Practitioner with the World Gate

Chapter 213 Heavenly Court Divine Book? !

Chapter 213 Heavenly Court Divine Book? !
Such and such, such and such.

"Things are like this. I wonder why I didn't completely transform. It turned out to be... I hope the real person will save me!"

The big toad said that the whole thing had been told.

It did get [God's Will] to spread the plague. From the day it was born with wisdom, he knew that he would spread the plague to the world at a certain point in the future.

The toad itself does not have this ability, it should be an order from the Heavenly Court of the Upper Realm, and it can feel the power of the sky itself.

Therefore, since he realized his mission, he has been nesting at the bottom of the pool, practicing painstakingly with the blessing of the luck of the edict.

This is how his strength came from. He may not be very good at fighting, but he is really good at resisting. All this is to prepare for being able to survive to complete the task.

As for begging for a wife or something, that's true.

It's too ugly, the toad is really ugly, and he doesn't want to rob the women of the people to do bad things, so he can only do this.

However, when it comes to my wife, I have to figure out one thing first, the toad is just a way to spread the plague, and this operation is according to the will of God.

There are wind, fire, thunder and lightning in the world, and there are also plagues, which is a natural law.

It's not that the heavens want the world to be so. They play the role of defenders, maintaining order while maintaining the normal operation of the way of heaven.

No matter whether there are people living in Youzhou, there must be a plague. This is a fixed number between heaven and earth.

The only difference is that the heavenly court will also consider the reaction of the human world. If there are too many deaths and injuries due to the plague, the existence of spreading the plague will have to lift or take back the plague.

It is precisely because of this that the plague god is not an evil god, but a righteous god.

Right now, the toad is playing the role of spreading the plague. This is not his intention to spread the plague. Without the toad, there will be centipedes, and without the centipedes, there will be others.

However, another role of the toad is more important—when the plague spreads completely, it is ready to recover the plague and relieve the plague.

It is not in vain that the Heavenly Court finds someone to do things. After the toad became sensible, someone sent a spirit to ask it what it wanted, which was regarded as the benefit of this busy work.

You can go to heaven as a soldier after you're done, or something else.

Toad's idea is very simple, he just wants a human wife, and she has to be pretty.

That person said, this matter is simple, many people in Youzhou will suffer in the future, you have the ability to eliminate the plague, then you can pick two or three favorites, not to be a wife and not to cure the disease, it will be all right.

When Toad heard the same reasoning, he agreed on the spot.

Then he continued to practice, until he felt the changes in Youzhou a few days ago, and a trace of plague was born, so he thought that the time had come, and prepared to spread the plague.

Because he was too happy to change his form and ask for a wife, he couldn't carefully judge whether the plague came into being as the times require.

This is a typical work error caused by personal carelessness.

Toad's story made Lu Fan shake his head: "You are really played well."

"Yes, yes, Daoist, I know I was wrong!" He repeatedly responded.

Lu Fan shook his head: "I'm not just talking about the time to spread the plague, forget it, you get that woman out first."

The righteous god of the Ministry of Plague definitely tricked Toad, not because of spreading the plague early, but because of benefits.

The toad spreading the plague belongs to the movement of heaven and has merit. This is the confidence that he will be able to transform into form.

At the same time, when the righteous gods from the Plague Department of the Heavenly Court came to him, they would also give him a benefit, which was arranged by the Heavenly Court.


The Jade Emperor is not bad for these three melons and two dates, and these benefits are not in his eyes, not even as real as his old man's half-breathing.

It is estimated that the righteous god of the Ministry of Plague thought of the bad idea of ​​"not treating the wife without treating the disease" when he heard Toad said that he wanted a wife.

In this way, when Toad has a wife, he can feel at ease and ignore the benefits.

There is a very critical point in this matter, and it is also the reason why Zhengzheng dared to do this.

Spreading the plague is a mandatory requirement to maintain the natural laws of the world.

Recycling the plague is not. Recycling the plague is required by the heavens. It is not a rigid requirement to prevent too many people from dying.

Therefore, Toad can only say "taking advantage of others' danger" in doing so, but it is not a big treacherous evil.

His starting point was not to spread the plague in order to beg for his wife, but to act according to the order of heaven and beg for his wife on the way.

Let's just say, why not be an official?There are policies above and countermeasures below.
No matter how well the big leader arranges, he can't stop the people below from messing around.

