national surname chiming

Chapter 444 Killing the Qing Army's Counterattack

Chapter 444 Killing the Qing Army's Counterattack
"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and that here to pay homage to you! All loyal ones!"

In the first seven days after Huang Daozhou was killed, the Huaiqing Prefecture and Zezhou Prefecture had been taken by the Ming army one after another, and the territory of Datong General Soldier Jiang Yu and the actual control area of ​​the Ming Dynasty were completely connected.

Zhu Shuren himself also went out from Luoyang to Kaifeng to sit in town, and held a sacrifice in Kaifeng city, which can be regarded as a formal mobilization for war and deepening the ideological work of hating the enemy for the resumption of war with the puppet Qing Dynasty.

There is no way, who let Jiang Yu’s incident make the war come too suddenly, the Ming army can only sneak attack first in fact (but it does not fall into the handle of deliberate sneak attack in name), and pocket the easy-to-get part of the benefits first. install,

Then we will carry out a full-scale mobilization, and slowly check for leaks and make up for some of the work that was not done due to the hasty dispatch of troops at the beginning.

This can be regarded as not only fame, but also strength, and morale.

Although Zhu Shuren is a prince, it is said that Huang Daozhou would not need to cry himself to sacrifice himself.And speaking from conscience, before this, Huang Daozhou had not done anything practical for Daming except for his moral kidnapping and good personal morality and integrity. On the contrary, he also harmed the pragmatic Chen Xinjia back then.

But there is one thing to say, this time he performed the last mission in his life, it was indeed full of shining points. Facing the sharp blade of the dog Tartar general, he was not afraid, and still scolded the Tartar angrily, and finally got so angry The opponent's head was congested and he committed a great crime.

Originally, because of Jiang Guan's incident, there were still some problems with the morale and mobilization efficiency of Daming.In contrast, the Qing army on the opposite side was able to fight against the enemy for the first time, thinking that they were defending their home and country.

But no matter what the diplomatic wrangling was at the beginning, when Tulai killed the Ming Dynasty envoy, no matter how much they had before, now they don't take any of it.

The Bannerman troops under Hauge's control may still be able to go all the way to the black, but the part of Dorgon's bequeathed to him, the green battalion troops that have been transformed and incorporated by Hauge, and even part of the Han army flag, are panicked.

With Zhu Shuren's viciousness and insidiousness, he must of course make full use of Huang Daozhou's death, not only to mobilize Daming himself, but also to carry out an overwhelming propaganda war against the puppet Qing Dynasty,
Propagating that "Da Ming didn't know that Jiang Guan was going to do anything anyway, and he didn't encourage him to support him. Even at the moment when Jiang Guan was going to do anything, Da Ming still thought of being kind and tried to resolve differences through diplomatic negotiations first. It took nine months to avoid a truce. Once again, there was a series of wars and misfortunes, and people were dying.

However, Hauge's militarism, not only does not show compassion for the soldiers of the Manchu Eight Banners, but also regards the green camp of the Han people as a consumable, thinking that when he has to flee back to the outside of the customs, the land of Hebei will be completely white, and the Han people will kill each other without leaving any dogs and dogs. Destroy as much as possible, so as to delay the damage to the national power of Ming Dynasty, prevent Ming Dynasty from continuing to pursue victory after the recovery of Beijing, and eradicate the false Qing Dynasty by the roots!
That's why Hauge didn't hesitate to kill the envoys, so that both sides would not die endlessly, so that he could send all the green battalion troops to fight a war of attrition with Daming as soon as possible!It is best for both parties to fight to the death!

Because Hauge knows very well that the green battalion works for the Puppet Qing, and it only exists when the Puppet Qing can occupy the hometowns of these Han people who were forced to follow the thieves.These Han people have nowhere to go, they can only serve their lives for the Tartars who rule them!

But if one day the Tartars returned to the outside of the pass, would these Han people who had lived in the pass for generations follow the Tartars all the way to the grasslands and forests to serve the Tartars?Will not!
That's why Hauge knew this, so before he fled Beijing, he wanted to kill all those non-directed Han soldiers who were destined not to escape with him!

Because he knew that even if he couldn't kill a few Ming's soldiers by doing this, as long as he killed a few more of the green battalion itself, he would be able to prevent these green battalions from being incorporated by Daming in the future and turn their guns to kill them, these real Tartars! "

The Ming army's desperate propaganda, after realizing it, the puppet Qing Dynasty will definitely try to block it in various ways. It is not clear how effective it will be for a while.

But these were of no cost to the Ming army. Of course, we had to do our best to do it, even if the green battalions could only attack a few battalions before the decisive battle. After all, it was to reduce the killing of the Han people in the civil war and unite the nation.Don't do small things for good.

