national surname chiming

Chapter 385 Those who keep their hair are righteous people; those who shave their hair are also refu

Chapter 385 Those who keep their hair are righteous people; those who shave their hair are also refugees.

The atrocities introduced by the Tartar side, such as the hair-shaving order, should obviously be a huge benefit to the Ming side's will to resist and internal unity.

But the chain reaction it brought about would eventually cause the Ming court to fall into ruling troubles, which is really unimaginable.When Zhu Shuren heard the complaint from his subordinates for the first time, he was also quite surprised.


The thing is like this: about ten days after the hair shaving order was issued, and it was also the fifth day after the government and army recovered Jurong County, the time has turned to the twelfth lunar month of the 17th year of Chongzhen.

On the battlefield of Jinshan Temple, the officers and soldiers suddenly felt huge positive pressure. Countless new Han soldiers helped the Tartars attack wildly and filled the only remaining waterway between Jinshan Island and the south bank of the Yangtze River.

After so many days of hard work by the Qing army, the natural waterway between Jinshan Island and the land in the south of the Yangtze River was finally completely blocked by dams, and the Qing army was able to drive straight in by land and fight Zheng Chenggong.Zheng Chenggong had to completely retreat to Jinshan Temple, gave up all the plain sandbar terrain on Jinshanzhou, and relied purely on the mountain for the final defense.

On Zheng Chenggong's side, he can also roughly understand: the reason why the Qing army was able to coerce so many extra Han soldiers at once to serve as cannon fodder to strengthen the offensive was obviously the result of the hair-shaving order.

After all, this was the purpose of Duduo's order to shave his hair.If it is completely ineffective, if you can't help the Qing army coerce more people to follow the thieves, wouldn't the hair-shaving order be issued in vain?Wouldn't it become a laughing stock with disadvantages but no benefits?

Forcing a large number of people in Changzhen to rebel against the Qing Dynasty is just the disadvantage of the hair-shaving order.It is the advantage of the shaving order to coerce more traitors.

Forcing people to choose sides will certainly cause many people to flee and resist, but it will also make many relatively spineless and vacillating people half-pushed and half-hearted.The pros and cons of any policy must be viewed from both sides.

But what puzzled Zheng Chenggong was that he originally thought that even if Duoduo got more cannon fodder by shaving his hair, these cannon fodder must not be determined to fight and would not sincerely work for the Tartars.After all, they became thieves because they were timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and they didn't want to anger those in power. What kind of fighting spirit could such a person have?
However, the progress of the facts surprised Zheng Chenggong, because he witnessed many traitor recruits who had just been shaved and wrapped up in the actual combat of Jinshan Temple. Transporting armaments and transporting the wounded.

This kind of behavior really doesn't look like a cowardly person who was forced to go to the battlefield, but rather like wanting to be a traitor from the bottom of his heart.

Driven by this incomprehension, Zheng Chenggong also kept an eye out when commanding the defensive battle. Every time he repelled the Qing army, he no longer asked his soldiers to kill all the wounded enemy soldiers with their swords when cleaning the battlefield.
Instead, the soldiers were asked to identify and find a few wounded traitor recruits who were left behind by the enemy and looked like they had just shaved their heads, and brought them back for proper treatment, and then tortured them.Only by looking at it, the real Tatars who have shaved their heads for many years are still killing them all.

Zheng Chenggong's operation was really not in vain. After rescuing dozens of traitors and wounded who were ordinary young and strong people in Changzhen last month, they came back and interrogated in isolation, and soon got the information they wanted.

The aide in charge of the torture sorted out the confession and reported to Zheng Chenggong: "Young General, I have already asked clearly. These people were originally ordinary people in Changzhen, and they were indeed disloyal and patriotic. It doesn't matter if they are ruled by the Ming Dynasty or the Puppet Qing Dynasty. ,
Tartar asked them to shave their heads to avoid death, so they shaved obediently. In the beginning, they really didn't intend to really sacrifice their lives for Tartar, they just wanted to save their lives.

But just a few days ago, the Tartar generals suddenly uttered some threatening words to them, and also produced some personal and physical evidence, telling them that they had to follow the Tartar army all the way to the dark. Back to Daming.