Heaven does not order people in vain, and Emperor Yongxing does not order people in vain, but the people below may not obey this rule.

The big toad opened its mouth reluctantly, a faint spatial fluctuation appeared, and a woman slowly revealed her figure from his mouth.

"You still have the mustard Nasumi magic weapon?" Lu Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"Quack, stomach bag, I refined my stomach bag into a storage space, no matter how small I become, the space in this stomach bag is only so big."

Lu Fan understood it, and turned to look at the woman. At this time, the black air above her head had faded a lot, and was entangled with the green sick air.

The death and sickness of the eldest niece Guo Yuxiu was all because of this woman, but she was not the mastermind behind the scenes, and neither was the big toad.

There are other people, and they may not be in the same group.

Lu Fan put his finger on the woman's neck, and a little real energy slowly flowed into her body. After careful inspection, he made sure that the other party was just an ordinary person.


If you want to find the real culprit behind the scenes and figure out what happened, you will probably have to work hard.

He didn't rush to question the woman, but communicated with the big toad first.

"What are you going to do? Now that you are connected to Heaven and Earth, you have been deceived and planted the plague in advance. This is tantamount to messing things up. I'm afraid you will die later!"

You don't need to take the errands in the heavenly court, but you must do well if you do. This is the rule.

However, if it was Lu Fan who fooled the other party, the big toad was deceived. If there were no serious consequences, the end would be to be suppressed for 200 years at best.

When the big toad was hit by him like this, he immediately lost his courage, hemmed and hawed and couldn't say one, two, three.

"It's easy to teach the real person to know that I really know my mistake, but I don't have the means to recover the plague right now."

He looked puzzled.

"No?" Lu Fan was taken aback.


The big toad bulged its stomach, and soon, the space fluctuation appeared again, and immediately called out a small green bottle.

"This is the plague bottle, which contains the plague. Open the lid to release the plague, and close the lid to stop it."

"If there is no plague in it, open the lid and it will automatically absorb the plague between heaven and earth, and it will stop when the lid is closed, until it is full, and then the second round will start."


Lu Fan's eyes widened, his eyebrows opened automatically, and he saw a picture.

A man dressed as a civil servant, wearing colorful robes, was handing the plague bottle to Toad, but at that time Toad was only the size of an adult dog, which was far worse than it is now.

At the end of the picture, his eyes were closed, and when Lu Fan looked at the bottle with his eyes again, he could clearly see the mysterious handwriting contained in it.

It is completely natural, and there are not many dao rhyme runes circulating in it.

The outside is like a restriction of Tianwei, but judging from the strength, it is not strict.

Lu Fan understood a little bit, this bottle is a [public weapon] of the Heavenly Court, and the restriction is not strong, it depends on the official position of the holder, but the breath is Tianwei, which is very reasonable.

Weak chickens can't understand the restrictions, and the awesome ones come, let alone remove the restrictions, just take a look at the aura of heavenly power and you will know what's going on.

Not to mention possessing, escaping is very difficult for parents to have a pair of wings.

"No wonder he dared to risk his life and hold on to the eighth grade." Lu Fan muttered in a low voice.

"Ha?" The big toad didn't understand what it meant.

"It's okay, you can put the bottle away."

Lu Fan waved his hand, lost in thought.

Guo Feng was almost listening, so he leaned over to signal him to have a chat.


The two came to the side, and after placing a ban, they communicated again with spiritual thoughts.

Guo Feng: "I probably understand what you mean. Someone calculated Toad for his own purpose and asked him to spread the plague in advance."

"Someone plotted against Yuxiu and asked her to bear part of the disaster for that woman. The purpose of this is unknown, but these two may not be in the same group, does that mean?"

Lu Fan didn't answer right away, but after thinking for a while, he spoke slowly.

"Is there a possibility that this is not necessarily a scheme against Yuxiu, but to remind us?"

This is what Lu Fan just thought of.

Logically speaking, the calculating toad wants to plot something, but the core cannot be separated from it.

Let the plague break out in Youzhou City at the wrong time!
It is not clear what the specific goal is, but this cannot be avoided.

The reason is simple, right now the toad can only spread the plague, but cannot reclaim it.

If you want to recycle, you have to completely open the plague bottle and release all the plague. In this way, their goal will be achieved.

