Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 514 Two choices, and ridiculous trust

When the Feathered Serpent flew towards the enemy, Pacal turned the muzzle of the gun and began to suppress the bloodthirsty sky ghost, and Imrik was also trying the feeling of the snake-god prophet's so-called cannon hitting the bird.

At least the vampire lord was burned to ashes by the hot laser beam when he just picked up his staff and was about to stare at it with Nagash.

Blood holes of different sizes also appeared on the bloodthirsty sky ghost flying nearby. Perhaps these shells lacked divine blessings, but they could still have a huge impact when hitting flesh and blood.

This wave of weakening made the Feathered Serpent's attack even more ferocious, and the lightning and magic current couldn't help calling the vampire who turned into a bloodthirsty monster.

Imrik, who was charging the main gun, suddenly poked his head out, staring at the land where the flying monster appeared.

Noticing that the main gun hadn't been fired for a long time, Elvis came over, "Prince, what's the matter? Could it be that there are still dozens of monsters like this?"

"No, but they held back..." Imrik murmured, a zombie dragon.

If the Lahmian vampire dared to put it on the battlefield, he could immediately have the Iron Wolf ready to teleport the spell and bring the Flame Knight to Kislev.

Perhaps this zombie dragon has nothing to do with the Caledor dragon group, but how the Lahmian vampires prove this is not up to Caledor, who has fought with the dragons for 7000 years.

"Brat, I'll give you two choices."

"You say." Elvis lowered his head, ready to obey the order.

Although the prince always said that the giant horned viper was out of his control, whoever wanted to take this seriously might take himself too seriously.

"The first is that you, as a friendly army, protect the civilians and the lifeline port for Raskol, and assist in dealing with the vampires and necromancers in Erengrad, but you do not participate in the civil war in Kislev."

"What about the second?" Elvis felt that this choice was a bit nonsensical. He ran all the way here to do this, and he might as well fight the Beastmen in the Empire.

"The second is to find the zombie dragon, let Althea use image magic to record it, and then send it back to Caledor. The giant horned viper can investigate whether this is true in my name."

Give Elvis a look that you understand, there is a lot of room for maneuver in the investigation, the first one is gone, but there may be a second one, until a satisfactory result is formed.What nonsense international diplomatic relations, dare to desecrate the corpse of the dragon, even if the Phoenix King comes, it will not work.

"Then I choose..."

"Don't worry, wait until you get to Erengrad. Masnow will explain to you what to do before making a final decision. I believe you won't let me down."


"Okay, Draconir is clamoring to play with the giant dragon again, I'll take him for a walk first, and use the albino snake skull to contact me if I have something to do."

"I hope your Highness can have a good time. I haven't seen him for a while. Next time I meet, he will definitely become a warrior as brave as you."

"You kid..." Imrik smiled and shook his head. Many people realized that they would end up with a bad face if they praised themselves, but if they praised Drake Nir, the final result was actually good. They didn't expect this It was also known by Elvis far away in the old world.

After cutting off the channel of consciousness, the Skink Priest rolled his eyes and shouted, "Sotek..."

Elvis covered his mouth, this is a top secret, how can he say it loudly, and in the end only the prince thought that everyone didn't know his identity, how embarrassing it would be.


In the secret command post of the National Guard Army, the general is meticulously analyzing the situation.

After the army led by the vampires poured into Ehrengrad, many people have realized that the Guards Army is not a warlord force formed for profit, but a righteous army that really wants to reverse the kingdom and become ruled by dark creatures.

The National Guard Army, originally less than 5000 strong, poured in many passionate young people, fighting against the forces of darkness amidst the call of flames and rebirth.

But to be honest, the effect is somewhat small.These people lacked training, and the preparation time was too short. The National Guard Army only controlled two arsenals in Erengrad. After identification, they believed that they were all rags and materials left over from the great jihad.

The veterans are leading the recruits through the baptism of war, forgetting the fear of the roar of artillery fire, the fear of the dead standing on the ground, and the fear of the power of the female tsar...

Time is too short after all.The general shook his head and expressed that the situation is not optimistic. If there is a complete logistics supply line, he is sure to rely on veterans to lead recruits to occupy important areas of the city one by one and drive out the vampires step by step.

But now even the food was saved by Mazov last year, and people who know some blacksmith skills are urgently maintaining the armaments. If this situation continues, I am afraid it will not last long.

