national surname chiming

Chapter 149 What Qi Shaobao Can Do, We Can Do

Chapter 149 What Qi Shaobao Can Do, We Can Do
Shen Shuren's opponent Wenguan said that "the major affairs of the husband and wife must be people-oriented", and there is no element of show.

Because he knew that only literati could understand these literary words, but miners and coolies couldn't understand them at all.

These people can only truly agree with the ruler's benevolent government after they have actually benefited, and this needs the test of time.

Fortunately, the safety production measures advocated by Shen Shuren have achieved immediate results.

Originally, Daye Tieshan had no more than one hundred and eighty fatal accidents every year?Considering that there are thousands of people mining and working in the entire Iron Mountain, it is not an exaggeration to die one person in two or three days. If it is averaged out, each person has a few in ten thousand chance of dying in an accident every day.

The rectification requested by Shen Shuren was only implemented for a week, and at least no one was killed within this week. The miners also noticed it, gradually noticed this, and finally realized the benefits of safe production.

Moreover, Shen Shuren's other promises are being fulfilled one by one.

For example, he said, "After changing the ramp and vehicle-mounted ore transportation, the technology of the ramp and the vehicle can also keep pace with the times and continue to be improved." This is true.

According to the original original plan, in the first week, it is only necessary to level the slope a little bit, trim the walls of the pit, and try out the effect.In the process of practice, it was found that such glue pillars and drums were not helpful enough to improve efficiency, so everyone worked together and adjusted slowly in practice.

In the end, Shen Shuren moved a few thousand catties of iron, and laid two laps of rails on the flat area at the bottom of the pit, on which a cart made of cast iron wheels with enough roundness was placed on it, and there was a "rail trolley mine cart" prototype.

In the history of the West, railroad tracks were used to cooperate with vehicles, and they were also used to transport ore in mines at first. Later, with the steam engine, trains were developed.

Therefore, the carriage of the train evolved from the mine track cart, the difference is only the source of power.

For Shen Shuren, it was not difficult to come up with the idea of ​​a mine rail trolley, after all, he had watched so many western movies and anime in his previous life.

When he first came up with this idea, he was opposed by his staff and assistants, including Song Mingde. The main reason was that everyone thought it was difficult to go uphill on the slide rails with such a heavy cart. Down, but a big accident.

However, Shen Shuren insisted on his thinking and encouraged everyone to think of ways to optimize it together, so he compromised the final plan—that is, "only lay rails on the flat ground at the bottom of the pit, and do not pursue climbing with rail mine cars."

Because miners used to carry burdens and climb the steps on the wall of the pit to transport ore, it was also very strenuous to walk on the flat ground at the bottom of the pit.Now at least the labor on the flat ground can be liberated, and the human and animal forces only need to focus on solving the problem of "climbing/lifting".

As long as the rail car has no drop in the track, there is no need to worry about the gravity slipping, and it can give full play to the advantages of small friction between the rail and the iron wheel, which is conducive to pushing heavy cargo with less force.

A cart is on the rails, and only one person can push several thousand catties of ore. It is very flexible to push and stop, and the transportation efficiency is dozens of times higher than the original load.

After the problem is decomposed in this way, various solutions to other inefficient links can also be brainstormed and come up with.

For example, when Shen Shuren was in Suzhou and Huangzhou, he had been engaged in the reform of wharf operations for two years. The Shen family had sufficient experience in the use of hoisting machinery. Then, with the emergence of railroad tracks, some people thought of using cranes to cooperate with railroad tracks on different floors. Raise the ore in between.

Shen Shuren didn't even need to think about this matter, just Lu Datou, who was sent to Shen Shuren's side to be in charge of Tieshan's security, thought of this idea.

Lu Datou also had the courage to offer suggestions, suggesting that squirrel-cage cranes and treadmill cranes should be installed at the junction of layers of mine pits.Who told him that he was a leader of dock workers in Huangzhou last year. He had personally witnessed the Shen family's chamber of commerce carrying out dock renovations, and he had also personally pedaled and operated a squirrel-cage crane to lift heavy objects.