Obviously, according to this logic, they have no reason to deliberately involve Guo Yuxiu.

It's not good, like right now, it's good to get involved, as soon as Lu Fan came over, he simply used the means to pull out the big toad.

Guo Feng was stunned, and nodded: "It's possible, but we can't make a decision so early, let's write it down first, and slowly peel it off."

He added: "The toad must have been planted, we can't let the plague go, but this matter is actually profitable, Brother Lu, do you understand?"

Speaking of this, the expressions of the two gradually became a little subtle, but they didn't point it out, it was a tacit understanding.

Some honest Taoists are like this. When they saw that the situation was wrong in this incident, they directly started to drive out the plague, regardless of the toad, after all, the other party was considered a non-staff at the moment.

But in fact, this is not right, the plague must be expelled, but before that, you have to talk to the toad.

If you really can't agree, forget it, you should drive away the plague, and wait until the toad completes its mission before looking for him, and then it may not be nice to talk.

Lu Fan: "Let's not talk about that first, I just analyzed it roughly, and I think the starting point should start with this woman."

"Don't make yourself an official. This woman was sold to Youzhou at first glance. I remember that Fengyue Pavilion is a subordinate unit of the Jiaofang Division. Does this involve human trafficking?"

Lu Fan described the scene he saw in the picture.

The carriage had just arrived from out of town at that time.

However, this woman is already carrying a dead breath!

This explains a lot of problems. If you look down and see who you have contacted before, you may have clues.

Guo Feng frowned: "That's true. I searched Fengyue Pavilion just now and found one thing. These new arrivals have just arrived."

"Then leave it to me to find out the woman's origin, and try to see if I can peel it off."

Lu Fan nodded, then turned to look at Toad again: "Leave it to me."

"it is good!"

Guo Feng was also unable to deal with the plague in the city, so he had nothing to do with the toad because he couldn't beat it.

The two muttered some details again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong at the moment, they split up.

Guo Feng directly picked up the woman and jumped away, while Lu Fan signaled the toad to become smaller, and then began to fool around.

"Tell me what to do with this plague. Plague Qi is different from other Qi. It will grow. It's the same when you release a wisp and a strand. The difference is only a matter of time."

"But you don't forget one thing. On xx, xx, xx, xx wisps of plague were sent down. If I'm not mistaken, then the edict should be like this?"

"That's true." Lu Fan pointed out what Toad was most worried about.

From the eyes of mortals, these things cannot be measured, but in the eyes of a great god, everything has a [quantity] to speak of.

For example, the Dragon King of Jinghe River was cut off after losing a little rain, which is simply too miserable.

The nature of Toad's side is not that bad, the total number is right, but some of them were released in advance.

Lu Fan: "Oh, and, the thing about threatening is just because you think it makes sense, it doesn't mean it makes sense in the world! I haven't become a fairy yet, I'm still a human being, do you think I'll take care of it?"

"Ah?" This sentence made Toad a little confused.

Seeing this, Lu Fan patiently analyzed it for him, and at the same time said that he was deceived by the righteous god.

"If you release the plague at the right time, then there is nothing wrong with you wanting to get a wife afterwards. The problem is that you released the plague in advance!"

"Also, even if you don't make a deal with the righteous god, you can still do it according to your personal preference after the matter is completed. He has cheated you and ignorant of your benefits!"

"Tianting will give benefits when recruiting outsourced work, and it is very generous. Some hairy gods are very jealous!"


After a long silence, Toad suddenly became furious: "Damn it, An dares to bully me like this!"

Yo, I'm still a book reader.

Lu Fan was happy in his heart, and his face remained calm: "Bullying you? Are you thinking too much of yourself? He is the righteous god of the Heavenly Court's Department of Plague. You have to give him a gift when he asks you to do something. Do you understand the world's sophistication?" !"

"Look at yourself, your strength is mediocre, your brain is not good, your background is low, and more importantly, you are not handsome."

"If you don't come here just to trick you, why should people come to you? It's fine to find someone who can do things, anyway, there will be merits from heaven!"

After being hit by the PUA, the toad withered instantly, and lay weakly on the ground.

"You can do whatever you want to do, real person. I just want to seek justice for me, and I'm so angry."

"It's easy to say, it depends on whether you are on the road."

Lu Fan gave him a meaningful look: "Except for the exhalation technique, I think you are quite thick-skinned, right?"

