national surname chiming

Chapter 383 Run Twice Within One Month

Chapter 383
Historically, the Qing army did not show its fangs until Jiangnan was basically pacified, and took the opportunity to set off a new round of massacres and looting under the pretext of shaving their hair and making it easier to obey orders.

To put it bluntly, the matter of shaving hair and changing clothes was not only for cultural brainwashing and national identity, but more actually for the purpose of robbing and shuffling land mergers to ease the financial pressure of the Qing Dynasty.

If you directly kill your own people, you will lose people's hearts.Moreover, if there is no guiding program, random killings will be carried out, and the killings will not be stopped in the future, which will eventually lead to the self-explosion of the dynasty.

And use whether to shave your head or not to draw a line to distinguish the most tolerant obedient people from those who have some ideas, to achieve a united front, unite the majority at all times, and attack the small group.

After killing a small number of people, draw a new line with a clever name, complete a new united front, point out new enemies, and ensure that only a very small number of people are dealt with at any time, the chance of success will be greatly increased.

To shave the head or not to shave the head just happened to become the program of this temporary united front, and the specific content is not important.

If you understand this logic, it is not difficult to understand that when Doduo has an urgent need to raise military supplies and recruit young men, it is only normal to take out the hair-shaving order in advance and use it urgently.

In any case, "If you don't shave your head, you can kill before you rob", it is better to lose people's hearts than to rob without a name, and it is the lesser of two evils.

The military situation was on fire, and it took Duduo only one night to figure out the reason, and Gan Gang made up his mind arbitrarily.The next morning, he ordered Zhang Cunren and Wanyan Yechen to execute immediately.


The Ming army on the opposite side of Duduo naturally reacted slower. At least in the first few days when the Duduo army began to issue hair-shaving orders in the five counties of Changzhen, and if they did not shave their heads, they would arrest strong men and confiscate their property. The Ming army in Jiangyin, Jinshan Temple and Nanjing, Will not know this situation.

The first one to notice that something was wrong was Zheng Hongkui and nephew Zheng Chenggong of Jinshan Temple. Who made them the target of Duoduo's fierce attack.

The number of strong men captured by Duoduo suddenly increased, and the organization became more and more fierce. Zheng Chenggong's soldiers could immediately feel it.

Not to mention, Duoduo's trick of drinking poison to quench thirst was really effective in the first few days.The Zheng family's troops defended the Jinshan Temple, and soon suffered a lot of casualties in the high-intensity beachhead confrontation.

Although there were also a large number of casualties on the side of the Duduo Army, the civilian workers who filled the dam were all captured. Looking from a distance, the dense crowd could attract firepower.

Zheng Chenggong's soldiers fired at each other across the tens of feet of the river and the bunkers, and they couldn't see the target on the other side. A lot of firepower was wasted on these strong men, and the firepower for attacking the Qing army's archers was divided, which made the Qing army flexible and effective. ground output.

At a critical juncture, Zheng Chenggong also had to ask his elder brother Zhu Shuren for instructions, asking for permission to abandon the beachhead and guard the mountain temple.

Zhu Shuren was actually a little bit dark at the beginning, thinking that the landing battle should be to resist the enemy on the beach.In the past two days, he personally led the navy to patrol the Yangtze River, and also watched the offensive and defensive forms of the Zheng family army and the Qing army at close range. Only then did he realize that this style of play is indeed easy to suffer losses——

Mainly the firearms of this era, the general range is still too short.If it is a modern war, where firearms have a range of hundreds of kilometers, then the defenders in the anti-landing operations can hide in strong fortifications away from the beaches, rivers, and mud, just like the Normandy beachheads.

In other words, if Zheng Chenggong's soldiers had guns with such a long range today, they would not have to risk going to the beach to block them. They could just hide on the mountain of Jinshan Temple and shoot at the river beach, and they would be able to block the beach.

It's a pity that the firearms of this era don't have such a range, and there is no danger to defend on the river beach. If you want to block the enemy, you have to stand on the river beach yourself, and it is not advantageous to shoot at each other.

The biggest advantage of the defensive side has changed from shooting to counter-charging.They can hide in the dangerous place of the mountain temple first, allowing the enemy to land first, but only allow a small part of the enemy's vanguard to come up, and immediately launch a countercharge, taking advantage of the partial number of the defender's entire army to suppress the enemy just landed. The small number of attackers pushed down the Yangtze River again.

After thinking about it, Zhu Shuren sent someone to give Zheng Chenggong new instructions: In view of the fact that the enemy's offensive is getting stronger and stronger, some beachheads can be abandoned as appropriate and changed to elastic defense, that is, the enemy's front troops are allowed to rush to the beachhead by chance, but they must not be allowed to stick. Keep your feet on the ground, and strike back in time while halfway through!

As for the scale of elastic defense, Zhu Shuren also drew a red line: All beachhead fortifications have not been destroyed by enemy artillery fire, and no retreat is allowed!
The picket fences and rammed earth walls used as fortifications must be completely smashed and flattened by Duoduo's Hongyi cannon before they can retreat!Otherwise, even if there are only three-foot-high rammed earth residues standing upright, the soldiers have to squat down and hide behind these damaged bunkers to output!This is to prevent any section of the river beach bunker from falling into the hands of the enemy and becoming an obstacle when the Ming army countercharges in the future.

