national surname chiming

Chapter 435 Sniping Azig

Chapter 435 Killing Azig by Sniping (Eight Thousand Character Chapter)
Some people are still alive, but he is dead.

Of course Zhu Shuren could understand this sentence, but his generals might not understand it.

Therefore, after the successful feint attack on the middle route to lure the enemy and the successful sneak attack on the east route, the high-ranking generals of the two Ming armies all became more enthusiastic and asked Zhu Shuren to send heavy troops to take the last Pizhou city and completely wipe out Kong Youde's troops. Lose!
However, Zhu Shuren felt that the main strategic goal at hand had already been achieved, and it was almost midwinter, so it was important to reduce the loss of troops, and there was no need to attack the enemy who was doomed to run out of ammunition.

"Everyone, if Kong Youde is currently stationed in Xuzhou, I will definitely ask you to make persistent efforts to break through the city as soon as possible. Because Xuzhou is an important place for the four provinces in the Central Plains, and it is rich in resources and people, with both population and food.

But now Xuzhou has been captured by our army, and it is firmly in our hands. Man Dahai's first counterattack attempt was also defeated by our army!We can take advantage of the last two months of winter to secure the fences around Xuzhou, and if jackals and wild dogs dare to invade, we can take advantage of this to bleed them!

This small county in Pizhou originally had only a slight military value, but almost no economic value, and there were not many people worth saving in the city.In addition, during the previous raid by our army, General Li Fuming came very quickly, first breaking through several counties along the river in Huaibei, and then going north along Surabaya to break through Suqian.

This Pizhou was not originally a place where Kong Youde's troops stationed heavy troops all the year round, and there was not much food and grass in the city. When he learned that Xuzhou might be threatened, he temporarily dispatched heavy troops to Pizhou to block the road and prevent General Li from advancing along Surabaya. Yes, but I don't want to be outflanked by our army's Haizhou landing.

Under such circumstances, relying on Pizhou's original military rations to support an army of [-], within two or three months, they would definitely starve to death!In this situation, will the Qing army in Shandong, Gui and Bo save or not?
If they come to rescue, it will be extremely cold and freezing in midwinter, and it will be extremely unfavorable for the Qing army to take the initiative to attack in the field, and the loss will be great. Our army is just waiting for work.If it is not rescued, the morale of the Han people in the north will be further severely hit!
We have to go through the siege of Pizhou in the past few months and tell all the remaining Han people in the north not to give their lives to the Tartars!Otherwise, even if it is an old traitor who has been with them for 15 or 20 years, the Tartars will not come to rescue them in a critical moment!
Our army can save the lives of more soldiers, confront the Tartars for money and food, bled the Tartars for a winter, and finally wiped out [-] bandits in the city of Pizhou for nothing, isn't it good! "

Zhu Shuren's strategic plan finally made Cao Bianjiao, Huang Degong and Li Fuming, who were eager to fight, all recognize this problem.

The coldest season of the year is not conducive to long-distance attack.The large-scale offensive of the Ming army in Longwu for three years is basically the same at this point.

Although the Tartars occasionally use the midwinter to attack, and even the Tartars like the freezing of the Yellow River and the Huaihe River in the midwinter, allowing horses to gallop across the river directly, even the weakness of the navy is made up for.

But this advantage is obviously only effective for the northerners. The main force of Ming Dynasty is mainly southerners, and the fighting style is mainly southern style, and it is extremely dependent on the navy.Any supply river that freezes, or at least drops in water level and can no longer support shipping, will have adverse effects.

Under such a situation, the Ming army really didn't plan to launch a large-scale offensive in the two months at the end of the year, so they just hung up the Qing army's bloodletting.

Given that Zhu Shuren's prestige in the Ming army was already high, since he had set the tone, the generals of all walks of life would naturally not object to it.

However, what Zhu Shuren did not expect was that just a few days after he issued the above-mentioned instructions to the Central and Eastern Route Army, the West Route Battlefield, which had been neglected by him, actually sent back a huge victory. good news.

"My lord! Ruyang and Caizhou urgently report! Governor Zhang has won a big victory over Azig! The Qing army on the West Road has also retreated!"