He deliberately reversed the situation, the toad didn't use the exhale wind technique very much, but relied on its rough skin and thick flesh to show off its prestige.

"Yes, exhaling wind is not worth mentioning. Thick skin and thick flesh are the direction of my major, so that I can live until the day I complete my mission."

If you survive, you can complete the mission, and you can get a precious baptism of transformation.

"Is that so?" Seeing that he didn't understand what he meant, Lu Fan narrowed his eyes and said no more.


Seeing Lu Fan's eyes, the big toad suddenly realized something, and hurriedly moved closer to him, and got down on the ground in a good manner.

"I'm not talented, but I would like to follow the lead of the master and do my best."

Leg strength means that I am willing to be your mount.

"Foot strength?"

Lu Fan looked him up and down, and said decisively: "Don't mention this matter, ugly!"

"Ugly, ugly!!!"

The big toad screamed: "My skin pattern is the most handsome in the ethnic group. How many female toads want to hug me and refuse me!"

"Then why don't you find a female toad to cuddle with, and insist on finding a human daughter-in-law?"


"Because, because it's ugly." The big toad said weakly.

He is a monster with human aesthetics, this kind of thing is very common, and this is the only way for a monster to transform.

First there is human aesthetics. From the moment he desires to become a human being, his own destiny will change, and kalpa and fate will proceed simultaneously and come slowly.

Transformation Fate and Transformation Calamity have always been together, when fate comes, catastrophe also comes.

"I see that you also have two strengths, so you don't need to be my mount. I refuse, but I have a lot of things at hand right now, so I need one."

"Your Majesty, big or small, don't hesitate to order, and I'll follow the Majesty's lead!" The big toad patted his chest and promised repeatedly, and didn't mention the matter of being a mount anymore.

Now they are pure thugs, meat shields, and thunderbolts, and they are temporary workers.



"That's good!" A trace of satisfaction flashed in Lu Fan's eyes.

"You stay here and don't move. I'll help you gather up the plague gas scattered in the city first, and come as you go!"

After all, he let go of the power of his mind and soared into the sky.

After stealth came to the sky above the city of Fengwei County, he began to recite the mantra silently.

In Tianxin Wulei Zhengfa, there is a method of expelling plague, and there are several specific forms of manifestation.

[-]. With the help of the weather, prepare in advance at the time of spring and summer communication, that is, the night before the summer solstice, and use your own qi to arouse the thunder of spring and summer.

If it can be induced successfully, after two thunderclaps, the plague on the people who heard the thunderclaps will slowly dissipate, and it will not be contagious during this period.

This kind of operation is a bit difficult, there are two thunders, the first is Chun Lei, and the second is Xia Lei.

Not only are the requirements for the caster extremely high, but they must also be able to communicate with the world, pinpoint the time, and not be disturbed by the outside world.

The advantage is that it can not only drive away plague, but also clean up ghosts, evil spirits, and tuberculosis.

Second, please ask God how to do it.

This is relatively simple and rude. If the Ministry of Plague is willing to accept the decree, it means that they can be expelled. Otherwise, other methods must be found.

Three, use the wind to disperse the plague.

Arouse strong winds, blowing all over the sky, blowing into every hole, and taking away the plague.

This method is very general.

From Lu Fan's point of view, this is indeed the case, because it is the cold winter at this time, and the wind blows into the orifices, and the common people will inevitably suffer from the cold.

Unfortunately, the first two can't be done due to various reasons, so we can only use inferior methods.

If we wait until spring and summer arrive, I am afraid that the plague will have already spread.

Lu Fan entered the state of harmony between man and nature, and condensed a stone slab under his feet. The pattern on it coincided with the seven stars.

"The wind is coming—"

Make a formula and chant the mantra, step out, the power of the star pours into the body, and the breeze suddenly rises.

"Woohoo wind——"

It took another step, and the wind became stronger.

In this way, after chanting the mantra, breathe out the wind and step on the seven stars at the same time.

After taking the seventh step, a black line appeared on the distant skyline.

The speed of this black line was extremely fast, and it came from the horizon to the city of Fengwei County in the blink of an eye.

"My mother, so fierce? It would be great if this could be used for fighting!"

Lu Fan let out a strange cry, and flew down against the strong wind.

After waiting quietly in the city for more than an hour, the strong wind finally dissipated.

