Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 519 The Suddenly Appearing Abrush

The curved sword that turned into white light was blocked.

Under Masno's slightly surprised eyes, a warrior wearing a cursed blood dragon helmet suddenly appeared in the dark night, and swung out a big sword wrapped in scarlet mist, stopping the fatal blow for the female vampire.

"Who are you?" Maslow's voice became low. This vampire wearing blood-red dragon-shaped armor brought him a lot of pressure. Since he was included in the core layer by the prince, he only found similar blood in the crazy Damian. a feeling of.

The tall vampire swung a sword flower with his big sword. It seemed that he hadn't spoken for a long time, and his voice was a little hoarse, "Who am I? Would it be too ridiculous if a man wearing a hood asked the enemy's identity? Slay Luthor Harken's Caledon Champion Masnow."

The saved female vampire became extremely excited when she heard this voice, she couldn't believe it and said, "Is it you, Abrush, but why are you here..."

"Long time no see, Jacqueline. It seems like a lot of time has passed since Nagash lost to Sigmar." Queen Ya's maid, no worry about being suddenly attacked by Masino from behind.

"The queen will be very happy to know that you are in Kislev." Jacqueline rarely showed a nostalgic expression, because she knew that as long as Abrush was present, the assassin who suddenly appeared would never succeed .

Masnow lowered the curved sword in his hand and began to observe Ebolash. The intelligence of the palace indicated that this vampire might be the most powerful person in martial arts in the world. As the ancestor of the blood dragon family, he showed a kind of sense of honor.

Legend has it that he refused to drink the blood of innocents because doing so would provoke a siege in Lahmia, with predictable results.

And when the Strigel Empire in the Badlands was besieged by the Greenskins, it was he who escorted the civilians away with his heirs.

Although he didn't know how the prince got the news, Masnow felt that the appearance of Aborash was very strange.

"Let's put the reminiscence later, after all... I am not the champion warrior of Lahmia, and you are not the maid of the palace." Abrush sighed, turned his head to look at the opponent, "Unfortunately, I Be friends with Jacqueline, maybe your plan is going to fail."

"It's okay, but I'm curious why you appear here. According to your past actions, it seems that you will not participate in the war between vampires and humans."

Apparently, Abrams didn't mind clearing up some doubts for Masnow. For him, the purpose of this trip was probably very simple.
"Progin sent me a message through the sons of Vashanesh, no, perhaps the sons of Vlad. Caledon will intervene in this war, and the elves have been active in the old world for too long , even for the undead, and I am very interested in the recently famous dragon lord."

"It seems that you have been disappointed. It is not the dragon lord who came to Kislev."

"It doesn't matter, then let me see the power of the champion warrior of the dragon lord."

Masnow took off his hood, he understood that this might be the strongest enemy he had encountered for the first time since the Battle of the Fennoire Plain.

The curved sword slowly dissipated away, and a long sword exuding a piercing chill was pulled out of its sheath, pointing directly at Abrush who was still waiting.

"It seems that there are indeed many variables in this civil war. Are you targeting Elvis?"

"Since we have entered the battle, other people will naturally take care of the rest." As soon as Abrams finished speaking, he had already turned into black lightning and charged in front of Masnow, striking him with a powerful and heavy slash come.

But Maslow's reaction was not inferior. When the black shadow rushed out, instead of starting to confront each other, neither side gained the upper hand following a sudden confrontation.

The two long swords were intertwined, and the eyes of the two people who looked at each other became excited, knowing that they had met their opponents.

Relying on the ultimate understanding of the weapon in his hand, Masno took the lead in suppressing Abrush. When he was in a state of wrestling, frost suddenly appeared from the contact point of the blade, covering the black sword.

Abrush may not have the same understanding of magic as other blood ancestors, but some alternative skills are undoubtedly part of martial arts, and a layer of blood flames gushes from the hilt of his sword.

But still unable to reach the erosion of the ice, the blood flames turned into ice cubes, still dancing in the transparent objects.

Feeling that his arm became a little numb, Abrush chose to push it away, relying on the vampire's transcendent physique to exert force suddenly, leaving the influence of the ice blade.

Abrush took two steps back, shaking his gauntlet that had icicles on it,
"It's really surprising. This artifact is much more powerful than I imagined. With your martial arts, I'm afraid it's hard to find a few suitable opponents in the old world. I'm looking forward to meeting the dragon lord."

"I'm afraid you don't have this chance." Masnow didn't want to say more, and started to move, condensing into a substantial mist and wrapping around the sword body. Although many people think that he relied on this weapon to get to the top, the equipment is also the same. Part of strength, why not use something good.

Abrush's aura became stronger. It had been a long time since no one had brought him any surprises in battle. I heard that Caledon had several similar fighters. This time he really came to the right place!
After a low roar, the ancestor of the blood dragon spun the big sword to fight with Masino. Unlike the fighting method just now, he swung the weapon only for a short time, and then twisted his wrist to turn the big sword slightly. direction.

Cooperating with the clanging sound of Masnow's swords colliding, the black sword turned into a flexible windmill, swung continuously by its rebound force, and turned into an airtight firepower net.

"Is Nehekhara's curved swordsmanship... This guy is really not weak." Although Masino thought so in his heart, his hand movements did not stop at all, and he turned to use the elf on the back of the zombie dragon Swordsmanship, fighting with Abrush in martial arts.

Since the prince is here, Iron Wolf is also preparing to teleport spells. It is rare to meet an opponent, and the champion warrior will not miss the opportunity.


"Oh, oh, I'm really surprised, you actually played tricks with vampires." Imrik sat on the floating golden staff, looking at Mazov who raised his musket and continued to suppress the vampires.

Noticing that a group of purple-black arms suddenly enveloped everyone, he released a secret method of cracking to break it.

The skink priest essentially casts spells by requesting the magic power of Lord Slann, wanting to cast a powerful spell, giving a signal, and then the big toad responds in his dream.

And the one connected to him is Lord Kroka, the old toad has been dead for 7000 years, and he is probably only worse than Grandpa Na in playing the wind of death. (end of this chapter)

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