Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 666 Confrontation in Different Dimensions

The flame knight who entered the battlefield with his lord will not stop even half a step, the illusory knight?Just kill him, but if anyone wants to touch a hair of the dragon lord, it is absolutely impossible!

The melee is about to break out. It seems that Creon's battle just now is just an appetizer. The calmed storm rises again, and invisible forces are also wrestling at the same time.

In a certain high-latitude plane, the body of a giant snake swatted away the incoming fog sword without any pressure. The huge mouth that could swallow the mountains opened a gap, and the voice was hoarse and roaring.

"Stand back, you are not qualified to join this game."

"He is an elf, and he will inevitably participate in the eternal reincarnation of the battle in heaven." The lady wrapped in water mist stood proudly, facing the giant snake no less, even though she knew she was no match for the final relic of the ancient saint, But he will not be afraid, the hope of the elves is in his own hands!

"But he is different. Your hands are stretched too long and you control too much." Sotigo, who did not want to say more, slapped the lady's figure away with his tail without mercy. He woke up earlier than expected. It is completely different in the world. Every time Imrik uses the relics of the ancient saints, he is actually robbing him of power.

It seems that Imrik got a lot, but the real big ones went to Sotek.

After telling Lilith to get out, the giant snake stared downwards, especially Imrik, who was fighting. There was a crazy hunger in his eyes, which was an urgent desire for a complete self.

It was the subconscious impulse of the giant snake, but on the other hand, the vision of the dragon and some remaining will dimmed.

He laughed at himself and said, "They are just tool men, the sons of bitches of the ancient saints."


Imrik, who had a fierce confrontation with the Green Knight, was a little unhappy. In fact, in terms of fighting methods, what he was best at was foot combat. Fighting several kings on the border, he really honed his skills to perfection.

Although the mounted combat is not inferior, the Green Knight is like a piece of dog-skin plaster that cannot stand up to him, and his head is pierced by the lance of the star?It doesn't matter, the land of Bretonnia can be restored immediately. The ghost horse was trampled off its head by Mortellius and instantly transformed into the next one.

How to kill a dead person?Imrik already had the answer in his mind—the death rune.

"Damn it, you can't use this! We can't even understand how the Death Rune works. Forcibly using it will only cause your body to mutate more towards that smelly snake. Do you want to become a bloodthirsty monster?" Minas! Neil roared loudly to remind him that it had watched everything in his dream, and that Imric's irrational measures must be stopped when necessary, like now.

Rune, which can restore death to the world, has given both of them a headache for a long time. They want to use it but are afraid of death. How to understand death can only be understood after dying once.

Originally, Imrik had this kind of talent. After all, he was a person who had died many times, but he couldn't handle it and his brain was not working well. He felt vaguely and came out in a daze. In the end, he could only give it to the giant snake at Itaza at a cheap price.

"Damn it!" Imric took a deep breath to calm down his angry mind and not take such a big risk to kill the Green Knight, but this did not mean that there was nothing he could do.

"Provide the positioning coordinates, prepare Pakar's teleportation array, and let him activate the Sotigo Seal on his body to kill this guy completely."

Imric's strange behavior obviously attracted the Green Knight's attention, especially when he stopped in place.

The knight put away his sword, his voice still hoarse and broken,
"I have no ill intentions towards you."

"I know, I know, then what are you going to do, come and be a cheerleader for me?" Imrik sneered, but he was already in resonance with Master Gram and was preparing to send Pakal from Lauren Loren.

Once the incarnation of Sotek appears, it will inevitably bring a large number of blood sacrifices, and the passage prepared for Nakai will be ready by then. If the Holy Wanderer appears, not to mention just a hundred Holy Grail Knights, the entire Kingdom of Bretonnia will fall.

"A duel involving territory... Bretonnia deserves to be involved... You deserve to understand this."

Calm down, this is not in line with the plan we made, now is not the best time to solve everything, he is just a pawn, used to test you... After reminding Tigris, he cast a spell to raise the barrier, and blocked Ba, who was still fighting in the melee. Knight Tonya and Knight Flame were wrapped around each other, their eyes flickering as they wondered what they were thinking about.

Anyway, it’s a bit over the top.Imric waved his hand to signal that the battle was over. It was not a problem to continue fighting. Once he was in a fighting state, an unnatural bloodlust would appear in his mind.

Stinky Snake had warned himself not to do anything big for a hundred years, but now that he met the Bretonnians, he had somewhat forgotten it.

After taking a look at the mustachioed king who was fighting with the Flame Knight, Imric said coldly to the Green Knight,

"Send a few people here who can talk."

"Flame Knight, close the team."

Unhappy, Imric took a sip on the ground, and the dragon's horn sounded a call for war. No one died, and he went back to ask his ancestors for guilt.

After the dark clouds dissipated and the air returned to calm, not far from the battle site, a group of theatergoers from the north arrived belatedly. The leader was none other than Imric's old friend, Magnus.

Obviously he didn't know which side to support. Although helping the elves would benefit a lot, Bretonnia was too close to the empire, so it would be a headache to cause trouble.

Just wait like this and say hello again when the battle is over.

Different from deliberately making things difficult for the Holy Grail Knights, Imric was quite enthusiastic about these Imperial Knights. He immediately changed his face after leaving the battle and said to Magnus,
"It's just a coincidence that you came here. You didn't bring good wine. This matter can't be forgotten."

The bald man on the horse made a hearty smile and said, "Enough, last time we drank, but it has been a long time, so we are going to get drunk this time."

The young Sword Master Hess didn't understand what was going on. The Dragon Prince was really murderous just now. Few people have seen his absolutely ruthless side, but as long as they are lucky enough to see it, it is difficult to maintain a normal mind, like a burning flame. The light of the soul is thrust out like a spear, without any hesitation along the way.

But why did he suddenly stop and run to say hello to the Imperial people again?

"Boss, no, Mr. Augsger, why don't we fight now?"

Augsger did not reply immediately, but glanced at Tigris. Of course he knew that the Supreme Mage must do some big things with the Dragon Prince during his trip to create important magic props for the waystone?That's just for bluffing.

"Wait a minute, didn't you see that all the Flame Knights have retreated?"

Parallel with Magnus, there are twenty demi-gryphon knights. These ferocious and bloodthirsty beasts are the most proud elite troops of the empire. Often, as long as they are put into the battlefield, even in difficult situations, they can quickly defeat them. Cracking can be regarded as the trump card among trump cards.

"It seems you are ready to get involved."

Although there were some doubts, Imric was already convinced, and the half-griffon knight in the first row was carrying the white wolf war flag, which was probably Ulric's will.

"Don't mind if the warriors of the empire show off for once." Magnus said, but his eyes looked at the mustached knight king, and he nodded slightly as a greeting. In fact, he had some thoughts on this trip.

Bretonnia has been a bit dishonest recently, and has often tried to take action against West. He believes that even without the Skull Crusher, he would not lose to the Holy Grail Knights. If Imric deliberately seeks trouble and sows some relations, it will be even worse. There is a reason to move the real chapter.

"Welcome, it seems that this time it is really interesting." (End of chapter)

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