Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 867 Responsibility is more important than belief

"I don't want to get involved in the dispute between the Giant Horned Viper and the Church of the Lady of the Lake, and the Flame Knight has no interest in the two-tailed giant snake. If Bretonnia declares war on Caledor, the Flame Knight will naturally charge with His Highness, but if In the church dispute, I believe that reviving the faith of the Dragon Father is the right path for Caledor."

Some subtle but decisive words came from Creon's mouth.

This also made Davian deeply regretful. After all, this letter was just a request, inviting the flame knights belonging to Windhowling City to respond to the lord's call, for the sake of the close friendship of the family.

From a legal point of view, there is no compulsion. Unless it is the prince's oral order, no one has the right to force the flame knights to go into battle.

But since he came in person, he must be preparing to persuade the Flame Knight to participate. There are two reasons.

First of all, the dispute with the Church of the Lady of the Lake requires a decisive force to suppress the situation, to prevent the dizzy Holy Grail masters from slaughtering young people who are not skilled in martial arts.

The second is that Davian is preparing to ease the current tense situation in Dragonblight. Although the Flameborn Knight has taken the initiative many times to make Caledor's name very prestigious here, the attention of all parties was quickly drawn here.

He didn't want to hold a super melee involving elves, chaos dwarves, ogres, greenskins, undead, and lizardmen in this place, at least not now.

When all parties are wary of Caledo and dare not test him at will, it would be a good idea to drive away the Flame Knight.

"Don't rush to veto it. The Third Corps of the Garrison has been disbanded and merged into the Giant Horned Viper. You should know the deeper meaning of this better than I do."

Creon's sword-like eyebrows were now as twisted as insects,

"Aiyad would actually agree to disband the Corps?!"

"This is a significant signal. If the situation escalates, the palace will definitely intervene in this dispute, and..." Davian took out a very interesting thing and handed it to Creon.

In a hand-painted oil painting, a giant dragon is prostrate in front of the pyramid. Its towering bloody head seems to be listening to someone's teachings, and its radiant eyes are full of hope.

A hope that is completely inconsistent with the identity of the dragon.

"This is...Skarazak."

"Aren't you curious why Sklarzak has such an attitude towards the Sacrifice Pyramid? As the Royal Guard Chief, you should also know.

Not long after His Highness was born, the Prince took him to Lustria..."

Looking at Davian who spoke mysteriously, Creon thought about asking for more secrets, but then he thought it was okay.

This young man looked confused, but his mouth was stricter than anyone else. He would say what he could say, and he wouldn't say even a word of what he couldn't.

The captain of the guard looked at the oil painting again and again, and finally made a decision.

"It's interesting, but I hope what you're talking about has something to do with the Flameborn Knight."

"I just provided a possibility, and the final result can only be judged by you."


The evacuation of the Flameborn Knights from the Dragonblight came to Imric's ears immediately, and the guard captain was eager to find answers.

It can only mean that the final result may be beyond the imagination of this devout believer.

What echoes the current situation is the maid kneeling devoutly in front of a black dragon sculpture, silently reciting the truth from the Dragon Tomb Order's canon.

"Under the mountains, the eyes of the mist. Believe the sentry, our souls. The flames and smoke, when the sun is blocked. Protect us, the sons of the dragon. What you want now, if it is to wake up. The agreement between life and death is broad, and You will burn together...

Call my ancestors to stand beside you. The mountains and fields are set ablaze with prairie fire. The farewell tonight will be forever. The bond between life and death is broad, and I share the same cave with you..."

The devout prayer made the prince snort with disdain. He folded his hands across his chest and waited with great displeasure for the maid's daily ritual to end. In this dark and silent temple, after a long period of low chanting and heavy breathing, the maid raised her head and looked at the majestic dragon overlooking her. Taichung.

After finishing her prayer, the maid did not stand up, but remained kneeling with her back to the prince.

She stared at the majestic dragon sculpture in front of her and expressed her thoughts,

"Sometimes I think about something."


"We all know the role of an orthodox church. Elves are used to praying to great beings. Even if there is no response, they will think that actions cannot move the gods. As long as they have a pious heart, they will one day be comforted.

Decades have passed since you announced the resurrection of the Dragonfather, and sculptures have been built across Caledor to announce the dragon's importance to the kingdom.

The existence of His Highness Minas Nir also makes the dragon princes think that you are the symbol of the Dragon Father's will in the mortal world. But to this day, there is not even a sacrifice of the Dragon Father in Caledor.

Many people are confused by your behavior. In their eyes, you should be a king who combines divine power and political power. "

"Do these doubtful people include you?"


Imrik, who was leaning against the stone pillar, shook his head and smiled bitterly, causing the maid who was paying close attention to her behind to immediately turn her head.

What she finally discovered was a look of helplessness she had never seen on the prince she had served for hundreds of years.

Imrik turned his gaze to the solemn and majestic black dragon sculpture, and his eyes seemed to see the deepest concepts hidden through the surface of this world.

He muttered quietly in a tone that was difficult for Phyllis to understand,

"What do you think is the most important thing about worshiping gods?"

"Faith and piety, believers should follow the teachings of the gods and prove their piety with actions and will."

"But how can I explain the teachings of a dragon? The sons of Caledor and the dragon can understand each other, but in essence, there is always a boundary between the two.

For the Sons of Caledor, strength and honor symbolize justice. For this reason, we dare not relax our martial arts training at every moment of our lives, and follow the teachings of our ancestors to gain fame on the battlefield.

But as for giant dragons, they are born to inherit the wisdom of their ancestors, and they can gain strength by lazily lying in caves and waiting for thousands of years. Walk out of the cave and find an Asur who is pleasing to your eyes. After a while, he will gain prestige. "

The maid, who had been thinking for a long time, shook her head in confusion.

"This has nothing to do with faith. The power gained by each Dragon Prince proves that the Dragon Father recognizes their piety."

"No, there is a big relationship. Faith can have many explanations, but believers cannot. The responsibilities they shoulder are far more important than kneeling in the center of the temple and praying to illusory gods."

Seeing the still blank look in the maid's eyes, Imric smiled, walked to the sacrificial altar, reached into it, and picked up the hot liquid,

"In the kingdom I rule, devotion to the gods is far less important than fulfilling one's duties."

In the eyes of everyone, the elf who was the embodiment of the mortal will of the Dragon Father raised his head and asked the black dragon overlooking the world,

"Yes, Black Calzaranos." (End of chapter)

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