national surname chiming

Chapter 355 Li Dingguo vs. Li Zicheng

Chapter 355 Li Dingguo vs. Li Zicheng
There are some things that are nothing to be shy about, and you can open the skylight to speak out—Li Zicheng's army, today, can cross the river to the south bank of the Han River, and it seems that they have seen an opportunity to break into the fertile land of Huguang, which is entirely the result of Zhu Shuren's release of water.

In the process of releasing water to lure the enemy, the soldiers and civilians in the abandoned areas such as Xinye and Dengxian County will suffer more or less, especially those who have relocated and are unwilling to be "brought across the river" by Zhu Shuren.

But Zhu Shuren firmly believed that he was doing this for the sake of the world. In order to solve the problems in the Huguang area as soon as possible, he could completely end the civil war among the Han people with the least overall damage. He can have a clear conscience.

At the same time, since he was luring the enemy to release water, Li Zicheng on the opposite side is not stupid. Zhu Shuren can make the opponent fall, which shows that his acting skills are still good, and there are indeed enough defensive loopholes in the Hanshui defense line.

Otherwise, if there is only one obvious hole left, Li Zicheng would be too mentally handicapped to drill in.

No matter what, there must be three or five loopholes, so that Li Zicheng can pick and choose, and let him think that the situation is still under control, so he dares to take this risk.

But the problem was precisely this—in order to perform better, Zhu Shuren withdrew the surveillance troops far enough away. In fact, he couldn't know which loophole Li Zicheng chose to cross the river in the first place.

This also led to the fact that in the first day after Li Zicheng crossed the river, the size of the Ming army that could rush to the crossing point to intercept the invading army could not be very large.

Previously, the Ming army was evenly distributed on the defense line on the south bank of the Han River, just like Marshal Rommel's "Atlantic Barrier" before the Normandy landing.After confirming that the opponent's main landing point was Normandy, Rommel had to dispatch troops, regroup troops, and transfer the German troops from Calais and other places to Normandy to fight back.

Zhu Shuren also needed time to regroup the troops, which meant that the arrival time of the troops would be slow or fast. Once Li Zicheng seized the opportunity to fight back and try to defeat the troops who came earlier, the outcome would be uncertain.

Li Zicheng saw that the number of Ming troops arriving in the first wave was really not many, only a few tens of thousands, so he decisively made the decision to take the initiative to counterattack.

There is nothing wrong with this decision itself, and it is already the best solution he can make at the moment.


The identity of the general of the Ming army opposite Li Zicheng happened to be Li Dingguo, the adopted son of Zhang Xianzhong, who had awakened from the Western Army camp and joined the Ming Dynasty.

In fact, it is not a coincidence. It can only be said that there is a reason for all the coincidences. When Li Zicheng selected the river crossing point, he had detected in advance the area west of Xiangyang and close to Yunyang Prefecture. The terrain was relatively complicated. In the transition zone between the Jingshan Mountains and the Jianghan Plain, the defense of the Ming army was relatively weak here, and the defense was mainly handed over to a few troops under the banner of surrendering the Western Army.

Li Zicheng was sure that his appeal to the "former bandit army" was relatively strong, and he wanted to pick a weak persimmon, and even thought "If the defenders are weak for a while, maybe they will be inspired immediately when they see the Dashun banner." Come to vote", so I chose to cross the river at this point.

In Li Zicheng's heart, he still has deep confidence in this point. He felt that when Zhang Xianzhong was destroyed, those generals under his command who voted for Ming were definitely not out of sincerity, but because they were poor.

Just like he was forced to land by Chen Qiyu in Chexiang Gorge, Shaanxi ten years ago, once he was out of danger and saw an opportunity, wouldn't he immediately surrender and turn back?Zhang Xianzhong is better at being capricious than Li Zicheng. How can there be good men and women among the confidantes he brings out?Suddenly changed his temper and died loyal to Daming?nonexistent!

So at this moment, the two armies faced each other and lined up their positions, but Li Zicheng still did not give up his surrender.He quickly scanned the battlefield, and confirmed that his troops had already crossed the Han River, and there were already 5 to [-] troops, and the number of troops that could be put into battle was at least five times that of the opponent, so he was very sure and decided to use force People, what if there is no bloodshed?

"I am Li Zicheng, Son of Heaven of Dashun, who is coming to the opposite side! But brother Huang Hu's old department!"

Li Zicheng's words were immediately broadcast to the opposite side through a group of scolding hands.Li Zicheng himself is quite obedient. Ever since he was blinded in one eye by Zhu Shuren's shotgun fragments during the battle in Chen County two years ago, he has become much more cautious. Layers upon layers of iron shield hands, and then let the scolding hands run back and forth to the forefront to talk.

Huang Hu is one of Zhang Xianzhong's nicknames, and no one has called him that for many years.

When Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong were equals, they called each other bandits in the peasant army camp. One respected each other as Chuang Wang and the other as Eight Great Kings.But now that Zhang Xianzhong is dead, and Li Zicheng has proclaimed himself emperor, of course he will no longer be polite to Zhang Xianzhong, and he feels that calling Huang Hu brother is already very face-saving.

Li Dingguo on the opposite side was also calm. He knew that he came in a hurry, and the force at hand could not beat Li Zicheng's main force.Before the war, Governor Zhu said when he gave them tasks, once someone's defense area found that Li Zicheng's army had crossed the Han River, he would stick to it as soon as possible.