Shen Shu's employment is also not stick to one style, whoever can help him with an idea, if it is really useful, will be rewarded regardless of his background or knowledge.

On the day he adopted this idea, he summoned all the officials and assistants in the mine in public, announced that he would reward Lu Datou with 100 taels of silver, and praised him verbally.

When I heard that Lu Datou was a hard-working dock worker last year, all the miners present felt greatly motivated.

Even the miner leader Wang Tiehui, who was whipped by Lu Datou for complaining about reforms behind his back that day, had a kind of empathetic pride.

There are quite a few powerful miners who used to rely on their strength when they were miners to climb the rocky piles of the pit wall like walking on the ground. Now after the reform, they are working to improve the safety factor of the new mine pit, and they can dig safely without being too strong in martial arts. Mine" and feel that there is no use for it.

Seeing Lu Datou's deeds, they all moved their minds: In the future, people with good skills will not be needed for mining, so we can still serve as soldiers for Lord Daotai!

The dock workers in Huangzhou Mansion on the opposite side, just because they did a good job, obeyed discipline after joining the army, and fought bravely.

The dock workers can serve as soldiers and kill the enemy, so why can't the miners!I heard that when Grandpa Qi recruited the Qi family army, he specifically wanted miners and hunters!

Within a few days, there were quite a few people who were relatively superior in physical strength and martial arts, and wanted to know how to join the army, because after Shen Shuren took office, he was indeed slowly filling up the number of guards left by Zuo Liangyu before, so A lot of manpower is required.

After inquiring, the miners got a very clear message: All miners are not allowed to leave until the Iron Mountain renovation project is completed, but those who perform well, work hard, and observe discipline during the renovation project can choose the best ones to join the army after next year's spring plowing.

And from now on, the performance in the mine engineering will also be included in the points. After a winter, if the points are high and the performance is good, as long as they pass the physical strength test, they may directly become an officer after joining the army and manage other miner recruits.

With this letter of approval, everyone finally started to work hard like chicken blood.


"My lord is really benevolent. It is really unimaginable and unprecedented to be able to influence and educate these ignorant people to this extent."

"Although no new craftsmanship has been used recently, the output of this mine has also increased by several percent out of thin air. The lower officials have made in-depth investigations, and they all say that the craftsmen are working harder, everyone is willing to work hard, and the master's art of controlling the people. It’s amazing.”

After seeing that the mine renovation was progressing smoothly and everyone was working hard, the staff and assistants around Shen Shuren were also completely convinced.

Not only Song Mingde was convinced, but Liu Minsheng, the county magistrate who thought that "this bunch of illiterate rough people can't be influenced", has changed his attitude 180 degrees.

This is called teaching without discrimination!
However, Shen Shuren was not complacent at all. Before the results came out, he had already firmly believed that the transformation of the mining link would definitely achieve a complete victory, so he had already invested his energy in the next link of industrial transformation in advance.

In the past few days, he has been thinking about how to improve the iron-making process, and tinkering with small optimizations in stoves and materials.

Facing Liu Minsheng's flattery, he just said lightly:
"The people can be successful, but they can't worry about it. As long as we believe that what we do is beneficial to the people, even if the people don't understand it for a while, we can implement it first. When they taste the benefits, they will naturally understand. What kind of relationship do you teach classless?"

As soon as these words were said, Liu Minsheng was speechless again, not knowing how to answer them.

Originally, he was willing to flatter him, thinking that Mr. Daotai had done a good job in enlightening him.

"There is no discrimination in education", that is what Zi said in "The Analects of Confucius. Duke Ling of Wei";

But Shen Shuren boasted that "the people can be successful, but they can't worry about the beginning", which is what Shang Yang's legal beasts said in the "Book of Shang Jun".

Liu Zhixian also read the books of sages anyway, how dare he accept such rebellious words?

