Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 706 The Supreme King has a lot of worries

Chapter 706 The Supreme King has a lot of worries
The news that the Angland clan was seeking support was quickly sent to two people who were concerned about the matter.

Imric, who was lying on the corpse, listened patiently to Elvis' report about the dwarves. After thinking about it for a while, he still granted Belega's little wish.

"Well, I understand. Damian will join the Angland clan as soon as possible."

"Yes, I will explain this matter to Belega."

After hanging up, Imrik thought for a while. The gentlemen of the Noble Council were more concerned about Eight Peaks Mountain than anything else. The resources originally planned to be invested in the second Naggaroth expedition were also transferred to Sartosa. .

And because there was no warning about the Southern Kingdom's actions this time, the countries in Ulthuan were skeptical of Caledor's actions, and often hoped to hear the news from the palace's expatriates.

To sum it up, it’s time to fight Nagaros.

However, these old men are really capable of action, and they have shown their true colors to the family members.

After thinking about the action plan for the bad land for a moment, Imrik said goodbye to the two queens and prepared to set off towards Charis to inspect the situation of the breeding farm.

Farming and development is also a part of war.

Thorgrind, on the other hand, had some headaches about this. The High King obviously underestimated the arrogance of the Caledor nobles. The Angrond clan's greatest contribution to this matter may be to do useless work to collect intelligence for the elves.

Judging from the verbal exchanges, it seems that Edgar is not prepared to further cooperate with the Angland clan. Inferring from this, it is impossible to subconsciously choose to cooperate with the dwarves and head towards the Eight Peaks Mountain from Haimen Pass.

So his strategic direction...

The High King frowned and thought as he looked at the map of the old world. Although the Dawn Fortress was taken over by Caledor, their target of action did not seem to be in the Dark Land. Instead, they continued to send troops deep into the rainforest and seemed to be engaging in some conflicts with the lizard people. military cooperation.

So the Dark Land is obviously not Caledor's route of action towards the Eight Peaks Mountain. The most likely route is to proceed from the Great Netherworld River and rely on the cover of the mountains to advance towards the Eight Peaks Mountain.

But in this case, the Tomb Kings in the south are not easy to communicate with, and it is impossible to let the elven army enter the important Numas, or even Khemri.

The most likely possibility is to use the Western Badlands as the rear to open up a road to Bafeng Mountain. Although it seems to be the most difficult route, I am afraid these dragon princes will not care.

"Bottomless stone steps, Golden Oath City..." The High King muttered silently as he thought about the two dwarf fortresses that had already been captured, and felt another headache.

Caledor obviously won't make a fuss about these two fortresses, but once they are captured, the significance for the dwarves is to switch from the hands of the greenskins to the hands of the elves.

Perhaps Caledor would abandon what he wanted immediately after getting it, but as the Lord of the Mountains, how should the High King explain this matter.

The elves took back the fortress from the greenskins and then threw it like garbage to the dwarves?

Action against Red Eye Mountain is imminent. It is a fortress with real interests. The precious mineral resources inside are enough to rejuvenate many wandering clans, and the bottomless stone steps and Golden Oath City may have been turned into a cesspool by the greenskins.

With racial interests on one side and the unification of the Mountain Kingdom on the other, Thorgreen felt such a headache for the first time since he came to the throne.

Needing to find a way to deal with the current situation, Eternal Peak sent manpower to join in the recovery of Golden Oath City and Bottomless Stone Steps, but it could not interfere with the operation on Red Eye Mountain.

But without sending out troops to participate in the operation, Caledor would obviously not easily return the ownership of the Red Eye Mountain and the Bottomless Steps to the Kingdom of the Mountains. The entanglement between the two races was too deep.

If it were Imrik, he wouldn't be able to return the two fortresses captured by Caledorian women to the dwarves unconditionally.

After considering for some time, the High King thought it would be best to meet Edgar in person, who was responsible for the preliminary operations of Eight Peaks Mountain, to find out his nature and make the cooperation progress more smoothly.