In order to strengthen the effect of the propaganda war, Zhu Shuren had to give Huang Daozhou a generous burial.Only in this way can it be seen that Ming Dynasty is a state of etiquette and is extremely indignant at the killing of the envoy.

Zhu Shuren directly used the treatment that Emperor Chongzhen set up an altar to sacrifice to Hong Chengchou (this treatment itself is no problem, it is already the highest courtesy, Chongzhen really thought that Hong Chengchou was martyred at the time), and gave Huang Daozhou a big deal in Kaifeng.

In the end, I asked the people from the Ministry of Rites to discuss the treatment. Huang Daozhou had been treated coldly for many years, and he had just returned to the position of Minister of Rites when he went on an envoy this time.

Now that he has been killed, he will be given the title of Minister of Rites, posthumously named a marquis, and allow his descendants to reduce the title by one class (that is, his son gets the earl), and at the same time, he will always be treated as a marquis for a long time. Distribute pension money and food.

The Huang family is also very satisfied with this result, because Huang Daozhou was killed by the tartars long ago at this time in history, and now it is Zhu Shuren's butterfly effect that has allowed him to live two or three years longer.

An old man who is 65 years old, according to the medical conditions of the Ming Dynasty, even if no one kills him, he will not live for a few years.Now that the descendants have been replaced with a marquis and a long-term pension of several thousand taels a year, his descendants will become rich in silence.


On the other hand, the Qing army on the opposite side had just mobilized the army in the Hebei area seven days after the war resumed, and marched to the southwest to reinforce and face the Ming army one by one.

The dispatching and mobilization speed of the Qing army was not even as good as that of the Ming army. It seemed that they had misjudged the direction before the war and put the main force in the direction of Shandong——

Because at that time, the Qing army generally believed that Daming had the advantage of a navy, and Shandong was close to the sea, which was convenient for large-scale detours and outflanking. If it advanced along the sea, Daming could still rely on waterways to transport supplies.

Coupled with the confrontation line between the two forces, the western section was originally separated by the danger of the Yellow River, while there was no big river in the east, only the land barriers of Mount Tai and Mount Meng.Therefore, until it was confirmed that Jiang Guan was anyway, the focus of the Qing army's border defense was always in the direction of Shandong.

Knowing that the situation is serious, Hauge can't sit in Beijing anymore, he can only be a pro-command army, and gather most of the main force of the Qing army into one to meet Zhu Shuren's Northern Expedition.

Because of the seven-day delay, when the Qing army arrived at the war zone, the dangers of the Taihang Mountains had completely fallen into the hands of Daming.

Hauge was still unconvinced at the beginning, and tried to take advantage of the fact that the Ming army had not gained a stable foothold, and Jiang Yu’s troops in central Shanxi had just taken over the defense, so he wanted to open Jingxingkou or Huguankou, and then penetrate into the basins and valleys of Shanxi to defend against danger. .

It’s not surprising that Hauge thinks this way, mainly because he feels that he is already familiar with Da Ming’s ability to hold on to the fortress and pass through dangers. If Da Ming prepares for it and strictly repairs the fortress, the current Qing army is really helpless and unable to attack the fortress at all. defeat the enemy.

But the problem is that at that time he thought that whether it was Jingxing Pass or Huguan Pass, the defenders probably hadn’t had time to form a combat force—Da Ming’s troops came from the south, and in such a short time, they could march to Huaiqing and Luzhou At most, it is absolutely impossible to march to Zezhou or even around Taiyuan.

Therefore, if Hauge wants to attack quickly, he only needs to deal with Jiang Guan's soldiers.As for the level of Jiang Guan's weapons and equipment, Hauge knew too well that he had neither heavy artillery nor firearms and ammunition.

Can't beat Daming alone, can't beat you, Jiang Tuan?So of course, we must take advantage of the window period when Daming's defense troops have not yet arrived, and smash Jiang Yu first at any cost!Otherwise, if you are delayed, you will never have another chance.

Driven by this kind of mentality, Hauge took the first step up, and he didn't spare the casualties of the soldiers, and chose to directly attack the two checkpoints in the dangerous Taihang Mountains.

During the storming operations at each checkpoint, the Qing army concentrated more than [-] heavy red barbarian cannons, as well as thousands of elite Manchu soldiers each with double iron binding and cotton armor. Issued a double iron tie cotton armor——

This kind of treatment, if it was a few years ago, it would be absolutely impossible to imagine.At that time, the Manchus would only choose tall and strong soldiers from their own people to wear multiple layers of heavy armor when they needed a temporary attack.

Now that he is forced to come to this point, it can be seen that Hauge really has no other way. Manchu's military resources are already stretched. If bloodletting continues, even the number of cavalry troops will not be enough. How can we not let go of the elites? Bloodline control of infantry.