The messenger sent the good news from Xinyang Mansion down the Huaihe River and traveled hundreds of miles a day. When Zhu Shuren received it, he was very surprised.

"What? My cousin was able to directly repel Azig by relying on the strength of the Henan army and some Huguang officials? I originally planned to let Azig spend a while. After the soldiers were exhausted, come here The big detour to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao forced him to retreat, and then he took advantage of the victory to pursue it!"

Zhu Shuren was inexplicably shocked, and while unfolding the military report, he murmured, "How did you win?"

At that time, Zhu Shuren was surrounded by several generals who participated in the routine military meeting, and everyone was curious and eager to know as soon as possible.

The messenger didn't know much about the details, and he didn't dare to read the news in advance, so he only knew the general idea. He quickly explained that it was the rifle sniper team assigned by Zhu Shuren to Zhang Huangyan on the battlefield. The unexpected great achievement caused the Qing army on the West Road to retreat at an accelerated rate.


The timeline is set back for more than half a month, back to the Huaixi battlefield in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in early November, that is, Xinyang, Ruyang, Shangcai and other places where Zhang Huangyan and Azige confronted each other.

The Ming army is actually very familiar with this battlefield, because in the 15th year of Chongzhen, when Zhu Shuren himself was the governor of Huguang, he fought a decisive battle with Li Zicheng here.
In the end, Li Zicheng's 20 peasant army was wiped out, and Li Zicheng was blinded in one eye with a musketeer team, making Li Zicheng a one-eyed dragon as historically.

Only five years later, the commander of the Ming army on this battlefield has changed from Zhu Shuren to Zhang Huangyan, and the combat power, scale, and weapons of the combat troops have also been fully upgraded.

Therefore, in the early stage of this war of attrition, there is not much to say, because the way of progress is not much different from the battle between Zhu and Li five years ago.

The only change is that Azig's encirclement is deeper, and more elite cavalry can intersperse and maneuver, completely blocking the way for the Ming army to cross Tongbai Mountain to supply Xinyang and other places.

Zhang Huangyan, on the other hand, can rely on the modernization work that is much stronger than when Zhu Shuren defended the city back then, and with a lower consumption rate of defensive resources, he can wait for help and slowly consume Azig's attack power.

After several years of construction during the truce period of the Ming army, several local core cities such as Xinyang and Shangcai have been fully fortified, and the reserves of firearms and ammunition are also very sufficient, so they can rest easy.

After the siege of Azig for two months, he was gradually exhausted and paralyzed. He no longer expected to break through quickly, and only wanted to wait for the supplies in the city to run out.

So after entering November, as the weather gradually became colder and the roads became more difficult, the Qing army had to continue to blockade, and the human cost was more.

Although there will be no casualties, the cavalry often patrols in the winter snow, which hurts morale. The Ming army did not try to sneak over Tongbai Mountain to deliver supplies to Xinyang and other cities. The more they complained.

Azig also knew the situation, so he had to moderately reduce the intensity of the blockade patrol as the weather gradually got worse, reckoning that as long as there were no accidents, it would be fine.

Zhang Huangyan stayed in the fortified city and remained motionless, which also made Azig feel more and more anxious and underestimated the enemy, and gradually turned a blind eye to other hidden dangers.


Zhang Huangyan in Xinyang City seemed to have done nothing and stood firm for two or three months, but he had always hidden his strength.

During the two-and-a-half-year truce period, the Ming army had a number of new equipment and weapons in scientific research and farming, and the rifled sniper rifle was one of the most highly anticipated inventions.

Before the war, Zhu Shuren supported his cousin very much. At that time, the whole army only had [-] or [-] finished rifles. He only gave Zhang Huangyan, Henan Army and Huguang Army a total of nearly [-] shots.Zhu Shuren's own bottom line only had [-] rods left.

Moreover, Zhu Shuren has always been very low-key about the use of this new type of weapon on the frontal battlefield.At first, he planned to kill Abate with that thing.

But Abatai was more cautious at the time, and he was seriously ill before his death, and he didn't like to scold the Ming army before the battle, so the Ming army never got a chance to attack.

