Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 648 The chapter I am talking about is the rules.

Chapter 648: What I say is the rule.

Walking unceremoniously at the front, Imric walked struttingly under the watchful eyes of the escort headed by the Shadow King. He had no sense of security, and the Phoenix King didn't give him the same treatment.

On the contrary, Adira was a little nervous for no reason. She had never thought that the Shadow King was such an easy-going person. Among the stories spread in Ulthuan, the Shadow King was definitely the most ruthless person.

she whispered,

"Is that person really the Shadow King? Isn't he the Hand of the Shadow Crown, or is he the Shadow Walker in disguise?"

Imrik rolled his eyes, not caring whether the Shadow King behind him heard it, and complained in a normal communication voice,
"Then what do you think the Shadow King should look like? He's dressed in black armor like Malekith. He doesn't look easy to mess with. His black hair is dyed."

Adira got angry and hit Imrik on the chin with her head, making you think I'm a fool.

The Shadow King acted very calmly, looking at the intimate figures of the two people in front of him and inexplicably recalling the past that was already blurry.

It seems that he once had a partner like this. The two went from being awkward when they first met to finally feeling the world and each other's existence between the mountains.

He rarely made a self-deprecating smile, but now he even forgot her name. He was really a failed man.

Along the way, they talked to each other about their recent experiences. Imric found that after the war, the Shadow King had indeed become more at ease. He did not let the Shadow Walkers continue to deepen their revenge, but instead accumulated strength to wait for the next promised end. .

The Shadow King was more interested in Imrik going to the old world and asked how many human soldiers had been recruited. He was only concerned about one thing. Since humans can also kill Druzi, why should they ignore it.

After learning that there was no one, he talked about Drachnir.

On the contrary, Adilla was really uncomfortable and found it difficult to integrate into the harmonious communication atmosphere between the two men.

The two elven kings, who are considered the most ruthless in tradition, were not discussing how to conduct the next war. Instead, they were talking about parenting policies. They should really publish a book called "My Prince Friends", which would definitely be a hit.

Imric didn't know the location of the auction house, but considering that Ulthuan's best assassin was by his side, he could probably sneak out of the Maze of Tzeentch, so he might as well just walk on his own without any hesitation. Know where you are.


The Shadow King's words made Imrik stop and look at the bridge entrance without buildings, and then at a child standing behind the wooden pile. He felt in his heart that the businessman really knew how to play. This auction house must not even have a fixed location.

Aris temporarily acted as the guide, walked behind the wooden pile to communicate with the children, and took out a coat of arms with a golden oak to indicate that he was invited.

The child with his eyes covered with black cloth deftly walked out of the shadowed position, which made Imric's eyebrows jump and he felt anger rising from his heart.

I worked hard to suppress the high religious sentiments in the country and try not to let the children of Caledor commit suicide in order to become priests of Vaal. But the people of Elion let their children do this kind of thing just for a few gold leaf coins and reputation? !
Adila, who always pays attention to her husband's emotions, knows what he is thinking and gently advises,

"Calm down, every place has its own characteristics. He should be a war orphan. The world of businessmen is always like this, using a little profit in exchange for more."

"Forget it, Gilgarion is such a fool." After scolding Prince Elion for doing nothing like a dead man, Imric came to the Shadow King and walked towards the auction house under the leadership of the blind boy.

Elves are an insecure race, fearing that if any weakness is revealed, it will lead to competitive disadvantage.

The usher who cannot see the face of the customer, the secret location where the entire process is physically and magically isolated, the anonymous membership record book, and the rumored credibility guarantee of the big family as an intermediary, these are the reasons why the underground auction house can continue.

There is no so-called black force that can escape the scope of responsibilities of the Sword Master of Hoth. The participants are cautiously wandering in the gray range, trying to avoid being noticed, and then wearing the hat of a spy.After passing several islands, the blind boy was very skilled in walking through sparsely populated alleys. He did not communicate with customers at all, and just walked silently in complete darkness.

An ordinary-looking wooden house comes into the eyes of the traveler. From the outside, he thinks it is a relatively wealthy family, but inside, it is divided into many private rooms that are no more than five square meters in size.

The outline of the dark corridor was completely unclear, and the elf could only rely on his excellent hearing to follow the friction sound of the blind boy scratching the wall with a wooden stick.

The door was opened from the inside, and it was still completely dark. After finishing the work, the blind boy was ready to leave, but he never thought that the guest would stop him first.

The gold leaf coins shook and made a sudden sound in the leather bag. Imrik didn't care about the man in black monitoring at the door, and threw the palm-sized leather bag at the feet of the blind boy.

"Little brat, take this bag of gold leaf coins and a child like you to Caledor's embassy. I'll buy you guys."

The supervisory man took a step forward. His hoarse voice could not tell his specific age.

"Your Excellency, this is against the rules."

Imrik, who never thought he had a good temper, stretched out his hand, and before the supervisor even had time to react, he grabbed the idiot's neck with his palm and pulled him in front of him.

He seemed to be able to see the fire burning in those eyes, the undisguised anger.

"What I say is the rule. I don't care which family is behind you, or how much profit you can make from this underground auction, but if one of these children is missing, or falls into the sea of ​​twilight while walking on the road, even if you are the most attracted The proud Legion of Silver Helmet Knights here must die."

Under the watcher's horrified gaze, Imric threw him out the door and twisted his neck to find a chair to sit down in great displeasure.

Even though this might ruin the Shadow King's plan, he just couldn't hold it back.

The Dragon Prince does things like this, even if the Phoenix King comes, it won't work.

Different from her husband's tough way of not explaining, Adila knelt down and stroked the blind boy's head in the dark, and said comfortingly,
"Pick it up. Please believe that there is still goodwill in this world. Go to Caledor's embassy. If anyone stops you, take this out."

Adila took out a fire dragon emblem, and when the child was at a loss, she picked up the money bag dropped by her husband and stuffed it into his hands.

She understood the rules, but she became a little numb because of the over familiarity.

But Imrik was on the contrary. His actions and strategies seemed extremely cold, but he always showed unusual kindness. She had already seen this from trying not to oppress the humans in Qingyan Port.

Rhetorically speaking, it is just a source of labor and soldiers, and it is enough to just stay in factories and ports.

However, food, clothing, housing, transportation, education and medical care were not left behind. They even secretly established a psychological counseling organization for the rescued Druchi slaves and invited psychologists to help them escape from the nightmare of the past as soon as possible.

She didn't understand where this contradictory approach came from. She seemed to be very hostile to the nobles with vested interests, but she was always cruel and kind to the oppressed civilians. However, this didn't seem to be annoying, but rather cute.

The little boy clenched the object in his hand that seemed to symbolize hope for the future. He spoke for the first time since the beginning, with a panicked tone and some choking.
"Thank you, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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