At the same time, he caught a wisp of green plague air in his hands, and the others were swept away by the strong wind and walked outside the pass.

This strand came out of the plague bottle, and the others were rootless duckweed, which might have melted away in the sun as soon as they met the sun before they reached the customs.

Looking at this ray of plague, Lu Fan thought of a stalk in the main world.

"This is not an ordinary red bean, this is the red bean in Wang Wei's poem."

This is not an ordinary plague, this is the plague sent down by God.

He secretly smiled, turned around and flew towards the big toad.

"I got the plague gas, but I think you may not be able to keep it well, so I will keep it for you, how about it?"

Naturally, the big toad didn't complain, and had to thank him again and again.

At this moment, Lu Fan was also quite satisfied. It was a chance to subdue a big monster with good skills without using a weapon.

Ugly is ugly, this guy is tough!
In the future, Lu Fan will fight a protracted battle with the Immortals, and this group of guys will not be able to see the clues unless they invite the Immortals. It can be said that they are deeply hidden.

If he doesn't have a group of capable helpers around him, then he shouldn't do anything, just fight with the horse fairy.

Like a firefighter, drive to fight the fire wherever there is a fire.

Bai Shuang and others still need time to grow up, and there are only five or four, and those four are not enough to see, there are too few people.

Kasaya is not counted, Kasaya is still a child, ignorant that a puppy is not suitable for fighting alone.

In addition, there is another important reason.

This toad has a karma from the righteous god of the Ministry of Plague, and it might be useful to accept him after Jue Tiandi passes through.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan quickly took out his small notebook and recorded it like this.

[In the first year of Yongxing, an unknown righteous god of the plague department, a big toad, was taken advantage of, and it happened in Youzhou. 】

Afterwards, Lu Fan let Toad relax and branded him a mark.

It wasn't until he felt the aura of [Lu Yin] that the big toad completely believed that sentence, and secretly sighed that he had a chance.

The breath of Tianwei!
The next day, inside the city of Fengwei County, a large number of people suffered from the cold due to the strong wind that blew last night.

The experienced old people shook their heads and sighed, secretly thinking that a large number of people will die at the beginning of winter this year, and I am afraid it will be difficult.

However, just when the people were worried, a large number of strange Taoist priests appeared in the city, accompanied by some soldiers.

"This, this, what's going on, where are there so many Taoist priests!"

The first to be discovered were hawkers who set up stalls selling breakfast food, and firewoods who went to the city to sell firewood.

There are at least a hundred or ten Taoist priests on the main road in the city, and they all look about the same, with a stiff expression.

Everyone held a blade of grass in their hands, lined up in an orderly manner, and walked quietly on the street.

To be honest, it was broad daylight, and the people were a little scared when they saw this scene.

Fortunately, this atmosphere didn't last long. The demon master in the city came out, as if he was leading the way for the Taoists.

The people with good deeds followed in a swarm, and followed the source until they found the Sheriff's Mansion.

"Could it be that the county guard's house has been attacked by evil spirits?"

"You fucking don't talk nonsense!"

"That's right, your family won't be defeated by the master of the evil county guard!"

"Hey yo, this is a good official, I beg the old lady, if there is any disaster coming for the old lady, don't let the magistrate suffer."

For a time, there were different opinions in the city.

In the Sheriff's Mansion, a group of people gathered together, their eyes all on Lu Fan.

"Brother, do you really have such spells?"

"Yes, yes, I'm using it."


Guo Zheng didn't know what to say for a while, he could only sigh that the spell was amazing, and at the same time sighed that he didn't have this opportunity.

He is the eldest son and grandson, the future successor, he must enter the court as an official, otherwise Dajing will not let these hermit families go.

Military officers are definitely not good enough, and civil servants and civilian officials cannot practice. This also caused Guo Zheng's family to have stock, but he couldn't set foot on the way of practice.

It is almost regarded as the [Turtle Family with Shrinking Head], and it looks like this to outsiders, but the family incense can indeed be passed down for thousands or even thousands of years.

At this time, Lu Fan was casting an amazing spell.

I saw his mouth beeping and blowing a sharp wind, cutting the grass in front of him.

When I felt that I was almost done, I went forward and checked the cut grass one by one, some were abandoned, and some were held in my hands.

This large batch of grass is as numerous as a cow's hair, but only about [-] of them have caught his eye.