He called upon his trusted captain of the Eternal Guard, "Arrange a meeting between Edgar and I before the Angland clan sets off." As a confidant, Nagasu did not question whether this move was in line with the status of the High King, but simply accepted it. Ordered.


After the messenger from Eternal Peak asked the mage disguised as a human ambassador to send the message to Sartusa through a secret channel, a secret meeting of more significance soon took place as scheduled, and the planned location was a remote fortress in the border prince's territory. middle.

But in fact, Edgar had no interest in the High King at all. If it weren't for the pressure from Imric, he was already planning to lead people to launch a beach landing on the coast of the Western Badlands to teach the savage greenskins a lesson.

But there was always a willingness to cooperate. In order to increase the probability of success of the plan, Edgar postponed the plan and ordered the accompanying Dragon Prince to continue training the mercenaries sent by Kislev.

Although he looked down upon these barbarians, he also knew that at least the young men sent by Rascoul were very malleable and could not be compared to the stinky mercenaries from the Southern Kingdom who could only fight against the odds.

With the escort, the veteran set foot on the land of the Border Prince for the first time. Without concealing the trajectory of his actions, he rushed straight towards the remote fortress near the Gray Mountains.

Along the way, they encountered many greenskins, beastmen, and wandering bandits, but even though this team of only 30 people was surrounded by everyone, they still fought their way out of Tilea.

In order to take care of the dwarves' speed, Edgar also deliberately observed this remote human kingdom for a long time. The nobles with titles comparable to dukes and kings were actually only the owners of a castle, and the actual area under their control was only ten miles in radius.

The chaotic political environment, the warring human nobles, the beastmen appearing in the night, and the green boys shouting waaagh. If you want to choose the most backward civilized area, I am afraid this is the place.

About half a month later, feeling that he should arrive at the speed of the short stack, Edgar finally gave up the game of chasing the greenskins and slowly moved towards the negotiation location.

The human guards obviously knew that an elf would be visiting. After asking for relevant information and seeing the iconic dragon armor, they immediately opened the city gate and led Edgar to meet the mysterious dwarf guest.

Edgar was led around the castle by humans for a long time, which made the Dragon Prince feel disdainful. With this layout, what else needs to be covered up? If Caledo really wants to take action against the Southern Kingdom, no one can persist.

The inducement lasted for a while, during which the owner of the castle wanted to compliment the Dragon Prince. Everyone had heard that a big force had come to the southern kingdom. If he could join him, he wouldn't have to worry too much about politics.

But Edgar chose to be indifferent and told him to go away. What he wanted to see was not a monkey.

After walking up and down the castle for a while, Edgar finally saw the figure of the negotiator. The eternal guard disguised as a long-bearded warrior was particularly silent. He stood behind the main seat and looked at the dragon with blood flowing between the gaps in the armor with vigilance. prince.

As for the serious-faced bearded dwarf on the main seat, Edgar knew that he was the High King and the target of this trip.

Edgar placed his helmet on the long table, showing his face that had obvious wrinkles. The wind and frost had dyed his blond hair white, but time could only make his will stronger.

"Member of the Caledor Noble Council, head of the Maledis family—Edgar."

"The Lord of the Drac Duraz Clan in Eternal Peak—Thor Green."

A simple mutual identity is also used as a test. If Thorgreen reveals the identity of the High King, Edgar will be extremely disappointed in this meeting.

The official status of the two parties is not equal. He cannot represent Caledor, but Thorgrin has taken the initiative to downgrade one level, from the supreme king of the Mountain Kingdom to the leader of the Drac Duraz clan who rules the Eternal Peak.

So this conversation is not an exchange between the Mountain Kingdom and Caledor, but an exchange between Eternal Peak and the Caledor Noble Council.

The veteran pulled out his chair and sat down. When the human servant was picking up the food and preparing to serve it, he looked at Thor Green and raised his hand to stop him.
"There is no need for any etiquette in our relationship. To make a long story short, your attitude towards the Angland clan."

(End of this chapter)

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