national surname chiming

Chapter 509 Imperial Examination with Score Lines

Chapter 509 Imperial Examination with Score Lines

Zhu Shuren's division and disintegration of the conservative scholars in the world was carried out very smoothly.

Since some of them have seen a new ascending channel, and this ascending channel is only open to famous old scholars for the time being, why not seize the opportunity as soon as possible to reap some benefits for themselves?

Even if this ascending channel will be gradually opened to others in the future, and it will be a matter of the future.Maybe during the window period of these few years, I have already climbed up by relying on this new opportunity, so why worry about the waste that can't climb up?
Dead friends are not dead poor, and those who can catch the window period will not care about the life and death of those who cannot be caught. Those people are the targets of their crimes, and the targets who want to go up the house and pull the ladder to kick in the face.

I wish I could squeeze into the bus, and the driver would close the door immediately, so that the ride along the way can be more comfortable, spacious and breathable, human nature has always been like this since ancient times.

The time soon came to October [-]th, which was the scheduled exam day.

The registration work has been closed five days in advance. Because of the rush of time, there are not many people who come this year, mainly candidates from Nanzhili, Jiangxi and Zhejiang, and some candidates from Shandong, Henan, Huguang, and farther away are few. I have come to sign up.

However, there is nothing fair or unfair about this kind of thing. It is the nature of Enke. Previously, Zhu Shuren's thunderous tactics deposed three or four hundred scholars in Nanzhili and Jiangxi and Zhejiang. The conflicts in these places are also the most serious.Now it can be regarded as a sap first and then a sweet date, giving both kindness and power.

This situation will only appear in the first year, and there will be no problem of information asymmetry in the future, and the provinces will be fair.


On the morning of the exam, just after dawn, a long queue formed at the gate of the Jiangnan Gongyuan of the Confucius Temple by the Qinhuai River.

The location of the examination room, the imperial court did not bother, it was still the same as the old imperial examination.Many of those candidates had previously participated in the old-style imperial examinations, and they were quite familiar with the routines, so they didn't feel uncomfortable.

It's just that the team at the entrance of the Confucius Temple is divided into several areas, and the candidates are sorted and arranged to check the identity of the candidates.There is also a sign in front of each team, which reads "juren district", "supervision district", and "scholar district", so that candidates with different reference identities can enjoy different treatment.

It feels like the check-in lanes of future airports. There are fast lanes for business seats, ordinary lanes, and group tours. There are very few queues in the "juren district", a few times more people in the "supervision district", and the "scholar district" is packed to the brim.

A candidate in his twenties was in the queue in the Juren District. He glanced back and forth and saw that there were not many people.

In front of him was an older-looking examinee, who was in his 40s and [-]s, so he approached him curiously:

"I don't know where your brother is from? Li Guangdi of Quanzhou, my brother, Guannian brother Chunqiu, he must have won the exam for a year. Why don't you wait for the vacancy and come here to take the math exam."

The middle-aged Juren turned his head and gave him a sideways glance, then cupped his hands expressionlessly and said, "In Xiajiangling Zhou Peigong, why should this brother Li Xian ask why he knows why? Those who can be ranked in the Juren waiting area are naturally already famous. Why would I Appeared here for the same reason as you."

Hearing this, Li Guangde couldn't help laughing with embarrassment and self-mockery: "Isn't it too late to try after winning the exam, why don't you come here to try your luck more.

Although this "Nanjing University" is still at the Juren level after graduation, after all, there are already a lot of candidates for the literary examination, and there are unprecedented candidates for the number of examinations. Who doesn't want to try. "

After finishing speaking, Li Guangdi and Zhou Peigong looked at each other with a knowing smile, all proud of changing lanes and overtaking.

It turned out that these two people were the lackeys of Zhenming in the Kangxi Dynasty in a parallel time and space, but now they also came to the Ming Dynasty to apply for fame.

But this is something that can’t be helped. After all, history has been changed for decades, and Zhu Shuren will definitely use more and more people who are official in the future.Especially those who have never served as officials in the Ming Dynasty in history, as long as they have some skills, it will only become more and more common to serve in the Qing Dynasty.Going forward, those who have not been in official positions may instead be unknown and mediocre.

At this moment, what these people are thinking is, "Even if there are already Wen Juren, if there are more Juren, maybe the waiting time will be faster. It will be more convenient than continuing the Liberal Arts Examination for Jinshi. At least try to see if there are more paths." .

After Li Guangdi exchanged pleasantries with Zhou Peigong, they both inquired about each other's mathematical skills. When Zhou Peigong asked the other party's mathematics level, Li Guangdi was not humble:

"My younger brother is good at easy counting, and has dabbled in traditional simple arithmetic. However, I really don't understand the calculations of geometry and mechanics listed in the inspection program that I saw last month. I just bought a copy of Mr. Fang's "" "Physics" for a while."