Under such circumstances, Zhu Shuren's request for the sniper team was to wait for the field battle to start a full-scale battle and make a mess, and then mix in the fire cover of ordinary smoothbore riflemen and fire coldly.In this way, guns and guns were fired on the battlefield, and no one knew who fired a certain bullet, nor would they suspect that the Ming army had "new equipment with a precise range far beyond the original old weapons".

The price of using this way is that the Ming army never got the chance to kill the prince and Baylor of the Qing army in a super-long-distance sneak attack on the Fengyang battlefield, but they also kept the existence of this weapon a secret for another month or two. .

Moreover, it was precisely because Zhu Shuren was so low-key that it caused the Qing army to become more paralyzed, and it was even more impossible to think that the Ming army would have new weapons that had not been brought out.

Since Zhu Shuren was so cautious, Zhang Huangyan naturally kept suppressing the performance of this new weapon.Obviously he could snipe the enemy three hundred paces away while defending the city, but he refused to allow the soldiers to fire, and only allowed the enemy to approach the city wall within two hundred paces before shooting.This not only hides its strength, but also kills the enemy more efficiently.

All these created conditions for Zhang Huangyan.


On the seventh day of November, the opportunity Zhang Huangyan had been waiting for finally came.

Around those two days, it may be because the original siege troops of the Qing army had been on alert for too long, and they were exhausted and needed to change their defenses.At the same time, God helped Daming, and it was the first heavy snowfall in Xinyang Prefecture that year.

Under the snow-covered mountain, all the roads through Tongbai Mountain were completely blocked, at least they would have to wait for the snow to melt before they could be reopened.However, the Qing army was outside the city, and the conditions for keeping out the cold were definitely not as good as those nested in the city. The soldiers became more and more slack, and asked to change their defenses in advance, and returned to the rear to station in the city to rest.

Azig had to personally inspect the besieged camps in Xincai, Ruyang, Xinyang and other counties to cheer up the soldiers, and promised to change defenses on time, reward wine and meat, and suppress the rash.

In order to facilitate suppression, Azig's own camp also advanced to Zhenyang County between these three counties.

Zhenyang County is not a military important place, and it is still remote and poor. But because of this, the Ming army was unable to leave heavy troops in every county for defense, so it was abandoned early and was broken by the Qing army.

This place happened to be not far to the north of Xinyang, only tens of miles away, but it was also located in Huaibei, relatively safe and isolated by the Huaihe River barrier.It was snowing in winter, and as a prince, Azig didn't want to camp in the wild, so he moved to the county town closest to the battlefield that had been captured by the Qing army.

In the process of changing defenses in the past few days, the Qing army in the south of Xinyang City also had some gaps.
Originally, this gap was irrelevant - because the road to the south of Xinyang was blocked, mainly to prevent the Ming army from the south of Tongbai Mountain from crossing the Xinyang Valley to Xinyang for reinforcements, or to prevent the Xinyang defenders from crossing the mountain from the south to break through.

Now that the heavy snow has begun to close the mountain, there is no road to the south of the city, so what does it matter if it is temporarily surrounded or not?

The only disadvantage is that it may cause the Ming army to go out of the city from this time, and then instead of going south and crossing Tongbai Mountain, they will go around half a circle and go north to sneak attack the besieged Qing army in other battlefields.

But this kind of thing, in the eyes of the Qing army, is suicide. They are eager for the Ming army to go out to fight in the city. What is there to be wary of?
"These days, it seems to be a good time. The Qing army is very lax, especially those near the Tongbai mountain area in the south. Because the road is blocked by heavy snow, their life is not easy. They don't want to stand frozen in the snow, and many of them are lazy and retreat.

Our army also took the opportunity to send harassment troops out of the city to capture some prisoners. After asking, Azig had recently personally inspected the besieged camps to boost morale, and the cavalry of the Qing army were scattered everywhere to suppress them.

Mr. Zhu, I'll see you later.I have allocated all the [-] rifled guns in the army, maintained and hidden until now, plus the original [-] breech-loaded double-barreled cavalry guns and [-] revolver guns in the army, all allocated to you.

