national surname chiming

Chapter 61 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 61 Victory in the First Battle
Although "Yidou Valley" was shocked by the loud noise of the turtledove guns fired by Shen's army, he has long been indifferent to life and death after being a thief for ten years.

Instinct told him that at this time, Ma Jin would not be able to turn back, and he could only rush to the end.

"The reloading of the official army's firecrackers is very slow, rush! The faster you rush, the safer!"

The cavalry around him were all old Shaanxi thieves who followed Liu Xiyao from his hometown.After a short period of panic, they found that few comrades around them had fallen off their horses, which aroused them to become more stubborn and charged more resolutely.

"It seems that this cavalry is an elite bandit army. The rate of iron armor should not be low. It took shotguns to kill so few people." Zuo Zixiong on the opposite side put down his binoculars, and his palms were slightly sweaty, but it was not because of fear, but because of nervousness. A normal physiological response intertwined with excitement.

After a quick glance just now, after a volley of guns, only about a dozen cavalrymen fell off their horses, and a little more horses were wounded and killed.

The 240 turtledove guns were fired with a round of shotguns, and the sum of them could effectively hit more than [-] targets, which is only one-eighth.This number is obviously much lower than the previous test, and Zuo Zixiong quickly judged that these cavalry had a relatively high armor rate.

This judgment is indeed correct.

Among Liu Xiyao's third-rate thieves, ordinary troops only have officers above the sentinel commander who have Tie Zha cotton armor.When it comes to the direct lineage of the old battalion, it may spread to grassroots officers.

As for the most trusted cavalry unit, even the corporal commander is equipped.The 1000-odd cavalry on the opposite side were able to scrape together three or four hundred pairs of iron-clad cotton armor, which was Liu Xiyao's foundation.

It takes less than 120 seconds for armored cavalry to cross 160 steps (30 meters) in formation.Infantry will be twice as slow, about fifty seconds.

So after only six or seven seconds, the cavalry rushed within a hundred steps of the front of the formation, and was attacked by another round of bullets. This time it was a Lumi gun with a charge of four coins.

When they heard the gunshots, the cavalry in Yidou Valley panicked again, obviously frightened by the density of firepower of the officers and troops.

The killing effect of this round is actually lower than that of the previous round, mainly because the firepower of the Lumi Gun is much weaker than that of the Turtledove Gun.

Only less than ten of the bandit cavalry died, and almost a dozen others fell off their horses. The panic and formation confusion caused were far worse than the first wave.It took Yidougu a few more seconds to regroup, and even had to slash and kill two old brothers who turned around and deserted to stabilize morale.

This delay at least provided time for Zuo Zixiong to fire another row of guns later.

At eighty paces, the third round of gunfire fired again, but this time the bandits were not so afraid.They had already realized that the officers and soldiers used the stacking method, and the guns they used were different each time. Only the gun fired for the first salvo just now was the most powerful.

It's a pity that with the fourth round of volley fire from the officers and soldiers fifty paces away, the courage of the bandit cavalry that had just been rebuilt was quickly knocked down again—the batch of turtledove guns that fired 120 paces away just now had been restored. The ammunition is loaded.

"Bang bang bang—" the loud noise roared again, completely making Yidougu doubt his life.

"That's impossible! How can the officer reload so quickly! The cavalry can take seventy steps, and he can shoot again?"

This idea just flashed through Yi Dou Gu's mind, and he didn't have time to think about it.

At the moment when he saw the flames, relying on an instinctive sense of danger, he slammed into the stirrups to hide, and lowered his body to hide within the shielding range of the horse as much as possible.

At the same moment, he only felt that the thigh exposed on the outside of the horse seemed to be stung by something, and passed through it coldly.Before the pain came, I heard gunshots in my ears——

The speed of the bullet when it first came out of the chamber was far faster than the speed of sound.It's a pity that there is only a time difference of less than 0.2 seconds for the distance of [-] steps, and human nerves can hardly react, so the sense of touch and hearing hit almost at the same time.

