Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 704 War Messenger Domgar

The unusually calm sea surface was filled with green tides of broken wood and dimension stones of different sizes. After several days of continuous naval battles, the soldiers in the military stronghold were a little tired. Under the command of the guard, some of them took a rest first. Be prepared for your shift.

As one of the secondary leaders, Elvis obviously did not receive such a good treatment. He leaned on Sklarzak's thick arm and suddenly said:

"How about we go and burn the Skaven City?"

Sklarzak let out a thunderous laugh. No wonder the Caledor dragon didn't resent being ridden. It turns out that raising an interesting pet is such a joyful thing. At least the elf cub has provided him with a lot of fun in the past few years.

"If you still want to see your little girlfriend, you'd better not do anything stupid. Marist won't be able to bear it if I get involved."

Angered by the dirty jokes, Elvis got up and gave the bloody dragon a big paw. No wonder the prince and Minas Nir quarreled all day long. With the dragon's temper, who wouldn't make trouble?

Although he has not officially formed a partnership with Sklarzak, Elvis thought that it was not far away. The prince made it clear that the bloody dragon was only taken under his command as a subordinate and ally.

This shows that there is no need to return to the country to fight with hundreds of dragon princes to fight for the meager number of giant dragons. In addition, with the constant nagging of the god, perhaps the giant horned viper will soon have its first giant beast creature.

Originally, the Grand Master thought of just chatting with Sklarzak and warning the rats who might come and go, but there are always some arrangements that require the appearance of important people.

A human soldier who was the herald of the Grand Master looked at the bloody dragon in awe, walked quickly to his superior, and said hurriedly,

"The members of the Angland clan have arrived."

Elvis licked his lips, this was finally the topic. All these preparations were just for the dragon horn in the Eight Peaks Mountain.

The excited Grand Master set off towards the command post. Edgar was not as easy to talk to as the prince, so the dwarf was determined to suffer a bit.

As soon as he walked into the command post, he saw the somewhat familiar Belegar accompanied by a dwarf of similar age, dancing and roaring at the Dragon Prince.

"Pointy Ears, I am willing to return the Dragon Horn to you. It is already the greatest gift. You owe the Sons of the Mountains so much. Your endless resentment is recorded in the Book of Hatred. This is your atonement!"

Edgar sneered a little. The leader of the Angland clan, Domgar, had known about this wandering prince beforehand. He was a standard dwarf warrior, stubborn and believed in hatred. He was so typical that he was boring.

"Continue, I am listening, Lord of Karak Eight Peaks - Domgar of the Angrond clan."

The simplest words often symbolize the most extreme irony. This currently hopeless claim to title was placed on Domgar, which made the dwarf become more and more excited, and the hammer on his waist also vaguely meant to be lifted.

"You, and the Prince of Caledor, must provide materials and manpower to the Angland clan, and ask Kislev to provide at least [-] soldiers for defense after regaining the Eight Peaks Mountain. I can barely The hatred of Caledor is erased from the book of hatreds of the Angrond clan."

Without laughing or even mocking, Edgar spoke calmly and expressed his attitude in a concise and concise manner:

"You can leave now."

Originally, with the secret help of High King Thorgrin, we were able to successfully contact Agathel, who had come forward in the Great Holy War, hoping that the two parties could have a secret meeting on the issue of the Eight Peaks Mountain.

The Caledor Noble Council gave some resources as if they were feeding dogs, and asked the Angrond clan to explore the situation in the Badlands. But after actually meeting the leader of the Angrond clan, it was obvious that the veteran general All patience has been lost.

If such an idiot could recover the Eight Peaks Mountain, it would be a disgrace to the endless national power expended by both sides in the Nagasu War.

Belegar was a little surprised. This was not in line with the negotiation strategy explained by the High King in advance. Originally, it was supposed that one of the two brothers would play the bad side, and the other would play the bad side, and obtain support from Caledor at the minimum cost.

But now the conversation has not lasted for 3 minutes, and this unknown dragon prince is about to chase him away?
In order to reverse the situation, Belega could only bite the bullet and say,
"We don't want Caledor to interfere in the recovery of Eight Peaks Mountain, but if you provide sufficient support, the Angland clan will give corresponding rewards."

Edgar remained aloof. He didn't like to curse, and he didn't like to have to explain himself during diplomatic sessions.

Those who obey will prosper, and those who go against will perish. This is the Dragon Prince's conversational style.

"You two, you can leave now."

Belega turned his attention to the somewhat familiar Elvis. The Supreme King had also said beforehand that if the negotiations did not go smoothly, he could try to communicate with the young pointed-eared man, which should make things turn around.