Then gather most of the horses of the whole army, select [-] horses in good condition, and you only pick [-] cavalry, one person and two horses to attack, and see if you can sneak attack and kill a few high-ranking generals of the Qing army, or at least sneak attack and rob camps Enemy in the rear.

Anyway, don't love to fight, you have the speed advantage, even if you are discovered, you won't be caught up so easily, if you can't fight a tough battle, just hide as soon as possible, maybe the Qing army underestimated the enemy and would take the initiative to give you a chance. "

Zhu Wenzhen, who lost half of his hand in Liaodong, has led Zhu Shuren's Musketeers to fight for four or five years. When he retreated from Tashan and Bijiashan, he was trusted and reused by Zhu Shuren.

So when it comes to large-scale cavalry corps operations, he may not be as good as Cao Bianjiao and Huang Degong.But the two to three thousand elite cavalry musketeers, he commanded them with absolute ease.

What's more, the Battle of Xinyang has lasted for two or three months, and other troops are fighting hard every day, but his cavalry has been resting all the time. Governor Zhang has not lacked their meat and meals, and their treatment is no worse than those of those who go to the city wall to fight every day.

Raising soldiers can be used for a thousand days, and now of course I have to work hard and go for a walk.

"Don't worry, Governor! The final general will definitely do his best, not only to make meritorious deeds, but also to bring the brothers back as intact as possible!"

After all, he ordered more than 2000 of the most elite musketeer cavalry veterans, and [-] temporarily recruited elite riflemen, with [-] horses, all attacked with one man and two horses.

Some people may be surprised: shouldn't he be a pure cavalry unit that comes and goes like the wind?Why are there still 800 elite riflemen?
This is about Zhu Shuren and Zhang Huangyan, during the three-year truce and farming period in the past, a new set of tactics for new weapons was pondered out.

As we all know, whether it is a traditional cavalry archer, or a horseback cavalry that comes and goes like a wind, or a pistol cavalry, the pursuit is keen observation and quick fire response.

After all, shooting accuracy cannot be pursued on a speeding and bumpy horseback. As long as you see the enemy entering the effective range, it is most important to fire at the enemy first.

Therefore, these arms rarely practice aiming and shooting, and they all "shoot from the waist by feeling" on the battlefield. They don't even have the habit of holding the gun in front of their eyes before firing.

Such soldiers are obviously not suitable for using rifled sniper rifles.

After Zhu Shuren and Zhang Huangyan discussed this issue before the war, the solution they proposed was: don't pursue the comprehensiveness of arms. Since the cavalry's marksmanship is not good, only let the infantry shoot.If you still want to pursue the mobility and speed of this special infantry, let them "ride into the battlefield, then line up as infantry, aim and fire."

To put it bluntly, these rifle snipers are a group of "horse infantry". The horses are only used to drive and enter the battlefield. When fighting, they still dismount and fight like infantry.

In fact, for a long period of time in the later 18th century, the "Dragon Cavalry" in the West also used this tactic, and the horses were only used for traveling.

Zhu Wenzhen took such a combined army of 3000 people. On a snowy night, taking advantage of the gap between the southern Qing army in Xinyang City, he quietly opened the door and went out of the city.

Along the way, Zhu Wenzhen did not accidentally intercept and kill several Qing army scouts, and roughly figured out the deployment of the Qing army. high,
In addition, the telescopes and observation equipment of the Ming army were more advanced, and the soldiers also had special scientific nutritional conditioning and selected soldiers with particularly strong night vision as scouts, so they naturally took the lead in night scouting battles.

Knowing that the Qing army had siege camps in Xinyang and three counties in the north and northeast of Xinyang, and Azig himself was stationed in Zhenyang County in the middle.
After a little calculation, Zhu Wenzhen decided to divide his troops and choose a Qing army siege camp closest to Zhenyang County to sneak attack.If you are unlucky, just kill thousands of Tazi soldiers, burn some supplies and ordnance, and then slip away quickly.

If you're lucky, you can also lure the Qing army to pursue them out of the camp, and even make the situation a little more turbulent, and seduce the Qing army in Zhenyang County to go out of the city to reinforce.That way you don't have to deal with those camps and cities tortoise shells.

