national surname chiming

Chapter 475 The New Era of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 475 The New Era of Ming Dynasty

After finishing the liquidation of the Fusang people and completely controlling the northern half of the first island chain in later generations, Zhu Shuren originally planned to take advantage of his own need for Ding You to recuperate for two years——

In theory, he needs to stop for 27 months after his biological father Shen Tingyang died, but because Shen Tingyang left in April 15, the war ended in October of that year.So after the end of the war, there are actually only 21 months left,

After August of the 17th year of Longwu, everything can return to normal, and Zhu Shuren can continue his drastic transformation of Daming again.

But accidents are always inevitable. It seems to confirm the saying "a generation always comes in groups and leaves in groups". Zhu Shuren has just stopped for two years and is ready to do things well. Another important person's accident , had to let him suppress the rhythm of the layout a little bit.

The incident happened at the beginning of Longwu's 18th year, just over five months after Zhu Shuren's biological father was completely finished, and all nominal powers were restored.

The 54-year-old Emperor Longwu, Zhu Changhao, also suffered from serious health problems. It is also a disease of wealth and wealth that occurs frequently in middle-aged and elderly people in winter, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Gradually worsened.

When Zhu Shuren first heard that his father-in-law was seriously ill, he was a little inconceivable, because he felt that 54 years old was not too old.When his biological father, Shen Tingyang, died a few years ago, he lived to be 65 at least.

But soon he also accepted this fact, and realized that these generations of Lao Zhu's family seem to have short life expectancy and have various health problems.
In the past hundred years, the longest-lived member of the old Zhu family was Zhu Changhao's uncle Wanli Emperor, who survived the threshold of 60 years old.
The other Ming Guangzong Zhu Changluo and Tianqi Emperor Zhu Youxiao are not short-lived ghosts.Although Chongzhen was killed, his health was not in good condition.Zhu Changhao's biological father only lived to 47.

It seems that the life expectancy of the emperors in the late Ming Dynasty was much shorter than that of the famous officials. I don't know if the genes of the paternal line have deteriorated to a certain extent.

Now Zhu Changhao has basically lived the average life span of his biological father and uncle, which is completely normal.He has had enough to enjoy the blessings, and he has no restraint in all kinds of wine and sex.

In addition, his son-in-law Zhu Shuren has expanded the territory and developed technology for Daming over the years, and has also brought in many overseas rare treasures and exchanged species.

Since Zhu Changhao is a person who likes to learn more, he will try all the overseas tributes, fruits and wines, and he will also try the orchids from all over the world.

Some food, drink, and entertainment are not acclimatized to the environment, and minor disasters and illnesses have not happened once or twice.In the end, the body was exhausted, and once the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases broke out, he was dying.

However, fortunately, Zhu Changxie Ningfo has a good voice, color, and rhythm, so he can take it very seriously.

After being paralyzed on the bed, he didn't feel aggrieved. He also knew that his son-in-law was filial enough to him. Many of the overseas treasures he had enjoyed in his life were things that the previous emperors had never eaten, never used, never seen, or played with. .

In the end, it was his own fault for what happened. The son-in-law absolutely did not do anything, and no court ladies and eunuchs let him dissolve in water or contract some diseases.

This carefree enjoyment until the age of 54, everything is picked up off-the-shelf, and it is considered enough to live.

Because of the emperor's serious illness, many reforms originally planned by the imperial court to be deepened and restarted, or other measures, were also suspended. Throughout the 18 years of Longwu, the state of "Xiao Gui Cao Sui" was still maintained, and everything was less tossed.

Zhu Changhao has been lying on the sickbed for more than half a year. Since ancient times, this kind of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease has been more difficult in winter and summer.

Seeing the scorching heat, although the Nanjing Imperial Palace has various cooling technology measures that have only appeared in recent years, such as those copper pipes that bend like the cooling fins of compressors in later generations, and the low-temperature groundwater is connected to them, and the heat exchange in the room takes away The heat made the emperor's living environment quite superior.

All kinds of new synthetic fragrances and tropical natural medicines to repel mosquitoes are also available.

However, Zhu Changhao knew his own situation well. Seeing that his body was out of control day by day, he also knew that it was time to confess his last words.

On the eighth day of the seventh month of this year, Zhu Changhao, who had lost control of his body for more than half a month, suddenly came back to his senses and became sober. He recruited his daughter, son-in-law and grandson (grandson in law) to the Qianqing Palace and gave some instructions.

In addition to these relatives, Zhu Changhao also summoned several major cabinet ministers.

