Father can be an enemy country

Chapter 518 Replacement

Chapter 518 Replacement
Chief Secretary Yamen, in the main hall.

His Majesty the King of Chu, with a huge body, looked down at Zhang Maocheng who looked like a little chicken.

"A tool person must have the consciousness of a tool person, understand?" Zhu Zhen taught him in a deep voice:
"Don't have the illusion that you are the little master. Because if you hinder the master, or even cause trouble to the master, the master will replace you without hesitation!"

"Even if replacing you will cause trouble, I will not hesitate." Zhu Zhen leaned on the armrest of the chair with both hands, fixedly looked at Zhang Maocheng's sweaty face and said, "Because the master cannot be blackmailed by tools, this is Bottom line, do you understand?"

"...It's clear." Zhang Maocheng nodded with difficulty, feeling the fear and shame of being torn off in a gorgeous coat that had been tightly wrapped for thousands of years.

"Now, I will give you another chance to choose." Zhu Zhen then said in a deep voice, "I don't need to pursue the responsibility of Zhengyi this time, but as a price, you have to hand over all the Yintian to the government. Can it be done?"

"Ah?" Zhang Maocheng, the boss with his mouth open, said with a bitter face: "Your Highness, in that case, the people below will have no land to plant, and they must turn against the sky, and even the poor can't hold it back!"

"Don't worry, the imperial court will use twice as much land, and it will be replaced by the best paddy fields in the land of fish and rice." Zhu Zhen said lightly: "How about it, is it interesting?"

"Ah? Is there such a good thing?" Zhang Maocheng couldn't believe it, feeling that there must be something tricky: "May I ask where your Highness is from?"

"Huguang." Zhu Zhen said without changing his expression.

"..." Zhang Maocheng was speechless for a while: "How do they plant it? The land that can't be planted is no different from nothing?"

"It's simple, let them all move to Huguang, won't it be solved?" Zhu Zhen had an expression of 'you are so stupid'.

"More than 20 households moved from Jiangxi to Huguang?" Zhang Maocheng couldn't laugh or cry: "Your Highness, how is this possible?"

"This king is not discussing with you, but to give you the imperial court's decree - all hermits, all must move out of Jiangxi." Send to Huguang for resettlement. "Zhu Zhen said in a deep voice.

"Ah..." Zhang Maocheng's surprised little tongue was exposed, and only then did he completely believe that the court wanted to work with Zheng Zheng for real, instead of simply cleaning them up.

"Ah what?" Zhu Zhen said coldly: "It has been many years since the world has been peaceful, and you are hiding hundreds of thousands of households together, anyone who knows should ask, is this a rebellion? "

"Your Highness, we definitely don't have that kind of idea!" Zhang Maocheng hurriedly explained: "These hundreds of thousands of households are not intentionally recruited refugees, but for thousands of years, believers have multiplied from generation to generation, and there are so many people without knowing it."

Zhu Zhen couldn't help rolling his eyes, it's no wonder Zhang Tianshi is so awesome.The Zhang family is really awesome.If there is a real fight, the fourth brother and Wang Bi may not be able to win the favor if they are forming together to protect the family and protect the teaching army, relying on the mountains of Jiangxi to fight at home.

But he wasn't worried that he would turn against Zhang Tianshi, he knew the psychology of such a person too well.

Generations have been able to sit back and enjoy the glory and wealth. If they are not forced to a dead end, who will rebel when they are full?

"For generations, believers have been not doing errands and not paying food. But in this dynasty, only formal Taoist priests can continue to enjoy the privilege of tax exemption and labor exemption." Just listen to Zhang Maocheng continued to explain:
"The emperor also strictly controls the degree and limits the number of monks and Taoists. Like us, although you are the leader of Taoism in the world, there are only 3000 official Taoist priests, which is a drop in the bucket. What about the rest? Letting them pay taxes will make them look like heavenly masters." ...Ah no, the leader is incompetent. In order to appear capable, he can only resort to this trick. But he has absolutely no intention of rebelling."

"Even if I believe what you say, would someone else believe it?" Zhu Zhen said coldly, "You have to consciously avoid suspicion, understand? Otherwise, just because you hide hundreds of thousands of people, sooner or later you will Causing disaster."

"Your Highness is right..." Zhang Maocheng nodded helplessly.

"Since you don't intend to rebel, aren't these hundreds of thousands of followers a heavy burden?" Zhu Zhen said in a persuasive way, "And it's a burden that can lead to disaster at any time."

"Yes." Zhang Maocheng nodded again, he actually felt the same way.The wealth accumulated by the Tianshi mansion for thousands of years is already too much to spend.Moreover, Zhengyi's prestige is not condensed by these hundreds of thousands of believers.

On the contrary, this group of parasites bullied others and ran rampant in the village. Instead, they smeared Zhengyi all day long, and even made him appear in person from time to time to wipe their asses.

"So, take this opportunity to release your followers and let them go to Huguang to carry forward the righteousness. There is no burden on your side, let alone worry all day long. One day you wake up in the middle of the night and you will be charged with treason." hat." Zhu Zhen spread his hands together and said, "There is no reason not to agree to such a good thing that kills multiple birds with one stone."

"Yes." Zhang Maocheng could only nod his head.The secret way is that your buddy will slander the poor and plot rebellion...

But when he thought that all his buddies were princes, and there was also a prince, Zhang Maocheng felt bad all over.

"If you still don't agree, then the king will really suspect you of treason." Zhu Zhen added.

Zhang Maocheng secretly rolled his eyes, thinking that this is coming...

After a lot of intimidation and persuasion, the sixth child finally bluffed Zhang Maocheng and agreed in principle to the plan of 'land replacement and population migration'.

Of course, we still have to talk about the conditions. Zhang Maocheng tentatively asked: "It's just your highness. Although most of the believers will probably follow the decree of the poor Taoist, there must be many people who are hard to leave their homeland and just don't want to leave. The poor Taoist can't be too unfeeling." , otherwise there will be trouble."

That means giving me a part of the quota for exemption, so I can give it away.

"It's simple," Zhu Zhen said calmly, "If anyone doesn't leave, you can give me a list, and I'll arrest them and behead them. Killing so many officials and big households in the same case, it's really unreasonable not to kill a few bulls."

"The poor Taoist knows..." Zhang Maocheng is so sweaty, he finally realized today what it means to be "a scholar meets a soldier, and it's hard to explain".

"Master Zhang, it's not that I'm not accommodating, but that you have too little experience and don't know the mentality of the people of the country that they don't suffer from poverty but from inequality." The sixth and old-fashioned education said to him:
"Especially this kind of people leave their hometowns together. If someone makes a special case, it will definitely mess up. So the most correct way is to make one size fits all. There is no reason for it. As long as everyone knows that no one can be an exception, it will feel much better. .do you understand?"

"Understood." Zhang Maocheng felt like an idiot in front of this young Highness.

"Any other questions?" Zhu Zhen asked with a smile.

"No, not anymore." Zhang Maocheng shook his head.

"Okay." Zhu Zhen nodded happily, and walked out with his arms: "Come on, let's announce this good news to everyone together."

Zhang Maocheng was completely speechless, isn't this guy too impatient?Don't give yourself a chance to repent...

(End of this chapter)

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