national surname chiming

Chapter 128 King Fu was killed, and Luoyang did not need to be saved

Chapter 128 King Fu was killed, and Luoyang did not need to be saved

After thinking through all these twists and turns, and convinced that he could not be used as a pawn for the emperor, Shen Shuren also began to carefully advise Liu Guoneng.

His words were very cautious, because he was afraid that he would appear to be not loyal enough and be suspected by Liu Guoneng.

Shen Shuren then said: "Your Majesty asked us to support Luoyang and rescue King Fu, which is of course our duty. But it is also true that our soldiers are small and weak, our rear is unstable, and we are exhausted after the war.

I believe that Mr. Yang Ge is definitely trying to find a way now, and he won't just rely on our family.For example, Zuo Liangyu had been standing still before, and after more than a month of bloody battles, he just stayed in Wuchang and did nothing!This time, won't Mr. Yang Ge let Zuo Liangyu rush to go northward by the Han River?

In addition, we are going to rescue Luoyang. After all, we are far away from our own defense zone and go on an expedition of more than 800 miles as a guest army. The risk is too great, and the situation is beyond our control.Even if we arrive, we don't have the dominance of the overall battlefield, and we are likely to be tricked by friendly forces.Therefore, you must be cautious about how to reinforce - reinforcements must be reinforced, you can rest assured about this. "

Shen Shuren spoke eloquently, setting the tone first.

He wasn't disloyal to Daming, he just didn't want to fight those battles where he didn't have absolute autonomy.If one's own success or failure is to be manipulated by pig teammates, it would be too pitiful.

Fortunately, during the chat just now, he has already thought of some reasonable excuses, which can help himself and Liu Guoneng to buy a few more days to recuperate together——

A few days ago, when He Yilong gave the leadership, Shen Shuren just wiped out the main force that He Yilong brought with him, and in recent days, he only recovered Xinyang County.

But the other counties in Runing Mansion are still in the hands of generals of He Yilong's remnants.

If Shen Shuren ignored these counties, he would go northward directly from the Tongbai Valley Road between Suizhou and Xinyang, and go to other areas of the Henan battlefield for reinforcements.

Then the remnants of bandit soldiers in other counties of Runing Prefecture north of Xinyang may harass and destroy his grain road.

This forced Shen Shuren to allocate his troops and energy to get through his own food road first.

So, after thinking about it, Shen Shuren gave the whole reason: "...So, we can provide reinforcements, but we must also ensure that the enemy does not cut off the food supply. We must take every step to recover the past county by county."

Liu Guoneng thought about it, this is indeed the right way of the art of war, and the court can't question it.And with Luoyang's firmness, it must be no problem to guard for another two or three months, right?I should be able to catch up if I fight all the way through so steadily.

However, Liu Guoneng soon realized that Shen Shuren's remarks had a dark side.He also had to point out:

"This statement is indeed in line with the law of war, but we are officers and soldiers after all, and we are fighting within the jurisdiction of the imperial court. Even if the counties of Runing to the north of Xinyang have not been recovered, Kaifeng Mansion further north is now in the hands of the imperial court.

Even if the food road is cut off, as a guest army, we should enjoy the treatment of eating wherever we go, and the supply of military food from Kaifeng Prefecture.In this way, the imperial court will probably urge us to go north without worrying about food and roads, right? "

Shen Shuren couldn't help but nodded secretly when he heard the words. It seemed that although Liu Guoneng didn't study, he was still very sensitive to common sense in the officialdom.

Shen Shuren could only see the tricks, and replied in a probing tone: "It would be the best if the Kaifeng government is willing to provide us with military rations. But we also have to carefully test and make sure it is feasible.

General Liu, you know how corrupt Henan is today.Years of natural disasters have severely deteriorated the food supply.If we rush the whole army northward with [-] soldiers and horses, can Kaifeng Mansion be able to support it?Won't it be delayed?
General Liu, it's not that I want to remind you of sad memories.In the second year of Chongzhen, Yuan Chonghuan let Huang Taiji enter the pass, and all the troops from the nine sides went to the capital to serve the king. In the end, how many troops could not even get rations, and some died of starvation?How many soldiers and horses mutinied and followed the bandits because King Qin didn't pay rewards or food in the second year of Chongzhen? "

As soon as this question was raised, Liu Guoneng was completely silent, because he himself was the one who rebelled with the army when he refused to give food or money in the second year of Chongzhen.A considerable part of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others were forced out that time.