Zhou Peigong's expression darkened slightly when he heard the words, but he quickly returned to normal: "Then you are better than me. I have been hanging on the beam for the past two months, and I have been sharpening my guns before the battle. It's just a bet that everyone is not prepared for this first subject, shorty You are tall. Li Xiandi, you have a foundation in easy counting, so you must be in high school this time."

Li Guangdi was a little proud, but he couldn't show it. He just comforted him with the words of the scene: "Hey, it's nothing to get it for a while. There is no learning before and after, and those who have mastered it first.

The Nanjing University's entrance examination is no more than a test. If you have passed the test, even if you no longer want to learn in this life, and become a degenerate person, you will still have to be awarded an official.If you pass the exams, you still have to go to school and study hard for three to five years. If you just play around in your studies, you will fail the exams after graduation, isn't it still useless?

The younger brother has already heard that the entrance examination for this subject still depends on the ranking, no matter how low the score is, as long as it is in the top [-], it can be admitted.But the final exam after years of hard study will depend on the score.

If you can't reach [-]% of the score, you will not be able to complete the course even if you have enough years of study.If you can't achieve [-]% of the score, even if you barely graduate, you will have nowhere to go for a practical position, and you might go to the Academy of Sciences for an internship. "

Zhou Peigong nodded subconsciously when he heard the words: "I've also heard that it's not enough to just pass the exam right now, it depends on how well you do in mathematics and science after a few years. Looking at the score, maybe it's just a trick of self-improvement.

It's like after the general exam, it's not a final exam, there is also the palace exam, but who will go to the palace exam to dismiss people?It's nothing more than for the emperor's disciples. "

Zhou Peigong speculated based on the old practice, and felt that the relationship between the graduation examination of Nantah University in the future and the current entrance examination is nothing more than the relationship between the Imperial Palace Examination and the Ministry of Rites Examination. It must be "strict entry and wide exit". !

A large group of people bustlingly completed the inspection and finally entered the Gongyuan to take the exam.

During the whole process, Li Guangdi still felt some extra respect and convenience, which surprised him.

For example, when candidates entered the arena, they only checked their identities, but they did not conduct a strict body search and did not insult the gentleman.

Just now he also saw that some candidates were not at ease, so he questioned the investigators.

Apparently because the questioner was timid and absolutely not entraining.And seeing that the inspector didn't even search the body carefully, if other colleagues brought a cheat sheet, wouldn't they be honest people at a disadvantage?
If he can beat the examiner, even if he only finds out a few cheaters, expels his reputation, and abolishes his exam qualifications, then he can also get rid of two more competitors, so he won't be so successful?

The career competition of zero-sum game has always been like this.

However, the examiner responded positively to those questioning examinees very disdainfully: "The imperial court is sympathetic to gentlemen and does not allow strip searches. What are you waiting for? This is the imperial court's benevolent government! You take it as a test for stereotyped writing! A test for mathematics , Even if physics asks you to copy a few formulas, so what? If you can’t count, you can’t count!”

This matter was quickly settled, and everyone entered the arena, and after a little preparation, they began to issue papers and answer questions.

The content of the test is also relatively fast. The science part is all done on the first day. Maths is tested in the morning, and the most basic physical calculations and some common sense of natural history and chemistry are tested in the afternoon.
Li Guangdi took a closer look at the scope of the examination paper, and it was also the content involved in the popular science books published by the Ming Dynasty Academy of Sciences a few years ago. As far as they are concerned, it is tantamount to picking up a bargain out of thin air, and their hobbies just hit the content of the assessment.

Everyone will try their best, do as much as they can, and don't think too much if they can't do it. They feel that most of the other candidates can't do it either.

Overall, the test paper this time is still very simple.As for the latest mathematical achievements such as calculus, of course they will not be used to test candidates. It is too difficult, and few people in Ming Dynasty can do it.

The content of calculus is something that candidates need to learn in the next few years after they are admitted to Nantah University. Even "derivatives" and the algebra and geometry that many high school students learn in later generations must be learned in universities.

In other words, if a traveler from later generations comes to test these two papers, he will find that the mathematical knowledge in them is at most the level of the first to second grade of junior high school, and it is nothing more than replacing the X/Y of the multivariate equations. Became A, B, C, D, reducing the amount of Western characters.

As for the physics exam, it is basically the calculation of Newton's third law at a constant speed, as well as the calculation of various basic geometric applications of the mass and volume density of objects, as well as the geometric calculation of optics.