Including Zhang Huangyan, the second assistant of the cabinet, and Shi Kefa, the first assistant of the cabinet-the first assistant is ranked behind, mainly because Shi Kefa is also old, and he often suffers from illness recently, and has no energy to deal with too many things. Jianyu was carried into the palace, and given a seat in front of the imperial court.

Zhang Huangyan was 45 at the time, Zhu Shuren was 42, and Shi Kefa just passed [-] this year.

In ancient times, a 60-year-old man's energy was declining, and he had to frequently hand over the actual power to the "executive deputy".

In addition, Zhu Yuchan, the official wife of Zhu Shuren, is also 33 years old this year, and Zhu Ciyu, the grandson of the emperor, is only [-] years old. To be honest, it is not a very good age for succession.

Zhu Changhao was about to die, and his words were kind, and his mind suddenly became clearer than usual.

He called the three relatives to the sick bed first, and suddenly asked his son-in-law a question: "How long did Emperor Jianwen enjoy the throne? How long did the trouble happen after he ascended the throne?"

Zhu Shuren was shocked when he heard the words, and thought to himself why his father-in-law raised such a question suddenly, it was too crazy.

He hurriedly comforted: "Father, why did you say such a thing? In today's world, my prestige is as high as the sky, and it is not a time when it is weaker than it was in the past. Besides, there is no calamity of a vassal king now."

Zhu Changhao waved his hand, signaling him not to think too much: "I'm just asking, you can answer directly."

Zhu Shuren: "If you talk about changing the Yuan Dynasty, there will be chaos in September. If you count from the death of Taizu, it will be a year and a half in total, and then you will fight for three years."

Zhu Changhao lay on the bed and nodded with difficulty: "That's more than three years, no more than four and a half years. Never forget the past, and you will be the teacher of the future. Young people are eager to make progress, and they only want quick success and quick success, leading to great success. The disaster is unknown from ancient to modern times.

Of course, what I am worried about now is not the vassal king, but the principle of young people guarding against arrogance and impetuosity is the same in ancient and modern times.In the four years since Emperor Jianwen ascended the throne that year, disasters arose.During the reign of the first emperor Wanli, Zhang Juzheng did his best to assist the prime minister, but in the end he did not return to the government because the first emperor was crowned, and resentment arose for seizing power, which was not resolved until the apocalypse.

That being the case, I ordered Qing to be regent as a prince, like the story of Zhang Juzheng and the Taifu and Taishi, for a period of four years, until the emperor's grandson reached the weak crown.Afterwards, the imperial power should be allowed to rule in person. As for Qing's future power, it is up to the new king to decide. "

Zhu Changhao was a little out of breath when he said these words, and some places were not grammatical or etiquette. When the specific promulgation must be known, the imperial court must re-polish the organizational language.

But in general terms, the three royal relatives present and the two cabinet chiefs and second ministers, a total of five people, all heard clearly.

Zhu Changhao was worried that his grandson would be as young and impulsive as Zhu Yunqi, so Zhu Yunqi spent four years getting into trouble. Now he is out of a heart disease, out of the shadow of historical overlap that "Zhu Yunqi and Zhu Ciyu are both the successors of the emperor's grandson", he asked his grandson to do so within four years. He cannot handle any government affairs, and the power must be absolutely and completely handed over to his biological father.

In the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Juzheng had the highest status as a regent before, and Zhang Juzheng was the only one in the Ming Dynasty who was granted the title of Taifu and Taishi when he was alive.

Zhu Shuren's status is different from Zhang Juzheng's. He is a prince who has been given the surname of the country, so he must be specially designated as the regent first, and other titles will be added slowly.

At the same time, since he thought of Zhang Juzheng, Zhu Changhao would of course also think of his uncle Wanli. It was because Zhang Juzheng did not return to power in time when Wanli became an adult, and he was jealous and grudged.Although Zhu Shuren and Zhu Ciyu are actually father and son, since Zhu Ciyu is the emperor, he still has to guarantee his authority as an adult.

Especially because his paternal lineage does not come from the Zhu family, Zhu Ciyu's authority needs to be protected even more.

Otherwise, it will be too late to be in charge of the government, and other princes surnamed Zhu will have more opportunities to chew their tongues. People in the world will say that the emperor is actually a tool and a puppet used by his biological father to hold power.

Taking all the above factors into consideration, the final result is that a regency is required, but the regency cannot be too long.Just four years until the little emperor turns 20 years old, it is very suitable.

