Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 584 Arkhan’s Fear

Chapter 584 Arkhan’s Fear
On the plains filled with stinking undead, Arkhan rushed forward in a two-wheeled chariot like a monarch.

Lich King Arkhan is a title widely circulated in the old world. The dwarves' hatred of him can be traced back to 3000 years ago. The Skaven who have been fighting Nagash for many years are even more afraid of this name.

As the disciple and successor of Nagash's will, he naturally has the power to visit any undead.

But he was not interested in this welcome ceremony. The chaotic formation was mixed with countless stinking roars. The ghouls crawling on the ground were like wild dogs. The hungry dire wolves were running around, drooling and looking at the mortal assistants in the distance. military.

The bats flying around were as agitated as flies, exactly like their owners.

Compared to the shining military might of Nehekhara when he faced Settra, it looked like a prison camp.

But this is also part of the Silent Kingdom. Just as cities will always have slums and sewers to house rats, the Silent Kingdom also needs some ugly things to commend the elegance of other dead.

The two holy titans dropped their scepters. The huge stone creations that originally had the faces of the ancient gods now became the servants of the Lich King.

The echo when the scepter falls indicates one thing, the authority is here.

The controlled stinky vampire undead took the initiative to give way to a road, but Arkhan did not drive from the road arranged by the vampire. Under the control of magic, the winged carriage flew over the ground and arrived at the stone center area. Bunker.

Two Tomb Guards opened the door for Arkhan. In the dark environment, only a few kerosene lamps illuminated the dark environment. The Lich King walked in, not caring whether there was an ambush.

For a person who has died many times, how can he kill someone who is already dead when the threats become false?
"Arkhan, I hope you won't cause any more trouble this time..." A tall man wearing dark red armor walked out of the darkness. His voice was no longer hoarse and low, but full of magnetism.

This voice made Arkhan put aside some of his contempt. He had always been afraid of the ancestor of the blood dragon. Abrash is one of the very few people who can restrain the negative effects of inferior life elixirs. Not only by relying on will, but also unparalleled. strength.

When I saw him, the wound on his neck still seemed to hurt.

"Abrash, I was surprised to hear the news that you are here. What brought you back to the old world from distant Cathay? Is it the desire for battle, or the promise of Neferata? that power……"

"Don't test me. I have no interest in what you want to do. Countless failures have not allowed you to learn lessons. Instead, you firmly believe that everything is under control."

"Then your goal is a fight."

"Yes, but I want to prevent possible accidents in this long-awaited battle, especially you and Manfred. I don't like the second son of Vashanesh, he has far more calculations than his father. Countless, and he lacks the courage of Vashanesh.”

"We all know that Vashanesh is a very emotional person, and his obsessions will always cause accidents to happen. But his second son may have inherited a little talent in strategy, but he lacks the sense of honor in a fair fight." Arkhan explains for his colleagues, but the real purpose is indeed for Ablash to explain.

With a tacit understanding, the two of them each took a step back. The prerequisite for Ablash's action was that he would not accept any instructions or receive any interference. Arkhan also believed that he could not control the ancestor of the blood dragon. In this case, let him Go it alone.

Arkhan doesn't care about the final outcome of this war. He only wants the Book of Nagash, not a barbarian kingdom and the world losing a temporarily usable barrier. At least until the master is resurrected, the Four Righteous Gods still have some use. of.

The expected commander did not appear, or it could be that Arkhan was not interested in this unknown young vampire at all. After communicating with Abrash, he found Manfred who was staying in a dilapidated wooden house.Count Manfred of Sylvania, who had just finished his lunch, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a silk handkerchief. The blood of elves tasted much better than he imagined, even for an explorer who walked in the wind and snow all day. , still comparable to the best quality blood pigs.

He turned around, his pale skin was covered by black armor, and his hairless skin was covered with protruding veins, and he looked at Arkhan with a pair of hazy eyes that did not conform to the ancestral training of Von Carstein.

"The Book of the Dead is in the hands of an elf, and he is still in Erengrad. According to my information, this elf is an important general of Imrik and will definitely go to the battlefield."

"This is a conspiracy. The main purpose is to lure me to appear." Arkhan's voice was very calm. He did not think that he would lose. Even though these elves had extraordinary fighting power, they still could not defeat a person who had been dead for a long time.

Seemingly sensing Arkhan's certainty, Manfred nodded and began to share information.

"The elves have five giant dragons, more than ten griffons, and a complete army of lizardmen."

Manfred, who briefly explained, observed Arkhan with interest. Vampires have never dealt with lizardmen. The undead, whose main activity range is in the old world, lack understanding of these cold-blooded creatures. The only source of information is the southern tip of Nehekhara. of lizard people.

According to some speculations, it is impossible for an army of lizardmen to be sent out in the Southland, and it also brings many creatures that have never been seen before. The only possibility is the lizardmen of Lustria.

Manfred was not prepared to put the undead he controlled into a meat-crushing battle with the lizardmen. These dull, cold-blooded creatures were not afraid of long-term positional battles at all, and magic was probably part of their expertise.

"Tell me about the situation of this lizardman army." Although Arkhan was a little surprised, he still wanted to find a solution. He also lacked understanding of the lizardmen. He had encountered them in the southern rain forest. Although they were somewhat mysterious, they They don't pose a threat, they rely on some weak skinks to maintain order.

Manfred was very straightforward and used magic to transfer the images from the bat's vision to Arkhan's heart.

Arkhan's originally relatively relaxed expression seemed to become a little difficult to predict as the soul fire swayed in his eyes.

The mighty Iron Lizard Legion poured out from inside the battleship. The ground shook when the huge beasts moved around. The bloodthirsty cold lizard beasts succumbed to the will of the riders and tightened their bodies to maintain body temperature.

He was roughly estimating the number of this lizard-man army. It wasn't until a flag with a blazing sun appeared that he realized what enemy he was facing.

But before he could continue to observe, a blue lizard riding on the back of a red-tailed tyrannosaurus had noticed the prying eyes, raised his golden left hand, and a pure laser ray spurted out, casting darkness on his vision.

Arkhan's swaying soul fire gradually stabilized. Druzi, who taught Nagash the black magic, once talked about this flag and the red-tailed tyrannosaurus. As the successor of his will, the Lich King also obtained relevant records. .

Thinking of the results obtained by the Sun Legion's long-term battle with Druzi and the deep meaning behind it, his tone became a little solemn.

"The Sun Legion of Lustria Hesiota City, they are the most famous war machine among the lizardmen, we need to increase our stakes!"

Noticing the word "our", Manfred smiled contemptuously, "Of course, I am already dealing with the cemetery of the Bear Monastery."

(End of this chapter)

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