The thermal and electrical parts of junior high school physics in other later generations are not assessed at all today.Instead, some biological natural history picture reading questions and common sense of chemical phenomena.

The last question of the physics paper or the science paper is the ultimate big question used to separate the scores of masters and scumbags.It is just telling you the gravitational force and orbital distance between certain planets, allowing you to calculate the centrifugal force/centripetal force required to maintain the orbit, and then calculate the linear velocity and revolution period of orbital motion.

In future generations, anyone who has the ability to answer physics questions at the line level of the senior high school entrance examination will be able to win the exam in Ming Dynasty.


The exam day came to an end soon, and Li Guangdi, Zhou Peigong and others had mixed feelings of joy and sorrow.

Li Guangdi felt that he did well in the exam, while Zhou Peigong obviously didn't grind his guns very well. In the end, there were big problems in mathematics and physics. He couldn't hold a formula and could only write a solution.

A large group of candidates huddled around in the city of Nanjing to check the answers, and some of them pretended to be ostriches and only wanted to wait for the results after the exam, but they didn't dare to answer the answers at all.

It is said that in those few days, the best way to provoke and offend a scholar was to see a scholar on the Qinhuai River who was hugging left and right but still looked worried, and then leaned over to give him the standard answers for this year's exam paper.

Then the other party will usually become angry from embarrassment, pick up the inkstone or wine pot and hit the person, and then frantically cover their ears with their sleeves and refuse to listen.

After tormenting for half a month, on October [-]th, the imperial court finally released the list.Post all the lists of the first [-] candidates admitted to the entrance of the Gongyuan.

Some candidates who are confident in their grades will naturally come to watch the release of the results in person, but those who are self-aware will not take their own humiliation, and continue to get drunk on the Qinhuai River, hoping for a miracle that someone will come to announce the good news.

After reading the posted list, the candidates still felt a little bit of surprise and difference: In the mathematics exam, not only the rankings were posted, but also the candidates' math scores were written in detail behind each person's name. , the respective scores of the two subjects of physics, and the summed total scores.

You must know that in the traditional liberal arts imperial examinations, where there is no score, they are directly ranked, but no one knows why who is in the front and who is in the back.

Wen Wu first, Wu Wu second, to judge the quality of an article, many times there is no clear standard.

But science and engineering exams are completely different. They are all objective questions. There is no suspense for correct answers and wrong answers. Points are given according to the process steps, and it is not easy to be ambiguous.

Therefore, from No. 1 to No. 3 on the list, the specific score of each person is clear at a glance.Because there will definitely be people with the same score, so when you meet someone with the same score, you can even directly write it out according to "how many people are tied", which is clear.

Li Guangdi and Zhou Peigong also met to see the list that day. Li Guangdi was lucky enough to find that he had a total score of 148, and he was selected as the third place. He usually has a little knowledge in mathematics, and mathematics helped him to pull up some points. Unfortunately, physics is only average, and temporary supplements are only average. On the high side.It can be seen that his mathematics can enter the 50s and [-]s, but the physics is only outside the [-]s, and he got more than [-] on average.

And Zhou Peigong was very miserable, actually ranked 264th, and when he looked carefully, he found that there were more than 264 people tied for 200th place, because the total score of these 116 people was only 115 with a total score of just 280 points.If it falls to [-] with one less point, it can only be tied for [-] or so.

At the end of the list, the actual number of people admitted exceeded 300, reaching 297 people.Just because starting from the 112th place, there were thirteen people with the same score of 13, all tied, and finally had to admit all these [-] people, and nine people were over-recorded.

Many candidates couldn't help but take a deep breath after seeing this list of candidates.

This exam is too rigorous. The score line and the scores of each applicant are directly published. I don’t know how many times more accurate than the old stereotyped imperial examination. Those who lose can only be convinced.

In the normal imperial examinations in previous years, if you say that you can get 300 people, you will get 300 people. The article will definitely make a difference.

And soon, as the news spread that the admissions were based on precise scores, many people secretly complained.Some people tried to inquire about the production process of the scores, wanted to see the marking of the papers, and were dissatisfied with the scores.

Some people also found that since the use of objective numbers to determine the score, there seems to be no care for the north-south rankings, and special geographical care.The geographical structure of the imperial court's selection of scholars in this examination seems very unreasonable.

Some people think of Zhu Yuanzhang's north-south rankings in his early years, and later east-west divisions, fantasizing about making a fuss and fighting for rights for their hometown.

People of all shapes and sizes, with various interests in mind, began to move.


Ps: Sorry for getting up late on the weekend!Set a regular update in the next few days!Do not do it manually!
(End of this chapter)

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