and Hu.Those who dare to make peace with the Mongols will have their ancestral graves dug up the next day...

Not to mention the gentle means of making peace with each other, they are all regarded as a great shame and shame!
So even if you are a prince, you dare not talk nonsense.

"Maybe after Bei Yuan is eliminated, we can try to open a border exchange for the tribes that surrendered." The third child said in a low voice, "Anyway, I feel that sooner or later we have to go this way. Otherwise, even if the Mongols are completely wiped out, it will be impossible Other barbarians will rise up and continue to plunder us."

"Yes." The fourth child nodded and said, "However, they must be weakened from time to time. The Hu people are afraid of power but not virtuous. They must not repeat the mistakes of the Song Dynasty."

This is the typical thinking of Ming Dynasty people...

"Sixth child, go ahead." The third child said, "The second question."

"Let's talk about the second question. My father thinks that 'all the barbarians in the four directions are limited to mountains and seas, and they are secluded in a corner. The land is not enough to supply, and the people are not enough to command." From the perspective of traditional land rights, this There is nothing wrong with the words." Zhu Zhen said in a deep voice:
"But from the perspective of sea power, this is wrong."

"The perspective of sea power?" The third and fourth had never heard of it before, and the fourth brother smiled and said, "You boy, you are full of new terms now, Mr. Liu really has no secrets for you."

"Sigh, it's a great loss for the court that Mr. Wang didn't make much use for the court." The fourth child also sighed and said, "Fortunately, he passed on all the knowledge he had learned all his life to the sixth child."

"Hehe..." Lao Liu laughed dryly, neither denying it nor denying it.

"Although this word is new, it is easy to understand. How did we get to Korea?"

"Take a boat." The two replied.

"So, with the unrivaled navigation technology of the Ming Dynasty, the sea has become a natural moat." Lao Liu said in a deep voice: "The perspective of sea power is that we regard sea-going ships as chariots and horses, and the sea as a passage, and then look at it. The original world."

"Is that so..." Third Brother and Fourth Brother fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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