Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 645: Protecting Children’s Dreams

Chapter 645: Protecting Children’s Dreams

"Just in time, I saw Malhandel, the son of the divine horse, carrying his glorious master on his back. He was full of hatred for the evil race. He lamented the sorrow of his compatriots, and the anger rising in his heart ignited the Yanyang Sword. The knight in the silver helmet trampled on the The water solidified by magic follows the sons of Aenarion to attack. Spears and iron hooves, flames and cries, glory and hymns belong to Asul."

The poet's words aroused confusion among several children. They stopped biting their fingers and listened, and curiously asked, "Who is more powerful, Prince Tyrion or Prince Imric?"

The old poet was embarrassed. Who knew the answer?

No one has ever seen two warriors at the top of Ulthuan fight against each other. Many people used to admire Imrik's bravery, but with Tyrion's performance over the years, people have a little more understanding of this matter. Suspect.

After all, except for the battle on the Fennuvar Plains, no one saw Imric take action. He was away from Ulthuan most of the time. On the contrary, Tyrion was about to take up the position of guard of Ulthuan.

The old poet stroked the child's head and said with a kind smile, "Then who do you think is more powerful?"

A boy next to him answered and raised his sword and said, "It must be Prince Tyrion. He didn't have the help of a dragon. He killed all the lower races with his sword and horses. I can also be one in the future." Such a hero."

The little kid 'swung his sword' in conjunction with the whirring sound, and imitated the movements of the war lord by relying on the crew who were searching for performances in the countryside.

He took a horse step with his short legs, pulled the reins with his left hand, grabbed the wooden stick from his compatriots, and started using Tai's sword technique on the spot.

Imrik, who was listening to the play, was not angry at being said to be relying on the dragon, and said to the little kid who was happily imitating the heroic posture of the war lord,
"Prince Tyrion is a pure-blooded descendant of Aenarion. At your age, he could tear apart sea snakes and eat them as snacks. He fell freely off a hundred-meter cliff and couldn't even hold a stick steady. You want your ancestor to be like this? Some big shot might have this possibility."

The little kid blushed, raised his wooden stick and pointed it at the two Tyranlock elves who came in halfway, and said fiercely,

"Then Prince Imrik also relies on his bloodline, doesn't he? Minas Nir, the son of the legendary dragon Indragunir, must be much more powerful than him."

"Then at least his bloodline is very useful. He can let the son of the legendary dragon fight with him. He must be much nobler than you guys." Imrik almost licked his nostrils and mocked the little brat for overestimating his own abilities. He should recognize the reality earlier. It's a good thing, but I still dream about being a hero all day long.

Adila, who was sitting next to her, slapped her husband's thigh and told him to stop talking and stop making trouble with a child.

She grabbed the boy's wooden stick, raised her hand and stroked the head, which seemed to be about the same physical age as her son, and comforted,
"Ignore him. He used to think it was because of his bloodline because he couldn't beat his opponent. He is just a bastard who gave up on his dream. He relies on ridiculing others to satisfy his pathetic self-esteem."

The boy twisted his body tightly to escape the clutches of his beautiful sister. He made a face to Imrik next to him, and ran to the poet with the stick in hand to seek the answer.
"Einab, do you think blood really determines everything?"

The old poet still maintained a kind attitude. Although he had already understood the destiny, he still did not want to let the child's dream be shattered.

Protecting children's dreams is what people like you should do, isn't it?

"No, Aenarion was once just an adventurer who traveled around the world, but in the end his courage and courage convinced the whole world. Asul is not noble because of his bloodline, but because of his honor and belief. "

Apparently the poet's words inspired the onlookers, who once again imitated lance or sword attacks with sticks.

But they may have never considered the possibility that these weapons have little to do with civilians. Spears and bows are the sharp weapons that accompany them throughout their lives.

Although Imric wanted to say that Aenarion was Asuryan's destined choice, he was already one of the strongest people in Ulthuan before he sacrificed himself to the Platinum Phoenix Flame.

But looking at the excitement of these children, I feel like forget it. Being a predator in this life is already a real beast. Kunos opens his eyes and thinks about climbing up, that is just a dream.

The convoy set off again, and it would take another afternoon of walking to reach Tal Alil.

Adila, who was at the back of the motorcade, whispered to her husband, who was walking parallel to him.

"Why are you so serious with a child? Even if you are really qualified to talk about blood theory, there is no need for it." She was a little confused. The head of the oldest existing family in Ulthuan said such a thing to a child in the town. , what just happened was not normal behavior.

The most likely situation is that Imrik sounds like an ant crawling across his feet and continues walking without any trouble. The level difference between the two sides is really too big.

Imric, who was walking side by side, looked up at the sky, seeming to feel the different sky, but he was always thinking about his family in his heart.

"Just talking about the blood theory, it reminds me of the Gladys I met before. You said how big a fuss would be made if the brat really married her."

"It's difficult..." Adila was obviously hesitant. Although she didn't agree with the theory of blood, it seemed that it was the difference between two species.

But one is the future prince of Caledo, and the other is just a female newspaper reporter. You can imagine the difficulties that will be encountered.

Moreover, the brat's current physical condition makes it difficult for people to think that he is a normal Asul. Whose child first called his parents in dragon language.

Seeing her husband looking up at the sky, Adila seemed to feel something and expressed her doubts,
"Are you against this?"

"No, I have no objection to this." Imrik stopped looking up, but he felt overwhelmed thinking about the obstacles he would encounter.

I was a little excited before, thinking that the family finally had an enlightened person, but now I think about it and it's a little troublesome.

Although love plays a large factor in the marriage with Adila, and although there are some voices of opposition, wise people believe that this is a union that is in line with the current situation.

The union of the two princely families was used as a guarantee for the future, and no one deliberately asked whether this was in line with tradition.

But regarding the brat, Imric could only sigh deeply when he thought of his definition of prey.

The old poet is guarding the children's dreams, letting them look forward to future honors, and he also wants to guard the children's dreams. The lack of honor and power will not appear in the blood of the Dragon Tamer, but such things as happiness, But it takes a lifetime to ask.

"But I don't want his marriage to be deliberately arranged. He should have the right to pursue happiness instead of being shackled by the chains of heirs. This is what I, as a father, should do."

"We have agreed a long time ago, haven't we?" Adira smiled. This is why she thinks Imrik is a successful family head. He will not impose his will except for the fate that the family must bear.

"It's still early, but it can't be delayed for too long. He'd better find the princess before he turns a hundred years old."

"You are really anxious. You care more about it than your own marriage."

Imric's eyes widened and he pretended to be angry and said,
"He's my son. I can't help but be anxious."

Adira asked the lady to lean closer, and took the stretched out palm.

"me too."

In contrast, the children in front of them, who were poking their heads on the carriage, murmured in a low voice that these two Tyrannroc Assurs really had no shame.

From the moment we first met in the morning, they were like conjoined twins, never moving more than two meters away, for fear that this small distance would turn into a separation of life and death.

(End of this chapter)

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