"It's almost there, and these two hundred or so are enough."

Afterwards, he divided the grass in his hand into two parts, cast a spell on one part, and raised his hand slightly.

The breeze swirled the weeds in the sky, and soon, these weeds turned into 【Taoist priests】and fell to the ground one by one.

On the other side, Lu Fan held his breath and stared at the hundred grasses in front of him——Curse Jujube Book Talisman One Day Limited Edition!

Not long after, he let out a long sigh of relief, his face full of exhaustion: "It's done!"

"Didn't I take out a lot of dates just now? Send someone to bring them and go to the city to give them as alms."

Guo Zheng waved his hand, and the hundreds of government soldiers on standby all started to do as required.

The cursive jujube talisman grass was also taken away, and each Taoist priest was given one.

After they got the curse book talisman, they held it in their palms, lined up with no expression on their faces, and waited to cast the spell in the city later.

Lu Fan was still worried about cause and effect.

It is reasonable to say that expelling the plague is a good thing, but if a large number of people are infected with cold, it may not be so.

Karma is very fucked up, and it is not the [good people and good deeds] in the normal cognition.

The epidemic in the city came to an end for the time being. With the genuine mantra authorized by Sazu, not to mention a little cold, even other minor illnesses were also cured.

"Cutting grass into soldiers, cutting paper into soldiers, these spells are really magical!"

Guo Zheng couldn't help being amazed.

He doesn't think the spells of reversing the sun and the moon and burning rivers and seas are miraculous, because those are too illusory, but he is very interested in folk arts.

"This is a side branch of the enlightenment from Scattering Beans into Soldiers. It's okay for a temporary convenience. If ordinary monks get it, it's just a show of prestige in the mortal world."

It is indeed magical in the mortal world, but it is not enough when it comes to the serious world.

But this is the fascinating thing about magic. A piece of grass can temporarily become a human. It's not an illusion, it's real.

Skip a series of principles and directly achieve the goal through spells, even if the spell is very low-level, even if the person who casts it is not skilled.

To put it bluntly, it is to act on the basis of cause and effect, chanting mantras and casting spells is the cause, and the phenomena produced are the effects.

Lu Fan thinks that maybe this is the reason why many people think [mystery] is more attractive than [technology].

Taking advantage of the fact that there were not many people around, he talked to Guo Zheng about his eldest niece, and called Lu Qian, who was full of stomach.

Before telling the reason, he first said something about Yue Ting, omitting the part about Gao Yang.

"That's what happened. I don't know why Yue Feng insisted on claiming that Yue Ting is his son, but there were many absurd things that went wrong."

Guo Zheng was completely unintentional, the engagement was broken off again, and gossip about Guo Yuxiu was spread.

How unbearable this is for an old father!

Guo Zheng remained silent, Lu Qian kept pinching his arm secretly, but he still remained silent.

There was no other way, Lu Qian could only bite the bullet and stand up: "Hand over Xiu'er to Uncle, my husband and I have a hundred hearts."

Lu Fan glanced at Guo Zheng, the big brother turned his head away, with tears in his eyes, he understood everything immediately.

"The Temple of Five Thunders is not what you think. Many internal rules of the Temple of Five Thunders are looser than that of Longhu Mountain. Going to the mountain to learn art is just like going out to study, the same."

"If you feel homesick, you can go home and visit relatives, or you can go to the mountains to visit."

Going up the mountain to learn art and going up the mountain to seek Taoism are completely different things.

The most familiar ones are the princely forces in the list of gods.

The original intention of many people to study art on the mountain is to be rich in the world, or to fulfill their own ambitions.

(Speaking of it, the Dynasty of the Conferred Gods is called the Dynasty. When Kong Xuan first appeared on the stage, he was only a soldier of the Sanshangguan, and later he became a marshal. Tsk tsk tsk, humanity is very prosperous.)
It's just that some people choose to study literature, some people choose to practice martial arts, and some people choose to practice Taoism.

If you have completed your studies, or the master feels that inheritance is involved later, you have to leave.

After going down the mountain to make some achievements, life or death has little to do with the teacher, unless there is a follow-up fate.

It's just that the world level of the Conferred God List is a bit high, so the master over there uses the [Xianshu] level method.

It's that simple.

