Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 347 Do you want equipment?

Chapter 347 Do you want equipment?
On the day when the official competition started, in the player waiting area, Imrik looked at the several high-level dragon princes beside him with doubts on his face.

Agsel, Edteris, and Asanil all had a lot of scars on their faces. They were not bleeding wounds caused by sharp weapons, but seemed to be punched out.

Then I looked at the seventeen people around, and found that except for Davian, there was no trace, almost all of them had bruised noses and swollen faces.

I couldn't help being a little curious, and asked, "It seems that you have lived a pretty good life in Avalon these two days. Which beautiful lady did you fall in love with before you fought?"

When this obviously ridiculed remark came out, Agsel smiled awkwardly, and responded casually,
"It's just that you didn't pay attention to the scale when you were discussing, it's okay."

Imrik thought about it and touched his chin with his hand. This group of people must have done something, so this happened, but since the Avalon court did not hand over to him, and Davian was still holding back Lol, probably not a big deal.

"Please invite contestant No. [-] to play, from the Adonis family of Tar Wind Howl City, Prince Agthel known as the Gun of Obsidian!"

Big Mouth Sibu's voice eased Agsel's embarrassment, and he walked onto the stage immediately without any explanation. He made a lot of jokes in the past two days. He was too excited during group fights, causing most people to have bruises all over their bodies. Affects actions, but affects military appearance.

So all in all, we had to push out some dragon princes who looked like human beings to play the game. Anyway, the referee team was in a bad state, and they just watched from the sidelines throughout the whole process, and only waited for the end of the group stage to push out [-] people.

However, this also had some effects. The Dragon Thunder of Minasnier, which was called a gift, had already been shared, and the secret Dragon Thunder rewarded by the prince would also have to be shared in secret, and could not be swallowed by itself.

As for the eleventh tax paid to Minasnier, it can only be shared equally. After all, the Dragon Prince still prefers cool things like dragon thunders to money.

At this moment, Imrik felt puzzled, but he thought about it and let it go. I am a prince, not a housekeeper, so I simply leaned on the chair and began to sleep, and told Davian to wake himself up when there was a game.

While Imrik was sound asleep, Davian sneaked up to Edteris, poked his ribs with his elbow, and whispered,
"Do you want equipment?"

Originally, Edteris didn't want to pay attention to this scoundrel bastard. After all, there were a few old punches on his face that Davian had punched. But when it came to equipment, his eyes lit up, and then he bowed and whispered,
"How do you say, you have a way to get good things from the court?"

For the needs of equipment, soldiers will never be satisfied. The prince is casually wearing a set of artifacts, but other people do not have this kind of treatment.

Basically, some people with outstanding military exploits were rewarded with excellent equipment, and when others begged, Imrik said that the prince's family had no food left, and the next batch of equipment would take some time.

Davian glanced at the prince who was snoring on the chair, and whispered,

"Hadaris, Darrit, and Iron Wolf are about to crack the rune language system. The steel in Uncle Agthel's hand is just a rudimentary rune language weapon. Do you think this is an opportunity?"

Edteris's eyes lit up, and when he was about to ask loudly if this was true, Davian immediately stopped him, pointing at the sleeping prince, saying that this matter is confidential, so don't say it casually.

"How long will it take?" the high-ranking Dragon Prince whispered, no matter what the Eternal Queen Champion Warrior Competition, it won't do any good to be a champion, staying in Avalon all day dancing with a bunch of maids, good equipment can compare to this meaningless things are much more important.

"I can't tell. If it's fast, it will only be a matter of a few days. If it's slow..." Davian continued to meet Edtelis' expectant gaze, "It may take a few years."

The high-ranking Dragon Prince clenched his fists, and veins popped out on his forehead. Obviously, he wanted to teach this unreliable nephew a lesson for his brother.

But what Davian said next made him dispel this idea, "But don't worry, I have other ways."


"Do you still remember the two human girls brought by the prince?"

Ed Terris recalled for a while, thought of the rumors during this period, raised his eyebrows and said to Davian, "Didn't you serve as a bodyguard for them, and your attitude was very respectful, just like a servant."

Davian smiled, and did not deny this rhetoric, but instead said,

"Miss Lani's attainment in magic is far beyond my reach. Perhaps Ulthuan, old man Alfonso and His Excellency Bellanal can fight against her."

"What does it matter?" Ed Terris was a little confused. It may be that the prince kidnapped two powerful fighters, but judging from the situation of the previous three humans, they were all paid by the palace, not all of them. Poor ghost?

"I speculate that she holds the prince's small treasury in her hand, or it is in the hands of Miss Melina, but it doesn't matter. Thinking about Maslow's blue anger, don't you feel jealous?" Davian began It's a ghost idea, it's really unpleasant to be a dog licker, but if everyone is a dog licker, then there is no such thing as a dog licker.

The high-ranking dragon prince fell into memory, thinking of Masno's sword cutting off all the heads of the abyssal siren, and his exaggerated performance on the battlefield of the Fenoire Plain. Although his own strength is definitely no problem, the blessing of equipment is also very important. Blue Wrath is undoubtedly an artifact, and its grade is not low.

"You have a way to pry open the small treasury without making the prince angry?" Ed Tailis was still a little suspicious, not because of their identities as human beings, he had been in contact with the dark trio for so long, and he also understood the abilities of these people How terrifying it is, being able to fight is the last word, these two human girls must not be speculated with common sense.

"The relationship between the two ladies and the prince is a bit complicated. Although I haven't figured it out, at least Miss Lani won't care too much about the prince's thoughts. Even if we get the equipment, as long as the method is reasonable, the prince will have no objection. "Davian began to induce the high-level dragon prince to bow his head to the equipment layer by layer.

Equipment and dignity, this is a question worth pondering. Edteris thought about it for a while, thinking that his brother Agthel was holding a long sword in his hand, and he was assigned a helmet, although it looked similar , but can't help but always be shown off.

Thinking of the ugly face of my brother, I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed, and I planned to do it. The two of them have a lot to do with Imrik, so it's not considered licking humans, but licking the dragon lord. This logic makes perfect sense .

"Give me a referral when you have time. The Dragon Prince needs to pay close attention to those who get too close to the dragon lord." Edteris gave Davian an enigmatic look, and hinted that we will talk about it after the game .

Davian nodded in understanding, and then got up and walked towards Asanil. It was obvious that he really wanted to get rid of his status as a dog licker, and he couldn't wait to spread the benefits of the Lani Cult among Prince Caledoron.

(End of this chapter)

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