The magistrates of the Ming Dynasty have seen too many situations where they should not give military rations.Shen Shuren wanted to stabilize the logistics, and used this excuse to block the mouths of the Beijing officials, saying that he wanted to prevent problems before they happened, even Chongzhen couldn't find fault.

Seeing that Liu Guoneng was silent, Shen Shuren hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, and said the last point:
"Even if Kaifeng Mansion can provide us with food and grass, our troops have more firearms. The reason why I was able to win the battle against Liu Xiyao and Erhe before was due to proper tactics and the use of the soldiers' lives. It is also necessary to rely on the sharpness of improved firearms." indispensable.

The firearms and ammunition of our army are specially made by ourselves, as well as the Hongyi cannon.These ammunition supplies must rely on the continuous production and transportation of the Huangzhou Military Bureau to the front line.Therefore, our logistics road must be in our own hands to ensure combat power. Even if we rely on others for food, we must rely on ourselves for ammunition!

Our army has already been loyal to the country and bravely attacked ten times the enemy. Shouldn't the imperial court even satisfy the requirement of protecting our own ammunition routes?Wouldn't that be sending us to our deaths? "

After the reasoning is finished, Liu Guoneng is loyal and realizes the necessity of fighting steadily.

He also didn't feel at all that Mr. Shen had the intention of being timid and hesitant, it was indeed just out of prudence in the art of war and to ensure victory in the battle.

Feeling ashamed, Liu Guoneng clasped his fist at Shen Shuren, and sincerely admitted: "Your Excellency is thoughtful, but the general is reckless. How to rescue Henan this time, the general will still listen to your advice!"

The two drank three glasses at the end, and the feast of celebrating promotion and discussing sending troops ended.The two tacitly agreed that they had reached a higher level of tacit understanding.


Shen Shuren originally planned to go back to farm after beating He Yilong and be promoted to an official, to receive and digest the results of the battle, and by the way, formally accept the woman he owed before the battle.

Being disturbed by Li Zicheng's siege of Luoyang, which arrived belatedly, another month of delay was inevitable.And in this month, the internal affairs had to be handed over to the civilian officials in the rear to advance step by step.

And his women can only continue to wait behind.

In the last few days of late June, Shen Shuren and Liu Guoneng gradually recovered the remaining counties of Runing Mansion according to the previously discussed strategy.

The main purpose is to recover the counties in the south of the Huaihe River in Runing Mansion, while Huaibei will spend much less energy and resources——Shen Shuren knows very well that it will be impossible for him to be in the northern part of Runing Mansion for a long time to come. stand firm.

The Huaihe River is the dividing line between the north and the south of China. The Runing Mansion in the Ming Dynasty passed through the Huaihe River. The Huaibei part is equivalent to Zhumadian in later generations, and the Huainan part is Xinyang.

There are many plains in Huaibei, if Shen Shuren does more farming, he will easily be feared by the court and besieged from all sides.Therefore, for the time being, we only stay in Huainan, with the Huaihe River as the barrier and the Dabie Mountains as our back, so it is very suitable for us to be the emperor of the land.

On the other hand, in order not to leave any excuses for the court, Shen Shuren's paperwork was also done well.When he and Liu Guoneng regained the Huainan counties in Runing Mansion, they wrote in advance to the officials of Kaifeng Mansion, asking them to raise rations for the reinforcements that might arrive at any time.

Henan has been devastated for thousands of miles this year, how can the officials of Kaifeng government provide military rations?
Of course, they begged for grace in various letters, saying that the disaster in the north was severe, and that foreign soldiers should have provided rations when they came to help, but now they can only ask the reinforcements in the affluent areas in the south to bring their own rations.

The tone of the Kaifeng magistrate's reply was even worse than Li Peiji's pleading with Jiang Dingwen for a leniency in military rations in "[-]".