The purpose of this measure is to prevent Li Zicheng from immediately turning around and re-crossing the Han River to flee north when he sees that the situation is not right-because once Li Zicheng chooses to retreat again, his troops will definitely have to cross the river again in batches, and there will be one after another. , it is impossible for everyone to board the ship together.

When there were only 2 or [-] people left on the shore who hadn't had time to board the ship at the latest, the Ming army could kill Li Zicheng's troops by biting them, and hit a half-cross in the opposite direction.

At this time, the remaining Chuang troops on the shore are definitely not the opponents of the Ming army's marking troops, and their morale will collapse, and they will rush to board the boat. Then they will definitely be able to play the tragic situation that Ma Chao beat Cao Cao to "take the boat and avoid arrows in the Weishui".

Li Zicheng is also well versed in this art of war, so he didn't choose the most stable method of "turning around and running away immediately when the vanguard of the Ming army appeared."

Both sides were apprehensive, so Li Dingguo was willing to delay time with Li Zichengxu and the snake. He changed his original solemn expression and let the scolding team spread the word:
"I am Li Dingguo, General of the Yongzhou Mansion of the Ming Dynasty! Crowd, you have fallen into the trap of my governor! The soldiers on the opposite side listen and surrender quickly. The court only punishes Chuang and Liu Zongmin, and the rest only need to capture false officials. Surrender, everyone can be exonerated!"

Li Dingguo's words were harsh, but the momentum was not loud, it seemed very businesslike.Upon hearing this, Li Zicheng confirmed his identity, and couldn't help mocking:

"Li Dingguo? Haha, my nephew is really good. You have always been called Zhang Dingguo. Why, once Zhang Xianzhong died, you changed your surname back to Li? You still think that my surname is Li, so you changed it back to Li. You want to abandon the dark and turn to the bright."

The dog emperor of the Ming Dynasty has always been innocent. I heard that the waste in Nanjing is even weaker and incompetent. If you follow such a waste, you will be considered meritorious. Will you be rewarded for promotion?It's not that we have been suspected and despised all the time, we are the ones along the way! "

Li Dingguo: "Don't talk nonsense! I've turned my back on the dark and turned to the clear! The Guoxing Lord treated me well, and never despised the generals who used to be thieves! Liu Guoneng followed him and swore loyalty to the death, and now he has been named a general! This is irrefutable evidence!
Listen up, soldiers on the opposite side, I also committed many crimes with the Eight Great Kings, and killed many innocent people. I also think that people who are well-fed, well-fed and wealthy in the world should be killed!Across Shaanxi and Henan, where are the poor people not looking forward to submitting and responding enthusiastically?
But after following Zhang Ni to Huguang, I gradually realized that I was wrong!Not all poor people will follow us!It's just that Shaanxi and Henan are really poor and can't survive, so the people will respond!When we arrived in the land of fish and rice in the south, even the poor did not respond to us!In the battle of Hengzhou, Governor Zhu led soldiers from poor families to defeat Zhang Ni without fear of death!
After I arrived in Sichuan, I found out that Zhang Ni was going against the grain and killing innocent people indiscriminately. Ordinary people refused to follow him just because they still had a mouthful of food, so they were annoyed by him and brutally slaughtered.With such a move, the end result is already there!Zhang Ni was sent to the capital, and Ling Chi was thousands of dollars.

Today, you also followed the intruder to the wrong place!The people in the south now live and work in peace and contentment. You can’t hold back any soldiers, and you will only fight less and less. When the Tartars invaded, they died in vain on the battlefield of the Han Chinese civil war. Your ancestors insulted you, and you have no face to be a ghost when you die! "

Li Zicheng on the opposite side was so angry at these words, he would not let Li Dingguo finish his sentence, but there were scolding mixed in between:

"Little bastard! I will clean up the house for brother Huang Hu today! How did he raise you, a vile, shameless, unfaithful, unfilial, white-eyed wolf! Lu Bu, the slave of the three surnames, is more respectable than you! You were born by a dog Bastards! Let me kill all the soldiers!"

Li Dingguo also hurriedly mobilized the last few words to his soldiers: "Brothers, hold on! This is our chance to completely wash away our shame before killing the Tartars!
As long as we stand up, no one will accuse us of being thieves from now on!We are all heroes and righteous men among the Han people!Kill Li Zicheng, the Han Chinese civil war is over! "

The other party would not give him too much time, after shouting these words, the two armies had already approached within hundreds of steps, bows and crossbows shot at each other, the arrows quickly covered the sun, and the scene was once tragic.

Both sides did not retreat in the slightest timidly, and rushed together in a complete formation against the shooting formation, and began to enter hand-to-hand combat.Numerous spears were stabbed, and soon the daredevils in the front row were stabbed into blood gourds.

Li Dingguo gritted his teeth, he didn't calculate the casualties, he just commanded calmly, but he was able to persist.

The troops under his command are much smaller than the troops he commanded when he was under Zhang Xianzhong's command, but there is no way to do it. After all, he is now an official army and no longer a thief.
Moreover, he was captured alone at the beginning, Zhu Shuren couldn't hand over all the adapted Zhang Xianzhong's old corps to a few of their leaders, it had to be weakened and mixed with sand.

Considering that Li Dingguo is still only a general at present, it is already a great deal of face to ask him to lead seven to eight thousand people and divide them into three battalions, so that he can increase his troops after making meritorious service.If there are other generals, it may not be possible to have three battalions. Even if there are three battalions, they will be empty, instead of being almost fully paid like he is now. There are actually so many people.

Only by relying on this kind of people can you block Li Zicheng to prove yourself!Only then can I completely wash away my past!

(End of this chapter)

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