Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 534 The One Who Will Always Be Ignored Is Accompaniment

Chapter 534 The One Who Will Always Be Ignored Is Accompaniment
Imrik, who was walking in the forest, followed the bloodstains to chase the location of the white deer, but still did not forget to question the women around him,

"Why can't you even shoot a deer? I can find any archer in the Longji Mountains. They can guarantee to shoot a sparrow flying a hundred meters in the sky."

"The premise for you to say this is that there must be sparrows in the Longji Mountains!!!" Phyllis couldn't bear it anymore, jumped up and locked the prince's throat with her arms, and kept hitting the back of his head with her forehead.

"I'll make you laugh at me, make you laugh at me." After hitting hard a few times, I didn't feel it at first with the courage of blood, but I gradually found that the touch of the forehead was completely different from before, just like hitting a steel plate.

With a little coma in her brain, she stopped the impact and locked Imrik's throat with her hands to avoid being stinky again.

As a victim, Imrik didn't feel anything, even with the extra pendant on his back, "I'm still used to when you wear armor, at least it can give me a sense of security instead of this weak and weak look."

Weak?Phyllis was a little confused, but she quickly realized that a blush appeared on her face, "You stinky rascal."

"Don't talk nonsense, the maid's duty is to protect the prince, just like you, makes me doubt whether I can fulfill my duty well."

"By the way, are you tempted by those maids in the queen's palace?" Phyllis leaned her head on Imrik's shoulder, her eyes full of unquestionable search.

"No, my purpose is to leave after finishing my work, and never stay for a second longer. I'm not used to the atmosphere of Avalon." War precedent, but Avalon still maintains a serious sense of fun, Ulthuan paradise in the true sense.

The militia indicator of the court of the Eternal Queen - two hours a week in the training ground, which is a huge improvement, twice as much as before.

Anything beyond this time can be regarded as hard work, and it is completely a combat power piled up with time.

"The court of Avalon...I really don't know how you and the queen got on well. Standing together is completely different." Phyllis thought of the moment Imrik and Alarielle attended together in her impression.

The Eternal Queen is full of love and cares about Asur's life, while the Dragon Prince next to her is arrogant and sarcastic, thinking that most things in his life are meaningless.

"How can it be better, just like this, and then that, and finally it will become like this."

Imrik casually asked Phyllis to come down quickly, her legs were wrapped around her waist, and her arms were strangled tightly around her throat. Although it didn't have much effect, it still felt strange.

"Find the white stag, this is an order." Phyllis imitated the tone of the prince, and gave Imrik an order. The bow she was holding in her right hand was also thrown away. What could be more important than being with the prince? .

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that I would be ordered one day."

Following the blood trail, Imrik quickly brought Phyllis to the other side of the forest, but soon fell into doubts.

"What's the matter, is there someone who wants to..." Seeing the puzzled expression, Phyllis lost all interest in humming and singing, and made the worst plan in her heart. If someone wants to assassinate, she must first Stepped over his own corpse.

"It's nothing, it's not an assassination, don't think so badly." Imrik walked behind a tree and explained, "There are two people by the lake, they should be a man and a woman, but why does Rambo The Te family will let people in, and what's the matter with the dragon halberd guards outside?"

"Is there any threat?"

"Very weak, I can knead meatloaf with one hand."

"Then what are you worried about? They may have sneaked in from other places. This hunting ground is so big that it is impossible to seal it all up. Moreover, it is the property of the Phoenix King. Can't you be more generous and let the public come and visit it?"

Phyllis, who roughly guessed what was going on, began to lure Imrik to let go of his thinking and not be limited to security.

"Let's see what's going on first, and don't make any noise."

On the contrary, Imrik was a little puzzled. Logically speaking, this hunting ground was the property of the dragon tamer family. Why can't there be any noise when walking on his own land.

Noticing the prince's confusion, Phyllis patted him on the head lightly, "Don't be so rigid, and diversify your eyes. Come on, show the way you peeked at Agthel before."

"You are so strange."

That being said, Imrik still walked to the edge of the forest and stuck his head out against a tree, and Phyllis stood side by side with him to observe the movement outside.

A pair of young men and women are holding hands and walking by the lake, and they can vaguely hear songs chanting together. The sun shines on the water surface, flooding and shimmering, as if two people are walking in it.

The joyful faces and brisk songs, when the wind blows, not only make the grass and the lake sway, but also blow to the pedestrians, conveying emotions to the ears.

Imrik frowned, thinking about what happened to the dragon halberd guards in charge of security, so many Druzzi assassins could be stopped in the past, it doesn't make sense that two people who seem to be at most militia level can hide from the detectives Measure magic.

Could it be that these two people have something to hide from their eyes?

"so envious……"

The words in his ear caused Imrik to pause his thinking, and he glanced at Phyllis's eyes full of longing. I don't know if it was reflected by the lake, or the original brilliance of those blue eyes. Hazy beauty.

"There's nothing to be envious of. This kind of rendezvous in private territory must not be tolerated. Caledon strictly prohibits improper relationships between men and women."

When Imrik was about to make an important speech on the relationship between Caledon and men, he heard what the couple said after they stopped singing.

"Eileen, have we known each other for almost 200 years?" The young man held the girl's hand, his handsome face full of seriousness.

"En." The girl's smile was as pure as a lily by the lake, looking forward to her lover's next words.

The young man took out a ring from his bosom and looked into those beautiful eyes, "Will you marry me?"

Imrik's eyes widened, and his breathing became heavy. Even a fool would know what was going on after seeing this scene. He should be thrown into the crater of Asaniel!

Feeling that the neck and waist were being tightened, he could only smile awkwardly, expressing his disdain for such things, "Look at this Itain man, the proposal is so casual, you can guess that it is impossible to be happy. "

The ear was suddenly bitten lightly, and she could feel the more obvious breath on the cheek than before, and the slightly trembling words showed that she was so fragile.

"Prince... can you let me stay by your side."

"Aren't you already by my side?"

"You know, I don't mean that." When the girl spoke, she already had a weak cry, begging the prince to accept this 200-year-old wish.

"I..." Imrik hesitated for a few seconds, could he say that he was surprised when he found out that he regarded her as a brother, but things changed in nature.

But these few seconds were enough for Phyllis to let go of her hand. Her pale face could not be concealed even with blush paint. She politely stood where she was and bowed slightly, holding her mouth and trying to suppress the thoughts in her heart.
"Sorry, I was rude, I'm just a maid, I shouldn't have such thoughts."

The prince, who understood what was going on, glanced at Asanil who was hiding in the corner. He was indeed a little too used to Felice's existence, so much so that he even forgot why she stayed by his side all the time.

When she turned away because she didn't want to accept the reality, she stepped forward and hugged her with a tenderness she had never had before.

"It's me who should be sorry. I have neglected a person who is always by my side. If my mother finds out, she will definitely be taught a lesson by pulling her ears."

The girl remained silent, just burying her head and pouring out the thoughts that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time. The waiting is not the longest, but the most painful thing is to wait knowingly that there will be no result.

But now, I have waited until...

(End of this chapter)

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