Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 751: The Great Council with the head of a tiger and the body of a dog and the body of a snak

Chapter 751: The Great Council with the head of a tiger and the body of a dog and the body of a snake.
Odd pretended to be serious and picked up the amendment document, coughed twice and prepared to observe the masterpiece of the Dragon Palace, but the first article made him dumbfounded.

A central coalition government is established, with military, finance, and diplomacy decided by the Phoenix King. Each country adopts a partial autonomy system and stipulates its respective tasks according to the Phoenix King's plan.

The kingdom's military recruitment was cancelled, and it was changed to a military region. In addition to the prince having the power to mobilize the militia, professional soldiers were unified under the jurisdiction of the war lord.

Increase taxes paid to the Phoenix Court, establish the Bank of Ulthuan, and unify the financial and monetary systems.

The diplomatic powers of all countries are banned, and contacts with foreign races must be in accordance with the instructions of the Phoenix King Court.

Politics are internally transparent, and the Phoenix Court can send supervision teams to inspect the political affairs of various countries to examine injustices.

The clauses were all similar, all aimed at weakening the power of various countries and strengthening the authority of the Phoenix King. This made Odd feel that the situation was not good.

Imrik's move is simply a clear statement that I will pass the amendment first, and then I will unseat you and become the Phoenix King myself.

The old lion looked at each other with Morarion and Eldraine, and found that the other two people's eyes were full of shock. Apparently, they did not guess that Imrik would come up with such a heavyweight amendment.

This is impossible to pass. No matter how strong the relationship is and no matter how much support is given, everyone has to think more about whether it is worth selling out the sovereignty of the kingdom.

Even Azrael, who had his boss pressed against Imrik, looked embarrassed, complaining and looking at his daughter beside him. It turned out that he didn't want to reveal the slightest bit of news, and was ready to take advantage of the big guy.

The Speaker of the Great Assembly knocked on the desk. Even though this amendment was extremely absurd, he still had to follow the process.

"Have any other kingdoms proposed amendments."

Representative Etain raised his hand to speak and said that there is an amendment that needs everyone's review.

Odd took over the amendment again, but his frown did not loosen. Instead, he raised his head and glanced at Imric and Fenubar.

He wondered what was going on, Imrik wanted to strengthen the Phoenix King's power, while Fenubar was weakening it.

The amendment proposes that all countries reduce their political obligations to the Phoenix King. In addition to necessary military resources and taxes, the Phoenix King will also allocate funds every year to assist development.

The power of war lords is weakened. Foreign wars must obtain the consent of all members of the War Council, and all countries enjoy complete independent diplomatic rights.

In one word, Fenuba is preparing to turn the Phoenix King into a mascot.

It is definitely a lie to say that Aude is not moved.

But this matter is too abnormal. If the amendments of both parties are exchanged, Imrik asks for weakening and Fenubar asks for strengthening. This is the most reasonable.

But the actual situation is unexpected, making it difficult to judge the reality.

Half an hour later, the Speaker hit the desk again, "Are there any amendments from other kingdoms?"

Representative Saffrey raised his hand to speak and submitted a satisfactory amendment.

The Phoenix Court exchanges power with the kingdoms, allowing the war lords to have greater power at the expense of relaxing financial strategies.

This is in line with Teclis' identity. After all, the war lord is his brother, so it will not be surprising.

"Are there any amendments from other kingdoms."

As eight proposals were put forward one after another, each other generally understood the hope and obligations of the Phoenix Court. Generally speaking, except for Caledor and Etain who were too weird, the remaining six kingdoms were willing to stay as they were and exchange power. as a compromise.

The next day, the Great Council opened again and was proposing the Sulfrean Amendment. Caledor, Tyron Locke, and Itain vetoed it, and the proposal was not passed without the consent of three-quarters.

A week later, the Cosque proposal was put forward, but Caledo, Tyron Locke, and Itain vetoed it and refused to pass it.

Two weeks later, the Itai En proposal was put forward, and everyone understood that this was about to start an arm wrestling match.

Caledor, Tyron Locke, and Charis voted against it, indicating that the Phoenix Court should bear the responsibility.

Three weeks later, the Caledor proposal regarding the cause of the incident was finally submitted. If passed, Fenubar would gain power comparable to Aenarion.

But everyone knows that this may be Imrik paving the way for the future. The reform is something that happened when Fenubar was in power. What does it have to do with me, Imrik.But this time, no one knew how to choose. Unlike before, when several countries voted immediately, this time only Caledo pressed the "yes" button immediately.

The meeting place fell into silence. This was creating a dictator who could take charge of Ulthuan in name and power, but Fenubar's strength did not allow it.

Maybe agreeing now wouldn't anger Caledor, but what about later?Once the Witch King returns and launches a new round of invasion, which coincides with Fenubar's inexplicable death, the position of Phoenix King can only be given to Imric.

If we abolish the power of the kingdom now, will we directly turn the princes into decorations in the future?

Aizhuo gritted his teeth, slapped the agree button on the table, and risked his life with this crazy boy. After so many obstacles, his daughter even married him, which was enough.

Morarion and Odd looked at each other. They had been trying to understand Imrik's thoughts for a while, but in vain. They had no idea what they were thinking.

Even allies can never do this.

The Great Council did not abstain from voting, and there was no compromise on the elven dualism, which made the two elderly princes feel helpless.

Odd also gritted his teeth and pressed the button of approval. I don't believe that this crazy boy really takes the Phoenix King seriously.

Serra and Morarion voted in favor respectively, and together with Odd and Eldraine, it was five votes in favor.

Etain and Elion voted against, and the current ratio of approval to disapproval is five to two, only one vote short of Saffrey.

Teclis remained calm, no one could guess his thoughts, which made everyone sweat.

If this resolution does not pass, there will be another fight over the amendment with the second most votes, which is the mascot plan of Itain.

"Before I express my position, can I ask your Majesty something?"

"Sir Teclis, of course you can."

"If this amendment passes, how will you govern Ulthuan."


Seeing that Fenubar did not answer, Tigris, who was looking for trouble, stretched out his hand, and in the eyes of Etain, who represented expectations, Prince Caledor was extremely angry, and Prince Airion should be so, he pressed his objection.

Imrik, who was sitting with his arms folded, lowered his voice and glared at the traitor with angry eyes, "Stupid, short-sighted, and superficial."

The speaker of the parliament knocked on the platform and announced that the amendment would not be passed and that the next round of discussion would continue.

"The amendment proposed by Caledo will not be passed. According to the rules of the Grand Council, Itain's amendment will be chosen for another vote."

The dragon princes who left the scene angrily were full of murderous intentions towards the Supreme Mage. They had already thought of their future glory, but they turned into phantoms because of this rejection.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief. It was best not to pass. The price was too heavy.


The next day, Prince Caledor, who left the meeting out of anger, was temporarily absent, and the head of the noble council took his place.

Randy was not polite to find fault with various things, and when speaking tit-for-tat, he targeted every kingdom, like a mad dog biting people.

This made Fenuba feel vaguely happy. Let's continue the trouble. Internal division is the best.

The voting session was interrupted when the war lord suddenly came to the Great Council in person.

Tyrion drove the magnificent war horses and asked the Phoenix guards on both sides to hurry up. After arriving at the center of the parliament, he roared and announced urgent news.

"Druqi's fleet has moved south and is about to approach Nagaryth. The target is Cain Temple!"

(End of this chapter)

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