A lead bullet had pierced a small hole on the outer side of his thigh. If the bullet hadn't penetrated directly, he would have been crippled if not dead.Then his war horse neighed sadly, rolled and fell down, obviously when he was hiding in the stirrups just now, the war horse helped him block more bullets.

The lethality of this round of Turtledove Gun was really terrifying, at least 80 people were killed and injured, and almost one of them could be killed with three shots.

The shotgun firepower at medium and short distances is full, it is so brutal.

If it is replaced with a slug, even if the accuracy of the firearm itself is high, it will not be able to achieve it-don’t believe this evil, anyone who has fought chicken knows that to deal with a moving target enemy 60 meters away, even if you are given a 98K Even after five shots, you may not be able to hit the target.

The number of warheads and firepower density are the real kingly options.

The wailing finally resounded and spread among the bandit cavalry, and the morale was already drained.If it weren't for the chaos, no one knew that Yidou Valley had fallen, and it might have collapsed directly.

Fortunately, these people have been in the army for many years, knowing that retreating at this time will only "suffer twice and suffer twice", and take more rounds of guns in vain, otherwise it is not surprising that the army's morale will collapse directly.

"As expected of a gangster with many years of experience, he is still clear-headed at this time, knowing that the only way to survive is to move forward."

Zuo Zixiong didn't dare to push him too hard, so he ordered the Lu Mi guns in the second row to quickly put out a final round of snatching, and then they all retreated from the corridor to let the pikemen line up to meet them.

After the Lumi blunderbuss fired, the bandit cavalry was still [-] steps away. In theory, they could fire another shot, but that would make it too late for the musketeers to retreat, and for the pikemen to reinforce the formation. The gains outweigh the losses.

Perhaps only when the bayonet is invented, the musketeer can hit the cavalry with the bayonet on the ground without retreating, and this regret can be completely made up for.

Zuo Zixiong resolutely gave up the last shot, in exchange for a more lenient lineup of spears.

The bandit cavalry, which numbered over 1000, was directly killed and injured by five rounds of strikes, and only 200 or so remained, crashing headlong into the spear array.

"Kill!" After a month and a half of training, the soldiers of the Huangzhou regiment also burst out with the courage to follow the crowd, mechanically stabbing the spears in their hands numbly, and many people's minds went blank.

"Our army's musketeers have already killed so many bandits! Our army will surely win!"

It's not that many people are not afraid, but they are just aroused by the enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and feel that they are on the side of the strong, the side of the winner.This kind of confidence is extremely important for recruits.

In just a few tens of seconds, the blood dripping from the enemy, the corpses and horses that fell all the way, all strengthened this mentality.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Again and again, he stabbed vigorously with both arms, turning a blind eye to the gushing blood, but aroused the excitement of beating the dog in the water.

Almost all of the first row of bandit cavalry collided with the gun array, either dead or injured. Although they also knocked over the No. [-] long gunman on the opposite side, they did not shake the regiment's training line at all.

The spearmen in the first row fell, and the back row immediately made up for them. They may be recruits, but as long as they know that they are on the side of the winner, that's enough.

The Chinese, since ancient times, have always liked to follow the crowd, to be strong, and to go with the crowd.

This is especially true of weak-willed recruits, who must act out a weakening, unilateral killing of the enemy before hand-to-hand combat.

Once the recruits sincerely think that they are fighting the wind and bullying the weak, their potential to explode is no less than that of the elite veterans.

The real gap between new and old soldiers can only be reflected when fighting against the wind.

Dozens of bandit cavalry fell down, or fell off their horses and fell into infantry battles.

The "Equestrian Infantry" led by Liu Xiong in the back row was about to rush to the battlefield to reinforce the cavalry in Yidou Valley.

But Zuo Zixiong's Turtle Dove Gunfire Team, which had just retreated, has also made preparations again.Although muskets are no better than bows and arrows, they cannot perform parabolic shooting.