Zhu Wenzhen's operations really worked well, or in other words, the Ming army had repeatedly waited for opportunities and cautiously pursued battles for several months, and finally they had enough character.

Opportunities are only given to those who are prepared. For those who are not prepared, even if God tells you that there will always be an opportunity with probability in the next few months, you may not be able to catch it.

The first surprise attack by Zhu Wenzhen was a ferry camp located tens of miles north of Xinyang City, where the Qing army was on the Huaihe River.Originally, Zhu Shuren's sneak attack was not so easy to succeed, but it happened that the mountains were covered by heavy snow in the past few days, and the local Huaihe River was upstream, and the water was dry in winter. After a sudden drop in temperature, it was completely frozen.

The Qing army's ferry village on the north bank of the Huaihe River originally had fortifications facing the shore, because there was no need to be wary of facing the Huaihe River, and no one could directly attack from the river.

Now that the river was frozen, the cavalry directly wrapped their horses' hooves with straw ropes to prevent them from slipping, and rushed over from the ice in the dark at night.

Thousands of soldiers were directly killed in the chaotic battle, before they even got up in time, more soldiers fled and collapsed. The key point is that the supplies left by the Qing army at the wharf and ferry were also burned.

Zhu Wenzhen made a lot of noise. After robbing the camp and killing the defenders, he set fire to the ground as much as possible. The fire here could be seen dozens of miles away.

The troops in the big battalion besieging the city of Xinyang saw that the Huai River Ferry on the way to the north was burned, and rushed to send troops back to help.And Azig in Zhenyang County was also disturbed in his sleep.

Azige is also a fierce and brave man, he has been aggrieved for several months, and his subordinates were accidentally stolen by the Ming army, how can he bear it?Immediately whipped a few subordinates with a little bit of responsibility with a horsewhip, and then asked to prepare horses, and personally led the army to chase down this desperate Ming army.

His subordinates persuaded him, but Azige believed that the elite cavalry with red flags inlaid with him had extraordinary fighting power, so there was no need to avoid the battle.

He also insulted the persuader: "What do you cowards know! Our army stayed in Xinyang, Xincai, Ruyang and other places to besiege the soldiers and horses. They were mainly Han army flags and green battalion infantry, with fewer cavalry. How can they catch up with the enemy attack?
Our two red flag elites have been recharging their energy for a long time. If we don't take this opportunity to go out and annihilate the enemy, when will we wait! "

Azig's words are not unreasonable, because most of the infantry used in the previous siege battles.The cavalry could not be used in the siege, so they could only rest in the rear, be responsible for supervision, and deploy to the second-line control field to plug the leak.

Now that the Ming army is attacking with light cavalry, when will the inlaid red flag not go up at this time?
Azige rushed out by fate, and went straight to Minggangdu in the north of Xinyang, a ferry village on the north bank of the Huaihe River. On the way, he bumped into Zhu Wenzhen's three thousand cavalry.

Because it takes time to raid and burn the village, when the two armies meet, the whole night has already passed, and it is already the morning of the next day.

The Ming army did not fight and gallop all the time. After burning the water village and the dock, they also rested for several hours to regain their energy.He also took the supplies left by the Qing army in the wharf camp, ate and drank meat and vegetables to restore morale, and waited for the Qing army to help.

Seeing that the cavalry of the Ming army were so arrogant, they did not run away after committing the crime, and waited for the reinforcements from the Qing army not far from the scene of the crime.
"This group of southern barbarians looks like there are only five or six thousand people at most. There may be one man and two horses, and the number is even smaller. How dare this force be so arrogant? Do you regard me as nothing? Take a break , Let the soldiers recover their strength and prepare to charge!"

Although Azig spoke harshly, he was not out of his wits.He rushed here in a hurry, but he has been aggrieved for a long time in the past few months, and he wants to find a good fight.

But when he rushed to see that the Ming army was not in a hurry to escape, but instead waited for work, he also calmed down, knowing that the Ming army should not let the Ming army take advantage of physical strength, and that his troops should also rest for a while before launching a general attack.