The Qing army started its attacks on Jingxing Pass and Huguan Pass on September 22 and 24 respectively, and the two offensives lasted five and three days respectively.

The bloody fighting hardly stopped for a moment, and they fought fiercely in the dark even at night, just to grab a time difference, before the main force of the Ming army could move in place, and kill Jiang Tuan's guarding troops alone.

The green battalion soldiers under Jiang Tuan also had to resist desperately. They all knew that they had betrayed the imperial court at least twice. If they didn't work hard to protect themselves, there would be no place for them in the world.

Jiang Yu even temporarily confiscated the several Shanxi prefectures within his jurisdiction, and searched out all the retired people who had been bandits or served as Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers in the late emperor's time, and drove them away. Go to the front line and fight a war of attrition with his direct line troops, and let the direct line troops supervise the battle.

The general Hauge assigned to attack the key at Jingxing Pass was Ye Bilong, and the general assigned to attack the key at Huguan was Aobai.Both of them desperately urged the troops to come forward.

In the first two days, there were still many Man Ba ​​Banners who went up to fill their lives, but the casualties were too tragic. More than 1000 Manchus died every day in each level, and there were more Han and Mongolian soldiers.

Among the more than 1000 dead people, less than one-third actually died on the spot, but the problem is that they were the attacking side, and Jiang Yu's Ming army controlled the battlefield, so except for the slightly wounded, they could drag their bodies to crawl. If they come back to escape for their lives, other seriously wounded people who lose their ability to move will be detained by the Ming army.

And Jiang Yu was also red-eyed, although his troops didn't dare to open and close the door directly to hide and kill, clean up the battlefield and make up for the enemy.But he didn't hesitate to reserve arrows and ammunition. Once the offensive was over, he would let the soldiers use crossbows or muskets to shoot at the enemy corpses under the wall who were obviously wearing double armor.

If the body remains motionless after a shot, the Ming army will not waste ammunition, and if the wounded wakes up again after the shot, has any turning or twitching, it will attract more shots until there is no movement until.

This level of cruelty made it impossible for Jiao Da to recite Jia Baoyu and his ancestors from the pile of dead people.

The Qing army did not expect that Jiang Guan would be so willing to spend ammunition and arrows, and he was not economical at all. He was also frightened and demoralized.

Many senior generals thought to themselves: This Jiang Yu must have got Nanming's promise to send him logistics supplies, ammunition and arrows as soon as possible, so he knows that he only needs to stick to his inventory for seven or eight days, at most ten days. There is no need to save flowers.

Of course, the battle was so fierce, and the casualties of Jiang Yu's troops were not small. Even though he was the one guarding the pass and fought desperately, his total casualties still reached about two-thirds of the Qing army.
It has to be said that his weapons and equipment are much worse than those of the Qing army, and his morale and elite level are far inferior, which is why he still fought like this in the battle of defending the pass.

The only fortunate thing is that although the total number of casualties on Jiang Yu’s side is quite large, the proportion of direct battle casualties is far lower than that of the Qing army. This is thanks to Jiang Yu’s side controlling the battlefield. Pull back to treat and recuperate the wounded.

In any case, on the two battlefields of Jingxing Pass and Huguan, the casualties on both sides were soldiers originally belonging to the Qing Dynasty, the direct troops of the Ming Dynasty, and those dignified troops who were trained and refined by Zhu Shuren, there was no loss at all. Seeing that both Jiang Guan and Hauge were hurt.


After Jiang Guan's fierce resistance in the first few days, Ye Bilong and Oboi also had to adjust their tactics. From the third day of the storm, they gradually reduced the speed of killing the dead, and instead relied mainly on traitor cannon fodder.

In this way, although consumables were used instead of manpower, the morale of consumables also plummeted all the way.There are still more than two or three thousand traitors killed or injured in each level every day. Even if it can cause nearly a thousand casualties to the opposite Jiang Yubu, it will never be replaced in the long run.

At the same time, the Ming Dynasty's propaganda began to seep into effect gradually. After the bloody battle for the rest of their lives, many green camps couldn't help spreading the words of Ming Dynasty:

Hauge already knew that the Qing Dynasty would not be able to hold the Central Plains, and he just wanted to consume all the people who were destined to be unable to take them away before leaving the Central Plains, lest the future "enemies" be left to the Ming Dynasty!
The morale of the green battalion was low, and they began to work less and less. The Han soldiers in a small area resisted with force and fought in a group.