He turned to look at Caledor Ambassador Rachel who was invited here, and his low tone was full of determination, "Ambassador Rachel, I believe you have all the information about my assets in Caledor."

The ambassador nodded, without any documents, and directly recited, "The shares of the mine under the Bianchi family are estimated to have [-] gold leaf coins. Your achievement in beheading Nailatul is a reward from the prince. Tal Kared Residential House. The college’s annual outstanding student scholarship, bonuses for anthropology research and social science projects, and profits invested in welfare institutions during the employment period…, a total of [-] gold leaf coins.”

"If I use the power I will get next as a loan, how many gold leaf coins can I have?" The general clenched his fists. If he wasn't a fool, he would have noticed that everything was too coincidental. Mazov had already started preparing for this war. Caledonian I deliberately left myself alone, and no news came to my ears.

Caledon wants the population of Kislev, and as the front line against Chaos in the north, the general thinks he agrees. Although there are suspicions of traitors, at least these elves are more human than vampires, and they don't let the children of the motherland lie on the table. Just cut your own throat, that's enough!

The ambassador narrowed his eyes and re-observed Laskoll, philosopher and villain, the title of these two people is really appropriate.

After understanding everything, the philosopher loses the last bit of goodwill, and only thinks of solving the problem in the most effective way; while the villain, after receiving the divine revelation, actually has a little kindness in his heart, trying not to let the situation develop in the most serious direction.

"Caledor does not intend to turn Kislev into a puppet. The most important significance of you is as a trading partner and the first line of defense against chaos in the Old World. This is the Dragon Prince's promise."

Raskol loosened his clenched fist a little. This is what he was afraid of. If other elves said that they promised, he would think it was nonsense.

But since the Dragon Prince said so, based on his acquaintance with the elf whose surname is Caledon for so long, his arrogance will not let him break his promise.

"I believe in that commitment, at least for now."

The ambassador nodded, did not continue to emphasize this matter, and instead talked about the situation on the battlefield,

"You have two options. First, Caledon can prepare enough supplies for you in the empire. As long as you control the port, your logistics will not be under pressure. Second, let Mazov find the dragon corpse The Lahmian vampire who is a tool, Caledor has enough reasons to intervene in this war, and perhaps the dragon lord will also come to the battlefield in person."

"Plokin understands the significance of this zombie dragon to the situation, and it is impossible to release it easily." Laskol did not agree with the second plan in his heart. When he found out that it was arranged, it was difficult for him to have any more feelings for the elves. That sense of longing.

"Raskol, I have to remind you that although your plan to be the object of support was determined a long time ago, after the news of the Queen's transformation into a vampire reached the Dragon Court, we also had two choices at that time." The ambassador's eyes began to look menacing. After knowing the deeds of the blood ancestor of the Lamia family, he had some doubts about the combat effectiveness of the mercenaries.

If several families of vampires flooded into Kislev because of Queen Lahmia, it would be tantamount to making Caledon busy.

Raskol's eyes began to cool down, and he confronted the ambassador, "I don't think your actions are out of good intentions."

"I don't deny this, but at least it's you who are fighting the vampire now, not a boyer nobleman protected by Asur. There was a three-person statement in the court about the change of Kislev's plan, and two of them Vetoed the puppet's plan, thinking that you can meet their expectations, and your blind actions now, I am afraid that you are just living up to this trust."

Two people……

Raskol quickly thought of Judith, the chief who had worked with him for a long time, and the magic sword on his waist that had not been replaced for a long time was a gift from that cold-faced instructor.

Trust... what a ridiculous thing.

He stared at the ambassador for a long time, his lips trembling slightly,
"I will try this. I trust these two gentlemen, but I also hope that Caledon will not do something that violates trust again."

"Caledo has never betrayed his trust. If your stupid head can think carefully for a moment, you will understand that this mercenary plan is far more useful than you think. If Katrin, who became a vampire, was not led by Mrs. Kisley Come to destroy, but by the empire, the Church of Ulrich will be able to settle in justifiably, and your so-called four righteous gods will soon be forgotten.

We just want some population and resources, while the empire wants your beliefs, and the vampires want everything about you. Comparing all the hazards and making an appropriate choice is what a leader should do. "(end of this chapter)

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