Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 199 Awakening and Casualty Report

Chapter 199 Awakening and Casualty Report

"Your Highness is awake."

Before his eyes were opened and his consciousness was still a little fuzzy, Imrik metaphorically heard Maslow's surprised voice, and then the sound of footsteps trampling on the ground came to his ears.

"How long have I been in a coma." After opening his eyes, he found that he was in a palace, and he should be in a medical center in Saveri now.

"Three days." Masnow stood by and handed a glass of water to the prince. Judging from his exhausted appearance, it should be that he hadn't rested for the past three days and stayed by Imrik's side all the time.

Reaching out to take the cup, but not drinking it immediately, Imrik stared at the ripples of the clear water due to the shaking, and said calmly, "How many people have we lost?"

Masnow, who was happy because the prince woke up, his complexion became much lower at this time, and he paused for a moment before telling the situation, "310 nine people were killed in battle, and 940 people were seriously injured. Yi, Agalikote, Kerrasde, and Gregorio died in battle."

Imrik didn't speak, just drank the clear water slowly. He brought a total of 10,000 soldiers on this trip. Even with the large-scale armament improvement made by Vaal Anvil over the years, he could face [-]+ soldiers. The combined forces of Druzzi and Chaos still lost a lot, and those Khorne demons only joined the battlefield for a short time, still causing a lot of casualties.

Those who were seriously injured would not have the ability to continue fighting. Even the life mages could not completely heal them, and the four giant dragons would sleep forever in the Plain of Fennoir, a place that did not belong to them.

Neither sighed nor uttered any sad words. Imrik just handed the water glass to Masnow, and then planned to get up and walk out of the palace. Perhaps in the eyes of others, such a small loss has achieved such a great victory , It can already be regarded as an epic victory, but Imrik doesn't think so, even if he loses one person, it will be a huge harm to Caledor.

When walking outside, I saw Etila, and found that she ran to the front with an anxious expression on her face, then ignored the guards behind the two of them, and directly took Imrik's hand and looked at it carefully.

Two days ago, when she saw Imrik's body covered in scars from black magic, she thought she was about to die. At that time, she wanted to chop off Teclis who caused this situation with a sword, but she was still killed by the life system. The archmage gave up the idea after assuring that the Dragon Prince was fine.

"It's great that you're fine." Etila took Imrik's hand, and then heaved a sigh of relief. No one wanted to find that their lover had turned into a cold corpse when they first established a relationship.

Seeing her concerned look, Imrik didn't speak any more eccentric words, and stretched out his hand to touch the beautiful long golden hair, and the atmosphere immediately froze in this harmonious scene.

Just when the two were enjoying this moment of tranquility, an untimely cough sounded from the side, bringing their thoughts back to reality.

"Ahem." The person who made the sound did not intend to interfere. This is a medical facility for high-ranking nobles, and the voice came from someone passing by.

"Let's go, there are still a lot of things to deal with." Imrik didn't miss this feeling too much. After sacrificing so many children of Caledon just now, there are too many things that need to be resolved urgently.

"Hmm." Etila also knew that Imrik must be in a bad mood now. After all, Caledor's casualties this time were indeed heavy. Considering the importance he attaches to his people, he didn't walk away with a murderous look on his face. Coming out is already done.

A group of people walked out of the infirmary. This is the magic research area of ​​the life department of Hess White Tower. Various animals and tall trees can be seen everywhere. Many people are lying on the grass basking in the sun.

After seeing that Imrik was fine, Etila also took people away. Tyrann Locke also suffered a large number of casualties this time. As the person in charge of this military operation, she had no fewer things to deal with than Imrik. The Twilight Knight under her command performed very well in this battle, but she suffered a large number of casualties due to the retreat of the covering chariot troops. How to make up for this part of the gap may be what she needs to focus on next.

Signaling to the saluting people one by one, Imrik came to Caledor's garrison outside the city, and found that the atmosphere was very dignified. Obviously, after the casualty statistics report came out, the tragic data was not only unacceptable to the Dragon Prince, but also to those who lost their loved ones. The soldiers with their comrades in arms are even more difficult to accept. Those who complained to them all day long about the usual things like poor food in the army have left forever, and can no longer continue to ask these trivial and boring things.

Sitting back on the familiar oak chair, Imrik picked up the casualty statistics report, and after watching it for a while, he closed his eyes helplessly.