Anyway, the purpose of marching in a hurry is to fear that the enemy will run away. Since the enemy is not running away, why is he in a hurry?
The inlaid red flag surrounded it in a half-moon shape, but stopped when it was about ten miles away from the Ming army, and regrouped to rest.If the Ming army recoils, they also have time to react.

As a result, shortly after the inlaid red flag stopped, the Ming army on the opposite side moved - of course this was not a disturbance, but Zhu Wenzhen had carefully observed the formation of the Qing cavalry with a high-powered telescope, and found Azig's banner.

"You still want to rest and recover from the exhaustion of running for dozens of miles? What a godsend opportunity! The whole army moved slowly towards Azig's location, and the [-] cavalry riflemen led out first! Follow the plan!"

Seeing that the Ming army cavalry also moved, the Qing army seemed to be facing a big enemy, but after waiting for a while, seeing that the Ming army had only a few hundred cavalry, the Qing army stopped mobilizing suspiciously. I'm afraid this is the Ming army's plan to exhaust the enemy.

What can so few people do?I'm afraid you don't want to use these hundreds of people's feints to mobilize tens of thousands of Qing cavalry, so that tens of thousands of Qing cavalry will be exhausted?

The Qing army will soon pay the price for this slowness.

The general of the "Dragon Cavalry" sent by Zhu Wenzhen, named Li Yu, also withdrew from the Tashan and Bijiashan battlefields with Zhu Wenzhen.

It's just that Li Yu was the garrison of the North Korean Bird Battalion who abandoned the dark for the bright at that time, and was the concubine son of Li Shibai, the judge of the Korean soldier Cao. He pretended to be his elder brother Li Yue and went to the Qing Dynasty as a hostage.Later, taking advantage of Zheng Chenggong and Zhang Mingzhen's Battle of Bijia Mountain, he feigned death and surrendered to Daming Detuo.

One thing to say, in the late Ming Dynasty, because civilian firearms were strictly prohibited in the country, the accuracy of the bird gun soldiers at that time was really not as good as that of the North Korean bird gun camp. This is also supported by historical data.

In the early years of North Korea, it was necessary to guard against the Tartars. In addition, North Korea rarely changed its dynasty. It was not afraid of rebellion by generals with different surnames and mud legs, so it allowed the people to hunt with bird guns.

With the guarantee of long-term training, there are many old hunters who have been hunting with bird guns for more than ten years, and there are many bird gunners with good marksmanship.It's just that the other arms of North Korea are really rubbish, so they are relatively vulnerable to the Ming army, Qing army, and Japanese army.

Zhu Shuren is not a narrow-minded person. For useful people who are willing to take refuge in him, even if they are of a foreign race, they can use them as they can, and at most keep some back-up defenses in secret.

So after the appearance of the sniper rifle unit, he also selected hundreds of soldiers with good marksmanship from the North Korean blunderbuss battalion with more than 1000 people brought back by Li Yu's surrender, and then intensively trained them.

In fact, the North Korean battalion was dragged around by Daming to fight, and now there are only seven or eight hundred living people left in total. The North Korean veterans died one by one and lost one, and they would not make a special supplement.

Zhu Shuren's recruiting for expanding the army is also recruiting Han people. The Koreans only have a stock, and the more they use them, the less they are used.

Even so, Zhu Shuren also set an unwritten rule. Now the first batch of rifle snipers, Koreans are only allowed to account for a small half. After the expansion of weapons production, the number of Koreans must be controlled to less than [-]%, and gradually reduced.In the future, resources will be abundant in peaceful times, and it is entirely possible to slowly train Han Chinese sharpshooters.

And when it comes to battlefield use, Han generals will also secretly defend. For example, out of [-] dragoons this time, there are only [-] rifle snipers, and the remaining [-] are all new-style Wuchang-made muskets and bayonets.The muskets of snipers are not easy to hold bayonets, so they have no close combat ability, so they are not afraid that they will not obey the command of the supervisor.


With the help of the binoculars, Li Yu had already locked on to Azig's flag array, and approached it without haste, lest Azige be alert in advance.When the distance between the two armies was [-] paces, Li Yu further slowed down and made a gesture of slowing down and stopping at any time, which made the Qing army generals on the opposite side feel more and more confused.