He also said that our Daming side has issued a new government order, and we must resolutely and completely wipe out the troops brought by Duoduo to the south of the Yangtze River, and the thieves must also be wiped out.

The Tartar generals also threatened them that under the city of Nanjing, after repelling the siege, Li Fuming and Li Junmen killed all the wounded with shaved hair and braids while cleaning the battlefield, leaving no one alive!

After Cao Bianjiao Cao Junmen recaptured Jurong County, he also wiped out the remnants of the enemy in Jurong County. When he saw the shaved head, he killed it as a Tartar soldier.So those whose heads have been shaved have no way out!If you go back to Daming, you will be killed by the real Tartars, and the Nanjing court will not judge at all!After they heard this, out of fear, they jumped over the wall and helped the Tartars fight to the death. "

Zheng Chenggong was shocked after hearing this. He didn't understand why the Nanjing court had such a policy, so he immediately asked the sentry ship in charge of disseminating military information every day to bring the news and doubts back to Zhu Shuren.

Zhu Shuren was also shocked when he heard this, and quickly called a cabinet meeting in Nanjing.


"Who issued the decree that 'everyone who shaves his head must be killed as a real Tartar'? Why don't I know?" Zhu Shuren is not polite to those rotten scholars now, and immediately throws out when he arrives at Wenyuan Pavilion where the cabinet discusses own doubts.

Of course, he was definitely not targeting his father and Shi Kefa, but targeting other people besides his father and Shi Kefa.After the Nanjing siege battle and a bunch of civil servants surrendered to the enemy and were implicated, the power of the remaining elders and ministers has gradually declined.

And when Shi Kefa heard about this, he was also a little angry. He knew the soldiers and he fully understood how badly this kind of disorder would have a bad impact on the anti-Tartar situation.

After a hasty investigation, everyone confirmed that the Nanjing court had never committed such a disorderly order, so Shi Kefa analyzed it with Zhu Shuren in a deduced tone:
"My virtuous brother, don't be anxious. I guess this is a scheming scheme by Duduo's subordinate bureaucrats and staff! Most of them are spreading rumors within the Tartars, adding fuel and vinegar, trying to slander the court in this way, so as to deceive those people who have already shaved their heads to join them. Go to the dark."

After the investigation just now, Zhu Shuren also calmed down a bit, realizing that the probability of this possibility is indeed quite high.

He stroked his beard and thought to himself: "According to Zheng Xiandi's confession when he came back from the front line of Jinshan Temple, this possibility cannot be ruled out. The Tartars must have captured some evidence, and then embellished it with embellishments to explain the individual actions of the frontline soldiers. The iron law of my Ming Dynasty forces those who shaved their heads to jump over the wall.

However, although we have not issued such a government order, the military discipline and style in the army, as well as the external propaganda of the Ministry of Rites, must keep pace with the times and be improved so that they can no longer be so simple and rude.

I remember that before Qian Qianyi's two gangsters were taken away by me, they tried to draw a line with Qian Qianyi and wrote some inappropriate words in order to cater to Shangyi and show favor to me.

I remember that they criticized the head-shavers as the scum of the traitorous nation who have forgotten their ancestors and licked their faces to serve the enemy.Although this statement is good in principle, it is somewhat one-size-fits-all.Many people were coerced by the butcher's knife, and they would be killed on the spot if they didn't shave their heads. How can we not give people a chance to rehabilitate in a hurry?

Wu Butang, you should hurry up on this matter. You must eliminate the poisonous official rhetoric that is black and white, but you must not leave people with an excuse for being weak and surrendering to the enemy. You can think about the specific scale of rhetoric, and I only want results. "

Zhu Shuren's last sentence was for Wu Meicun, who used to be his teacher, and his secretary when he was the supervisor of the Imperial College.But now that he was promoted to a high position in the Ministry of Rites, Zhu Shuren was enough to reciprocate. When explaining the work, there is no need to worry about the etiquette of teachers and students.

Wu Meicun also has a sense of proportion, and cherishes this opportunity to take charge of the propaganda war. She doesn't dislike Zhu Shuren's straightforward orders, and immediately expresses that she will do her best to do a good job.

