Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 391 The Hunter's Attack

Chapter 391 The Hunter's Attack

"Isn't it just some stinky rats? The three of us can kill them all." Damian interrupted the communication between the Dragon Prince and the butcher, and the momentum of the body wrapped in armor gradually changed, and a unique savage atmosphere came out of it.

"Then come!" Masnow made a decisive decision, took out a palm-sized fragment of the World Stone from his arms, and slapped it on the blue fury.

A never-before-seen azure light emerged from the ice-blue sword body, and the cold air gradually permeated the surroundings of the three of them. The blood flowing on the ground solidified in the low temperature, and the raindrops that were still falling in the sky also turned into ice beads.

"Damn pointy ears, you talk a lot of nonsense, the son of Grimnir will never be worse than anyone else!"

Agrim rushed forward impatiently, and his target was a rat priest who was still preparing a plague spell.

The bearded mouth opened wide, and he let out a death roar to the rats. He could not only avenge the rats here, but also fulfill the butcher's oath. Agrim didn't think of a more suitable place to fight than this.

But an attack without warning stopped Agrim's charge, and a sickle sword with a slight outline appeared beside his shoulder in space.

According to the expected attack route, Agrim, who was still charging at high speed, had already been decapitated.

"Perhaps you owe me another life, Agrim."

The divine power of Azure Rage formed an icicle, which appeared from Masno's hand, and just happened to be stuck on the short scythe of the Lord of Disaster.

Damian, with quick eyes and quick hands, chose the jump attack. With his astonishing body, he jumped up from the spot as if jumping and taking off, and pointed his big sword at the blurry outline.

A bomb appeared on the spot, making Demian's attack miss, and there was a gap in the Immortal King's armor.

"This guy is a little troublesome." Agrim stopped charging, his face gradually becoming serious.

Rat assassins have always been the target of the dwarves' book of hatred. What makes the dwarves feel shameful is not only that the same clan was killed by the assassins, but also that they don't even know who these assassins are.

"Indeed, this is a troublesome mouse." Demian nodded approvingly. It might be okay for Mi Shan to do things like looking for mice, but he is not very good at such things.

The two began to cover and fight, and Masnow joined in the work of breaking the back. They could feel something, just behind the protection of the rats.

The bell of destruction, which symbolizes the horned rat, is ringing non-stop, and a large number of corpses on the ground are also losing their vitality. The rain seems to not only wash away the dirt, but also take away their souls and vitality.

A long-planned trick, the rats chose to use a large number of corpses of their own people to summon the appearance of the disaster lord. In just over two hours of siege, [-] to [-] rats died, and this number is still there. growing.

After hearing the bell, Agrim, who was familiar with the Ratmen's sacrificial ceremony, immediately changed his expression. After cutting the Stormrat in front of him with a battle axe, he anxiously reminded the other two,

"These ratmen are conducting a summoning ceremony, we must find a way!"

Death without reason is not an option for a butcher, not to mention that the dwarf doesn't want to see his buddy Demian die here.

Before Masnow and Damian could speak, a voice that appeared from nowhere explained the reality.

"Sad mortals, all your efforts are nothing but the plan of the Horned Rat God. The war between snakes and rats will be preluded with the corpses of the three of you!" It's hard to tell where it's coming from.

In the temple, Judith was trying to pull away the three skink leaders who had been fiddling with stones for hours. They didn't seem to notice that there were still a large number of rats outside, and they were still chanting these sacrificial words of unknown meaning. .

"We need to break through immediately!" Judith grabbed the Skink's arm, intending to take it away by force.

But the Skink leader seemed to have completed the ceremony, or resonated with certain existences. When he raised his head, he seemed to be able to see countless figures coming towards him through Judith's body.

"Hiss~ he's coming!"

A slight sharp sound of breaking through the air entered Masnow's ears, which made him immediately raise his vigilance, thinking that the Lord of Disaster planned to use some unknown means to attack again.

But unexpectedly, the Lord of Disaster did not sneak attack, but showed his figure on the spot.

Just less than three meters away from Agrim, the huge mouse wrapped in black cloth was exposed, holding a sickle sword in its right hand, and it seemed that it was planning to deal a fatal blow to the dwarf butcher who lacked armor protection.

However, a poisonous needle pierced the back of his neck and made him lose his ability to move. The disaster lord, who was protected by the divine power of the horned rat, suddenly entered a strange state at this moment.

Centered on the nape of the attacked neck, a layer of purple ripples spread from the skin.

Where the ripples spread, it is like an extremely thick dye dripping into clear water, and it will be rendered quickly.

And the body of the disaster lord also seemed to be colored by this poisonous needle. In just a few seconds, most of his body turned into bones.

The big mouse's eyes were full of fear, yes, the raised head looked a little dazed.

As the best hidden being in the worlds, he couldn't find where the hunter who blew out the poisonous needle seemed to appear out of nowhere and hit his body directly.

But Masnow knew that this was an opportunity, and immediately threw off the few Stormrats who were still entangled, and chose to kill the Calamity Lord who was in a frozen state.

This is a huge trouble. When fighting, you must always pay attention to the movement around you, otherwise your life will be in danger.

After the rat monster was eliminated, the sharp piercing sound rose again, from once in the first few seconds, to short-term rapid continuous appearances, and finally to the intensive sound of fighting groups.

A large group of rats fell to the ground when the poisonous needle was hit, and the altar, which was still ringing, stopped ringing, and all of this was seen by Judith.

He couldn't help but look at the leader of the Skinlizard in his hand in a daze, and murmured,

"Could it be that these cold-blooded species really can prophesy?"

But he quickly realized that this was the battle reinforcements of the lizardmen. Now that the reinforcements had arrived, the next consideration was not how to break through, but how to kill all the rats.

He raised his long sword and loudly ordered his soldiers to prepare to join the friendly army.

"Prepare to attack, kill these rats, for the dragon lord!"

As Judith gave the order to rearm, there were miniature explosions from everywhere, and the screams of lifeless rats.

But strangely, there was no sign of any lizardmen.

This made Masnow have a guess. Killing the rat monster with one blow, and this attack without warning, could it be the lizard man that the prince mentioned before to focus on-the invisible hunter Oxyyotan!
(End of this chapter)

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