But the Shen family's army was defending the town after all, and the advantage of the terrain made up for this shortcoming.

On the wooden fence and sentry tower on the north side of the battlefield, turtledove musketeers soon began to condescend, shoot over the heads of the two armies and shoot flat fire at the rear row of the bandit army.

The natural dispersion of the shotgun can allow some of the falling projectiles to injure the enemy's rear army a hundred paces away.This style of play is the safest, although at least half of the projectiles will be wasted, but it will not accidentally injure one's own people.

The bandit army can only output in hand-to-hand combat on the contact surface between the two armies, but the Shen family army can hold it head-on and output three-dimensionally, and the long-term combat effectiveness can be judged.

It's not that Liu Xiyao doesn't have firearms, it's just that the cavalry troops brought by Liu Xiong today don't have firearms.Unable to push back in a hurry, he had no choice but to shoot at Shen Jiajun with bows and arrows, trying to maintain morale, and it seemed that he was not being beaten unilaterally.

In a panic, some cavalry officers of the rebel army acted accordingly and wanted to outflank and outflank the formation of Shen's army.

However, within a few steps, the detour to the left was trapped by the muddy beach on the bank of the Qishui River. Their mobility was greatly reduced, and they became a living target for being passively beaten.

Some war horses even stepped directly into the muddy quicksand pits, stumbled and threw the riders away, breaking their tendons and bones.

"Young master, we can't fight like this anymore! These Shen family members can't move! The pikemen are so densely lined up, and there are rivers and soil fences on the left and right. The cavalry can't turn around, and they will die in vain! We must have fallen into the trap. !"

When Liu Xiong was at the back of the formation, he was looking at Liushen, Yidougu was carried by his confidant soldiers and retreated, crying and begging Liu Xiong to retreat immediately.

A small hole was punched shallowly on the side of Yidougu's thigh. Fortunately, the bullet passed through and there was no risk of death.

Liu Xiong gritted his teeth. The casualties of the troops were indeed terrible. If the fight continued, they might collapse immediately.His only hope is that the opponent's morale will collapse first, but the opponent is obviously far from collapsing.

"The officer and general who led the troops, how did they boost their morale? Why would they not be afraid to break up after being repeatedly charged by our cavalry!"

He hesitated for a moment, and the bandit cavalry finally collapsed on their own, and there was no need to wait for his order to retreat - no matter how stubborn the elite old battalion was, after [-] to [-]% of the casualties, the enemy still had no signs of loosening at all, and the collapse could not be more normal .

What's more, these troops rushed all night and rushed to intercept them.Just gamble with the tone just now.It was found that the morale of the officers and soldiers was high and they were not afraid of them at all. The bandit army was discouraged and collapsed completely.

"Withdraw! Run!" Liu Xiong was in a hurry, and fled first on his horse. He retreated three or four arrows first, gathered the remnant soldiers, collected pack animals, horses and donkeys, and fled straight to the upper reaches of the Qishui River.

Zuo Zixiong was afraid of being cheated, so he didn't dare to chase out of the town immediately - once he left the town and reached the open ground, the left and right wings would be turned around by the enemy cavalry. It's hard to say to block the stubborn thieves in all directions.

For the sake of prudence, he ordered the long spear team to quickly change formation to get out of the corridor after the bandit army retreated fifty or sixty steps away, and let the firearms soldiers step forward in batches to unleash a round of firepower before the two armies broke contact.

The [-] shots taken during the escape took the lives of at least a hundred bandit soldiers.

"No chasing! The enemy army is attacking at dawn, and I don't know if there is a large group of ambushes in the distance. When the sky is completely bright, I will send scouts to search other directions before making a decision! Let the soldiers rest and drink water before preparing for food Physical recovery!"

Zuo Zixiong ordered in an orderly manner, pacifying his subordinates' urge to try and take credit.

(End of this chapter)

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