Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 606 Never forgotten, how can I say it again

Chapter 606 Never forgotten, how can I say it again

Surrounded by layers of eyes, the seven dragon princes who had stood at the same place for thousands of years began to fight. Every time Imrik penetrated the dilapidated dragon armor with his sword, he felt as if blood was dripping from his heart.

But it soon turned into anger, anger that Manfred dared to test such a thing!
The six dragon princes who have been dead for a long time still maintain most of their martial arts skills. Their tacit cooperation and fierce swordsmanship will always remind people of that glorious era.

No one stepped forward to help. This was an elegy to the dead and the few comforts the ruler had for them, whether it was for these resurrected compatriots or for him.

Invisible magical veins connect the resurrected undead. The black magic master looks at the fratricidal situation on the battlefield with ridicule, adding a little more strength.

Arkhan, who was walking side by side with Manfred, silently watched every move on the battlefield. The servants that the master found seemed to have a terrifyingly low limit.

The Lich King does not believe that honor can dominate the battlefield, and the necessary strategy and planning are a pillar of victory, but he feels disgusted with Manfred's actions that already have a bad taste.

"Vashanesh, perhaps renamed Vlad. He followed the barbaric rules of the empire and raised the red dragon flag on a black background as the symbol of the Earl of Sylvania. He pursued power and attempted to raise this flag in the imperial palace. The flag, even if it fails in the end, is still worthy of being the heir of Khemri, but you have no respect for this flag."

Arkhan satirized that Manfred only inherited his father's identity and had no inheritance of the noble qualities from Nehekhara. In just a few days together, he met the members of the von Carstein family. Sick.

Conspiracy, co-optation and checks and balances became Manfred's power to rule the family left behind by his father.

Manfred heard Arkhan's sarcasm and pretended to be surprised and said,

"You should understand that his identity may become the biggest obstacle to future actions. It is difficult to conquer this difficult elf with force alone. Only by understanding his character can you find his weaknesses."

He paused for a moment, seeming to be mocking Arkhan for his ignorance, "In other words, you have the ability to deal with him in an honorable way."

"Did you find him then?" Arkhan remained disdainful. The master had so many subordinates with such strange personalities that many operations failed in good form.

Rather than these scheming vampires, he prefers the zombie cats that have been with him for thousands of years.

"An arrogant elf who is extremely confident in his own strength is no different from the rumored Prince Caledor. This will become his fatal weakness." Manfred stopped sending black magic energy to the Corpse King. Conquering the strong, he prefers to kill the weak.

Unexpectedly, he traveled all over the old world and the several elven corpses he salvaged when he arrived at Dragonblight would actually be of use. In a short period of time, he came up with several ways to plot against Imrik.

As soon as this thought arose in his mind, the voice of an arrogant man seemed to come from Manfred's bloodline. The familiar tone echoing in his mind was a nightmare that had never dissipated.

"You never knew the nobility of von Carstein, my wretched heir."

"Shut up!" Manfred growled. He knew that the blood ancestor had not really left yet and was still lingering in every blood descendant's body.

If you want to escape Vlad's nightmare, you will need a more powerful force, such as the Necromancer.

His low roar completely stopped the deliberate delivery of black magic, allowing the undead who originally relied solely on instinct to fight regain some consciousness.

At first, the Dragon Prince who was holding the flag of Carstein was stunned. He looked at the broken sword in his hand and felt extremely guilty. What on earth had he done to actually draw the sword and attack the Caledor bloodline who swore allegiance.

He tried to throw away the sword, but all he heard was Imric's cold voice,
"Hold your sword, I cannot execute a compatriot who has no sense of resistance."

But the Dragon Prince still threw the sword away, his hoarse voice telling endless sorrow,

"I still remember the last cry of Orialdes... I can't draw my sword against you. Kill me. This is the relief, and then you can avenge us."

The remaining skeletons of the undead are trembling, hoping to get rid of this bad fate as soon as possible and return to eternal peace.

Imrik raised his sword in silence. The distance between life and death did not cut off the connection between the dragon princes, but executing a dead person seemed too sad.Suddenly, a voice came from his mind, it was those ancient dragons sleeping in the realm of the soul.

"Wait a minute, Imrik, he seems to be the descendant of Ogdens, that is, Occestes!"

This reminder made Imric's pupils shrink suddenly. Occestes, a dragon prince with an extremely legendary experience, served two Phoenix Kings of Caledor successively, and his combat position ranged from Naggaroth to the Eternal Peak.

Whether it is time or space, the dimensions spanned are astonishingly large, and his deeds are often mentioned as key points when compiling historical materials related to the Dragon Prince.

As the hometown of Tal Khaled, some country poets sing related songs every year.

If the one with the most records in the Book of Dwarven Hatred is Caledor II, the one who is closely followed may be Occestes.

Many people thought that he died at the hands of the dwarf butcher who shaved his head and rane lord, and even his body was difficult to recover, but they didn't expect to meet him here.

Imric gritted his teeth and said, "But he deserves to rest in peace, instead of being used as a tool and a sword to fight against his compatriots."

It was Minas Nil who couldn't stand it any longer and took the initiative to remind him.

"Don't forget that the temple knights we met at the junction exist in the real plane in the form of souls. By reducing the output threshold of the dragon thunder, you can turn them into your temple knights."

Imric's hand moved up and down, and he didn't know how to face the six people kneeling on the ground with the raised sword.

The meaning of these giant dragons is simple, to take these souls wandering in the mortal world under their command and let them continue to serve Caledor after death.

He sighed in his mind, "It's hard for me to make this kind of decision."

"Then leave the decision to them." Prescott, the oldest in the country, immediately expressed his thoughts. He has a close relationship with the Ogdens family and has no psychological pressure to make decisions for them.

Imrik swung his sword down, but only placed the sword of the Conqueror on Occestes' shoulder.

He looked at his compatriots waiting for death and whispered the decision of the small council in his mind.

"Do you remember the oath you made?"

The Dragon Prince raised his head and saw the former monarch's sword from the corner of his eye, which made him even more determined.

"Never forget that the heart of the dragon beats in the body, and the bond of blood cannot be broken even by life and death."

A sigh came from the bloodborn's mouth, and death could not break this bond. The ancestors really allowed Caledor to shape the unique elven tradition.

"You are willing to pledge your allegiance to House Caledor once again, and to the Dragon Lord again."

Thinking it was the last farewell words of the blood descendant of the dragon tamer, the dragon prince lowered his head.

"I have never betrayed you, how can I say it again."

"Occestes, you are worthy of the name of loyalty and bravery given by your ancestors."

At the moment when the Dragon Prince was surprised when he heard his name, the third Phoenix King's sword had already been chopped off without touching the decaying dragon armor, and the spine connecting the head and body was smoothly broken.

(End of this chapter)

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