Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 277 The Dash in the Air

Chapter 277 The Dash in the Air

At this time, Imrik didn't know about the conversation among the dwarves, and maybe he wouldn't care if he knew it. These dwarves were indeed ridiculously stubborn in some aspects. If they hadn't experienced it personally, they would never have thought that such a thing existed in the world. kind of thing.

For example, some green-skinned beasts that grow out of the ground will bring countless disasters to the dwarves...

"Old guy, are you ready? You don't have the courage to fly to that cursed city, do you?" The Dragon Prince communicated with Minas Nil through unknown channels, and other dragon princes and giant dragon partners Communication often requires language, and this does not happen to the dragon lord and the leader of the dragons.

"When I faced the Chaos Demon, someone with the same name as you was still holding a wooden lance." Minasnil explained his generation in a vague way, although Imrik was its first partner , but he has experienced many battles, and his qualifications are definitely the highest in Caledon.

"Okay, then get ready to go, and the one who kills Bilak will never be chosen."

Under Imrik's order, nine giant dragons began to take off, led by Minasnir, and the four sun dragons holding the hanging basket were protected by groups and were located on the innermost side.

The overall air battle will take Lao Mi and the two silver moon dragons as the vanguard. Imrik is afraid that the sun dragons will fight with the enemy as soon as they get angry, so he can only keep them at a certain distance.

The enemy obviously noticed the giant dragon taking off from the rear of the coalition forces, and several Chaos Dwarf artillery that had not been destroyed began to fire at the giant dragon carrying the hanging basket.

Aisawa Kul knew that the coalition forces were going to fight gang-jumping. Although he didn't feel very good about Bilak, he still ordered the Chaos Dwarves and Tribal Warlocks to target the enemy under the instructions of the Condor Messenger. Air Force.

Minasnir, the leader, saw the familiar scarlet cluster shells flying towards him, and knew that he was the only one who could stop the attack, so he didn't hesitate, and immediately dived towards the shell's trajectory.

When the cluster bombs, which would cause a strong explosion effect after the four doors hit the target, hit Lao Mi, they made a violent roar, forming a brilliant firework in the night sky.

The people following behind were nervously looking at the Yaoxinglong who intercepted the shells with his body. If Lao Mi loses his ability to move, it will be difficult for the dragon to gain an advantage in the battle of the flying behemoths above Prager. Needless to say, it also has a vital dragon lord on it.

The smoke gradually dissipated, gradually revealing the unscathed figure of the giant dragon inside. After this period of time, he went to the edge of the chaotic position to harass the experience and judged that he wanted to break the protective layer of the two magical special attacks on Lao Mi at once. , at least six cluster artillery bombardments are required, and there were only four just now.

A mistake in one place would trigger a chain reaction. The massive losses of the Chaos Dwarves not only prevented the coalition forces from being bombarded by artillery, but also allowed the air supremacy to gradually tilt towards the coalition forces.

Seeing that the artillery did not achieve the desired effect, the tribal warlocks launched an attack under the command of the commander. They could feel that the tricky elf mages were no longer able to control the magic, which made the warlocks who had been eager to kill for a long time couldn't wait to ask the gods Give your soul.

Just when they were about to cast a spell, a spell that seemed to be more chaotic than the dark magic they cast rushed towards this place, forcibly deciphering most of the spells that had been condensed.

The imperial warlock Van Luntern bowed slightly to the Dragon Prince in the sky, and made an impeccable gentleman's gift. Behind him, a large group of human warlocks were already eager to try, ready to cast magic on the chaos army. These uneducated magic users are called warlocks rather than mages. They rely on inspiration and intuition to use the wind of magic, rather than years of hard training and rigorous knowledge.

Magic control?What is this, if you kill all the enemies, isn't the right to use it your own?

Imrik, who was staying on Minasnir, also nodded to the human mage, this old boy's talent is not weak, otherwise it would be impossible to keep a clear head and have a good hand while avoiding the church for many years. Outstanding metallic magic.

The Yaoxinglong, which resisted the artillery attack, flew upwards. After solving the first link, then it was the second step, how to let the jumpers land safely under the attack of tentacles and enemy flying giants.

The dragon flew towards Prager, and Imrik could already smell the stench of being burned by the magic flames. Although it was a bit disgusting, he could barely accept it.

Broken rocks were scattered around the fortress, and a large number of demon soldiers were already standing on the empty streets, densely packed with no end in sight. It seemed that Bilak had noticed the movement in the sky, and placed the power originally hoarded for harvesting life in the defensively.

At both ends of the fortress, two hundred-meter-thick tentacles several people thick rushed towards Minasnir, the leader, with a speed as fast as lightning, and there were some small purple-black branches on them. If they were entangled by them, perhaps The dragon can only be sent into that huge mouth, and then let Bi'lak tell Imrik, please witness.

Lao Mi didn't care about the attacking tentacles, and led the dragon to sprint all the time, because he believed that the young man on his body would get rid of this disgusting thing.

And the result was not beyond its expectation, a flaming gun cut off the tentacles that were less than a hundred meters away from Lao Mi's body from the root, and fell towards the ground.

On the other end, when the tentacle rushed towards the dragon under Masino, he immediately pulled out his blue fury, and cut the front end of the disgusting thing into several sections, and the ice marks on the wound gradually moved towards the dragon. The roots spread, causing the terrifying tentacles to gradually lose their firepower, and they were fixed in midair like a sculpture.

The giant beasts began to confront each other. Those chaotic dragons that had been corroded into two-headed monsters were covered with damaged boils, and black chaotic flames spewed out from their huge mouths and noses from time to time. K felt extremely angry.

Perhaps these giant dragons were not originally Caledonian dragons, but the distorted sense of blood connection still appeared on their bodies, and what they got was the blood of the black Calzaranos, which meant that except for the sons of the dragon emperors of Cathay Maybe there is no way to control it. The other dragons have to listen to me, the dragon lord. Reminiscent of what Masno said, Bilak made a body out of the flesh and blood of a dragon.

Imrik held the dragon's horn with veins all over his hand, and played it in his mouth.




The dragon horn blew three times in a row, each time the sound was more passionate and angry than before, reaching every landing on the battlefield.

Not only the giant dragon in the air became angry, but the people on the ground also knew what happened. When the imperial people saw the Caledonian soldiers around them, the original ferocious offensive became more unstoppable, and the eyes of the dragon princes were no longer the same as before. This kind of calm, began to become angry and tyrannical, the leader Bruni even threw down his lance, pulled out his long knife, and instantly chopped a Nurgle God's Chosen who was charging in a chariot into two pieces. Half.

Everyone knows what this horn means, that is, attack and victory. Inspired by Magnus' Griffon Banner, Imrik's Dragon Horn, and Erickson's Eternal Peak Rune Battle Banner, even a The ordinary soldiers possessed incomparable courage and rushed to the center of the battlefield without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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