Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 119 "The Game of Death"

Chapter 119 "The Game of Death"
The mage's consciousness gradually recovered, looking at the game board built by "death" in front of him.

"Your little trick was successful, Caledo, this chess piece has arrived where it should go as you wished."

The speaking "Death" sat opposite the dragon trainer, took off the ivory mask on his face, and the originally dark figure began to become clear, and a tall elf appeared in front of the dragon trainer, with nails and teeth It is black, and the eyes seem to be filled with infinite dark lakes, and the hands on the chessboard flow bright red blood, wearing a robe made of spider silk, with purple light in the black, on the robe, the elves are woven with silver thread Recognize all symbols of only.

The dragon trainer looks at the game, it looks like chess, but on a wider and more complex place as a board, each square has a deeper meaning, a stone with a dragon's coat of arms has From the corners of the board to the center.

Two chess pieces that the dragon trainers are very familiar with are about to land on this chess game. Malekith, he is no longer the thin, vigilant but energetic little boy in the memory of the dragon trainers, but has become an ancient The Witch-King of magic and fear.

Moraes, the woman who caused Caledor to break the EU contract with Enarel, was still as young and beautiful as she remembered, and the passage of time did not leave any traces on her body.

"It's your turn, Kane." The dragon trainer's hoarse voice came from his body.

The tall and handsome Kane raised a chess piece symbolizing a witch spirit with his bloody palm, and it landed in the center of the board.

"Of course, there is a time limit for this chess game." After finishing speaking, Kane the Bloody Hand turned the hourglass on the table upside down, while the dragon trainer was thinking about his next move.


Beside the gurgling stream, Imrik was keeping vigilant, paying attention to the surrounding situation, and reminded without looking back, "Hurry up, we don't have much time to waste on your boring personal hygiene."

After walking out of the cave, Alarielle asked if she could wash off the blood on her body first, not only to avoid Drucci's tracking, but also because this state made her a little uncomfortable.

At that time, Imrik felt that this woman had a lot of things to do, so couldn't she burn all the bloody clothes and wear her own cloak as clothes? You are doing this to prevent gentlemen, not villains.

Following Imrik's urging, Alarielle sped up her movements. Although the dress on her body was already tattered, she could barely wear it, and the enchanted cloak given by Imrik also ensured her comfort.

With the sound of water droplets falling from her hair to the ground, the Eternal Queen finally regained some of her former radiance. Compared with the woman with divine brilliance that Imric saw before, she looks even more beautiful now. Real, full of energy that Avalonians should have.

The unwrung long hair exudes a unique fragrance, and the clothes are attached to the body because of washing. Although the cloak covers most of it, the fair skin can still be vaguely seen, and the calves that cannot be covered are as straight as white ivory , the little feet wearing elf sandals are even more exquisite.

"Dry your hair. If there's still water dripping down, I don't mind helping you fix the hair that's in the way."

Let Alarielle dry her hair with the cloak, which has the effect of keeping dry and will not be affected by water droplets.

As Alarielle knelt down to dry her hair gradually, Imrik pulled out the Dragonfire Sword with its scabbard from his waist, intending to hand it to her, "You should know some swordsmanship, right?"

"I know a little, but I'm not good at it." Alarielle took over this legendary weapon. This long sword forged by dragon fire may not be as famous as the star lance, but it still gained a great reputation on the battlefield. One of the accompanying swords, this sword has related records in the court of Avalon.

Nodding her head, she signaled Alari to keep up with her. This trip will take a long time to reach her destination. It is a good thing for her to have some ability to protect herself. The spear in her hand is enough.

Walking on the secret path, Imrik opened the way with a heroic gun in front. This thing is really good at mowing grass. As for the nonsense of Alariel following behind to prevent himself from destroying the forest environment, the Dragon Prince is not at all. Nevermind, I wouldn't have come to rescue you if it wasn't for the instructions of the ancestral dragon tamers and my desire for your political influence.

While continuing to move towards the west of Avalon, Imrik heard some footsteps faintly, which seemed to be approaching constantly. He turned around and pressed Alarielle's shoulder with his hands, pressing her under him, and made a silence gesture.

I poked my head out a little, and found a 20-member Druzzi team approaching, all of them were women, with complex and evil runes all over their bodies, extremely bright red lips, which seemed to be painted with blood, and most of their hair They are red or purple, long and messy, most of them still have Avalonian heads or some bottles and jars hanging on their waists, and two barbed short knives are tied on their thighs.