What's more, in the middle of the night, the green battalion soldiers who were assigned the night siege task directly turned their backs and surrendered at the gate. It's a pity that Jiang Guan's troops were also wary of fraud and dared not open the door.
We had no choice but to support them with firepower at the top of the city, let them fight against the city wall, repel the Manchu troops who came to supervise the battle, received the vote certificate, and confirmed that the Manchus retreated before they dared to open the door to respond.

And the Manchus obviously won't retreat for a long time. The final result is that most of the former green camp traitors who turned their backs were exhausted in the chaotic hand-to-hand fights with the Manchus under the city. Only a few were seriously injured or pretended to be injured. After the troops retreated, they were discovered by the Ming army cleaning the battlefield and dragged back to the pass.

After such an incident, Jiang Yu's side also slightly adjusted their tactical deployment. From then on, they no longer confronted the corpses of Han soldiers and wounded soldiers below the wall, but took advantage of the right time to carefully search for the wounded. Disarm the wounded and drag them back, and then slowly screen them.This is also good for further disintegrating the morale of the attacker.

The main force of the Qing army under Haug's counterattack on the dangerous passes of the Taihang Mountains lasted for about seven or eight days.As the window period gradually passed, the main force of the Ming army had gradually moved into place. After taking over Jiang Guan's defense area, the hope of the Qing army making another breakthrough was completely wiped out.

To be honest, Hauge's quick response and maintaining pressure also helped the Ming army to take over Jiang Yu's territory as soon as possible - when the flag was first raised, Jiang Yu was still in his heart when he saw the opening of the road so quickly Thinking about whether it is possible to be the local emperor in the north-central region of Shanxi for a few more years in the future, and rely on his own troops to maintain the situation in Shanxi.

After being exhausted by Hauge at all costs, Jiang Tuan managed to hold on, but his vitality was also seriously injured. Anyway, the green camp of his direct lineage who followed him also killed and injured more than [-] people in total.In addition, most of the stock of ammunition and arrows was consumed, and Jiang Yu's strength plummeted. He could only completely invite the main force of the Ming army in the south to enter the defense and fight side by side.

Naturally, the reinforcements of the Ming army were divided into two groups, starting from Luoyang and Kaifeng all the way, and directly controlling Luzhou and Zezhou after crossing the Yellow River to the north.

The other route started from Xi'an, Shaanxi, and Wu Sangui's former Guanning Army headed upstream along the Fen River to help Jiang Guan defend Taiyuan, Datong, Yangquan and other places.

The official troops of the Ming Army took over the defense of Luzhou on September 27, and took over the defense of Zezhou on the 29th.Wu Sangui's Guan Ning Army arrived in Taiyuan on the third day of October. Jiang Yu himself also set up a simple welcome banquet in Taiyuan City on the same day to receive Wu Sangui.

These two veterans who had been the frontier generals of the Ming Dynasty successively, and later served as traitors to varying degrees, and finally had to fight each other several times because of the different timings anyway, met face to face again after many years. It was also very embarrassing and emotional.

Jiang Yu: "Brother Eldest Brother...Young brother didn't understand Zhengshuo, so I'm a step late, I'm ashamed and ashamed. I've been fighting each other for the past two years, and I've been hurt so much, I don't care about the past."

Wu Sangui also smiled wryly: "Forget it, let's not talk about anyone else, we are equally ashamed. When the first emperor died for his country, I switched it on and off before you. Later, Dorgon forced me to go west with Hauge, and it was you who I forced to land. We are considered Early fall is early anyway, late fall is late anyway, no one should laugh at fifty steps."

He voted one step earlier when he voted clearly at the beginning, and now he votes one step earlier when he comes back to vote clearly.

And as the Ming army fully maneuvered into place and completely defended the dangers of the Taihang Mountains, the Qing army on the opposite side knew that the general situation was over, so they completely gave up taking the initiative to attack the fortifications, and could only gather troops and take a step back temporarily.

After Hauge had a thorough understanding of the situation, he became more and more heavy. He knew that the next step would be to fight the counterattacking Ming army on the Great Plains of Hebei, in a field battle that directly gambled on the fate of the entire Qing Dynasty——

The Ming army fully grasped the advantages of Taihang Mountain, and could advance, attack, retreat or defend.

However, the Qing army had no danger to defend in the hinterland of the Great Plains of Hebei, so it was impossible for the Qing army to expect to defend each stronghold and let the Ming army attack the city. The Ming army could completely bypass it or surround it for a long time.

Therefore, since ancient times, all competitions for the Hebei Great Plains have been determined by one battle. The winner can win everything, and the loser will also lose one or two provinces in one go.

At most, the last step is to retreat to the remaining veins of Yanshan Mountain and rely on Beijing City to fight a city defense battle.Before defending Beijing, the ownership of Hebei was just a matter of field battle.

(End of this chapter)

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