It's not that if you learn it, you will definitely become a fairy, it's a beautiful idea!
After the scene was silent for a while, Guo Zheng waved his hand: "That's the reason, but"

He glanced at Lu Qian from the corner of his eye, and said bravely, "But if she succeeds in cultivating the Tao, it may be difficult for her husband to strengthen her husband in the future."

So I was worried about this!Tsk tsk tsk, worry about the husband's policy for the son-in-law, Dajing is a good father-in-law!

Lu Fan couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter, I have to go out to practice on the way of cultivating Taoism, and I see a lot, what kind of outstanding man can't be found?"

Besides, who stipulated that you must marry someone? I didn't say that you should improve your old thinking. Wouldn't it be nice if you have the ability to find a few boys?Anyway, she doesn't inherit the orthodoxy, so she should go down the mountain if she has achieved success in her studies!

Of course, this cannot be said, it is too scary in a feudal society.

Lu Qian also helped out: "That Daoist Li from the Shenxiao Sect has also achieved success in cultivation."

That's the end of the point, and it will involve Lu Fan again.

Li Wangshu has achieved success in cultivating the Tao, and he met Lu Fan at the first step of going down the mountain to practice.

Guo Yuxiu may not be unable to meet another outstanding young man who is also successful in cultivation in the future.

Speaking of this, Guo Zheng didn't insist anymore, he waved his hands and asked his servants to find Guo Yuxiu.

After a while, the eldest niece ran over in a hurry, carrying her skirt, and greeted everyone one by one.

It seems that she is recovering well. She must have eaten when the Taoist priests went out to curse dates just now.

"Father, mother, Uncle Shi."

When Guo Zheng saw his daughter coming, he immediately put on a straight face and showed the majesty of a father: "I discussed with your mother, your uncle is a scholar of heaven and man, since you don't want to marry, then go up to the mountain with him to learn skills. "

It's awkward, very awkward, Lu Fan couldn't help but grit his teeth while listening.

Guo is a typical "strict father", with a high family status, but he is extremely strict and rigid when dealing with children.

You say he is not good, he is always thinking of you, afraid of your pain, afraid of your tiredness, afraid of your suffering.

You say he is fine, this kind of old-fashioned thinking makes people feel suffocated.

However, at this moment, Guo Yuxiu didn't care about suffocation, and looked at Lu Fan with surprise on her face: "Uncle Shi."

Lu Fan raised his hand to stop it: "Choose one between going up the mountain and practicing at home."

"Go up the mountain!"

This time Guo Yuxiu didn't hesitate at all, she didn't even look at her parents, and responded directly.

She was prepared in her heart to go up to the mountain to suffer, and she had read a lot about this [Book of Seeking the Way].

Chopping firewood and wood every day, sitting in meditation to enlighten the Tao, carrying water to make a fire, and wiping the buttocks with clods or branches and leaves.

Anyway, it's how the suffering came.

"It's easy to go up the mountain, just follow me when I'm done."

Guo Yuxiu was overjoyed to get Lu Fan's answer, but felt that happiness came too suddenly, and she didn't know how to express her joy for a while.

Lu Qian's eyes are full of helplessness, which is similar to her back then, except that one is getting married and the other is going out to study.

At that time, she insisted on marrying Guo Zheng, and Guo Zheng was not allowed to marry, because she just wanted to leave home and leave that strict and rigid father who was suffocating.

Fortunately, Guo Yuxiu is much happier than her. She is married, and Guo Yuxiu is learning how to control her life.

After arranging for the eldest niece, Lu Qian apologized and took her daughter away, apparently to explain something, leaving Lu Fan and Guo Zheng behind.

Seeing that there was no one else, Guo Zhengcai began to talk about another matter.

"I'm ready for what my brother told me to prepare. It's important. I'm worried."

"There's nothing to worry about. You are the sheriff, and I'm the only legal Taoist temple owner in Fengwei County. We've discussed this matter. As long as nothing goes wrong, we'll be fine."

Lu Fan said calmly.

He didn't have time to spend all the time with Chu Maxian, so he had to find a way to solve it.

When I was in Shanhai City before, I heard Yue Ting say that too many horse celestial beings entered the customs like crazy, and it would be difficult for her to stop even if she had a heavy army in hand.

Sending troops, if there are fewer people, it will not be able to stop it, and if there are too many people, it will be unsafe, because we have to guard against Prince Qing's elite soldiers.