It should be the tracking Wu Ling, why are there only so few people?

After pondering for a while, whether to fight or not is a problem. I don’t worry about these crispy skins. It takes a little time to kill them all, but Alarielle, who is being suppressed by herself, must not be able to fight against these people. She lowered her voice and said, “Yes A group of Drucci's people, you wait here, don't let them find out."

Although she didn't want to be regarded as a drag bottle, the Eternal Queen still agreed softly, "Yes."

The witch spirits were observing the surrounding movements. They did not belong to Dorian's First Northern Army, but came here as reinforcements to break through Avalon.

In yesterday's hunting feast, they obtained Kane's grace, and when they wanted to slaughter those captives as sacrifices to Kane, Dorian forcibly stopped them.

Facing the First Legion headed by the Black Guard of Naggarond and the Knights of the Cold One, the witch spirits had no choice but to go out of the city to hunt those who escaped from Avalon. Many victims have been obtained along the way, but there is still a long way to go. Far from satisfying Kane's ever-hungry desire.

"I feel something moving on the left." A leader Wu Ling moved his pointed ears, pulled out the short blade at his waist, showed a sexy smile, and then said to himself to the left, "Come on, lovely Kitten, your sacrifice will allow the Lord to bestow more gifts."

When the people next to him heard this, they also pulled out their double blades, intending to search the forest on the left, but it was not enough, the sacrifice to Kane was far from enough, and only by killing can Drucci prove himself The weak are not worthy of living in that cold and cruel environment.

With crazy screams, they rushed into the forest, but just as they were about to step in, an extremely fast figure had already rushed in front of them, and the target was the leader of the witch spirit.

It was difficult for Imrik to adapt to stealth, and the twisting and turning was indeed a bit unbearable. When the dragon lord would do such a thing, it would be an embarrassment to the dragon tamer family.

After seeing that Wu Ling had sensed his movements, he did not hesitate, picked up the spear of heroism and started to attack, jumped out using the ground as a fulcrum, and with his inhuman physical fitness and assault, stabbed the spear into a witch. in the spirit body.

The sharp spear blade sliced ​​through this alluring body like butter, and Imrik whirled around in pain, killing several nearby witch spirits.

The witch spirits knew that this man must be the enemy, and they killed several people in a blink of an eye, so they took the potion of Kane hanging on their waist and drank it. Against the backdrop of Kane's runes, it looked hideous.

The two blades in both hands attacked Imrik like a whirlwind. This was the case in all directions of the Dragon Prince. Once these poisonous blades stabbed the body, the injured could only die with the internal organs gradually rotting.

Imrik held the end of the Spear of Heroism with his left hand, activated the flame element in it, and after the tip of the gun started to spray flames, he turned around again. He only needed to cover the sight of these people to resolve the siege.

Lie Yan (raging flames) shot at the witch spirit under the control of Imric. Although it did not cause any actual damage, the face that was attacked had been covered from sight, and most of the long purple hair was burned off.

But the actual situation was somewhat beyond Imrik's expectations. Under the influence of Cain's potion, these lunatics no longer knew what pain was. The blade pierced into his body.

While admiring these lunatics, they gripped their spears and launched an attack. These lunatics who believed in Kane needed to know the price of being overwhelmed, and dared to act wildly on the head of the dragon lord.

Abandoning those fancy skills, Imric turned on the unparalleled flurry mode. Every swing of the spear will take away a life, and every step of the action will bring these lunatics to the master they believe in faster.

Under the eyes of the last witch spirit who was already somewhat sober, Prince Long grabbed the poisonous short blade and kicked her away.

Casually scattered the dragon scales on his arm, Imrik walked slowly towards the fallen witch spirit.

He had already retained some strength when kicking her, otherwise this Duluqi who dared to resist the dragon lord's blow with his body would have died in mid-air.

When he came to the front, he found that the strength seemed to be the same whether he stopped or not, and he kicked out a big hole in his stomach. Those organs that were extremely beautiful in the eyes of Kane believers were exposed, and many of them had fallen to the ground.

Although he really wanted to get some information from her, but seeing her maddened appearance because of the pain, Imric felt that it was better to give her a relief.

The Spear of Valor, Solarian, picked it up again, and gave the witch spirit the death he craved so much.

(End of this chapter)

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