Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 763 General Staff

Chapter 763 General Staff

The sea fortress, which had been prepared for a long time, headed towards the old world, intending to go straight to Sartusa.

Before that, Assaniel, as commander of the Navy, still needs to do one more thing.

The top of the magic tower in the center of Vaal's Wrath Ark began to shine with fiery red light, and he used perception spells to detect the distribution of the magical wind around him without any cover-up.

The heavy artillery placed on the deck began to warm up. Although the naval commander believed that Ark was extremely short of manpower, the two legions trained by Gulam's plan could temporarily meet the needs of this bombing operation.

The champion warrior leaned unceremoniously on the gilded chair of the naval commander. Although the noble council had conceptual disputes with him, they were brothers who had fought together for hundreds of years. If they really wanted to meet, they would not be too polite.

Masno pointed to the corner of the wall map, the junction of Estalia and the Blight Swamp.

"That's the Skaven Navy... I'm sorry, I shouldn't say it's the navy. It's the hiding place of rat ships. The Snake Nest has repeatedly detected traces of non-human ships flowing here. It is speculated that there should be an underground river. A gathering place for rats’ ships.”

Fighting against the Skaven is a secondary goal of the Old World Plan. The general goal is to completely paralyze their actions and huddle in the underground world, unable to move out.

Although no one knows what the thing that the giant horned viper is assigned to look for is, but since he is here, he must give the rat a big gift no matter what.

The naval commander issued an order for the Vaal's Wrath to head towards the underground river. As long as the Ark was located at the edge of the withered swamp, the rats would not dare to come forward and could only huddle underground.

This is aimed at the food that is vital to the rats. The underground world cannot produce much food. Once there is a food shortage, the Skaven will inevitably cause chaos within the Skaven, making it impossible for the Gray Prophet and the Skry clan to interfere with Caledor's affairs. action.

The arrival of the mobile fortress caused panic, and all the human villages and towns near the sea thought that the end was coming. Just like in ancient stories, the fortress of the dead sank under the sea, and when the gods blew the trumpet of judgment, they brought death, plague and war to mortals.

But the sea fortress built by the Fortress of the Dead has been forever silent on the bottom of the sea as Count Noctilus was pierced through the heart by the Sunfire Sword.

What arrived now was just an Elf warship far away from the Southern Kingdom.

Assanil did not notify Estalia, and without warning, it was like an invader arrived at the border of the human kingdom.

The Dragon Prince doesn't like trouble. Since the palace has issued this task, the funeral affairs should be handled by the palace. During the expedition, the military and political affairs should be separated and less diplomatic issues should be considered.

The lights of the magic tower flickered faster and faster, and the dragons on standby on the deck also flapped their wings and took off. Together with their allies of thousands of years, they would attack the scattered rat ships on the ocean first to avoid the leakage of intelligence.

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether the intelligence is leaked or not. Even rats can clearly sense the sound of a mobile fortress approaching. The Skaven ships escorting stolen food are sailing around in panic, hoping to avoid the fate of being destroyed.

The destruction of the Pestilen clan has made the name of the Forked Serpent resounding throughout the Skaven society, and has also caused the Rat Council to include the Fire Dragon Banner in the list of those most in need of vigilance.

But how can a rat ship that sails at a snail's speed compare to the flight of a giant dragon? A burning team of two dragons cruises in all directions.

Generally speaking, the navies of the old world are not equipped with anti-aircraft weapons. They usually use trebuchets or artillery as their regular choices. They engage in firepower exchanges with the enemy on the swaying sea surface. The most prominent thing is to pray for the blessing of the gods so that the cannonballs can hit accurately.Lines of fire rose from the ocean. The flames were naturally oppressive to wooden structures. It only took one breath to ignite the surface of the ship.

All that is left to do is to watch the rats turn into black coal one by one, and turn into difficult rats that jump into the sea or set themselves on fire.

The threatened Skaven sent out warships to resist, but for the Skaven Navy, which started from the underground river, it was indeed too difficult to ask for a regular naval battle.

After the clan leader saw the fortress crossing the sea level through the distance, he made a choice that was in line with the tradition of Skaven society and immediately retreated to the underground river. In any case, it was impossible for this terrifying creation of the elves to enter the narrow hole.

As long as they escape this time, they will definitely focus on the Magic City, yes, yes.

After leaving several boats as bait, the rats hurriedly sailed towards the hiding place. The boats of the elf things were too big, and there were also huge scale things that could fly.

This is a foul, a foul, you must run first, otherwise others will run first.

There are many rat ships with such thoughts, and their escape paths were quickly sent to the staff headquarters after analysis by the magic tower.

Staff officers who had undergone professional military intelligence analysis mapped out the rats' expected escape route on the sea level. Even though they scattered at first, after the dragon slowed down its pursuit, they invariably moved closer to the same direction.

Based on the topography and geological map of Estalia, the staff quickly deduced the specific location of the underground river. It was far more detailed than the rough circle of a point in the Snake Nest, saving the time of the dragon's constant pursuit, and risks assumed.

Assanil looked at the preset plan just sent by the General Staff with a strange expression, because it was a newly established department, and the palace had given it great power, in order to make the dragon princes trust it.

In addition to specifying the location of the entrance to the underground river on the homepage, the staff also specified the direction of Estalia's coastline, where the geological structure would place the underground river, the specific parameters of the rat ships, and the impact of ocean currents and wind directions.

As the specific planners and providers of the operation, the staff also estimate the size, diameter, solidity, entrance shape of the hole, and what kind of firepower projection method is needed to maximize efficiency.

The Dragon Prince stared at the extremely detailed war situation analysis report in his hand, with every step logically arranged, and thought to himself.

Doesn't this mean that an idiot can become a commander? The data and intelligence are analyzed very thoroughly. Instead of relying on experience to deduce the opponent's situation in the past, he relies on order and logic.

Perhaps it would be difficult to produce an astonishing result or a dramatic comeback, but Assaniel knew very well that war was not about who was better or who was more whimsical.

It's about not making mistakes. Small mistakes are fatal, but small successes hardly determine the outcome of the battle.

He muttered a few words about what I should choose, just use it as a stamping tool.

The naval commander commanded the flagship to continue moving forward based on the navigation chart given by the staff. He really wanted to see whether this institution, which the prince said was extremely important, could really play the role expected.

(End of this chapter)

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