Zhu Shuren thought about it again, and felt that such a big question of right and wrong was still suitable for giving the emperor a chance to express himself, so he proposed to hold an extra court meeting on this matter, let the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty debate in front of the emperor, and finally let the emperor express his opinion and give the loyal and traitor a chance. Evaluate the next standard.

Zhu Changhao is weak and benevolent by nature, but he is not down-to-earth, but Zhu Shuren believes that as long as he teaches his father-in-law a few lines, his father-in-law will definitely understand, and letting him speak in public will also enhance the prestige and cohesion of the court.

This is settled.


Another day passed, early in the morning at Maoshi.

In the Fengtian Hall of the Forbidden City that had just been hastily restored, an additional court meeting was called—this day was not the normal court meeting date every five days, it was a temporary addition.

There is only one topic today, how to characterize those former Daming citizens who shaved their heads.Of course, the emperor definitely hoped that everyone would discuss the situation according to the situation, and distinguish between voluntary shaving and forced shaving.

How to deal with each situation, what the future captive policy will be, and how to identify whether the Han people whose heads are shaved are active or passive, all need to be negotiated in detail.

Don't underestimate this kind of united front work. This is a national issue, because if it is not handled properly, it is very likely that a large number of Han people will be forced to the side of the Qing Dynasty.

Jiangnan is still doing well now, only five counties have been invaded by Tartars, but Jiangbei and Huaihe Rivers have been occupied for several months. If Tartars also promote hair-shaving orders there, forcing countless Han people to face each other, it will be difficult to handle the situation well. It's grim.

The messy deliberations of many civil officials are naturally somewhat fair and somewhat corrupt.

A few rotten Confucians still haven't seen the change in the wind direction of the situation, they hold on to the righteousness of the monarchs and ministers there, and still preach that "those who shave their heads are traitors"——

Needless to say, there are still quite a few hard-line civil servants who preached like this in history.For example, Huang Daozhou, the chief assistant of the cabinet of Emperor Longwu and Tang Wang Zhu Yujian in the original time and space, has always insisted on being so inflexible. In the end, even Zhu Yujian couldn't stand it anymore, knowing that such rigidity and inflexibility would ruin the big event.

But now that Zhu Shuren controls the government, of course he will write down this kind of civil servant who has always been on the moral high ground.

Traitors must be thoroughly attacked, and those who destroy unity cannot be directly attacked, but they can be transferred to unimportant positions, and they can be raised with money, so that they can be a harmless moral model for humans and animals, but don't give them the opportunity to kidnap the government. alright.

After these people finished speaking, Zhu Shuren gave his father a wink, and Zhu Changhao also knew the importance, knowing that this was an opportunity to gain and strengthen the reputation of a benevolent monarch, so he expressed his desire for a holy verdict.

As soon as Zhu Changhao opened his mouth, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty finally became quiet and listened respectfully to the holy order.

Zhu Changhao then uttered the line copied by Zhu Shuren: "In this autumn of national calamity, the situation has undergone major changes unseen in a century, so why should you stick to established laws and go against benevolence?
In my opinion, those who keep their hair are righteous people, and those who shave their hair are refugees.Turning the common people into refugees is my immorality. If I fail to protect my own people, how can I be harsh?Righteous people should praise and promote, and refugees should be screened and rescued, but for traitors who sincerely lick their faces and turn against the enemy, they should be severely punished! "

As soon as Zhu Changhao said these words, other than Huang Daozhou, other civil servants were really impressed.

"Those who keep their hair are righteous people, and those who shave their hair are also refugees... Your Majesty is really a benevolent king through the ages, and the summary is too appropriate. It is really a strategic plan, and you can learn from thousands of miles.

Zhu Shuren was beside him, and he was also very satisfied with the effect.There was only a slight flash of guilt in his heart: I'm sorry, I copied the most famous line of Zhu Yujian, the Emperor Longwu from another time and space.

However, Zhu Yujian has no chance to express himself in this life, and only the emperor of Nanming is qualified to say such things and set the tone.In order not to bury it, let Zhu Changhao speak out.

If Daming can always insist on such a flexible united front strategy, why can't he win back the hearts of the Fencers.

(End of this chapter)

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