Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 554 What is Betrayal

"Help me, Erson."

"We have dedicated our lives to our motherland, why is this the result..."

"No hope, no future, no everything..."

Countless voices entered Mazov's mind, and he heard the heart-wrenching cries of the people burned by the flames.

They want to declare their helplessness to the world, and pray for a little help for the suffering life.

But in the end, all he got was endless flames.

When Mazov was stunned, Hilbert kicked aside and roared loudly,

"What the hell are you doing? If you are afraid of death, go to a safe place and do logistics. Don't interfere with the firepower advancement here!"

This angry kick made Mazov's waist ache a little, and the surrounding wailing that entered his head turned into the familiar sound of gunpowder guns, and the compatriots gushing out from the burning men were replaced by the undead who were fighting.

"Damn..." A tear fell from his eyes, and his absolute faith supported him in rejecting the gift of the gods.

He doesn't believe in anything superficial, but only in things that can be seen and touched, such as brothers and muskets.

But it was obvious that Ersun did not intend to let him go, this kind of sympathetic wail that went deep into the bone marrow was so painful.

Mazov drew out his saber, and under Hilbert's surprised gaze, he stabbed him in the stomach.

The war knife cut through the chain mail on his abdomen, and half of it sank into his abdomen. The blood seeped into the linen clothes, turning black and red in dark color.

"You are really crazy. After this battle is over, you must not enter the battlefield again." Hilbert scolded Mazov angrily, dragged him to the bunker, and pulled out the bloody sword for him.

He noticed that his old friend's mental state was very problematic, especially in recent times, he would appear stupefied from time to time, even if it was very short, it was already extremely fatal to a soldier.

The usual involuntary twitching all over his body made people wonder what was wrong with him and whether he could persist until the day of victory.

Mazov took a few deep breaths. The pain suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his mind. He could still rely on the sound of gunfire to divert his attention, but after the casualties gradually increased, the situation became more serious.

He understood the thoughts of the gods very well. He replaced Raskol's position and cooperated with some miracles symbolizing orthodoxy to turn the Patriot Army into fanatical believers. He used jihad to save Kislev and make it an absolutely "pure" country. "The country.

But everything in the past tells him that if he continues to follow this way of ruling where the tsar and the church confront each other, the great jihad and the bloody female tsar are just a reincarnation.

He has already thought about his future fate, and he must not let the blood of so many brothers flow in vain.

"I'm fine, continue to fight." Mazov took out the medical bag he carried with him, took out some hemostatic medicine to apply to the wound, and wrapped it with a bandage.

He made a smiling face for Hilbert, as long as he didn't want to die, this kind of injury could never be life-threatening.

Behind the boulder, Hilbert squatted down, his eyes full of coldness,

"You'd better give me an explanation in the future. Too many things seem to be weird, as if they were all arranged by you, especially the betrayal of Prokin. Dirav's intelligence shows that he has always been protecting civilians. This is completely It does not meet our previous speculation!"

Mazov stood up, raised his musket and pointed it at the skeleton warrior in front of him, speaking with inexplicable sadness.

"You will understand soon, but I hope you never understand this..."


In the center of the battle on the fourth street, the general and the vampire knight launched a duel. The mounts of both sides were sieved by muskets and magic because of lack of protection.

The body of Prokin, who became a vampire, was far better than that of ordinary people. When the long sword was swung out, it formed a black shadow, and the power it carried was also extremely amazing. Every time Raskol confronted him, he could only choose to release the force. resistance.

The vampire knight caught the general's violent attack with one hand, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his face, as if mocking the futility of this effort.

"Give up, Lasker, you are well aware of the physical differences between mortals and vampires. Maybe your martial arts have improved a lot, but it's not enough to make up the gap between you and me."

"Hehe, Katrin must have taken a fancy to your mouth. I think both of you can enjoy it, just like two wild dogs copulating."

Contrary to the general's expectations, the vampire knight did not show any anger and always maintained a contemptuous smile.

He kicked away the general who was still wrestling, "You really disappoint me."

Rascal, who was hugged by the general's guards, touched the blood at the corner of his mouth and waved his hand to stop the soldiers who were approaching the vampire knight from retreating. The regiment had successfully eliminated the resisting mortal legion, and the traitorous vampire soldiers were also slaughtered. .

Now only Pu Luojin is left in the encirclement. As long as the general gives an order, hundreds of muskets will release their ammunition at the same time.

"Continue to advance and stop 500 meters ahead." Rascal gave the order and handed over the command to the adjutant. He stared at the vampire knight who was still maintaining his normal state despite being surrounded. "Let's put an end to this. This battle continues. too long."

Plotin shrugged his shoulders in approval, raised his empty left hand, and after a red light appeared in the palm, the wounds on his body caused by the saber and bullets healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Laskel also activated his body. Before leaving, Judith gave him a magic item, a life magic pendant for emergency use, and his tired body quickly recovered.

The general ran first, holding the saber in his abdomen with both hands, aiming at the vampire's head.

He did not think that this attack could successfully take Plokin's life, but a soldier's life would bloom the most beautifully only when he tried his best. If he did not have the courage to be killed, he would be just a mediocre person.

What's more, the general hated this traitor so much, only after he died, those brothers who died in the new world, their hard work would not be in vain.

Prokin smiled at Raskul who was shouting hoarsely. Everyone thought that he was greedy for power and chose to abandon his brother to embrace the kiss of blood. Even he believed so firmly, otherwise how would he hide it from Laimi, who is good at penetrating people's hearts? Asian descent.

But if there is no one person as a buffer to make the female tsar think that the mercenaries are indeed capable but have no backbone, as long as they continue to exert pressure and release hypocritical goodwill at an appropriate time, they will naturally get [-] warriors who are capable of fighting.

And those compatriots who have been oppressed also need an asylum to leave some continuation of strength for the motherland.

Dying as an ununderstood martyr may be one of the few contributions in life.

The plan was successful, but the only variable was the Blood Snake Brotherhood.

"Mazov will take care of it all..."

He raised the long sword vertically and started a sprint with the general. A large cloud of black mist suddenly spewed out from his body, covering an area with a radius of 30 meters.

This move made everyone nervous. The action that originally followed the order and chose to continue was stopped because the general was covered by black fog and it was difficult to see clearly.

A few people pulled the trigger, but they were quickly stopped. Vampires can endure bullet attacks, but humans can't. A group of elite soldiers were sent into the black mist in an attempt to find the general's identity in a place where they could not see clearly and make no sound. trace.

As for Rascal, who was sprinting, he could only see the traitor in front of him. He kicked off the ground with both feet, concentrated his body strength on the sword in his hand, and shot out a slash like light cutting through the darkness. (End of chapter)

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