But Shen Shuren is obviously much more "lenient" than Jiang Dingwen. When he heard that the people in Henan were so miserable and couldn't afford military rations, he didn't push him anymore.

He just said, "It's okay to raise the army rations by yourself, but it takes more time to clear the ration roads and ensure that your rear is not harassed by the remnants of the party scattered in the counties after He Yilong's death."

If this led to the delay in reinforcements to Luoyang, the responsibility would naturally be on the heads of Gao Mingheng, the prefect of Kaifeng, Wang Yinchang, who participated in politics in Luoyang, and Li Xianfeng, the governor of Henan.

In addition, if the rescue of Luoyang via Kaifeng Prefecture would disturb the people and inconvenient logistics, and it was really necessary to transport food from the south, then Shen Shuren's reinforcements would not need to take the eastern route from Kaifeng to Luoyang via Sishuiguan.It is absolutely possible to take the southern line, first retreat back to the coast of the Han River, go to the Nanyang Basin, let Luyang attack the southern line of bandits, break through the encirclement and then support Luoyang.

The local officials in Henan did not object to this suggestion.

After all, Shen Shuren just wanted some written evidence.Moreover, he wanted to prevent himself from going deep alone and being surrounded by Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai and Ma Shouying.

On the other hand, Yang Sichang was already in a hurry to find other reinforcements as early as ten days ago, before the emperor's new decree was issued.He also gave Zuo Liangyu a death order, asking Zuo Liangyu to go north.

Zuo Liangyu also started to leave slowly, but he always felt that "I was guarding Huguang, and I was transferred to Henan for an expedition of thousands of miles. I am afraid that there will be changes." If you want other friendly troops to take the lead, first consume with Li Zicheng.

After some delays, it dragged on until the beginning of July, when an accident happened suddenly, so that Shen Shuren, Liu Guoneng, and Zuo Liangyu didn't have to rescue Luoyang anymore.

The people in Luoyang City, after being besieged several times and besieged for more than half a month, suddenly one day, because the thieves incited the poor, saying that the Fu Wang Mansion had millions or even tens of millions of taels of wealth, but only gave it to the guards, the people and the people. Zhuang eats bran and swallows vegetables, and refuses to reward him with his wealth.

The morale of the army suddenly collapsed within a day. Some troops took the lead in opening the city gate, led Li Zicheng's troops into the city, and killed anyone who encountered Fu Wang's mansion.

Fu Wang's family hurriedly tried to organize a breakout and escape when the city was broken, but Fu Wang himself was recognized when he left the city because he weighed more than [-] catties, was too obese, had limited mobility and was too conspicuous. He was tied back to the city and sent to Li Zicheng. .

Li Zicheng slaughtered and dismembered King Fu in public, plundered all of King Fu's family property, and distributed part of it to reward the soldiers and the army who surrendered to the thieves.

When the news of Fu Wang's death came, among the various reinforcements from the government and army, Shen Shuren and Liu Guoneng had the best attitude and the hardest fighting posture.

At that time, they were in the area of ​​Luyang at the junction of Nanyang Prefecture and Henan Prefecture. They were "fiercely fighting" with the Ma Shouying Department, which was in charge of fighting against the bandits.

Luyang is located in an important obstacle in the Funiu Mountains. It has always been this way to rescue Luoyang from the Southern and Northern Expeditions.During the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Jian went north to Luoyang to challenge Dong, and it was here that he fought fiercely with Hua Xiong, Lu Bu and other bandits.

Shen Shuren and Liu Guoneng had a little fight with Ma Shouying in Luyang. This posture is definitely worthy of Daming, and it is equivalent to working as hard as Sun Jian when he was begging for Dong.

In contrast, Zuo Liangyu's performance was simply worse than that of Yuan Shu who challenged Dong Shi, conserving his strength and moving slowly.Not only did he not help, but also because he refused to save Shen Shuren before, Liu Guoneng was restrained by the butterfly effect to go south, which delayed Liu Guoneng's rescue of Luoyang!
A few days later, the news of Luoyang City being destroyed and his uncle being killed reached the capital. Chongzhen also had to pretend to leave court out of filial piety to grieve.Clearing up the merits and demerits is obviously inevitable.

(End of this chapter)

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