Elvis shrugged and said there was nothing he could do about it, "Senator Edgar's attitude is the attitude of the Caledonian Council of Nobles." But it was obvious that Elvis was not prepared to let the two brothers return without success and make a good show. Unlike the black face, the elf has a better way, waving his fingers slightly by his side, indicating that he will talk later.

The two angry brothers expressed their dissatisfaction with Edgar with curses and occasional contempt.

The two brothers of the Anglande clan were persuaded to stay here for the time being, but the circle of long-bearded warriors who provided protection for them were always on high alert for fear of being swallowed up by the pointed ears coming like a tide.

A snake emerged from the crack in the wall, squirmed to Belega's feet, and spat out a note.

Although it was strange why the elves would convey information in this way, Belegar still followed the prompts and came to a scarlet pyramid filled with the stench of rats.

As for the pointed ears he was looking for, he was teasing a few venomous snakes with a wooden stick to test their reaction speed.

Elvis threw down the wooden stick and motioned for Belega to follow him and walked towards the residence next to the pyramid. The soldiers on guard duty along the way said that they could not see what was going on. After all, the height of the dwarf was indeed difficult to see.

As soon as he arrived in the dark and airtight room, Belega immediately made a question.
"What's going on with you? I don't deny that Domga's attitude has some problems, but Edgar's attitude also lacks sincerity."

"Don't take the prince's rational exchanges as normal during the Great Holy War. At least two-thirds of the Caledor Noble Council are skeptical about cooperation with the dwarves. And the Edgar you met is one of them. Hard-liners." Elvis explained the current situation in the Council for a moment, and there was only one organization of all hawkish nobles in Ulthuan.

Although it has indeed been used as a decoration in name for a long time, its influence is by no means as simple as being a simple representative of the nobility.

It is no easier for these stubborn dragon princes to put aside their prejudices and cooperate with the dwarves than it is for the dwarves to cooperate with the dragon prince.

"I knew it wasn't that simple." Belegar muttered and found a stone to sit down. The Angland clan was planning a reconquest of the Eight Peaks Mountain and had received a large amount of interest-free loans from Copper Mountain Castle, but the number of people The problem is difficult to solve.

So it was natural to think of the Kislev Patriot Army, which had some cooperation with the Eternal Peak, hoping to hire a group of troops from Raskol.

Although Raskol was short of money, he would not joke with the lives of his men. At that time, the Great Jihad was forced to make a living and had no food to eat in the country, so he had no choice but to accept the employment agreement.

Thousands of soldiers fought for Caledo for eight years, and in the end more than 3000 returned home.

The environment of the Badlands is no simpler than that of Lustria and Naggaroth, and Caledor is the absolute main force in the Great Holy War, which is obvious to all, and is far more reliable than an Angrond clan wandering in a foreign land.

The general's information from the Caledo authorities showed that there would be no large-scale battles in the near future, so he sent 8000 people there to train troops and obtain funds.

Money or population was the obvious choice, but due to some pressure from the High King, the general passed the blame to Caledor.

It was stated that [-] young men had been provided to it in accordance with the contract, and there were no extra troops to be hired by the dwarves. If you wanted, you could discuss it with Caledo.

"But it's not that complicated." Elvis naturally sat opposite the dwarf, crossing his legs and looking very unconcerned about the matter.

"How to say."

The Grand Master held out two fingers and said, "First of all, the Council does not place its hope of regaining the Eight Peaks Mountain on the Anglande clan. The main reason for accepting the secret talks this time is to hope that your futile move can gain some knowledge about the evil. Information about the land.”

"Continue." Belegar barely suppressed his anger. These words could already be recorded in the Book of Hatred, but would Caledor really care about this matter.

"Second, the ability to judge the two brothers of yours is obviously not up to expectations. The personal strength is far from that of Agrim, and the strategic scale and organizational action capabilities are close to zero."

"Damn it!" Bellega finally couldn't help it anymore and ran angrily and swung it in the face of Elvis who needed a beating. He wanted to teach this pointy-eared guy who didn't understand verbal communication a lesson here.

Elvis did not move, and instantly raised his right hand to squeeze Belega's fist, blocking the Po Yan Fist.

There was a hint of disappointment in his face, and he said in a calm tone,

"I'll give you one night to think about it. If these two requirements can be met, the Parliament can provide some support to the Anglande clan. But if there is no solution to such a simple problem, the Anglande clan will continue What we have to face is the Dragon Palace.

The prince's desire for the dragon horn is beyond everyone's imagination. If you cannot show any value, there will be no place for the Angrond clan in this journey of tracing the past. "(End of chapter)

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