Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 67 Finubar's Thoughts

Chapter 67 Finubar's Thoughts
The two walked to Ed Terris, who was communicating with the Tyrannok nobleman. His expression was very focused, and he didn't pay attention to the arrival of the two of them at all.

"Edteris!" Imrik intentionally said in a very serious tone.

The Dragon Prince immediately stood up straight like a conditioned reflex, then turned around, "Here!"

"Look who's here."

Ed Terris, who was already in a tense state, was a little excited when he saw the general beside the prince. He walked over, and the two hugged each other tightly and patted each other's shoulders.

"Brother, I'm really happy to see you." Edteris was a little excited at this moment. Agthel's aunt is his mother, who is also a nobleman of Wind Howling City. The relationship between the two has been very close since childhood , were sent to the Dragon Palace together to serve as the prince's attendant, and Agsel was transferred to the Dragon Gate 30 years ago, and they haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Me too, how are my uncle and aunt doing?"

"everything is fine."

The two then let go of each other, and Agsel looked at the strange lady next to Ed Terris, and he could see the disapproval in the woman's eyes when she looked at his brother, "Would you like to introduce him to me?" ?”

"Of course, this is Flora, mine..."

When talking, the Dragon Prince was a little stunned, how should I explain it.

Instead, Frona took the initiative to step forward, introduced herself, pinched the corner of her skirt, and made a court salute, "I am Edteris's partner, and I may be engaged soon. Nice to meet you, Agsel prince."

She was really a little surprised. She didn't expect that the famous Usuan goalkeeper would be so familiar with Ed Terris, and he seemed to have a close relationship. The Ambić family really climbed into the thigh. Commercially With the Phoenix King's share of trade, the political protection of the dragon court, and the Harandur family, who are married by force, there are two high-ranking dragon princes.

With the continuous communication of several people, Imrik just watched from the sidelines. Agthel exchanged a lot of letters with himself. It is due to Searle that I asked him to investigate the death of the old man before, so there should be some clues.

At this moment, Etila walked up to Imrik, and said curiously, "Is this true for all of you Caledonians? Will you still respect you as a prince so much after serving as a general?"

I feel that this woman is getting more and more presumptuous, and she even dares to ask this kind of question. This is simply questioning the connection between the Dragon Prince, but thinking that she is still a gold master, this uncle doesn't care about it. He said proudly with his head held high.

"The heart of the dragon is beating in our bodies, which is not something you people who only understand interests and conspiracy can understand."

In an instant, Etila gave Prince Long a disdainful look. When it comes to benefits, you are no worse than anyone else.

And as the two heavyweights from Ulthuan came to Terrenlock, the nobles also felt very honored. Seeing that the wing helmet was not there, only a few people in Ulthuan were qualified to wear it.

The conversation that followed was also quite harmonious, and Prince Long did not deliberately criticize as before, but instead showed some sense of humor.

With a burst of magic fireworks ignited outside the palace, many men and women planned to go out to discuss carefully and in-depth what makes something come into being from nothing and what the principle would be on the grounds of mutual appreciation.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Imrik planned to leave, and then he had to plan the celebration and the information brought by Agthel.


After the banquet, in the palace of the Phoenix Royal Court.

Finnuba, who was sitting on a large chair, frowned while listening to the courtier's report.

"So the conflict between Caledor and Ailion was only provoked by a few young people?"

The courtier sitting next to him nodded, "From the perspective of the process and our investigation, that is indeed the case."

Finnuba supported his face with one hand. This action was undoubtedly very indecent for the Phoenix King, but the experience of wandering on the ocean for many years made him used to put his elbows on the board of the boat and look at it with his face propped up. An endless ocean of reflections.

As the owner of this place, he knows everything that happened here, and even he could have stopped the conflict between the two countries immediately, but he didn't. The Kingdom of the Inner Ring is not monolithic. Merek frustrates the old horse.

Fenubah's opinion of Imrik is that he is smart but not wise, and he is too eager to express himself. He wants to restore Caledor to glory in a short time, and even does not hesitate to offend several kingdoms in the war council. Since the Dragon Princes Transferred from Avalon, there have been many rumors about the current Dragon Prince in the court of the Eternal Queen.

And the [-]% trade share he got from himself is actually a big pit. As long as the export of arms is restricted, Caledo will not make much profit, and they do not have a navy. The trade fleet needs warships to supply Escort, as long as you do something yourself, this trade fleet will only become a lamb at the mercy of others.

He wanted to get everything right away, but in the end he could only lose everything. Imrik was overdrawing the prestige established by the dragon tamer family in Ulthuan for thousands of years. He was wooing Tyrann Locke, but Little did they know that Tyrann Locke had been infiltrated into a sieve by the Lothern people. As long as Ai Zhuo died, Etila would definitely not be able to inherit the position of prince.

With regard to the martial arts tournament, Fenuba now has two choices, let Caledo win, or Ailion win. For the host Phoenix Royal Court, it only takes one sentence, an inadvertent hint and mistake to manipulate this kind of match.

"Caledor and Alion?" Finuba looked at the flame phoenix symbol that symbolizes the Phoenix King. It was hanging high in the room, and there were flame phoenixes on the walls, even on the desk.

He needs countless such signs to emphasize that he is the orthodox Phoenix King, who was elected by princes and princes of various countries, witnessed by Asuryan priests and Phoenix guards, and has passed through the Asuryan sacred fire, and even the phoenix king on his body The crown is all in red and yellow tones, letting people know that he is the Phoenix King.

But the Caledonian Phoenix King, even if he always wears the fiery red dragon armor, the flaming phoenix flag is hidden in the palace, and the Phoenix King's court is full of dragon symbols and decorations, there are still countless people who think they are the greatest Phoenix King, even if they are Caledon II, who caused Asur to lose the old world colony, started the Battle of Longbeard, was beheaded by the Dwarf High King, and took the Phoenix Crown away, was honored as the King of Warriors, and he was just a king of sailing...

"Tell Gilgalion that Lothern will support Alion's team competition in the tournament." The Phoenix King said to the people in the dark after thinking for a long time.

Finnuba thinks it's time for Kale to have a longer memory. The dragon has fallen asleep, the Dragon's Back volcano is no longer filled with thick smoke, and Druzzi is also retreating steadily under Azul's offensive. This era belongs to Yitai In the era of Eun, the Itain people should be more noble than those Caledonians who are proud of the glory of their ancestors.

(End of this chapter)

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