The heavy casualties were somewhat beyond my expectations. Four of Caledor’s most important dragons were killed, and 130 dragon princes died. The dragon halberd guards and Patunuin’s claws directly subordinate to the dragon lord lost one-third of them. First, they assumed the most important position. The former intercepted the impact of Hagrid Grave, the Cold One knight and the Hydra, and the latter had been cooperating with the spearmen in the central battle zone to strangle them.

The Horn of the Sun led by Bruni retained most of their strength. They were responsible for attacking the Cold One knights and chasing deserters during the battle, so they did not suffer too serious losses.

And other types of soldiers also suffered heavy casualties. If such a big battle happened every few years, perhaps Caledon would be able to declare that the kingdom was truly weakened.

Put down the report sheet in their hands, and when the others saw the prince's action, they knew that they would say something next.

"Soldiers who died in battle will be given three times the pension by the dragon palace, and their families will also be supported by the palace. If they have children, the palace will support them until they can live independently. The title of military nobleman."

After every Azul soldier died in battle, a large amount of pensions were often issued. Although the longevity species would not lack wealth due to the characteristics of longevity, this was a manifestation of the kingdom's importance to them.

After getting a lot of capital from Finnuba two years ago, and the trade share entrusted to the Tyrannorobianchi family gradually started to operate, the Dragon Palace is able to afford this high pension and support. fee.

After the others nodded their heads to express their understanding, Imrik continued, "The same is true for seriously injured people. The palace will do everything possible to find a way for them to recover, and will allocate a part of the funds from the finance every year as their living allowance. .”

"I will order Morris to establish a Faithful Academy in Kared. The children of these sacrificed and seriously injured people can join it on a voluntary basis. They will enjoy the training method of the children of the vassal families of the dragon tamer family and serve as future Caledonians. officer."

To be honest, Imrik didn't want to do this. After their parents were killed, even their children had to be trained as Caledor's reserve soldiers, but the actual situation now made him have to do this, not to mention , if there is a conflict between herself and Lilith, those licking dogs of the goddess of the lake may carry out a chivalrous jihad against Caledon under the hint of the fairy of the lake, and then Lilith will rely on the belief accumulated over thousands of years Divine power made a Holy Grail Knights battle group, but it was a bit of a headache.

Moreover, the Legendary Dragon Horn is still located in the ancestral treasury of Eight Peaks Mountain. To launch an expedition across the entire badlands, this difficulty will not be much easier than the expedition to Naggaros. Entering Eight Peaks Mountain with Caledor, the difficulty of this matter will not be much lower. The green skins and the ratmen will not let the city of eight pillars, which can connect to the mountains on the edge of the world, return to the control of the dwarves.

Not to mention the need to go to the Plain of Bones to hold a purification ceremony after obtaining the Dragon Horn. It is impossible for the Lahmia Sisterhood, which is entrenched on the tip of the Silver Spear, to let Caledor occupy the birthplace of the top undead monster, and I have to because of The dead dragon was manipulated by the undead to make an explanation to the Caledor dragon group.

Shaking his head helplessly, Drucci, Chaos, Greenskins, Ratmen, Vampires, and Bretonnia who may be enemies, he is really fighting all over the world.

"Your Highness, do we need to relax the requirement for the Dragon Prince to serve?" Randy sat on the chair next to him and asked, and he could see that Imric must be planning to make some big moves in the future, otherwise it would be impossible There is no such thing as the establishment of the Faithful Academy.

After hearing what Randy said, Imrik pondered for a moment. The minimum age for the Dragon Prince to serve is 180 years old. This is a rigid rule. Even Elvis Harandur, who is his herald, can only say He is a reserve dragon prince and nobleman of Caledor. This is to ensure that the young nobles of the kingdom will at least officially enter the battlefield after they get married and leave offspring. However, due to the impressive fertility rate of the longevity species, many families have become history.

And becoming a Dragon Prince still needs to go through a series of assessments, first of all, the most important dragon language assessment, if you can't even understand the dragon's language, you can only miss this status, followed by the assessment of martial arts and military command ability, These people are all trained as military officers, with extremely high military qualities, not to mention a series of cultural qualities that are even more cumbersome.

"Relax part of the assessment of military command ability and cultural literacy, and the rest are the same as before."

(End of this chapter)

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