If you don't send troops, there really are too many. These monks are far superior to ordinary soldiers when they sneak in in the mountains.

Lu Fan also sensed that the situation was wrong, and planned to collect the net in a concentrated manner.

This wave is not only about the horse fairy, but also other ghosts and monsters.

If you want to cast a net, you have to gather the fish, so you have to make a nest in advance and sprinkle the bait.

Right now, the most ready-made bait is official support—— Zhengshen!
Official support may not necessarily succeed, but official opposition will certainly not succeed.

Under the 200-year plan of Dajing Taizu to rejuvenate the country, this is the situation.

Guo Zheng: "I have already sent people to investigate, there will be news soon, and then we will count how many have been formed."

Lu Fan: "How many villages and counties are there in Fengwei County?"

"One county city, three counties, a total of sixteen towns, and each town has about four or five villages."

"That's it"

After this set, there are about seventy land gods and four city gods.

The village is the god of the land, and the township is composed of villages. There is no city, so there is no need.

But counties are different. Both counties and county towns have city pools. When it comes to this, city gods are needed.

The City God used them as bait, and the God of the Land divided a dozen or twenty as long as it was good, too many would be unsightly.

Lu Fan thought about it in his mind, and said slowly: "Let's add fuel to the fire and secretly release the news. This time, the righteous god has a chance to obtain the divine book."

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Guo Zheng couldn't help but exclaimed: "My dear brother, you need to be cautious about the matter of divine books, even if you use tricks, don't be fooled!"

What is a divine book? Those registered in the heavenly court are called divine books.

In a small world like the Dajing world, apart from a few particularly powerful Taoist sects, I have never heard of anyone who has a magical book.

Once this kind of bait is thrown, it is likely to attract enemies that they don't have to face.

Lu Fan glanced at the sky vaguely, and said slowly: "It's possible, listen to me, come on, let me tell you the details of the plan."

so so so so so
After the prototype of a simple plan was announced, Guo Zheng was silent for a while, and then pointed out many things that needed to be corrected.

The two of them are going to make a calculation now.

The ultimate goal must be to let the other party strike first, and take this opportunity to occupy a large area of ​​righteousness.

The respective angles of the two are not justified, the righteousness is for monks all over the world to see.

After revising a wave of plans, Guo Zheng was full of worry: "I'm still worried that the gods will use this excuse to count others. It's not moral to be true. People are doing what the sky is watching, brother!"

"Yes!" Lu Fan interrupted Guo Zheng with a calm face.

"Yes?" He was taken aback for a moment, and then there was an uncontrollable fire in his eyes.

Are there really divine books? !

Working for God is totally different from working for Emperor Yongxing and Dajing.

If there is a magic book, it is basically walking sideways in the lower realm. Although it is impossible to hit anyone, it is impossible for others to touch him.

The Bull Demon King in Journey to the West is okay, right?Is it strong enough?Let him kill a mountain god at a time period other than [Great Tribulation]!
"There is a divine book, this is a divine book!"

Lu Fan clenched his fist violently, and the fire of burning crossing burned blazingly.

Those burned by him will also ascend to heaven with chickens and dogs, and he himself is almost equivalent to being escorted to ascend.

If you can make some achievements, then you will usher in a higher-level chicken and dog ascending to heaven, that is, Xu Tianshi's [Ascension from the House].

If the achievement is greater, it will usher in the highest standard of ascension.

Zu Tianshi Zhang Daoling, because of his achievements, all the disciples of Zhengyi have obtained divine books since the inscriptions were conferred, and they will continue to improve along with the 【Walk in the World】!
Taoism has a profound background in the lineage of Taoism, and it's not just those magic spells!

If it wasn't for this, it would be very difficult for Master Zhengyi Xujing to truly command the three mountain talismans!
The divine book, as long as the three mountain talismans are returned to Zhengyi, the three mountains and their branches can all be conferred with [Zhengyizhuan], and if they are awarded the Zhengyizhuan, they can have the divine book and become a god after death!
This is not because Zhengyi is forcibly conferring Zhengyi seal to his disciples in order to show his awesomeness, but the [benefit fee] that everyone has negotiated!
Lu (lu) and seal (zhuan) are different.

And Lu Fan not only has the burning fire, but also [Sa Shoujian]!
One of the few inscribed disciples of the Celestial Master, one can imagine how important it is.

(End of this chapter)

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