After all, we have to attack halfway, and the enemy who landed can't find a low wall as a bunker as soon as he lands!
Zheng Chenggong thought for a while, and admitted that his elder brother was right. In addition, Zhu Shuren sent him an extra 5000 people from the former Southern Zhili army as reinforcements, and there were enough weapons and ammunition. Zheng Chenggong continued to grit his teeth and insist.

When Zhu Shuren finally gave the order, he also sent a letter with earnestness and sincerity, explaining the reasons for his arrangement:

The soldiers under Dodo's command, this time he is determined to kill them completely!So every enemy should be consumed as much as possible.If you don't take advantage of these defensive battles now to consume more Duoduo, the Ming army will have to kill them in the offensive field battle in the future, and the price the Ming army will have to pay will be much higher.

Now that Zheng Chenggong is in Jinshan Temple, although he has suffered casualties on the order of a thousand people, and the number is increasing every day, the exchange ratio is pretty good. It was definitely more than one to two, and this figure did not include the strong men under the influence of the Qing army.

If it is in a field battle, the current Ming army may not have such a good casualty exchange ratio.

And at the end of Zhu Shuren's letter, he also mentioned one point: he firmly believed that it would be best to use up as much of Duoduo's remaining ammunition as possible in Jinshan Temple.In the future, the combat effectiveness of the Qing army will soon weaken as supplies are exhausted. By then, the Ming army should be able to achieve a good exchange ratio even in field battles.


After the Jinshan Temple Ming army got the promise from their superiors to change their defensive position into a flexible defense, the Qing army under Duoduo finally saw obvious progress.

After the beachheads of the Ming army were destroyed by artillery fire, the Ming army did not pay for repairs. Instead, they directly gathered the troops behind the destroyed fortifications and moved them to positions that had not been destroyed by the artillery bombardment.

The artillerymen of the Duduo Army fought for so many days, and finally saw hope. After seeing that the enemy's fortifications were smashed, the enemy troops would no longer rush to repair them. The morale of the artillerymen of the Qing army rose for a while, and they fired more guns. After working hard, the planning for ammunition consumption has gradually become extensive.

After all, the previous bombardment was too unfulfilling, especially when Nanjing was hit, where one side bombed indiscriminately, and the other side desperately carried earth and rocks for rush repairs.

As the Ming army's river beach fortifications gradually collapsed, in the first two days of late November, the Qing army attacked the beach several times, and at one point thousands of people gained a firm foothold.

However, according to Zhu Shuren's latest instructions, Zheng Chenggong immediately organized a counterattack and led tens of thousands of Ming troops to fight out from Jinshan Temple. The army broke up.

The Qing army only had more than [-] people on the beach every time, and due to traffic conditions, they could not land more at the same time. The Ming army tens of thousands of people came to fight hand-to-hand, and the Qing army was unable to swim in a roundabout way, so they were blocked and smashed together. , Even the artillery has lost its effect, and firing the artillery indiscriminately will only cause casualties for both armies.

In the repeated battles of the Qing army, another Man Baqi Jiala and a Meng Baqi Jiala died in battle. In one of them, even Wanyan Yechen, who was personally supervising the battle at the level of the deputy banner master, was shot by Liu Ya and was slightly injured.

Ordinary soldiers were naturally even worse. Every time they were recoiled, at least hundreds of elite soldiers died in battle, and the rest jumped into the river and fled back, only to be shot in the river.If it weren't for the Qing army's crossbowmen on the south bank to suppress desperately, making it difficult for the Ming army to gain a firm foothold on the north bank, the Qing army would have suffered even more losses.

After a few days, in the tug-of-war at Jinshan Temple, the Qing army lost thousands of people.Although the Ming army also suffered losses, the back road was always smooth, reinforcements and supplies could be transported in through the Yangtze River, and morale was always stable.

After fighting a few tough battles of elastic defense, Zheng Chenggong's military talent was once again discovered with some potential.He has become more and more skillful and sharp in commanding the frontline battles, and he has become more proficient than when he blocked the Qing army in Bijia Mountain, Tashan and other places more than two years ago.

Considering that Zheng Chenggong is only 21 years old this year, and only 19 years old in the last war, it is normal for him to grow up like this at this age. Given time, he will surely become a famous player of the generation.


As the first wave of cardiotonic effects brought about by the Qing army's hair-shaving order was delayed, around November 25, the adverse reactions to the hair-shaving order finally began to erupt, and gradually became known to the Ming army camp——

To be precise, in the five counties controlled by the Qing army, as early as November 23rd and 24th, there were small-scale rebellious disturbances successively, and there were also local scholars who were unwilling to have their hair shaved. The occupying forces clashed.

It's just that it takes time for the message to pass, and the Qing army will also intercept and block it. The commotion in Jurong, Wujin and other counties was only learned of in Nanjing and Jiangyin on 25 days respectively.

It is also ironic to say that the people in these places did not expect and be loyal to the Ming Dynasty's rule. They would criticize the corrupt and corrupt officials of the imperial court every day after dinner, and search for the people's fat and anointment.It's similar to Internet spraying in the later generations, who say they want to moisturize every day when they are unhappy.

In the end, they were ruled by the Qing army for less than ten days, because the Qing army hastily issued an order to shave their hair, kill and plunder, and they couldn't bear it anymore.

Although the original rule of the Ming Dynasty was indeed rubbish, almost treating the people like dogs, it was even more difficult to be a dog in the Qing Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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