After the child was born, Imrik took him to Chakua once. Although everyone was a little puzzled, it was generally believed that he wanted Sotek to send some divine revelations to ensure that the child had sufficient potential in the future.

But this is not the case. Before the remains of the black Calzalanos buried in the mountains, Imrik guided the child to accept a special power. With the assistance of Lao Mi, he must be stronger than himself in the future. Like a dragon lord.

As for Tehenhauin, who tried to persuade him that the child should be sent to the Pyramid of Blood in Sotek, he was slapped by Lao Mi and flew directly to Itaza.

On the contrary, Etila was responsible for receiving the congratulatory crowd when her husband solved the problem of the child. At least all the kingdoms sent a congratulatory gift. This huge amount alone is enough for him to live a life of food and clothing for the rest of his life. .

But for an heir, the treatment of having no worries about food and clothing seems a bit too low. Some dragon princes considered that the palace did not lack wealth, and sent many unique gifts.

What Davian sent made Edtila feel that he was mentally ill.

Looking at the intact Druzzi's head sealed in the crystal box, Etila couldn't help saying to the smiling Davian,

"What kind of mentality do you have to send this kind of thing? Draconir is still a child. Do you want him to use the head of the disaster of hell as a toy?"

"Ma'am, you have misunderstood me. This is a gift from us to His Royal Highness, symbolizing the greatest harvest of the Battle of Krakalund." Davian explained for a moment, and came here from Anaheim, originally wanting to tease I was teasing the heir, but I was taken away to Lustria by the prince, which is really disappointing.

These words made Etila calm down a little. As a mother, she certainly didn't want her child to be exposed to such cruel things so early, but the princess wouldn't, who didn't come from the war.

"Okay, Imric will be back in two days. Do you stay in Caledor, or go to Saffrey?"

Davian thought for a moment, feeling that he still had to take one last look before leaving,

"Let's take a look before leaving. I may come back later as an exchange staff between the White Tower of Hess and the Kared School of Magic."

Etila nodded in agreement, and turned to greet the others. Imrik had been away for almost half a month, and I really don't know how he became the prince.


At the same time, in the sky above the vast ocean, a tired giant dragon squinted his eyes, flapping his wings weakly, and the man with the child on his back kept screaming in surprise,

"Old guy, look at this kid, he actually knows that I am his father, he waved at me."

You two brats...

Lao Mi felt that his body was weak now, and his eyes were half-closed. He just wanted to go back to the cave and sleep.

But thinking that this son of the dragon is indeed loved by the dragon, I can only reluctantly say,

"You are such an idiot. Could it be that your heir can't even recognize his father? Let me tell you, he will be as stupid as you in the future."

Imrik automatically filtered out Lao Mi's ugly nouns, and when he heard that the child would be like him in the future, he immediately stood up and looked very excited.
"That's for sure, he will definitely become a powerful fighter like me in the future, as well as a respected prince."

Why do these elf cubs become so stupid after they have offspring.Minasnil thought of the incomprehensible complaints he made when chatting with his companions, and felt that Imrik was exactly the same.

"Those two little guys will hatch in another five years, what are you going to do?"

Imrik was taken aback for a moment, as if it was true, two young dragons were about to hatch, and this was the only giant dragon hatched in 500 years.

Alarielle politely refused her daughter to accept the training of the Dragon Prince, thinking that it is best to train her as a queen, so as to avoid becoming like her father.

Looking at the bright eyes of the child in his arms, and the look of stretching out his fingers to look for attention from time to time, Draconier should be able to take care of the two dragons...

"Since you're going to sleep a lot, let Draconir be their playmate, and you won't have to sing the Dragon Song when you grow up."

"Then you will be in charge of the three little ones. Remember to take good care of them. During the first three months of birth, the young dragon has no ability to forage alone. After the scales become harder and the wings become stronger, teach them to take care of them. They are hunting sea fish in Dragonling Bay..."

Lao Mi chattered endlessly about the skills of leading a dragon, especially regarding the inheritance of memory. It is necessary to find a reliable dragon to lead for a period of time, otherwise there will be some mistakes in cognition. A young dragon who regards himself as an elf is not a good dragon.

"Why didn't I notice you talking so much nonsense before? Are you getting old? Draconier really should call you old and stubborn."

Lift the child up and let him feel the air blowing from the strong wind. The heirs of our dragon tamer family are different. They are only one month old and can fly in the sky. Their future achievements are bound to be unpredictable.

"He should call me..." Lao Mi hesitated for a long time. If he asked the son of the dragon to call his grandfather, he wouldn't be the same as that brat Mikhail. Aris Anar is nowhere near as good.

"Forget it, he can call him whatever he likes."

But Imrik didn't answer Lao Mi, but kept making weird noises,

"Oh, oh, this brat dared to pee on my hand, he must be terrified."

"Why are you so timid, you don't have the courage to be my heir at all, old guy, why don't we test his courage."

"How to say."

Not knowing where to get a wooden pole and a long line, Imrik tied the child to the wooden pole, and when the son of the dragon laughed happily, he instructed Lao Mi to lower the flying altitude, preferably on the sea.

Walking to the gap between Lao Mi's neck and shoulders, Imrik threw the child out and put him on the sea.

Minasnier lowered his eyes, looked at the son of the dragon who was still laughing on the sea, and the dragon lord who was also laughing on his shoulders, and felt that he was in a family, and there was no normal one.

"Well, let me tell you that he will be very happy this way, hurry up and play, otherwise you will have to listen to Attila's nagging again when you return to the palace."

"You are such a competent father. Dragon trainers will wonder if he is your child when they see it." Although he said so, Lao Mi deliberately flapped his wings more powerfully, and a strong air flow surged from top to bottom , causing waves to stir up.

And the son of the dragon in the middle of the waves felt the malice of his father and his dragon companion in this experience like surfing.

If it is a normal heir, I am afraid that whether he can grow up alive, the biggest crisis is not the assassin of Drucci, but this playful father. (end of this chapter)

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