In the past four years, the little emperor also needs to strengthen his studies. While his father is actually handling government affairs, he also has to observe and simulate his father's decision-making methods from the sidelines, which can be regarded as a probationary period.

The three royal families and the two ministers all expressed their understanding of His Majesty's painstaking efforts, and they must strictly follow His Majesty's plan.

After dealing with the important matter, Zhu Changhao ordered some other unimportant details, mainly about his own funeral.Because he believes in Buddhism and likes to accumulate yin virtue, he is relatively indifferent to the burial and ceremonies after death, and he also cares for Zhu Shuren to keep everything simple, which is to accumulate virtue for him.

"I have been a good Buddha all my life. Although I enjoy myself endlessly, I don't care about ceremonies. I only want to be free and easy. When I was alive, you were already filial enough to enjoy yourself. The previous emperors of this dynasty are not as good as me. Thinking about it, you are ashamed.

After the collapse of the mountain, there is no need to make too much arrangements. In the future, you will also decide on a set of etiquette, which will become a customary law. You must be simple about the affairs of the Ming emperors after death, and you must not exceed my generation.

In addition, since my Ming Dynasty is still in Nanjing, I don’t need to be buried in the north. I just choose a place on Zijin Mountain, not too close to Taizu’s Xiaoling Mausoleum, so as not to be disrespectful.

However, the descendants of future generations, if the Ming Dynasty has not moved the capital to the north by then, and some still need to be buried in Nanjing, they can be arranged around the mausoleum in the same order as the Ming Tombs in Beijing. "

Zhu Changhao's remarks are to show that he and Zhu Yuanzhang still have to leave some places, but the subsequent emperors don't have to leave him too far, just like the Ming Tombs.

Considering the small area of ​​the mountainous area outside Nanjing, Zijin Mountain is only that big, so it is necessary to save land.Otherwise, if the Ming Dynasty is passed on for many generations, all the small hills on the Zijin Mountain will be buried. Is it possible to return it to future generations and then move to Qixia Mountain and Shogunate Mountain?How decent!
In this way, there is also a reasonable reason for the emperor to keep things simple. Those who jump out and want to make a big deal will be squeezed back in the future: You let today occupy so much land because you think the Ming Dynasty is not long enough. Don't you need to save the land of Zijin Mountain?

Later, this opportunity also became a historical turning point for the simplification of the mausoleum industry in the Ming Dynasty, so that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty would not spend too much money on this aspect. Be more friendly.

You know, every time an emperor died in the Ming Dynasty, the original cost of money was several million taels, and the cost of building the mausoleum was also several million taels. 800 million taels,
Because when the emperor is alive, he must continue to add bricks and tiles. The longer the emperor lives, the longer and bigger the building will be.There are so many people's fat and people's anointing, which is equivalent to a year's training salary in Chongzhen.

During these years when Zhu Shuren was in power, relying on the Ming and Qing wars, he eliminated a large number of redundant officials and wiped out all those families who were not determined and had fake jobs. It can be said that the problem of the generations of officials and gentry families in the Ming Dynasty has been greatly alleviated.

Later, relying on the purge of the vassal king, at least [-]% of the redundant expenditures of other clan branches were also cut off.At that time, the only thing left was that the royal family's own expenses hadn't been cut much, which was a bit unconvincing.

Now Zhu Changhao is quite self-aware. Although he still can’t cut off the expenses of food, drink, entertainment, housing and transportation of the emperor, princes, and princes when they were alive, they can cut more than half of the wasted funeral expenses after death, which is also a bowl of water. draw.

Perhaps this is also one of the few good things that an artist emperor who believes in Buddhism and can see openly can do.

After Zhu Changhao ordered all the affairs, the imperial edict was made in front of everyone, and there were several eunuchs from the inspector of ceremonies to witness it.

Seeing that all the seals of the edict were used up, Zhu Changhao also heaved a sigh of relief, and he was completely relieved.


Zhu Changhao did not die on the same day, but after that time, he never had the time to be fully awake and able to deal with government affairs.

It went from bad to worse and dragged on for more than half a month, and finally died in the Qianqing Palace on the second day of August in the 18th year of Longwu.

From the third day to the fifth day of August, Zhu Shuren, Zhu Yuchan and Zhu Ciyu, of course, had to wear a filial piety and guard their spirits, and they could not eat meat or drink alcohol for three days.

In addition, because other emperors of the Ming Dynasty built mausoleums before they were alive, and Zhu Changxiao started after he was seriously ill, so the burial still needs to wait for several months of construction—this is also impossible. It is stable, and Zhu Changhao has never made it clear that he will not return to Beijing, so he can't start construction on Zijin Mountain too long in advance.

