Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 289 The Duties of the Dragon Lord

Chapter 289 The Duties of the Dragon Lord

"Let's go, the old guy is angry, and I can't control it."

After cutting off the telepathic communication, Imrik shook his head helplessly, and said to those who were still resting.

Several people nodded to express their understanding. It could be seen that Minasnier was very angry, but out of respect for the two leaders of Caledor, it was not easy to express their opinions on this matter, although Lao Mi always had a picture of him in the court. It looks bad, but in fact the status in Caledor is higher than that of Imrik, and everyone offered old rice like offering to their ancestors.

Imrik raised his head to look at the inner fortress. The onion-headed buildings of Kislev had turned into towering black spiers, and the places with the mark of Ursun had also been replaced with the mark of chaos octagon, hundreds of meters high. There are many spiers on it, and the entrance is only a fine steel suspension bridge.

He waved his hand and signaled everyone to follow, saying that he had to tear down this place, and then kill Bilak, the Yongshi Buchou.

Just when he stepped into the stainless steel suspension bridge, Imrik felt a kind of resistance, and it was extremely strong, as if he was resisting himself from entering it, and the calls of those giant dragon souls became stronger and stronger, but it was not Praying to save his soul, it was a very hasty desire to let himself go, as if to say that there is something extremely dangerous inside, don't enter.

Turning his head to look at the people next to him, he found that it was the same. An invisible force stopped everyone. The steel suspension bridge obviously did not have any traces of magic, but even Damian, who was extremely physically strong, was stopped.

Imrik felt it for a moment, and a vague sense of familiarity appeared, just like the sense of estrangement when he entered the Hall of Illusions, but why did it appear here.

Regarding these mysterious knowledge, Prince Long still knows how much he weighs, so he can only turn around and ask,

"Davian, Iron Wolf, what have you found?"

Davian stretched out his hand and tried to put it within the range of the suspension bridge, but obviously couldn't do it, and the iron wolf did the same. The two shook their heads one after another, expressing that they didn't understand the situation.

Seeing that the two mages were like this, Imrik could only ask Masno, who had entered before, what the previous situation was like.

"When I entered here, I didn't encounter such a situation. I entered the inner fort very easily." Masnow also explained the matter immediately. Obviously he had no idea about this situation. completely different.

"Why don't we open it forcibly, anyway, what's inside is not a good thing." Damian took the opportunity to explain that although the resistance is high, it should still be possible to enter with some methods, such as the three handles in the hands of several people. Artifact.

Thorgreen who was staying next to him didn't know what the Caledonians were talking about. After all, Elvish language was not a compulsory course for him, but looking at the faces of a few people, he knew that the situation was not optimistic.

"Is there a way to solve it? We can't spend it here, and we can't wait any longer on the ground battlefield."

Seeing the silence of the elves, especially Imrik, and Damian's eager expression, the dwarf knew that they should have a solution, but they were just thinking about it now, so they hurriedly urged,
"Hurry up, when did you Caledon's pointy ears become such mothers-in-law?"

Several people are waiting for the prince's answer. It can be seen that Imrik has thought of something, but he is still in the stage of hesitation.

"I need to let Minasnil come here to have a look. Before that, I can't act rashly." Imrik, who was thinking about it, said slowly. This kind of resistance made him think of something. If it is really as expected, Belak uses the dragon soul as the power to drive Prager. Perhaps the situation here is similar to the hall of illusions. The resistance outside is the last trace of the dragon's strength, so I advise you not to enter here.

After entering, you may have to experience the memories of various dragons, and these tormented dragon memories are not so easy to accept. Only you can enter them while staying awake, and others are a little uncomfortable. It’s easy to say, the transformation of consciousness into a dragon is an irreversible process. The Death Squad doesn’t have the blood of the dragon trainer, the horn of the dragon, and the golden finger. Maybe they will get lost in the dream.

After calling for a while, Minasnil, covered in magic scars, came to the front of the inner castle. It can be seen that in this short period of 10 minutes, it unreservedly vented its anger on the enemy, even at the expense of put yourself in danger.

After Lao Mi came here, Imrik began to have a secret conversation with it, telling out his guesses one by one. If this is the case, why was Bilak able to create a hall of illusions in just a dozen days? One must know that the underground tunnels in the Dragon's Back Mountains can only be formed with the participation of dragon trainers. The Lord of Shadow's magical attainments cannot be compared to the number one mage of the elves.

Lao Mi stretched out his huge palm towards the stainless steel suspension bridge, but he was not blocked like the others. This made him look at Imrik, and the situation was as expected. The place in the hall, and this means that if you want to break into it by force, you must crush the soul of the dragon, otherwise everyone will have to pass a test of will to successfully enter the inner castle.

Souls that can crush dragons...

Lao Mi stayed where he was, waiting for Imrik's answer. If he didn't want to take risks and chose to crush the dragon's soul to let everyone in, Minasnier would respect this idea rationally, but he couldn't accept it emotionally. The duty of the dragon lord is by no means to watch the suffering of his compatriots, but in the end he did not even have the will to save, directly breaking it. This identity is not only to gain the power of the Caledor dragon group, but also has a heavy obligation.

Imrik was silent for a while, whether to choose to smash the soul of the dragon to enter it, or let Lao Mi and himself venture in, and then face Bilak, it is completely unnecessary to think about it, you just put Archaon in it, We'll have to let him try the dragonlord's power, too.

Put the heroic spear on the ground, take off the dragon and fire sword hanging on the waist, symbolizing Prince Caledor, and the fire dragon emblem ring on the palm, and hand them to Masno,
"Obviously fate requires me to face this evil and chaotic co-election alone. You return to the ground first, my champion warrior, you will represent all my rights and obligations, and bring me victory and honor in this war!"

"If I don't return immediately, after the war, you take people to Elengrad, cooperate with Agsel to finish some things, and then witness the coronation ceremony of Magnus on my behalf, at the level of the coronation of the Phoenix King Gift."

Masnow didn't understand what kind of communication between the two leaders of Caledon, he would say such words like confessing his last words, but looking at the heavy atmosphere, he knew that there was no way to change this matter, although the Prince He is a reckless man, but His Royal Highness Minasnil is not. Looking at the expressions of the two, it is obvious that this decision was made jointly by them.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he could only lower his body and catch the symbols of the two princes. The dragon and fire sword will allow them to command the army unimpeded, and the fire dragon emblem ring will let them It is authoritative in diplomacy and politics, which symbolizes that Imrik has handed over the military and political power to Masno, and the last such dragon prince was Randy, which has a very obvious symbolic meaning.

"I wish you prosperity in martial arts." The champion warrior bowed his head to the loyal prince, solemnly tied the dragon fire sword around his waist, and then put the ring in his bosom, intending to watch Imrik and Minasnir enter the palace. in the resistance circle.

After completing the handover, Imrik turned his head to look at Minasnir, then nodded and said that it was okay. The worst result would be to run into the Chaos Demon Realm, and maybe he could meet that bad boy Malekith. Then kill him and Bilak together!
(End of this chapter)

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