What the hell is this?

Azig was also puzzled. Seeing that the two divisions of the cavalry of the Ming army were far out of touch, this small troop was separated from the thousands of troops behind by several miles. He finally decided to test it out and ordered a few Commander of cavalry under his command:

"Zhubutai, Shaerhu, you take two Jiala, attack left and right, and eat the enemy army of Qianqi first! However, if they feign defeat and escape to lure the enemy and try to join the main force, don't pursue them deeply! Beware of anyone cheat!"

"Follow the order of the prince and general!" Zhuobutai and Sharhu both roared in agreement, and they turned around to mobilize their cavalry to attack.

However, at the moment when Azig ordered, Li Yu on the opposite side was ready. At this time, the distance between the two sides was still more than [-] steps, so it was no wonder that Azige was not on guard.

Li Yu's [-] rifle snipers had already stood in three rows, crouched in the front row, and were told to aim at Azig well in advance, and then shoot in batches according to orders.

Shooting in batches is also for fear of wasting vitality. If the bullets fired at Azig are blocked by the guards, and if they fire together, the guards who were shot can block more bullets before the guards have time to fall down.

A slight interval of three to five seconds is the best shooting interval, and it will not allow the Qing army to react and immediately protect Azig.

"Every row is five breaths apart, obey the order and fire! The first row fires!"

Li Yu himself was aiming with a rifle, and asked the adjutant next to him to help him shout the password, and then fired together.

"Bang bang bang!"

The Qing army formation on the opposite side was slightly disturbed, but fortunately they were also used to seeing muskets, but the original muskets didn't have such a long range, so they didn't expect to strike so far.When I saw the cavalry of the Ming army get off their horses and line up, I thought it was some other trick to lure the enemy.

However, only a few seconds later, there was a commotion in the central army of the Qing army. Countless people crowded each other, and more than a dozen riders fell off their horses, or there were various wailings.

The sniping business did not waste time, firing in turn within a few seconds, and emptied all [-] rifled guns.

"Ugh——" Azig howled miserably, his face full of disbelief, and he covered his chest and abdomen with his hands, but blood was still pouring out uncontrollably from under the fine double armor.

Three hundred rounds of sniper bullets instantly killed more than a dozen Qing army guards and generals around Azig, and injured several others.Counting the probability, basically only a dozen bullets kill one. This is still a well-trained sharpshooter. It has to make people feel that the first actual combat of this weapon is still too tender after all.

But compared with the original old-fashioned weapons, this accuracy and range have exceeded the imagination of the Qing army.

And everyone was aiming at Azig, the closer the people were to Azig, the more bullets they might get shot.For example, Jialaerzhen Zhuobutai and Sarhu, who were listening to the general just now, were shot three times and two times respectively.

As for Azig, who was taken care of the most, it was too much work for those who were capable, and the number of bullets was exactly the same as that of the two subordinates who obeyed the order combined, a total of five shots.

It's a pity that there was no direct headshot or hit to the heart, so Azig might still last for a while before he died of organ failure or crazy blood loss, and he couldn't die on the spot within a few seconds.

But this is absolutely fatal, there is no doubt about it.

"Hit Azige! God bless Daming! Enough is enough! The whole army is on horseback, don't love to fight! Join Zhu Junmen!"

After Li Yu confirmed the results of the battle through the binoculars, of course, he would not wait for the Qing army to retaliate, and the whole army got on their horses and ran away.

The remaining main force of the Qing army in chaos, let Zhu Wenzhen figure it out. If you can get a vote, you can get a vote. If you can’t get it, you don’t have to fight.

Azig is dead, are you still afraid that the Qing army in Huaixi will not be chaotic!


PS: I can't help it either, yesterday it was [-] words, today it is [-] words.

It’s not that I don’t want to cut it down to an average of [-] words per day. In fact, I still need to focus on the advancement of the plot when dividing chapters. I always have to finish writing a small plot every day, and push the main line a little bit.

So, there are long and short, so be it.In the future, I will go to the chapter training class for further study.

(End of this chapter)

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