Fortunately, he only built it on the spur of the moment, and it was required to be completed in a few months, so it couldn't cost too much and the scale was too large.The officials of the Ministry of Rites of the Ming Dynasty have a good level of Fengshui, which is similar to that of later generations, so Zhu Changhao was buried on the land selected by the rulers of some parallel time and space on Zijin Mountain.

In the end, even the funeral and the building of the mausoleum cost a total of more than 300 million taels. Considering that Zhu Changhao's 18-year reign and the rise of the Ming Dynasty's national fortune, this expenditure is not excessive, only a quarter of his uncle's.

After Zhu Shuren finished the funeral for his father-in-law, he also set an iron rule: the total expenses of future generations should not exceed 200 million taels. The total amount cannot be exceeded.

On the sixth day of August, Zhu Ciyu finished his mourning ceremony, took off his filial piety, and ascended the throne in front of the spirit of the Qing Palace.Zhu Shuren became the regent according to the will, and added all the titles and honors that could be added, such as grand master.

The chief assistant of the cabinet is still Shi Kefa, but Shi Kefa is ill, so Zhang Huangyan will act on his behalf for the time being.

This power structure does not affect Zhu Shuren's regency, because Zhu Shuren is acting as the emperor's power, and is the "photographer", while the cabinet is only "assistant", and Zhu Shuren is the final decision-making role. This has no precedent in the 280 years before the Ming Dynasty.

All promotions and titles will be announced to the world. As for changing the yuan, it will have to wait until the first month of next year.

And Zhu Yuchan, who is the emperor's biological mother, is still only the "eldest princess", legally regarded as the emperor's aunt, and cannot be respected as the queen mother.There is no rush for this matter, so it will be put on hold for now.

Zhu Shuren didn't intend to do this kind of operation during the years when he was in full power as a regency, the food was too ugly.If his wife becomes the queen mother, what will the world think of him.

At least at least wait until his son is in charge in the future.

After Zhu Ciyu ascended the throne, the first five months were basically safe. The clan and vassals of the Ming Dynasty had been weakened to the extreme. In total, there were less than ten families alive, and half of them were the ones who committed crimes and lost their titles. Who would dare to make trouble?
However, Zhu Ciyu's succession, after all, has no ancient rules to follow, and the impact on people's thinking is inevitable.

Therefore, within a few months, some people pretended to be Chongzhen's other sons, saying that Li Zicheng and Dorgon did not kill Chongzhen's sons back then, and questioned the death of Chongzhen's sons.Now that Zhu Changhao is extinct as the orthodox heir of the royal family, they should have a share of the pie.

It's a pity that these are ignorant people. Of course, the Ming army everywhere will not be soft. With the strength of the Ming Dynasty that has destroyed the Manchu Qing and severely damaged Fusang, the generals directly killed these thieves. Grass bandits who have no culture and know the heights of the world——

This kind of people can never be completely banned, because there will always be ignorant people in the world, even after hundreds of years, there will still be those ignorant people who roared in the mountains and forests in the ravines and were exterminated by the police.

Therefore, if you catch them, all the clans can be wiped out, and it will be clean after killing a wave.

In the last five months of the 18th year of Longwu, three or four cases of impersonating the third prince of Zhu were eliminated across the country, and there were seven or eight cases of impersonating various Ming vassals who were purged and killed by Zhu Shuren, and those who claimed to be those who were exterminated The offshoot of the vassal king slipped through the net.

However, the largest group of these people only summoned thousands of people, and the others generally only had hundreds of people, which was not enough to fit between the teeth.The eleven cases of rebellion were all cleared up. Counting the killings and gains on the battlefield, they killed less than 1 people.

After some purges, the status of Zhu Shuren and his emperor's son became more stable than before.

The only loss is that Zhu Shuren chose to be a low-key person in the past five months. In order to make a smooth transition and show that he is not domineering, he did not make any reforms or radical measures, and everything remained as usual.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to the new year of the year.As the wheel of history rolls into a new era, Zhu Ciyu decides to change Yuan under the decision of his biological father.


PS: I'm being lazy here, I didn't think about the specific changes, so I'm here out of context.

Let's comment, whoever changed Yuan Gaozan will use whoever changed it in the next chapter.I don't know much about these, and I don't want to waste my brain on textual research, so I laughed.Bow to professional book lovers.

(End of this chapter)

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