Shen Shuren was too lazy to talk nonsense with such a pedantic and useless person, so he just asked him not to disturb him. Today he will inspect and study the improvement of smelting stoves with Song Mingde.

Liu Minsheng knew that he couldn't please him, so he quickly stepped back to ease the embarrassment, and he became more and more incomprehensible to his immediate boss.

He couldn't help thinking to himself: "A few days ago, it was said that 'husband's major affairs must be based on people', which was the words in the "Book of Shu. The First Master's Biography". Today, he is also "good at applying and commercial magic", which is in the "Book of Wei. The description in "Wu Di Ji".

This Shen Daotai is really an unfathomable strange man who is both righteous and evil. How can anyone in the world possess the benevolence of Liu Bei and the magic of Cao Cao? "


After driving away the mediocre people who don't do business and only flatter, Shen Shuren can finally concentrate on the next business.

He and Song Mingde have been pondering over iron-making stoves and techniques for several days, and now they finally have some ideas.

A while ago, after the rectification of the mine was arranged, when Shen Shuren moved to the battle for the first time and inspected the iron workshop, he was quite surprised and had a sense of time travel.

Although he had read Needham's "History of Chinese Science and Technology" in his previous life, he also knew that there were actually iron-making blast furnaces in ancient times (it is not the same thing as modern ones, and the structure of the process formula is also different, but at least they all have relatively tall furnace chambers)

However, after observing the blast furnace of the Ming Dynasty up close, Shen Shuren was quite surprised by its size and scale.

The blast furnace in Daye Iron Mountain is already more than two feet high, and it takes about several days to produce a furnace of molten iron. The reaction speed is of course much slower than that of modern furnaces-if the modern blast furnace is fast, it can be finished in six hours. There is a furnace of molten iron.

Shen Shuren was a liberal arts student in his previous life, so of course he didn't know much about the details of the process structure, and his understanding was only at the level of "History of Science and Technology".

So after observing for a few days, he found that he really couldn't improve the structure and process of the furnace, and he didn't understand it.

The only idea that can be thought of is to let the craftsmen figure out their own way to build the furnace higher—until modern times, the higher the blast furnace, the easier it is to react fully, and it also helps to improve production efficiency and quality.

Shen Shuren doesn't know exactly how to make it higher, but he can still do it according to the requirements of the next index, and the specific method can be discussed later.

In addition to allowing craftsmen to build heights, the only thing he can think of is to improve the fuel - the current blast furnace still uses charcoal as fuel, as well as coal.

Due to the inertia of the traveler, Shen Shuren, of course, suggested using coal, but Song Mingde and the craftsman in charge of the smelting furnace persuaded that the hot metal smelted with charcoal has fewer impurities and is more suitable for further steelmaking, while coal smelting iron is only better than cheap , Coal can be dug directly and used, but the quality is not as good as charcoal.

When Shen Shuren first heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it for a day or two, he recalled that the quality of the coal in the south was probably not good, and it contained more phosphorus and sulfur impurities.

Nowadays, it is impossible for him to use high-quality anthracite coal from Shanxi, and even if he can find it, it is impossible at the transportation cost of the Ming Dynasty.

After much deliberation, a few days later, Shen Shuren suddenly recalled an idea: According to Needham's statement in "History of Chinese Science and Technology", the modern blast furnace appeared in Europe in 1707, and the main difference was that it used coke to smelt steel.

Although the quality of coal in the south is poor, it can also be suffocated and incompletely burned, processed once like when wood is burned for charcoal, and many organic impurities and sulfur-containing components are removed, and then smelted with coke, which can be similar to modern blast furnaces. principle.

Today is 1641, which is actually 1707 years away from 60. At that time, there was no technological difference between the East and the West. Xu Guangqi and others had already translated and introduced Western technology to learn from each other.

So there is no need for Shen Shuren to worry about the structure of this matter, as long as he understands the idea of ​​changing fuel, the rest of the technicians below can handle it by themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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