Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 270 "Plager" copy

Chapter 270 "Plager" copy

Just when Teclis took out the urgently drawn exterior map, Imrik suddenly motioned him to stop, and asked Davian to walk out of the command post together.

Everyone was confused by this change, but they could only wait for Imrik to come back, otherwise the meeting would not be able to proceed.

Imrik, who stayed in place, waited for a long time, and finally three familiar dragons came in front of him, but they were in poor condition, with scars all over his body, and even a lot of the originally neat scales were detached.

Masnow, who had been out for reconnaissance for a long time, immediately jumped off the back of the dragon, and asked the other two to take the dragon to receive treatment, and walked towards the prince.

"Prince, do you also know about the mobile fortress?" Masno walked in front of Imrik. There were many cracks in the original glamorous flaming dragon armor, and there was lingering fatigue in his face.

As Masno said, Imrik immediately knew what the three high-ranking dragon princes were doing during this time. They must be closely observing the traces of the mobile fortress and intending to find its weak point. This made the dragon prince relax. Quite a few, the return of the three important combat forces whose life or death is uncertain, and brought back important information, is something to be happy about.

"Go, go in and talk."


After a while, the people in the command post looked at Masno's unfamiliar face with curiosity. He was standing behind Imrik a little closer than Davian, which proved that his status might be higher than that of the one who represented the Dragon Prince before. The elf of the tongue is taller.

But maybe even worse.This idea suddenly appeared, and then I watched Masnow take out a few manuscripts from his arms, which are obviously the map of the mobile fortress, not only the external schematic diagram, but even the internal structure diagram.

"The mobile fortress started to move on its own half a month ago, with Prager's underground tomb as the core, and the inner fort above it as the surface core." Masno began to explain some things, and continued, "P The Lager has been shattered by explosives, and only the inner castle and the catacombs are barely preserved, and I speculate that the catacombs are the core."

"What do you mean by this, have you ever entered that cursed city?" Thorgreen asked the question, as if he had looked at the city with an engineer's telescope when he was evacuating, he really couldn't imagine that anyone dared to enter, then It is simply a nightmare that has come to the real world, without obeying any laws, just spreading fear in this world.

Seeing a dwarf asking the question, Masno, who didn't know what happened during this time, glanced at Imrik, and after seeing him nodding, he said, "The city of the curse was not like that at the beginning, only some Tentacles made of flesh and blood, they carry corpses and gravel into the big mouth, making it even bigger, I originally wanted to deal with it directly, but a demon blocked my actions."

Imrik was taken aback by this remark. You must know that Masno's strength is not weak. It is not difficult for him to tear apart the ordinary monster. Thinking of the traces of the Tzeentch monster tracked some time ago, he asked, " Is it the Lord of Changes?"

Masno, who stayed where he was, shook his head, saying that it was not the big demons who manipulated the wind of magic, but a more troublesome enemy, "Bilak, he seems to have made a body out of the flesh and blood of a dragon. After stopping him, he had no choice but to leave, those tentacles were constantly approaching, and his state seemed unable to leave the cursed city."

Bilak, only a few people frowned when they said the name, and the humans present didn't know its existence, and only a few people who knew the ancient secrets knew how difficult this demon was to deal with.

"It's a miracle that you can leave alive." The High King praised Masno. Perhaps the Chaos Gods dispersed Belak's power, but he was still the first demon prince, a man who gave the Masinot before the maelstrom was established. The world brings countless disasters and destructions.

Masnow, who was much calmer than Davian, did not respond to this sentence. He could guess why the dwarves were not jumping on the table and scolding the elves. Perhaps the prince had already made some agreements with the High King, otherwise the relationship between the two parties would Not so "harmonious".

"Go on, tell me the information you have collected." Imrik was not afraid of Bilak, what he was afraid of was Bilak's hands, if that guy was confined to the mobile fortress, then at most it would be troublesome , the bright opponent is much easier to deal with than the shadow.

"Plager mainly has several areas, first of all, this monster production workshop, which will turn those corpses swallowed by a giant mouth into twisted creations, just like Nurgle zombies, but much stronger. "Masnow pointed to the outlying facility on Prager's left, which was surrounded by a giant stone ring, and continued,

"It is worth noting that there are quite a few plant-like life forms with strong toxins in this place, and they will unconsciously spray dense fog around them to support the growth of those twisted creations. I cut off four beads before, but that is ten What happened two days ago, now I can't guarantee how much."


Hearing the prince's order, Masno opened another structural drawing, which is located on the right side, "This seems to be a mechanical manufacturing workshop, and there are many portals leading to the Chaos Demon Realm, where the demonic metal is transported, and the Those demonic corpses turned into soul grinders, and other unknown things."

And the back of the inner castle, "There are a few portals of the Chaos Demon Realm here. At first, some ermans were sent from them. It is still difficult for me to tell how many things there are."

"Inner Fort is where Bilak is located. There..." Masnow hesitated for a while, then continued, "It's different from any place I've seen. There are large shadows wrapped around it, making it impossible to tell the direction. At that time, I made Bilak reveal his real body in a way of showing weakness, otherwise he might be lost there forever."

"As for the underground tomb as the core area, this is my guess, but I have great confidence, because those tentacles and flesh shells grow from the cracks in the underground of the inner castle, and there are only two ways to enter. The dragon prince who was in charge of explaining the information pointed to two places, "The first is the big mouth at the front end, but obviously this is impossible, and the second is the inner castle, but I don't know the specific structure of Prager. It's just a guess."

Hearing this, Imrik winked at Davian and asked him to bring the Tsar here. Now, the city that originally guarded Kislev has become the vanguard of destruction, although this cannot be blamed He, but always makes people feel angry.

The Tsar nodded to the others, indicating that Maslow's conjecture was correct. The catacombs were indeed located under the inner fort. Because it was too close to the Chaos Wasteland, Prager's dead could only be reversed after special treatment. Attacking people, the catacombs played this role, and I am afraid that no one can count the corpses piled up inside.

(End of this chapter)

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